Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago records, 1914-1978


Descriptive Inventory for the Collection at Chicago History Museum, Research Center

By Mary Uhl, October 1983; rev. by Laura Pasztor, 2006.


© Copyright 2000, Chicago Historical Society, 1601 North Clark St., Chicago, IL 60614-6038


Title: Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago records

Main entry: Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago

Inclusive dates: 1914-1978

Size: 383 linear feet (812 boxes, 21 unboxed volumes, 29 card fileboxes)


Restriction: Card file boxes1-29 in Series 3, Subseries 2 require advance notice for access because materials are stored offsite.

Provenance statement: Gift of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago and United Way of Chicago between 1967 and 1983 (1967.0705, 1968.0715, 1968.0726, 1968.0748, 1970.0010, 1971.0016, 1971.0019, 1971.0025, 1974.0009, 1975.0025, 1978.0004, 1983.0016).

Terms governing use: Copyright may be retained by the creators of items, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law, unless otherwise noted.

Please cite this collection as: Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago records (Chicago History Museum) plus a detailed description, date, and box/folder number of a specific item.


This descriptive inventory includes:

Brief history of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, 1914-,

Summary description of the collection,

Description of archival series within the collection

Description of some related material in other collections

List of card catalog headings,


Storage designation,

Container list of box and folder numbers and titles.


Brief history of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, 1914-

The Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, established in 1914 as the Chicago Central Council of Social Agencies, was a major influence on the status of educational, welfare, and recreational services available in the Chicago area. Like similar councils in other cities (such as Cleveland and St. Louis), the Welfare Council was founded in response to a need for more formal planning of welfare services to improve urban living conditions. Throughout the sixty-three years of its existence, the Welfare Council functioned in many capacities: as a central body through which social agencies discussed their common problems and coordinated their work; as a provider of common services such as a volunteer bureau and a referral service for the member agencies; as an educator of the public and of government officials to enlist their support for social welfare agencies; and as a planning body to design better systems of health, education, welfare and recreational services in Chicago communities.


The Welfare Council had its beginnings on May 27, 1914, when a group of men and women involved in Chicago welfare organizations met at the Association of Commerce. The group represented both public and private welfare agencies such as the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, the Juvenile Court of Cook County, the Jewish Bureau of Personal Service, and the Protectorate of the Catholic Woman's League. Duplication of efforts among these agencies was the biggest concern expressed at the meeting, and the representatives discussed ways in which to better coordinate their services. Monthly meetings to continue those discussions were held; and the group, known as the Chicago Central Council of Social Agencies, eventually became a permanent organization. In 1919, the Council officially incorporated as a not-for-profit organization under the name The Chicago Council of Social Agencies. It already had 115 members. Mr. Wilfred Reynolds, previously president of the Council, became its first director in 1922 (a post he held until 1950).


The early work of the Council reflected its stated purpose, part of which was to afford an avenue for the working out of a complete understanding between social service agencies, "...to further cooperation and to prevent duplication of effort...[and] to consider any specific needs of the city and to make recommendations as to the undertaking for some new work which is required to meet these needs."


For example, the Council's Relief Committee prepared a "Chicago Family Standard Budget for Dependent Families" which was used by agencies to determine the amount of aid needed by families. The Council also coordinated a "Hold the Home Lines" campaign--a joint effort by Chicago social agencies to educate the public about the need to maintain local welfare institutions while money and personnel were directed toward the country's war efforts during World War I. A Bureau for Volunteer Services also was organized at this time, in conjunction with the Women's Division of the National Council of Defense, to recruit and place volunteers where needed.


In the 1920s, the Council found it necessary to consolidate its internal structure to better serve the growing number of member agencies. Divisions were created to replace the various committees which had been set up. The Committee on Family Welfare (previously the Relief Committee) became the Division on Family Welfare in 1982. Its first chairman was Dr. Ernest W. Burgess, the noted University of Chicago sociologist. In 1933, this division merged with the Division on Child Welfare becoming the Council's largest division. The Health Division also had its beginnings in 1928, as did the Division on Education and Recreation (later the Recreation and Informal Education Division). A Division on Employment and Vocational Guidance was organized in 1935 but was disbanded in 1942 by order of the Board of Directors.


Member agencies of the Council were assigned to divisions according to their major program interests. Members of the Council at this time were, for the most part, agencies which provided direct social welfare services to individuals or groups. These included hospitals, clinics, homes for the aged, foster care and adoption agencies, settlement houses and relief agencies.


A major function of the Council was to evaluate agencies in order to determine their ability to meet certain standards of service. The Community Fund of Chicago, formed in 1934 to raise funds to support local private social agencies, relied upon the Council of Social Agencies' evaluations to determine which agencies needed and should receive financial assistance from the Fund. The Council and the Community Fund worked in close relationship for many years as the Council was also a participating agency of the Fund and thus received a considerable amount of financial support from it.


The 1940s brought some changes in the purpose and structure of the Council. To confront the growing gaps in existing health and welfare services the Council focused more on planning as one of its functions. Membership efforts focused on involving organizations and groups concerned with welfare problems in a broader sense, such as PTAs, foundations, and community organizations.


The Council also recognized that city boundaries were often irrelevant in welfare problems and the Council's geographical area of concern was extended beyond the city proper (even though suburban agencies had long been members of the Council). The organization's name was changed to the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago to reflect its concern with the larger community, and the Welfare Council became more involved with suburban councils where they existed and encouraged the development of councils where there were none.


Approximately 250 social service agencies in diverse fields of endeavor were members in 1950. Activities included continuation of its city-wide Community Referral Service opened in the 1940s to guide people to needed health and social services. It also began publishing Social Welfare Legislative Bulletin (later NOW). Public affairs became increasingly important to the Welfare Council as it sought to obtain support for policies beneficial to its agencies and their constituents--children, families, the aged, the handicapped, and the impoverished. The Council, for instance, urged state support to educate the handicapped, subsidize adoption, and train prisoners for jobs. From 1969 to 1971, the Council's Public Policy Committee devoted most of its efforts to developing the Council's stand on health, education, and welfare issues debated at the Illinois Constitutionals Convention.


A number of important changes for the Welfare Council occurred during the 1970s. In 1971 the Council changed its name to Council of Community Services to focus anew on its concern for building systems of care in Chicago and suburban communities. Then, following a trend adopted by many smaller communities and some large cities to consolidate separate welfare planning and community fundraising organizations, the Council of Community Services merged with the Community Fund of Chicago on July 1, 1977, to become the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago. (In 1982 this organization became the United Way of Chicago to reflect its actual area of service which was the city proper.)


Summary description of the collection, 1914-1978

The records of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, established in 1914 to coordinate the work of Chicago's social service agencies, date from 1914 to 1978. The collection contains correspondence, minutes, financial records, committee and division files, member agency files, annual and other reports, historical summaries, studies, statistical information and printed materials pertaining to all operations and programs of the Council. The records reflect areas of welfare planning and services in the Chicago metropolitan area such as care for the aged, disabled, and minorities; maternal and infant care; family and child welfare; and recreational and educational programs. The member agency files, which comprise a large part of the collection, contain detailed information on the services of public and private social agencies such as hospitals, nursing homes and other health care institutions, social settlements, child care agencies, mental hygiene facilities, and community and professional organizations. Information on education, housing, employment, juvenile delinquency, neighborhood ethnic composition and population shifts, and other social conditions in Chicago communities and suburbs is also present.


The Welfare Council records are arranged in five series based on types of material and the order in which the material was accessioned. The series are

Series 1, Administrative, Operating and Topical files, Part 1, 1914-1971 (Boxes 1-239)

Series 2, Member Agency Files, Part 1, 1922-1970 (Boxes 242-429)

Series 3, Research Department Statistical Records, 1928-1966 (Boxes 430-446, card fileboxes, volumes)

Series 4. Administrative, Operating and Topical Files, Part 2, 1921-1978 (Boxes 447-697)

Series 5, Member Agency Files, Part 2, 1916-1976 (Boxes 698-791)


Description of series within the collection

Series 1. Administrative, Operating and Topical Files, Part 1. 1914-1971 (Boxes 1-239)

This series consists of minutes and correspondence of the Council's Board of Directors and Executive Committee; files of the numerous divisions and committees of the Council including the Family and Child Welfare Division, Health Division, Recreation and Informal Education Division, Community Participation and Action Division, and the area Welfare Planning Department; along with financial records, histories of the Welfare Council, annual and other reports, and other records relative to all operations and programs of the Council. the materials cover all areas of welfare planning and services in the Chicago metropolitan area that were of concern to the Council such as care for the aged, the disabled, and minorities; direct relief to individuals; child welfare; labor and residence laws and other forms of social legislation. Some material from other organizations involved in welfare and education services in Chicago, such as the Chicago Board of Education, Chicago Commission on Human Relations, and various Illinois public and private social service agencies, is also found in this series.


These materials are filed in alphabetical order under headings primarily assigned by Welfare Council staff members. It is essential to note that materials in this section are filed under general subject headings and also under names of Welfare Council Administrative units or committees. Because of this arrangement, materials on a given topic such as hospitals may be found under a subject heading, e.g., hospitals, and under the name of a specific committee or division concerned with the topic, e.g., Health Division as well. Although this series spans boxes 1-239 of the collection, it contains two A-Z alphabetical groups of materials, the first one found in boxes 1-227, and a smaller one found in boxes 228-239.


The materials found in Series 1 include many items from 1914 to the 1930s, but mainly date from 1940 through the mid-1960s. Another lot of the same kinds of records (chiefly dating from 1960-1975 but also including some earlier materials) was received from the Welfare Council as a later accession. These records appear in Series 4 in this collection. One should note that there are some discrepancies in subject headings employed for the same kinds of material found in both Series 1 and Series 4 of the collection.


