image list for job-file HB-05894 of the
Hedrich-Blessing photograph collection, part 1, at Chicago History Museum,
Research Center
The catalog record describing this job-file is below the image-list for:
Title: Buildings of Holabird & Root, 1940 June 15.
Restriction: The online images are supplied for reference purposes only. All other uses are restricted. To acquire copies, including improved copies, or permission for use, please contact Chicago History Museum, Rights and Reproductions Office, 1601 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614.
View A:
View A: 333 N. Michigan Avenue (from negative)
View B:
View B: Aerial view of Soldier Field (from negative)
View C:
View C: 29th Annual football game, Army vs. Navy 11/27/26, Formal Dedication of Soldier Field, Score: Army 21 Navy 21 (from negative)
View D:
View D: Soldier Field (from negative)
View E:
View E: Roof of Michigan City Generating Station (from negative)
View F:
View F: Feeders and exhausters, Michigan City Generating Station (from negative)
View G:
View G: South wall of boiler room, Michigan City Generating Station (from negative)
View H:
View H: Rand Building (from negative)
View I:
View I: Stevens Hotel, Hilton building (from negative)
View L:
View L: University of Illinois Memorial Stadium, October 18, 1924, Illinois 39 Michigan 14, Attendance 67,000 (from negative)
View M:
View M: Palmer House construction, September 16, 1926 (from negative)
View N:
View N: Palmer House, December 1, 1926 (from negative)
ID#: HB-05894
Creator: Hedrich-Blessing (Firm), photographer.
Title: Buildings
of Holabird & Root, 1940 June 15.
12 negatives : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
8 photographic prints : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.
Summary: Includes exterior views, many of them reprints, of various
buildings designed by Holabird & Roche or Holabird & Root. Buildings
include 333 North Michigan Avenue in Chicago (Ill.) and Rand Building (later
Dain Tower) in Minneapolis (Minn.), both high-rise office buildings. Also
included is the Palmer House hotel at State and Madison streets, partially
under construction, and the Stevens Hotel (later, Hilton Hotel), 720 South
Michigan Avenue, both in Chicago. Also includes three views of Soldier Field in
Chicago and one view of University of Illinois Memorial Stadium in
Urbana-Champaign (Ill.). One Soldier Field view and the University of Illinois
view were taken during football games with a full audience. These views were
taken by Kaufmann & Fabry. One Soldier Field view is by Raymond Trowbridge.
The third Soldier Field view is an aerial photograph, showing the stadium,
Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium under construction, Grant Park, and the Chicago
skyline. Commonwealth Edison Northern Service Building, 3500 North California
Avenue in Chicago, and Michigan City Generating Station in Michigan City (Ind.)
are also included. Photographed or reprinted for architects Holabird & Root
by Hedrich-Blessing studio.
part of the Hedrich-Blessing photograph collection—Holabird & Root series.
Details: Views: A: 333 N. Michigan Avenue (from negative); B: Aerial view of
Soldier Field (from negative); C: 29th Annual football game, Army vs. Navy
11/27/26, Formal Dedication of Soldier Field, Score: Army 21 Navy 21 (from
negative); D: Soldier Field (from negative); E: Roof of Michigan City
Generating Station (from negative); F: Feeders and exhausters, Michigan City
Generating Station (from negative); G: South wall of boiler room, Michigan City
Generating Station (from negative); H: Rand Building (from negative); I:
Stevens Hotel, Hilton building (from negative); L: University of Illinois
Memorial Stadium, October 18, 1924, Illinois 39 Michigan 14, Attendance 67,000 (from
negative); M: Palmer House construction, September 16, 1926 (from negative); N:
Palmer House, December 1, 1926 (from negative).
Stevens Hotel (Chicago, Ill.)
720 South Michigan Avenue (Chicago, Ill.)
Palmer House (Hotel : Chicago, Ill.)
17 East Monroe (Chicago, Ill.)
Office buildings—1940-1949.
Power plants—1940-1949.
Public utilities—1940-1949.
Chicago (Ill.)—Buildings, structures, etc.,--1940-1949.
Michigan City (Ind.)—Buildings, structures, etc.
Minneapolis (Minn.)—Buildings, structures, etc.
Aerial views.
Exterior views.
Interior views.
Film negatives.
Gelatin silver prints.
Added entries:
Trowbridge, Raymond W., d. 1936, photographer 1 view of Soldier Field.
Holabird & Root (1928-1945)
Call# for originals:
HB-05894 PPL
HB-05894 PPN