Online image-list for job-file HB-14925 of the Hedrich-Blessing photograph collection, part 1, at Chicago History Museum, Research Center


The catalog record describing this job-file is below the image-list for

Title: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill offices and personnel in Chicago (Ill.), 1952 Feb. 15.



Restriction: The online images are supplied for reference purposes only. All other uses are restricted. To acquire copies, including improved copies, or permission for use, please contact Chicago History Museum, Rights and Reproductions Office, 1601 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614.


View A:

View A: Two men working at a table of blueprints (from negative)


View B:

View B: Interior, room of people working at drafting tables (from negative)


View C:

View C: Interior, room of people working at drafting tables (from negative)


View D:

View D: Man dictating notes to an assistant (from negative)


View E:

View E: Offices, men working at drafting tables (from negative)


View F:

View F: Similar to E (from negative)


View G:

View G: Man dictating notes to an assistant (from negative)


View H:

View H: Two men working at a table of blueprints (from negative)


View I:

View I: Four men working at a set of blueprints (from negative)


View J:

View J: Office of drafting tables (from negative)


View K:

View K: Room of people working at drafting tables (from negative)


View L:

View L: Four men working at a set of blueprints (from negative)


ID#: HB-14925

Creator: Hedrich-Blessing (Firm), photographer.

Title: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill offices and personnel in Chicago (Ill.), 1952 Feb. 15.


12 negatives : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.

9 photographic prints : b&w ; 8 x 10 in.

            Summary: Includes interior views of offices and personnel at Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill in Chicago (Ill.). Interior views include architects and engineers working at drafting tables in studios, in conference, or giving dictation.

            Details: Views: A: Two men working at a table of blueprints (from negative); B: Interior, room of people working at drafting tables (from negative); C: Interior, room of people working at drafting tables (from negative); D: Man dictating notes to an assistant (from negative); E: Offices, men working at drafting tables (from negative); F: Similar to E (from negative); G: Man dictating notes  to an assistant (from negative); H: Two men working at a table of blueprints (from negative); I: Four men working at a  set of blueprints (from negative); J: Office of drafting tables (from negative); K: Room of people working at drafting tables (from negative); L: Four men working at a set of blueprints (from negative).


Skidmore, Owings & Merrill—Photographs.

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill—Employees—Photographs.



Architects' offices—Illinois—Chicago—1950-1959.

Chicago (Ill.) —Streets—Monroe street—West


Interior views.

Film negatives.

Gelatin silver prints.

Added entries:

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.

Call# for originals:

HB-14925 PPL

HB-14925 PPN

Online HB-14925