Series 2. Member Agency Files, Part 1, 1922-1970 (Boxes 242-429)

This series contains material on member agencies of the Welfare council; these were both public and private agencies, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, settlement houses, child and maternal welfare agencies, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, settlement houses, child and maternal welfare agencies and community organizations, which provided direct health and welfare services or were involved in planning such services. These files, arranged by agency name, contain correspondence, minutes, reports and evaluations of the agencies, news clippings and other printed material. The evaluations and reports, particularly those done in the 1930s, are valuable for the description of the agencies' neighborhoods including their ethnic composition, population shifts, religious institutions, and social problems such as juvenile delinquency; and for the information on the agencies' programs, clientele, physical facilities, funding, and staff background. Some material on non-member agencies may also be included.


The same kinds of files are found in Series 5 which is comprised of material added to the collection later. Series 2 generally contains the earliest material, but files on a particular agency may be found in both Series 2 and Series 5.


Series 3. Research Department Statistical Records 1928-1966 (Boxes 430-446, volumes 1-18, card fileboxes 1-29, volumes)

RESTRICTION: Card fileboxes 1-29 require advance notice for access because materials are stored offsite.

This series comprises correspondence, memos, minutes, and data reports and tables; card files of monthly service reports by agencies; and volumes compiling some of these monthly reports. The statistics relate to services provided by agencies in different fields of work, e.g., hospitals, clinics, and mental hygiene facilities in the field of health; foster care, day care, and maternity homes in the area of child welfare; and relief services of various kinds provided by both public and private agencies. A number of facts concerning their services are recorded by the agencies, making this series a source of detailed information on social services provided in Chicago from the 1930s to the 1960s. Some information on suburban agencies is also included. Most material in this series was collected by the Research Department of the Welfare Council as part of a Social Statistics Project, a project begun in July 1930 by the Children's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor to collect statistics in child welfare and related fields in selected metropolitan areas. The Welfare Council was the central collecting agency in Chicago.


To use these materials, one should note that alpha-numeric designations, such as H-1 for hospital in-patient service and C-3 for day care, were used in the reports, tables, cards and volumes to indicate to which field the statistics refer. Except for the earliest years when different codes were used, the meanings of these designations remain constant for most of the series. The series is arranged in three subseries based on the form of the material: Subseries 1, Social Statistics Project and Information Files, 1929-1966; Subseries 2, Statistical Reports-Card Files, 1928-1929, 1955-1966; and Subseries 3, Statistical Reports-Volumes, 1950-1954. Most of the material concerning the 1930s and 1940s is in Subseries 1, while material from the 1950s and 1960s makes up the bulk of Subseries 2 and 3.


Subseries 1, Social Statistics Project and Information Files, contains data reports and tables, correspondence, memos, and minutes covering 1929 to 1966. The material pertains mainly to the collection of data for the Social Statistics Project and was also generated by Welfare Council committees such as the Committee on Statistical Reporting and its subcommittees: the Executive Committee of the Health Division, and the Advisory Committee on District Health Centers. The data reports and tables in this subseries concern a variety of social service fields including health, child care, and family welfare and relief. The data are recorded by agency for both monthly and annual periods. This subseries is arranged alphabetically.


Subseries 2, Statistical Reports-Card Files, comprises monthly service reports of Chicago health and welfare agencies compiled by the Research Department of the Welfare Council. Fields of social service reported on include child welfare, health services, school nursing, group social work and various kinds of relief. Each report (or card) pertains to a particular field of work and contains figures for a number of things related to service in that field, e.g., a home for aged and chronically ill adults records such things as the number of admittances, discharges, deaths, and patients receiving public assistance during a month. The cards in this subseries cover 1928-1929 and 1955-1966 and are arranged in chronological order. Within each year, the cards are grouped by field. This is a fairly consistent representation of the same fields in every year.


Subseries 3, Statistical Reports-Volumes, 1950-1964, contains some of the same statistical information found in Subseries 2, but recorded in a different format. All fields of work reported on in Subseries 2, however, are not represented in these volumes; therefore, the two subseries do not completely complement one another. The volumes each pertain to a single field of work such as child welfare or group work agencies, usually with a single page for each agency listing all monthly statistics reported during a particular year by that agency; these statistics are then totaled and averaged for the year


Series 4. Administrative, Operating and Topical Files, Part 2, 1921-1970 (Boxes 447-697).

This series contains minutes and correspondence of the Council's Board of Directors and Executive Committee; files of the numerous divisions and committees of the Council including the Recreation and Informal Education Division, Health Division, and Family and Child Welfare Division; material on various council programs including the Voluntary Action Center, Community Referral Service and the Group for Action Planning for Children's Services; annual and other reports; financial and other records relative to all operations and activities of the Council. The material covers all areas of welfare planning and services in the Chicago metropolitan area which were of concern to the Council, such as services to the aged and minorities, particularly residents of public housing developments; truancy; maternal and infant care; adult education; and recreational land use. Much of the material pertains to the council's activities concerning public policy in these and other areas.


These materials are filed in alphabetical order under headings primarily assigned by Welfare Council staff members. Materials are filed under both general subject headings and names of Welfare Council administrative units or committees. Therefore, material on a given topic may be found under more than one heading in the series.


The materials in Series 4 mainly cover 1960 to 1975, although some items date from the 1920s through the 1950s. Similar kinds of records (chiefly earlier materials) comprise Series 1 of this collection. One should note that there are discrepancies in the subject headings employed for the same kinds of material found in both Series 1 and Series 4.


Series 5. Member Agency Files, Part 2, 1916-1976 (Boxes 698-791)

Series 5 contains material on member agencies of the Welfare Council; these were both public and private agencies in Chicago and its suburbs, such as social settlements, relief and group work agencies, schools for the handicapped, community organizations, hospitals, clinics and other health organizations, which provided direct services or were involved in community planning of health and welfare services. The files, arranged by agency name, include correspondence, reports, evaluations, budget records, and printed material. The reports and evaluations, done by the Welfare Council, are valuable for the information they contain on the agencies' neighborhoods including their ethnic composition, population shifts and general social conditions; and for information on the agencies' programs, clientele, physical facilities, funding, and staff background. Some material on non-member agencies may also be included.


Similar kinds of records can be found in Series 2 which was an earlier, separate addition to the collection. Series 2 generally contains the earliest material, but files on a particular agency may be found in both Series 2 and Series 4.


Description of some related material in other collections

Three boxes of photographs were transferred to the Prints & Photographs Collection. The subjects of the photographs, which dated ca. 1950 to 1970s, mainly were members of the Board of Directors and officers of the Welfare Council, and facilities of Council member agencies.


Five boxes of printed material were transferred to the CHS Library. The material included Welfare Council publications NOW (News of Welfare and Health Matters Before Legislative Bodies), Legislative Report, Governmental Review, Statistics, and Alert Bulletin, mostly dating from 1960 to the 1970s; newsletters and bulletins for various Chicago social service agencies, and miscellaneous items, including the Sixth Annual Report of the Central Free Dispensary of West Chicago (1883) and the First Annual Report of the Relief Works Under the Auspices of the Society for Ethical Culture of Chicago (1884).


List of card catalog headings:


Adult education -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Older people -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Birth control -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Catholics -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Charities -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Church charities -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Child welfare -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Community organization -- Illinois -- Chicago -- 20th century.

Day care centers -- Illinois -- Chicago -- 20th century.

Depressions -- 1929 -- Illinois -- Chicago.

Discrimination in housing -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

People with disabilities -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Hospitals -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Indians of North America -- Illinois -- Chicago -- 20th century.

Juvenile delinquency -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Land use -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Medical care -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Public health -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Public welfare -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Recreation -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Social service -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Taxation -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Women volunteers in social service -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Working class -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area -- 20th century.

Youth -- Illinois -- Chicago Metropolitan Area

Geographic subjects:

Chicago (Ill.) -- Social conditions -- 20th century.

Illinois -- Politics and government -- 20th century.






Added entries:

Chicago Nursery and Half-Orphan Asylum.

Abraham Lincoln Centre.

Afro-American Family and Community Services (Chicago, Ill.)

Benton House (Social settlement : Chicago, Ill.)

Chicago Area Project.

Chicago (Ill.). Board of Education.

Chicago Boys Clubs.

Chicago Commons Association.

Chicago Commons (Chicago, Ill.)

Chicago Hearing Society (Ill.)

Chicago Lung Association.

Church Federation of Greater Chicago.

Fellowship House (Social Settlement : Chicago, Ill.)

Friendship House (Chicago, Ill.)

Gads Hill Center (Chicago, Ill.)

Infant Welfare Society of Chicago.

Jewish Community Centers of Chicago.

Mary McDowell Settlement (Social settlement : Chicago, Ill.)

Open Lands Project (Chicago, Ill.)

St. Leonard's House (Chicago, Ill.)

United Charities of Chicago.

Visiting Nurse Association of Chicago.

YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago.


The records of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago were given to the Chicago Historical Society by the Council beginning in 1967, with subsequent additions received in 1968, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1978 and 1983.


Storage designation

Collections: Welfare Council


Container list

Series 1, Administrative, Operating and Topical files, Part 1, 1914-1971 (Boxes 1-239)

Box 1

1          Administration: Annual Meetings: Addresses and Remarks 1931-1939

2          Administration: Annual Meetings: Addresses and Remarks 1924-1925

3          Administration: Annual Meetings 1956-1958

4          Administration: Annual Meetings 1951-1955

5          Administration: Annual Meetings 1948-1950

6          Administration: Annual Meetings1940, 1947

7          Administration: Board of Directors 1959

8          Administration: Board of Directors 1951-1958


Box 1a

            Administration: Board of Directors: Alphabetical card file of members ca. 1925-1967


Box 2

1-2       Administration: Board of Directors 1960

3          Administration: Board of Directors 1961

4-5       Administration: Board of Directors 1962

6-7       Administration: Board of Directors 1963


Box 3

1-2       Administration: Board of Directors 1964

3          Administration: Board of Directors 1966


Box 4

1          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1914-1915

2          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1916

3          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1917-1919

4          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1920-1923

5          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1924-1927

6          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1928-1929

7          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1930-1931


Box 5

1          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1932 Jan.-1933 Apr.

2          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1933 May-1934 Dec.

3          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1935 Jan.-1936 Mar.

4          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1936 Apr.-1937 Dec.

5          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1938

6          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1939


Box 6

1          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1940

2          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1941

3          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1942

4          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1943

5          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1944-1945

6          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1946-1948

7          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1949


Box 7

1          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1950-1952

2          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1953-1955

3          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1956-1960

4          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1961-1964

5          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1965-1966

6          Administration: Board of Directors: Minutes 1967-1968

7          Administration: Board and Executive Committee indices


Box 8

1          Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1944-1945 Nov.

2-3       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1946-1947 May

4-5       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1947 June-1948 Dec.


Box 9

1-2       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1948 Jan-Dec.

3-4       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1950

5-6       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1951


Box 10

1-2       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1952-1953

3-4       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1954-1955

5-7       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1956-1957


Box 11

1-3       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1958

4          Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1958-1959

5-6       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1959


Box 12

1-2       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1960

3-5       Administration: Board and Executive Committee supporting papers 1961


Box 13

1          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Board-Staff Conference 1956

2          Admin.: Board Committee for Implementation of Homemaker Services Plan 1959-1961

3          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Committee on Open Land 1959-1960

4          Admin.: Board Committee on Program Determination and Council Structure 1959-1960

5          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Decentralized Planning Staff 1963-1966

6          Admin.: Board and Executive Committee Decentralized Planning Staff Minutes 1964-1966

7          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Executive Committee 1960-1961

8          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Executive Committee 1938-1960

9          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Executive Committee 1962


Box 14

1          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Executive Committee Minutes 1935-1942

2          Admin.: Board Executive Committee Minutes 1941 Sept.-1945 June

3          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Executive Committee Minutes 1945-1957

4          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Executive Committee Minutes 1960-1961

5          Admin.: Board Executive Committee Subcommittee on Reductions 1961-1962

6          Admin.: Board Executive Committee Supporting papers 1948-1953

7          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Finance Committee minutes 1934-1959

8          Administration: Board and Executive Committee Information manual 1968

9          Administration: Board and Executive Committee List of members


Box 15

1          Administration: Board of Directors: Nominating Committee: 1921-1947

2          Administration: Board of Directors: Nominating Committee: Minutes: 1949-1963

3          Administration: Board of Directors: Nominating Committee: Minutes: 1929-1963

4          Administration: Board of Directors: Questionable agencies 1926-1930

5          Admin.: Board of Directors: Review of Minority Group Relationships-statement 1957-1962

6          Administration: Committees of Welfare Council: 1965

7          Administration: Committees of Welfare Council: Lists 1966-1967

8          Administration: Study Committee of Social Agencies-minutes 1945-1947

9          Administration: CIO relationship with the council 1953-1956

10        Administration: Delegate meeting and workshop: 1963

11        Administration: Delegate meeting and workshop: 1964


Box 16

1          Administration: Executive Cabinet: 1950-1956

2          Administration: Executive Cabinet: 1957-1961

3          Administration: Executive Cabinet: Minutes: 1949-1956

4          Administration: Executive Cabinet: Minutes: 1957-1959

5          Administration: Executive staff: Conferences: 1951-1954

6          Administration: Executive staff: Conferences: Lake Forest: 1956

7          Administration: Executive staff: Conferences: Lake Forest: 1957

8          Administration: Executive staff: Minutes: 1936-1939

9          Administration: Executive staff: Minutes: 1940-1944


Box 17

1          Administration: Executive staff: Minutes: 1945-1948

2          Administration: Executive staff: Minutes: 1949-1954

3          Administration: Executive staff: Minutes: 1955-1958

4-7       Administration: Executive staff: Position Analysis Study 1954-1955


Box 18

1          Administration: Executive staff: Staff Development Planning Committee: 1959-1960

2          Administration: Executive staff: Staff Development Planning Committee: 1959-1961

3          Administration: Finance Committee 1924-1940

4          Administration: Financial reports 1918-1924

5          Administration: Financing reports 1950-1964

6          Admin.: Funds and foundations: Field Foundation: Adoption Negro Project 1954-1962

7          Admin.: Funds and foundations: Field Foundation: Child Welfare 1959-1963

8          Administration: Funds and foundations: Wieboldt Foundation projects: 1947-1952

9-10     Admin.: Funds and foundations: Wieboldt Foundation: Completed projects, etc. 1950-1960s

11        Administration: Management of Voluntary Welfare Agencies 1964-1965


Box 19

1          Administration: Organization: Basic organization: Realignment Committee 1937

2          Admin.: Organization: Basic organization: Study of Council of Social Agencies 1946-1947

3          Administration: Organization: Basic organization: Study Committee 1945-1950

4          Administration: Organization: Board of Directors-Study Committee 1946-1948

5          Administration: Organization: Evaluation: Community Fund Committee 1953-1960


Box 20

1          Administration: Organization: Evaluation: Study Committee 1954-1962

2-3       Administration: Organization: Functions, policies, procedures 1919-1957

4          Admin.: Org.: "The History of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago, 1940-1963"

5          Admin.: Org.: "Twenty-Five Year History of the Welfare Council of Met. Chgo. 1914-1940"

6          Administration: Organization: History of the Welfare council: Miscellaneous 1931-1967

7-8       Administration: Organization: History of the Welfare council: Re: Structure 1919-1968

9          Administration: Organization: History and Purpose of the Divisions 1939-1962

10        Admin.: Org.: Exchange of information from Councils of social agencies in Ill. 1953-1954


Box 21

1          Admin.: Organization: Inter-Relations-Community fund and Welfare Council 1936-1951

2          Administration: Organization: Overall Planning Commission-minutes 1943-1945

3-4       Administration: Organization: Priority Planning (program emphases):1950-1957

5          Administration: Organization: Priority Planning (program emphases):1958-1960

6          Administration: Organization: Priority Planning (program emphases):1961

7          Administration: Organization: Priority Planning (program emphases):1962-1963


Box 22

1          Administration: Organization: Priority Planning (program emphases):1964-1965

2          Administration: Organization: Programs 1968-1969

3          Administration: Organization: Real estate, inquiries of 1958-1965

4          Administration: Organization: Reorganization 1935-1936

5          Administration: Organization: Role of voluntary agencies 1964-1966

6          Administration: Organization: Service reports 1947-1962

7          Administration: Staff: Clerical staff minutes 1950-1963

8          Administration: Staff: Wage adjustments 1943-1945


Box 23

1          Aged: 1922-1929

2          Aged: 1930

3          Aged: 1931-1932

4          Aged: 1933-1936

5          Aged: 1937 Jan-Apr.

6          Aged: 1937 May-1938


Box 24

1          Aged: 1939-1941

2          Aged: 1942-1944

3          Aged: 1945-1950

4          Aged: 1951-1957; undated

5          Aged: Materials on home budget management for the aged 1950s and 1960s


Box 25

1          Aged: Casework-resource 1945-1949

2          Aged: Commission on the Aging and the Aged 1959

3          Aged: Commission on Human Relations 1957-1960

4          Aged: Committee on: Ill. Public Aid Commission payments to homes for aged 1954-1962

5          Aged: Committee on: Services for older people: 1951-1962

6          Aged: Committee on: Services for older people: Minutes 1953-1961

7          Aged: Committee on: Services for older people: Fire hazards in hotels 1961

8          Aged: Cmte. on: Services for older people: Volunteer Opportunities Subcmte. 1962-1965

9          Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Advisory Committee: 1948-1951

10        Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Advisory Committee: Minutes 1947-1951


Box 26

1-3       Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Reports

4          Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Evaluation of the project 1949-1950

5          Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Evaluation and summary 1951


Box 27

1          Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Seminars 1947-1950

2          Aged: Community Project for the Aged: Termination of the project 1949-1950

3          Aged: Conferences on-Northwestern University 1951

4          Aged: Division I: Committee on-minutes 1951-1958

5          Aged: Division I: Institute for Professional Workers 1952-1953

6          Aged: Division I: Institutional Standards, Subcommittee on 1951-1954

7          Aged: Division I: Legislation, Subcommittee on 1951-1953

8          Aged: Ford Foundation Comm. Org. Project on Programs for Older People 1960-1961

9          Aged: Gerontological Association 1954-1967

10        Aged: Health-miscellaneous 1947-1962

11        Aged: Health needs-services 1959-1960

12        Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Account books: 1965-1966


Box 28

1          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Account books: 1966-1967

2          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Account books: 1967-1968

3          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Forms

4          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Hagerty Catering Co. 1966-1967

5          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Mae Diamond 1966-1968

6          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Manual 1964

7          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Menus

8          Aged: Home Delivered Meals Project: Nutrition 1967-1968

9          Aged: Homes for the Aged: 1951-1967

10        Aged: Homes for the Aged: Nursing 1962-1964

11        Aged: Homes for the Aged: Seminars on 1957-1960


Box 29

1          Aged: Homes for the Aged: Seminars-reports 1955-1960

2          Aged: Housing, Committee on 1956-1957

3          Aged: Illinois Committee on Aging-report of the Secretary 1952-1953

4          Aged: Illinois Public Aid Commission-Illinois Committee on Aging 1952-1959

5          Aged: Illinois Welfare Association 1959-1963

6          Aged: Information Center for the Aging-report 1969

7          Aged: Institutional facilities-history 1968

8          Aged: Jewish vocational Service 1962

9          Aged: Legislation-medical care for the aged 1961-1962

10        Aged: Mayor's Commission for Senior Citizens 1959-1962


Box 30

1          Aged: Mayor's Commission on Senior Citizens-Subcmte. on Rec. and Education 1952-1960

2          Aged: Nutrition, Committee on 1952-1952

3          Aged: Planned Services for the Aged 1958-1961

4          Aged: Prairie Courts Project: 1955-1957

5          Aged: Prairie Courts Project: Committees 1953-1955

6          Aged: Prairie Courts Project: Committee for Community Services 1952-1956

7          Aged: Prairie Courts Project: Fiscal agent-Welfare Council 1953-1955

8          Aged: Prairie Courts Project: Research Subcommittee 1954

9          Aged: Public Relations Committee 1953-1955

10        Aged: Recreation 1949-1964

11        Aged: Rehabilitation 1959


Box 31

1          Aged: Studies and proposals 1954-1962

2          Aged: United Charities-10th Anniversary Service for the Aged 1964

3-4       Aged: White House conference on Aging 1961

5          Aging-Illinois reports to the White House Conference on Aging 1961

6          Area Welfare Planning Department: 1946-1955

7          Area Welfare Planning Department: 1956-1962

8          Area Welfare Planning Department: Advisory Committee 1954-1962


Box 32

1          Area Welfare planning Department: Bulletins 1946-1951

2          Area Welfare planning Department: History, reports 1945-1961

3-4       Area Welfare planning Department: 1960 National District Council Workshop 1960-1961

5          Area Welfare planning Department: Physical and Social Planning Committee 1934-

6          Area Welfare planning Department: Staff meetings-minutes 1956-1960

7          Area Welfare planning Department: Survey of Planning Facilities and Needs 1945-1952


Box 33


1          Chicago Board of Education: 1960-1961

2          Chicago Board of Education: Child Study Department 1948-1958

3          Chicago Board of Education: Educable Mentally Handicapped Child 1952-1961

4          Chicago Board of Education: School Health Services Committee 1949-1962

5          Chicago Board of Health: 1937-1956

6          Chicago Board of Health: Advisory Committee: 1948-1950

7          Chicago Board of Health: Advisory Committee: 1951-1952

8          Chicago Board of Health: Advisory Committee: 1953-1955

9          Chicago Board of Health: Advisory Committee: 1956-1961


Box 34

1          Chicago Board of Health: Advisory Committee: Minutes 1955-1958

2          Chicago Board of Health: 1961 Budget

3          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers 1954-1958

4          Chicago Board of Health: Infant Welfare 1949-1957

5          Chicago Board of Health: Infant Welfare Committee on Child Health Services 1957-1961

6          Chicago Board of Health: Recommendations-Committee on Health program: 1958-1961

7          Chgo. Board of Health: Recommendations-Committee on Health prog.: Minutes 1958-1961


Box 35

1          Child Welfare: 1920-1924

2          Child Welfare: 1924-1927

3          Child Welfare: 1928-1929

4          Child Welfare: 1930-1931

5          Child Welfare: 1932-1933

6          Child Welfare: 1933-1934

7          Child Welfare: 1935


Box 36

1          Child Welfare: 1936: Jan.-May

2          Child Welfare: 1936: June-Dec.

3          Child Welfare: Study of Agencies 1935-1936

4          Child Welfare: 1937: Jan.-June

5          Child Welfare: 1937: Study of Agencies 1937 July

6          Child Welfare: 1937: July-Dec.

7          Child Welfare: 1938: Jan.-May


Box 37

1          Child Welfare: 1938 June-Dec.

2          Child Welfare: 1939

3          Child Welfare: 1940

4          Child Welfare: 1941

5          Child Welfare: 1942

6          Child Welfare: 1943


Box 38

1          Child Welfare: 1944

2          Child Welfare: 1945

3          Child Welfare: 1946: Jan.-July

4          Child Welfare: 1946: Aug.-Dec.

5          Child Welfare: 1947


Box 39

1          Child Welfare: 1949

2          Child Welfare: 1950-1964

3          Child Welfare: 1950-1969

4-5       Child Welfare: 1950-1969

6          Child Welfare: Adoption: Correspondence and minutes 1954-1961


Box 40

1-3       Child Welfare: Adoption: Printed materials and reports 1941-1963

4          Child Welfare: Adoption: Exchange 1953-1963

5          Child Welfare: Adoption: "Hard to Place child"-Committee 1960-1963

6          Child Welfare: Adoption: African Americans 1953-1957


Box 41

1          Child Welfare: Adoption: African Americans 1958-1960

2          Child Welfare: Adoption: Procedure-Committee on 1940-1952

3          Child Welfare: Adoption: Standards-Committee 1952-1965

4          Child Welfare: Child Labor 1937-1962

5          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Committee on 1948-1954

6          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Foster Homes, committee on: 1949-1953

7          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Foster Homes, committee on: Minutes 1951-1953

8          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Cmte. on Relationship with Family Court 1943-1953

9          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Cook County Hospital care of infants 1942-1965


Box 42

1          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Foster home care for handicapped children 1952

2          C. W.: C. P. S.: Fstr. homes for babies born to TB mothers at Muni. T.B. Sanit. 1952-1964

3          Child Welfare: Child Placing Services: Foster Homes for Children Institute 1951-1952

4          Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: 1952-1959

5          Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Committee on: 1950-1954

6          Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Committee on: Minutes 1947-1951

7          Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Committee on: Minutes 1952-1953

8          Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Committee on: Houseparents Study 1949-1952

9          Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: 1951-1952

10        Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: 1953-1955


Box 43

1-2       Child Welfare: Children's Institutions: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: 1956-1965

3          Child Welfare: Children's Inst.: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: Minutes 1946-1956

4          Child Wel.: Children's Inst.: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: Finance Cmte. 1949

5          Ch. Wel.: Ch.'s Inst.: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: Short-time-min. 1949-1956

6          Child Wel.: Children's Inst.: Cmte. on: Houseparents training course: Short-time 1952-1956

7          Ch. Wel.: Ch.'s Inst.: Cmte. on: Houseparents Conference Group, Univ. of IL: 1962-1963

8          Ch. Wel.: Ch.'s Inst.: Cmte. on: Houseparents Conference Group, Univ. of IL: 1964-1967

9          C. W.: C. I.: Cmte. on: Hsepar. Conf. Group, U. of IL: Subcmte. on Caseworkers 1948-1955

10        Child Welfare: Conference on Research in the Children's Field 1956


Box 43a 1-2    Child Welfare: County Subsidy Committee 1942-1966


Box 44

1          Child Welfare: Emotionally disturbed child: 1948-1956

2          Child Welfare: Emotionally disturbed child: Committee on: 1948-1962

3          Child Welfare: Emotionally disturbed child: Committee on: Minutes 1948-1955

4          C. W.: Emot. dist. child: Subcmte. to Develop Criteria for Agency for Self-Eval. 1950-1955

5          Child Welfare: Equal Care for Children Project: 1960-1964

6          Child Welfare: Equal Care for Children Project: Advisory Committee 1961-1963

7          Child Welfare: Equal Care for Children Project: Reports, memos 1961-1964

8          Child Welfare: Exceptional Children Illinois Plan undated

9          Child Welfare: Food for Life Exhibit 1950-1954


Box 45

1-3       Child Welfare: Foster care-printed materials and reports 1950-1967

4          Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: 1946-1956

5          Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: Committee on-minutes: 1946-1951

6          Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: Committee on-minutes: 1955-1958

7          Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: Homefinding Institute 1952-1953

8          Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: Recruitment of homes 1966-1969

9          Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: Recruitment of foster parents 1966-1969

10        Child Welfare: Foster homes for children: Standards Committee 1960-1961


Box 46

1          Child Welfare: Institutional care for infants 1946-1965

2          Child Welfare: Left-out child: Facilities for dependent children: 1948-1953

3          Child Welfare: Left-out child: Facilities for dependent children: 1954

4          Child Welfare: Left-out child: Facilities for dependent children: 1954-1955

5          Child Welfare: Left-out child: History 1948-1954

6          C. W.: Left-out child: Letters to commissioners from agencies urging adoption of plan 1954


Box 47

1          Child Welfare: Left-out child: Publicity clippings 1954-1955

2          Child Welfare: Left-out child: Reports 1939-1954

3          Child Welfare: Left-out child: Statistical information 1951-1954

4          Child Welfare: Planning Committee: Subcommittee on Role of Houseparent 1957-1960

5          Child Welfare: Planning Cmte.: Subcommittee on Presidents and Executives 1954-1964

6          Child Welfare: Planning Committee: Subcommittee on Referral Procedures 1956-1957

7          Child Welfare: Purchase of care 1965-1969


Box 48

1          Clinics: 1931-1934

2          Clinics: 1935-1936

3          Clinics: 1937-1938 Oct.

4          Clinics: 1938 Nov.-1939

5          Clinics: 1940-1942

6          Clinics: 1942-1943


Box 49

1          Clinics: 1944-1945 June

2          Clinics: 1945 July-1946

3          Clinics: 1947-1948

4          Clinics: 1949-1953


Box 50

1          Clinics: 1934-1968

2          Clinics: Clinic Administration Section: 1941-1952

3          Clinics: Clinic Administration Section: 1953-1955

4          Clinics: Clinic Administration Section: 1956-1966

5          Clinics: Clinic Administration Section: Minutes 1953-1959

6          Clinics: Clinic Admin. Section: Clinic Needs and Resources Subcommittee 1950-1959

7          Clinics: Clinic Administration Section: Study group 1951-1952

8          Clinics: Clinic admitting policies and procedures 1935-1954

9          Clinics: Clinic eligibility: Advisory committee: Minutes 1935-1953


Box 51

1          Clinics: Clinic eligibility: Advisory committee: Standard Budget Committee 1942-1958

2          Clinics: Clinic eligibility: Advisory committee: Seminar for Admitting Workers 1947-1951

3          Clinics: Plans for Improved Clinic Service 1941-1954

4          Clinics: Psychiatric clinics 1953-1957

5          Clinics: Psychiatric clinics Committee on 1948-1957

6          Clinics: Psychiatric clinics Resources-Committee on 1948-1956

7          Clinics: Reduction of clinic visits-South Side report 1959-1960

8          Clinics: South Side clinic study 1953-1955

9          Clinics: Clinics in Community Funds-clinic costs and analysis 1943-1954


Box 52

1          Community organization: 1934-1945

2          Community organization: 1846-1956

3          Community organization: 1957-1958

4          Community organization: 1958

5          Community organization: 1959-1961


Box 53

1-2       Community organization: 1958-1961

3-4       Community organization: 1964-1970

5          Comm. org.: Suburban and Chgo. Cmte. on Fund Raising and Welfare Services 1958-1961

6          Community organization: Suburban Conference on Suburban Planning 1960

7          Community organization: Suburban Recreation Developments 1956-1960


Box 54

1-2       Community Participation and Action Division: General 1967-1969

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Minutes 1968-1970

4-5       Community Participation and Action Division: Printed material 1959-1968

6          Community Participation and Action Division: Assignments, current 1967

7          Community Participation and Action Division: Bail bond Conference 1968

8          Community Participation and Action Division: Biographical data 1965


Box 55

1          Community Participation and Action Division: Committee on 1969-1970

2          Community Participation and Action Division: Community Relations Division 1966-1967

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Council-Community Fund Relationship 1966

4-5       Community Participation and Action Division: Day Care 1969-1970

6          Community Participation and Action Division: Decentralized planning: 1963-1965


Box 56

1-3       Community Participation and Action Division: Decentralized planning: 1965-1968

4          Community Participation and Action Division: DuPage Planning Council 1964-1968

5          Community Participation and Action Div.: DuPage Planning Council Minutes 1966-1968


Box 57

1          Community Participation and Action Division: Education conference 1966-1969

2          Comm. Participation and Action Div.: Elk Grove Community Service-projects 1966-1967

3          Community Participation and Action Division: "The Group" 1967

4          Community Participation and Action Division: Health-Planning Committee on 1965-1967

5          Community Participation and Action Division: Hot-Line Information Network 1966

6-7       Community Participation and Action Division: Housing 1969

8          Community Participation and Action Division: Labor Welfare Services 1967-1969


Box 58

1          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Lawndale Youth Employment Project 1966-1968

2-3       Community Participation and Action Division: North Region Planning Conference 1968

4-5       Community Participation and Action Division: North Region Steering Committee: 1968


Box 59

1          Community Participation and Action Div.: North Region Steering Committee: 1969-1970

2          Comm. Part. and Action Div.: North Region Steering Committee: Minutes 1968-1969

3-4       Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Notices and Agendas 1968-1970

5          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Health Subcommittee 1969-1970

6-7       Comm. Part. & Act. Div.: N. Reg. Steering Cmte.: Phys. & Econ. Plan. Subcmte. 1969-1970

8          Comm. Part. and Action Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Youth Services Subcmte. 1969

9-10     Community Participation and Action Division: North Region Steering Cmte.: 1968-1970

11        Comm. Participation and Action Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Minutes 1968-1969

12        Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Notices and agendas 1968-1970

13        Comm. Part. and Action Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Education Subcmte. 1969

14        Comm. Participation and Action Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Health Subcmte. 1969

15        Comm. Part. and Action Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Human Rights Subcmte. 1969

16        Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: N. Region Steering Cmte.: Phys. and Econ. Plan. Subcmte. 1969

17        Comm. Part. and Action Div.: North Region Steering Cmte.: Youth Services Subcmte. 1969


Box 60

1          Comm. Participation and Action Div.: Oakland Cmte. for Community Improvement 1968

2          Community Participation and Action Division: Open Lands Project: Jackson Park 1966

3-6       Community Participation and Action Division: Open Lands Project: McCormick Place 1966


Box 61

1          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Open Lands Project: Printed materials 1968-1969

2          Community Participation and Action Division: Proviso Coordinating council 1966-1967

3-4       Community Participation and Action Division: Public Policy, Committee on: 1964-1969

5          Community Participation and Action Division: Public Policy, Committee on: 1969-1970

6-7       Comm. Part. & Act. Div.: Pub. Pol., Cmte. on: IL Constitutional Conv. materials 1969-1970

8          Community Participation and Action Division: Public Policy, Cmte. on: NOW Newsletter


Box 62

1          Community Participation and Action Division: Reference letters 1968

2          Community Participation and Action Division: Regional Boundaries Committee 1968

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Regional Boundaries materials 1968-1969

4          Community Participation and Action Division: Regional By-Laws Committee 1968

5-6       Community Participation and Action Division: Regional Coordinating Group 1968-1970

7          Community Participation and Action Division: Regional Coordinating Group Agendas 1969

8          Comm. Participation and Action Div.: Regional Coordinating Group Minutes 1968-1969

9          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Regional Coord. Group Children and Youth Serv. Cmte. 1969

10        Comm. Participation and Action Div.: Regional Coordinating Group Health Cmte. 1969

11        Comm. Participation and Action Div.: Regional Coord. Group Human Rights Cmte. 1969

12        Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Regional Coord. Group Phys. and Econ. Planning Cmte 1969

13        Community Participation and Action Division Regional Organization subcmte.: 1967-1968

14        Comm. Part. and Act. Div. Regional Org. subcmte.: Structure workgroup Subcmte. 1967

15        Community Participation and Action Division Regional rosters 1969


Box 63

1-3       Comm. Participation and Action Division: South Region Steering Committee: 1968-1969

4          Comm. Part. and Action Division: South Region Steering Committee: Minutes 1968-1969

5          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: South Region Steering Cmte.: Notices and agendas 1968-1969

6          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: So. Region Steering Cmte.: Human rights Subcmte. 1968-1969

7          Comm. Part. & Act. Div.: So. Region Steering Cmte.: Phys. and Econ. Plan. Subcmte. 1969

8          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: So. Region Steering Cmte.: Youth Services Subcmte. 1968-1969

9          Community Participation and Action Division: Staff conferences 1967-1969

10        Community Participation and Action Division: Staff meetings 1969-1970


Box 64

1          Community Participation and Action Division: Staff memorandums: 1969-1970

2          Comm. Part. & Act. Div.: Staff memorandums: John Ballard & Edward Parsons 1968-1970

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Staff, field-minutes and agendas 1968-1969

4          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban Family Counseling 1965-1968

5          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: 1962-1966

6          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: 1964-1967

7          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Minutes 1958-1965

8          Comm. Part. and Action Division: Suburban program: Advisory Committee 1964-1966

9          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Budget 1964


Box 65

1          Comm. Part. and Action Division: Suburban program: Documentary material 1955-1964

2          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Leyden Township 1964-1967

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Lyons Roundtable 1967

4          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Niles 1965

5          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Suburban program: North Suburban Service Council 1965-1968

6          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Northfield 1955

7          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Suburban program: NW Suburban Welfare Council 1964-1967

8          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Oak Park 1965-1966

9          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Planning: 1962-1964

10        Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Planning: 1962-1965

11        Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Poverty 1964-1965


Box 66

1          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: Rolling Meadows 1964-1965

 2-3      Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Suburban prog.: So. Suburban Regional Plan. cmte. 1957-1970

4          Comm. Part. and Action Division: Suburban program: West Cook county 1965-1966

5          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Suburban prog.: W. Suburban Org. for Fair Housing 1969

6          Community Participation and Action Division: Suburban program: WHERE 1967

7          Community Participation and Action Division: Task Force of City-Wide Agencies 1966

8          Community Participation and Action Division: Tension Areas Subcommittee: 1965-1958

9          Community Participation and Action Division: Tension Areas Subcommittee: 1966-1970

10        Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Tension Areas Subcommittee: Health Discrimination 1969-1970


Box 67

1-2       Comm. Part. and Action Division: Tension Areas Subcommittee: Human rights: 1968

3          Comm. Part. and Action Division: Tension Areas Subcommittee: Human rights: 1969-1970

4          Comm. Part. and Action Division: Tension Areas Subcommittee: Job opportunities 1968

5          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Tension Areas Subcmte.: Police/youth/community 1969-1970

6          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Tension Areas Subcmte.: Summer Tension Program 1966-1967


Box 68

1          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Univ. of Chicago-School of Social Service Administration 1967

2          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Urban Leadership Discussion Group 1964-1965

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: 1965-1966

4          Community Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: 1967

5          Comm. Part. and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Assignment lists 1967-1968

6          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Volunteer Service Corps: Conduct and Admin. Report for 1967

7          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: Vol. Service Corps: Quarterly Narrative Progress Reports 1966


Box 69

1          Comm. Part. & Act. Div.: Vol. Serv. Corps: Progress reports Chgo. Cmte. Urban Opp. 1966

2          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Referrals 1965-1966

3          Community Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Staff reports: 1966

4          Community Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Staff reports: 1967

5          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Statistics 1967-1969

6          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Training reports 1968

7          Comm. Participation and Action Division: Volunteer Service Corps: Tutoring 1964-1967


Box 70

1-2       Community Participation and Action Division: West Region Steering committee: 1968-1969

3          Comm. Part. and Action Division: West Region Steering committee: Minutes 1968-1969

4          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: West Region Steering committee: Newspaper clippings 1968

5          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: W. Region Steering committee: Notices and agendas 1968-1969

6          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: W. Region Steering cmte.: Health Subcommittee 1967-1969

7          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: W. Region Steering cmte.: Human Rights Subcmte. 1968-1969

8          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: W. Region Steering cmte.: Public Welfare subcommittee 1969

9          Comm. Part. and Act. Div.: W. Region Steering cmte.: Youth Services Subcommittee 1969


Box 71

1          Delinquency, Adult-Committee on 1943-1953

2          Delinquency, juvenile: 1922-1929

3          Delinquency, juvenile: 1930-1936

4          Delinquency, juvenile: 1937-1939

5          Delinquency, juvenile: 1940-1941

6          Delinquency, juvenile: 1942-1943


Box 72

1          Delinquency, juvenile: 1944-1945

2          Delinquency, juvenile: 1946-1948

3          Delinquency, juvenile: 1949-1957 June

4          Delinquency, juvenile: 1957 July-1958


Box 73

1          Delinquency, juvenile: Citizens Committee on 1950-1953

2          Delinquency, juvenile: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Project 1962

3          Delinquency, juvenile: Shireman, Charles H. 1954-1957

4          Delinquency, juvenile: Socially Maladjusted Child-committee on 1946-1954

5          Delinquency, juvenile: Studies: 1950-1957

6          Delinquency, juvenile: Studies: 1959

7          Delinquency, juvenile: Studies: 1960


Box 74

1-6       Delinquency, juvenile: Resource materials and studies


Box 75

1          Delinquency, juvenile: Sheriff's Program on Control and Prevention: 1955-1959

2          Delinquency, juvenile: Sheriff's Prog. on Control and Prevent.: Printed materials 1955-1959

3          Employment: 1921-1928

4          Employment: 1930-1934


Box 76

1          Employment: 1935-1936 July

2          Employment: 1936 Aug.-1937 Mar.

3          Employment: 1937 Apr.-1938 Mar.

4          Employment: 1938 Apr.-Dec.

5          Employment: 1939

6          Employment: 1940-1942

7          Employment: 1943-1944 Jan.


Box 77

1          Employment: 1945-1946

2          Employment: 1947-1951

3          Employment and guidance: 1939-1954

4          Employment and guidance: Committee on 1948-1953

5          Employment and guidance: Handicapped-Committee on Sheltered Workshops 1953-1954

6          Employment and guidance: Institutes 1940, 1950-1952

7          Employment and guidance: Vocational Guidance Report 1932


Box 78

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1919-1929

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1930-1933

3          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1934

4          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1935

5-6       Family and Child Welfare Division: 1936


Box 79

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1937

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1938-1939 June

3          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1939 July-Dec.

4          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1940

5          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1941

6          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1942


Box 80

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1943-1944 May

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1944-1945 June

3          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1946

4          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1947

5          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1948-1949 Mar.


Box 81

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1949 Apr.-1950

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1940 June-1956

3          Family and Child Welfare Division: 1940-1954

4          Fam. and Child Welfare Div.: Cmte. to Review Changes in Agency Programs: 1958-1961

5          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Cmte. to Rev. Changes in Agency Prog.: Corresp. 1958-1961: A-I

6          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Cmte. to Rev. Changes in Agency Prog.: Corresp. 1958-1961: J-Y

7          Fam. and Child Wel. Div.: Comprehensive Family and Child Welfare Committee 1955-1963

8          Family and Child Welfare Division: Conference on Priorities 1949-1952


Box 82

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive Committee: 1944-1951

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive Committee: Minutes 1947-1950

3          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive Committee: Minutes 1950-1953

4          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive Committee: Minutes 1953-1957

5          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Exec. Cmte.: Subcmte. on Facilities for Adolescents: 1957-1961

6          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Exec. Cmte.: Subcmte. on Facil. for Adolescents: Min. 1957-1962

7          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Family Agency Services: Committee on Interagency Fees 1950-1952

8          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Fam. Agency Serv.: Institute on Cooperative Casework 1949-1955

9          Fam. & Ch. Wel. Div.: Fam. Plan. Cmte. Fam. Agencies Project Subcommittee 1953-1956


Box 83

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: Homemaker Services: 1967-1969

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: Homemaker Services: Committee on 1954-1964

3-4       Family and Child Welfare Division: Homemaker Services: Resource material

5          Family and Child Welfare Division: Mental Retardation, Advisory committee 1958-1961

6          Family and Child Welfare Division: Multi-problem families 1960-1963

7          Family and Child Welfare Division: Nominating committee 1958-1963

8          Family and Child Welfare Division: Orientation 1959-1962

9          Fam. and Child Welfare Div.: White House Conference on Children and Youth: 1959-1970

10-11   Fam. & Child Welfare Div.: White House Conference on Children and Youth: Reports 1960


Box 84

1          F. & C. W. D.: White House Conf. on Children and Youth: Ill. Cmte. for: Min. 1958-1960

2          F. & C. W. D.: White House Conf. on Children and Youth: Ill. Cmte. for: 1959-1971

3-4       Family Welfare: Committee on: 1949-1966

5          Family Welfare: Committee on: Minutes: 1948-1953

6          Family Welfare: Committee on: Minutes: 1953-1961

7          Family Welfare: Division of the Field 1949-1950


Box 85

1          Family Welfare: Homemaker Committee: 1945-1955

2          Family Welfare: Homemaker Committee: Subcommittee 1958-1959

3          Family Welfare: Statistics-financial assistance 1940-1961


Box 86

1          Finance: 1919-1923

2          Finance: 1924-1925

3          Finance: 1926-1928

4          Finance: 1929-1933

5          Finance: 1934-1943


Box 87

1-2       Finance: Resource folders for Reviewing and Budget Cmtes. Community Fund of Chicago

3          Finance: Financing Social Agencies-printed material

4          Finance: Taxes-printed materials and reports

5          Finance: Survey and expenditures for Health and Welfare Services 1950 and 1960


Box 88

1-2       Finance: Expenditure study 1950-1960


Box 89

            Finance: Expenditure studies (cards)


Box 90

1          Geographical files: Austin-Garfield Park 1959-1969

2          Geographical files: "Cal-Sag": 1955-1956

3          Geographical files: "Cal-Sag": 1959-1960

4          Geographical files: Deerfield 1959-1960

5          Geographical files: Englewood 1958-1966

6          Geographical files: Garfield Park 1957-1967

7          Geographical files: Hyde Park: 1957-1958

8          Geographical files: Hyde Park: Printed materials

9          Geographical files: Lakeview 1964


Box 91

1          Geographical files: Lawndale: Clergymen in Christian Action 1964-1967

2          Geographical files: Lawndale: Executives: 1965-1967

3          Geographical files: Lawndale: Executives: Minutes 1961-1965

4          Geographical files: Lawndale: Family Health Center 1966-1967

5          Geographical Files: Lawndale: Mobilization of Youth 1959-1966

6          Geographical Files: Lawndale: North 1958-1968

7          Geographical Files: Lawndale: Project: 1963-1967

8          Geographical Files: Lawndale: Project: Committee on Urban Opportunity 1961-1966

9          Geographical Files: Lawndale: Project: Mental Health Advisory Committee 1966-1967

10        Geographical Files: Lawndale: Project: School Employment Service Committee 1966-1967

11        Geographical Files: Lincoln Park 1961-1962

12        Geographical Files: Near North Side 1959


Box 92

1          Geographical Files: Near Northwest Side: Executives 1962

2          Geographical Files: Near Northwest Side: West Town Mobilization of Youth 1959-1961

3          Geographical Files: Near Southwest Side Executives 1962-1963

4          Geographical Files: Near West Side: 1949-1961

5          Geographical Files: Near West Side: Police district 22 1955-1960

6          Geographical Files: North Kenwood-Oakland 1956-1958

7          Geographical Files: Northwest-Youth Cooperative Steering Committee 1962-1963

8          Geographical Files: Park forest 1956-1961

9          Geographical Files: Pilsen 1958-1960

10        Geographical Files: South: 1958-1962

11        Geographical Files: South: Chatham Avalon Park Community Council 1958

12        Geographical Files: South: Central Southside Area 1959-1962


Box 93

1          Geographical Files: Southwest and West Side Executives 1962-1963

2          Geographical Files: Uptown 1957-1961

3          Geographical Files: West Cook County 1955-1958

4          Geographical Files: West Side: 1957-1967

5          Geographical Files: West Side: Executives 1962

6          Geographical Files: Woodlawn: 1939-1962

7          Geographical Files: Woodlawn: 1963-1969

8          Geographical Files: Woodlawn: 1960s

9          Geographical Files: Woodlawn: Model Cities Plan

10        Geographical Files: Woodlawn: Reference data


Box 94

1          Group work: 1922-1935 Feb.

2          Group work: 1935 Mar.-Dec.

3          Group work: 1936

4          Group work: 1937

5          Group work: 1938 Jan.-Mar.

6          Group work: 1938 May-Dec.


Box 95

1          Group work: Group Work Agency Study releases 1939-1943

2          Group work: 1939

3          Group work: 1940: Jan.-Feb.

4          Group work: 1940: Mar.-Apr.

5          Group work: 1940: May-June


Box 96

1          Group work: 1940: July-Nov.

2          Group work: 1940 Dec.-1941 Mar.

3          Group work: 1941 Apr.-Sept.

4          Group work: 1941 Oct.-1942 Sept.

5          Group work: 1942 Nov.-1952


Box 97

1          Group work: 1955-1961

2          Group work: Background statements: Aged 1962-1963

3          Grp. wk.: Bg. stmts.: The Need for More Adequate financing of Grp. Srvcs. for Older Adults

4          Group work: Background statements: Child care reviewing 1964-1966

5          Group work: Background statements: Now in child care 1962

6          Group work: Background statements: Local community organization 1962

7          Group work: Background statements: Employment and guidance 1960

8          Group work: Background statements: Family and adult services 1966

9          Group work: Background statements: Health field 1964-1966

10        Group work: Background statements: Protective field 1962

11        Group work: Background statements: Recreation and informal education 1966


Box 98

1          Handicapped: 1923-1938

2          Handicapped: 1930-1938 Mar.

3          Handicapped: 1938 Apr.-1940 Feb.

4          Handicapped: 1940 Mar.-Dec.

5          Handicapped: 1941 Jan.-1942 June

6          Handicapped: 1942 July-1944 July


Box 99

1          Handicapped: 1944 Aug.-1945 Dec.

2          Handicapped: 1946 Jan.-Oct. 7

3          Handicapped: 1946 Oct. 8-1955

4          Handicapped: 1956-1963

5          Handicapped: Printed materials


Box 100

1          Handicapped: Blind: 1950-1969

2          Handicapped: Blind: Printed materials and reports 1961-1969

3          Handicapped: Blind: Committee on Services to Nursery School 1940-1954

4          Handicapped: Children-institutional needs 1949-1952

5          Handicapped: Committee on: 1944-1955

6          Handicapped: Committee on: Minutes 1943-1951

7          Handicapped: Committee on: Minutes 1952-1954

8          Handicapped: Committee on: Subcommittee on Epileptics 1945-1946


Box 101

1          Handicapped: Cmte. on: Subcmte. on Amendments to the Workmen's Comp. Act 1949-1951

2          Handicapped: Cmte. on: Subcmte. on Endorsement of Workmen's Comp. Act 1951-1956

3          Handicapped: Committee on: Adult Handicapped 1948-1953

4          Handicapped: Community equipment pool: 1952-1958

5          Handicapped: Community equipment pool: 1959-1964

6          Handicapped: Epilepsy 1940-1964

7          Handicapped: Mental retardation: 1961-1969


Box 102

1          Handicapped: Mental retardation: Mental Health Society Project: 1961-1962

2          Handicapped: Mental retardation: Mental Health Society Project: Reports 1957-1960

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: 1965

4          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: 1966

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Curative Sheltered Workshop: 1946-1951


Box 103

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Curative Sheltered Workshop: Minutes

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Illinois Rehabilitation Association: 1964-1968

3-4       Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Illinois Rehabilitation Association: Minutes 1963-1965

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Ill. Rehabilitation Assn.: Nominating Cmte. 1963-1967

6          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Ill. Rehabilitation Assn.: Joint Workshop-minutes 1923-1925

7          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Ill. Rehabilitation Assn.: Prevention of disabilities 1922-1928


Box 104

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Steering committee: 1956-1960

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Steering committee: Minutes

3-4       Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Printed materials

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Final report: 1965

6          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Final report: Mailing lists 1965


Box 105

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Act. Proj.: Topical files: Alcoholic 1965-1969

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Amputees 1959

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Act. Project: Topical files: Arthritis 1955-1956

4-5       Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Blind

6          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Cardiac

7          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Cerebral palsy


Box 106

1-2       Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Deaf: 1960-1969

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Deaf: 1960-1962

4          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Topical files: Deaf: Materials for the deaf

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Topical files: Deaf: Conference on the Deaf

6          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Topical files: Deaf: Projects and studies

7          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Epilepsy

8          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Geriatrics

9          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Act. Proj.: Topical files: Housing for the elderly


Box 107

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Mentally retarded

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Topical files: Multiple sclerosis

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Act. Proj.: Topical files: Muscular dystrophy

4          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Topical files: Transportation: Corr. 1965-1969

5-6       Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Topical files: Transportation: Reports: 1965-1967


Box 108

1-2       Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Topical files: Transportation: Reports: 1968-1969

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation Action Project: Committees 1964-1965

4          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Comp. Diagnostic Srvcs. Cmte.: Ph. I 1962-1963

5          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Comp. Diagnostic Srvcs. Cmte.: Ph. II 1962-1963

6-7       Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Comp. Rehab. Eval. Srvcs. Subcmte. 1962-1965

8          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Inter-Ag. Advis. Cmte. on HC. Srvcs.: 1961-1965

9          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Inter-Agency Advisory Cmte. on HC. Srvcs.: 1968

10        Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Inter-Ag. Adv. Cmte. HC. Srvcs.: Min. 1961-1966

11        Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Planning Cmte. for Rehab. Services 1961-1966


Box 109

1          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Program Standards and coord. Cmte. 1962-1965

2          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Rec. social serv. for the handicapped 1965-1967

3          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Rehabilitation centers-state-operated 1963-1967

4          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago 1960-1968

5          Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Sheltered Emp. & Train. Fac. Subcmte. 1963-1969

6-7       Handicapped: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Sheltered workshop facilities 1963-1966


Box 110

1          HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Sheltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subcmte.: Wk. matl.: 1963-1965

2-3       HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Sheltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subcmte.: Wk. matl.: 1965-1968

4          HC.: Rehab.: R. A. P.: Sheltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subc.: Demo. WS. Prop.: 1965-1966

5-6       HC.: Rehab.: R. A. P.: S. E. & T.. F. S.: Demo. WS. Prop.: Grant matl. 1965-1966


Box 111

1          HC.: Rehab.: R. A. P.: Shltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subc.: DePaul U. Rehab. WS. 1966-1969

2-3       HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Shltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subc.: Labor & rehab. 1965-1968

4          HC.: Rehab.: R. A. P.: S. E. & T. F. S.: N. A. of S. WS. Stnd. Hbd. Prog. IL Ch. 1966-1969

5          HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Shltd. Emp. & Trn. Fac. Subc.: N. Inst. of WS. Stand. 1962

6          HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Sheltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subcmte.: Vis. HC. Conf. 1965

7          HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Shltd. Emp. & Trn. Fac. Subc.: Wage & Hr. Div. 1961-1966

8          HC.: Rehab.: Rehab. Act. Proj.: Sheltd. Emp. & Train. Fac. Subcmte.: Studies 1941, 1952


Box 112

1          Health Division: 1920-1933

2          Health Division: 1934 Jan.-Sept.

3          Health Division: 1934 Oct.-1935 Feb.

4          Health Division: 1935 Mar.-Dec.

5          Health Division: 1936 Jan.-Mar.

6          Health Division: 1936 Apr.-Dec.

7          Health Division: "Chicago Hospital and Clinic Survey" 1934


Box 113

1          Health Division: 1937 Jan.-1938-Feb.

2          Health Division: 1937 Jan.-1937 June

3          Health Division: 1938 Mar.-Dec.

4          Health Division: 1939 Jan.-Apr.

5          Health Division: 1939 May-1940 Apr.

6          Health Division: 1940 May-1941 Apr.


Box 114

1          Health Division: 1941 May-1942 Mar.

2          Health Division: 1942 Apr.-1943 May

3          Health Division: 1943 June-1944

4          Health Division: 1945 Jan.-July

5          Health Division: 1945 Aug.-1946 May

5          Health Division: 1946 June-1947 Mar.


Box 115

1          Health Division: 1947 Apr.-Oct.

2          Health Division: 1947 Nov.-1953

3          Health Division: 1954-1960

4-5       Health Division: Printed materials


Box 116

1          Health Division: 1948-1961

2          Health Division: Ad Hoc Committee on Cook County Hospital 1965

3          Health Division: Annual Meetings: Addresses 1947-1959

4          Health Division: Annual Meetings: 1931-1957

5          Health Division: 25th Anniversary-annual meeting 1958

6          Health Division: Annual conference 1959

7          Health Division: Annual reports and correspondence 1933-1960

8          Health Division: Various committees: 1938-1946


Box 117

1          Health Division: Various committees: 1947-1957

2          Health Division: Various committees: 1957-1959

3          Health Division: Various committees: 1958-1961

4          Health Division: Various divisions 1959-1962

5          Health Division: Chronic illness 1947-1948

6          Health Division: Community Health Needs Committee 1941-1954


Box 118

1          Health Division: Cook County Department of Health: Advisory Committee 1940-1943

2          Health Division: Cook County Department of Health: Expansion of services 1948-1951

3          Health Div.: Cook Co. Dept. of Health: Expansion of services outside of Chicago 1950-1959

4          Health Div.: Cook County Department of Health: Health division committee on 1952-1961


Box 119

1          Health Division: Contagious disease: Ambulance service 1937-1939

2          Health Division: Contagious disease: Communicable disease control in schools 1941

3          Health Division: Contagious disease: Hospital service 1930-1936

4          Health Division: Convalescent care: Advisory Committee 1934-1935

5          Health Division: Convalescent care: Foster homes for children 1934-1935

6          Health Division: Convalescent care: Foster Homes Joint Cmte. on 1939-1941

7          Health Division: Convalescent care: Foster Home Proj. Advis. Cmte. min. 1938-1944

8          Health Division: Convalescent care: Joint Committee on 1947

9          Health Division: Convalescent care: Junior League of Chicago Project 1938-1944

10        Health Division: Convalescent care: Needs and standards 1952-1954

11        Health Division: Convalescent care: Standards 1937

12        Health Division: Convalescent and chronic care 1937-1942

13        Health Division: Dental health dental program 1935-1944

14        Health Division: Dental program: Committee on: 1946-1950


Box 120

1-2       Health Division: Dental program: Committee on: 1951-1958

3          Health Division: Dental program: Committee on: Minutes: 1940-1951

4          Health Division: Dental program: Committee on: Minutes: 1952-1960

5          Health Division: Dental program: Fluoridation of water supply 1942-1955

6          Health Division: Dental program: Fluoridation Chicago wide committee on: 1953-1954

7          Health Division: Dental prog.: Fluoridation Chicago wide cmte. on: Printed matl. 1950-1954

8          Health Division: Dental program: Pre-school dental care 1944-1947


Box 121

1-2       Health Division: Executive Committee: 1932-1950

3          Health Division: Executive Committee: 1951-1957

4          Health Division: Executive Committee: 1958

5          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1930-1931

6          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1933-1935

7          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1935-1939

8          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1940-1942


Box 122

1          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1942 Aug.-1945 June

2          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1945 Sept.-1947

3          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1948-1950

4          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1950 June-1952 May

5          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1952 Oct.-1953 May

6          Health Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1953 June-1957

7          Health Division: Financial problems of health agencies in Community Fund 1959


Box 123

1          Health Division: Health Services and Juvenile Delinquency-Committee on 1956-1957

2          Health Division: Health services for the pre-school child 1942-1959

3          Health Division: Health Services for the School Child Joint Committee on: 1951-1966

4          Health Division: Health Services for the School Child Joint Cmte. on: Minutes: 1947-1952

5          Health Division: Health Services for the School Child Joint Cmte. on: Minutes: 1953-1960

6          Health Division: Health Week and/or Health Fair 1957-1962

7          Health Div.: "Rpt. of the Maternal, Inf. and Presch. Chld. Hlth. Surv.," Pt. I & III June 1967


Box 124

1          Health Division: Heart disease 1960-1964

2          Health Division: Long Committee: Inquiries re: Policy of Private Patients 1959

3          Health Division: Long Committee: Newspaper clippings 1955-1958

4          Health Division: Long Cmte.: Selection of site for so. side unit of Cook Co. Hos. 1954-1955

5          Health Division: Long term care Joint committee on: 1959-1964

6          Health Division: Long term care Joint committee on: Minutes 1958-1963

7          Health Division: Maternity Center Study 1962

8          Health Division: Medically Indigent Committee: 1954-1959


Box 125

1          Health Division: Medically Indigent Committee: Minutes 1956-1960

2          Health Division: Medically Indigent Committee: Citizens Emergency Committee 1956-1957

3-4       Health Div.: Medically Indigent Cmte.: Hos. and Clinic Fac. for Committee on: 1952-1959

5          Health Div.: Medically Indigent Cmte.: Hos. and Clinic Fac. for Cmte. on: Min. 1951-1955

6          Health Division: Medically Indigent Committee: Committee reports: 1953-1957

7          Health Div.: Medically Indigent Committee: Committee reports: Comments on 1955-1958

8          Health Div.: Med. Indig. Cmte.: Cmte. rpt.: Cook Co. Hos. Citizen Adv. Cmte. 1957-1959


Box 126

1          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Cost data-Cook County Hospital 1954-1959

2          Health div.: Med. Indigent cmte.: Decentralization arguments for branch hospital 1954-1959

3          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Distribution of reports 1955-1959

4          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Emergency hospital 1954-1956

5          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Endorsement 1956-1958

6          Health div.: Med. Indig. cmte.: Hist., membership, purpose, original study plans 1953-1955

7          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Legal powers 1952-1956

8          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Medical staffing 1955-1957

9          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Newspaper publicity 1954-1957

10        Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Non-segregation question 1955

11        Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Plans, proposals 1954-1959


Box 127

1          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Promotion activities 1956-1957

2          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Purchase of hospital care 1954-1957

3          Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Speakers 1955-1957

4-5       Health division: Medically Indigent committee: Site selection evaluation 1956-1960

6          Health division: Miscellaneous healing methods 1942-1954

7          Health division: Occupational health 1959

8          Health division: Physically abused and neglected child 1965-1968

9          Health division: Polio 1955-1963

10        Health division: Pre-Natal Care Committee 1958-1960

11        Health division: School Health Services Community Resources Committee 1951-1953


Box 128

1          Health Education: 1933-1946

2          Health Education: 1947-1949

3          Health Education: Committee on: 1949-1953

4          Health Education: Committee on: Directory of Health Education Subcommittee 1944-1950

5          Health Education: Chicago Schools-School Health Program Subcommittee 1948-1952

6          Health Ed.: Comm. Councils and Health Education Agencies Joint Committee on 1951-1952

7          Health Education: Cook county Teachers' Workshop 1950-1951

8          Health Education: District Health Education Area Demonstration 1947-1949

9          Health Education: Follow-up Health Recommendations-Committee 1946-1948


Box 129

1          Health Education: Health education in Industry 1944-1953

2          Health Education: Hospitals and Clinics-Committee on 1949-1951

3          Health Education: Program Committee 1950-1952

4          Health Education: Radio Health Education Programs Subcommittee 1949-1951

5          Health survey: Chicago Cook County: Contributions 1946-1953

6          Health survey: Chicago Cook County: History, personnel, community Fund 1946-1948

7          Health survey: Chicago Cook County: Minutes and publicity 1946-1949

8          Health survey: Chicago Cook County: Releases 1947-1949


Box 130

1          Hlth. surv.: Chgo. Cook Co.: Follow up of Hlth. Surv. and Surv. Rpt. responses 1947-1959

2          Health survey: Chicago Cook County: Follow up of Health Survey 1947-1949

3          Hlth. surv.: Chgo. Cook Co.: Follow up of Health Survey District Health Centers 1948-1958

4          Hlth. surv.: Chgo. Cook Co.: Follow up of Health Survey Geriatrics Committee 1948-1958

5          Health survey: Chicago Cook County: Follow up of Health Survey Nutrition 1948-1959

6          Health surveys miscellaneous 1962, 1965


Box 131

1          Hospitals: 1954-1963

2          Hospitals: Printed materials 1961-1969

3          Hospitals: Cmte. on Extension of Community Fund Hospital and Clinic Program 1957-1960

4          Hospitals: Community Fund: Committee minutes 1943-1957


Box 132

1          Hospitals: Community Fund: Tables, formulas, charts 1948-1966

2          Hospitals: Emergency maternity care 1957-1964

3          Hospitals: Emergency services: 1956-1960

4          Hospitals: Emergency services: Minutes 1951-1955

5          Hospitals: Free care 1955-1966


Box 133

1          Hospitals: Hospital Accountants Club-minutes 1935-1939

2          Hospitals: Hospital costs 1958-1964

3          Hospitals: Maternity Bed Study: Advisory Committee: 1951-1956

4          Hospitals: Maternity Bed Study: Advisory Committee: Minutes 1951-1955

5          Hospitals: Maternity Bed Study: Technical Committee 1952-1954

6          Hospitals: Maternity Bed Study: Summary 1954-1955

7          Hospitals: Maternal Referral Program to voluntary Hospitals: 1957-1959

8          Hospitals: Maternal Referral Program to voluntary Hospitals: 1960-1964


Box 134

1          Hospitals: Pediatric Bed Study 1950-1957

2          Hospitals: Premature infants stations 1952-1953

3          Hospitals: Rates of payment 1937-1956

4          Hospitals: Studies 1935, 1947

5          Hospitals: Tri-Council 1944-1962


Box 135

1          Housing: 1929-1944

2          Housing: 1945-1947

3          Housing: 1948-1970


Box 136

1          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: 1968-1969

2          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory committee: Four subcommittees 1959-1962

3          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory committee: 1951-1956

4          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory committee: 1957-1959

5          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory committee: 1960-1968

6          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory committee: Minutes 1952-1961

7          Housing: Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory committee: Printed materials 1947-1966


Box 137

1          Housing: Fair Housing 1968

2          Housing: Mobile homes 1964

3          Housing: Printed materials 1941-1963

4          Housing: Public housing-printed materials 1961-1970

5          Housing: Rent problems and control 1947-1953


Box 138

1-3       Manpower Development and Training Act: Printed materials

4-5       Manpower Development and Training Act: Jobs Now Project-printed materials


Box 139

1          Medical care: 1947-1963

2          Medical care: Hospitals and clinics: Reimbursements for clinic care: 1947-1954

3          Medical care: Hospitals and clinics: Reimbursements for clinic care: Minutes 1947-1959

4          Medical care: Hospitals and clinics: Reimbursements for hospital care 1947-1962

5          Med. care: Hos. & clin.: Recon. of clinic visits; IL Dept. of Pub. Hlth. Wel. Cncl. 1955-1959

6          Medical relief 1937-1951

7          Medical Social Service: Committee on minutes: 1942-1950


Box 140

1          Medical Social Service: Committee on minutes: 1951-1953

2          Medical Social Service: Committee on minutes: 1954-1956

3          Medical Social Service: Committee on minutes: 1957-1962

4          Medical Social Service: Health survey 1946-1952

5          Medical Social Service: Health survey follow up activities of caseworkers study 1949-1950


Box 141

1          Membership: 1919-1933

2          Membership: 1934-1941

3          Membership: 1942-1947

4          Membership: Committee: 1918-1951

5          Membership: Committee: 1952-1959

6          Membership: Committee: 1960-1961


Box 142

1          Membership: Committee: 1966-1968

2          Membership: Committee: Minutes 1953-1959

3          Membership: Committee on Standards for Child Care Institutions 1964-1965

4          Membership: Committee on Welfare council Standards for the protective Field 1960-1961

5          Membership: Member agencies and classified lists 1934-1953

6          Membership: Review of member agencies 1932-1956

7          Membership Standards and Policy: 1936-1954

8          Membership Standards and Policy: 1954-1968


Box 143

1          Membership Standards: Cmte. on Agencies in the Rec. and Education Field 1951-1954

2          Membership Standards: Group work revision 1962

3          Membership Standards: Homes for the aged 1959-1961

4          Membership Standards: Long term care 1955-1958

5          Membership Standards: Public health nursing agencies 1954-1957


Box 144

1          Mental Health: State hospitals 1947-1966

2          Mental Health: Services project 1955-1957

3          Mental Health: Studies and printed material: 1932-1962

4          Mental Health: Studies and printed material: 1965-1969

5          Mental retardation 1963-1968


Box 145

1          Minorities: 1926-1930

2          Minorities: 1931

3          Minorities: 1932-1942

4          Minorities: 1943-1945 Sept.

5          Minorities: 1945 Oct.-Dec.

6          Minorities: 1946

7          Minorities: 1947-1950

8          Minorities: committees, conferences, etc.: 1942-1944 Mar.

9          Minorities: committees, conferences, etc.: 1944 Apr.-Dec.

10        Minorities: committees, conferences, etc.: 1945

11        Minorities: committees, conferences, etc.: 1946-1947

12        Minorities: committees, conferences, etc.: 1948

13        Minorities: committees, conferences, etc.: 1949-1951


Box 146

1          Minorities: American Indian Committee on 1949-1961

2          Minorities: Discrimination hospitals 1939-1965

3          Minorities: Facilities for African American children 1943-1954

4          Minorities: Institutional Care for Children Committee on: 1947-1958

5          Minorities: Institutional Care for Children Committee on: 1959-1963

6          Minorities: Institutional Care for Children Committee on: Minutes 1954-1961

7          Minorities: Institutional Care for Children Committee on: Printed materials 1959-1960


Box 147

1          Minorities: Institutional Care-Interracial Workshop 1958-1959

2          Minorities: Job discrimination 1955-1963

3          Minorities: Mayor's Committee on Race Relations-awards 1950-1965

4          Minorities: Mexican American interests 1945-1952

5          Minorities: Mexican Americans-Study of 1956-1957

6          Minorities: African American health problems 1939-1966

7          Minorities: African American clippings 1956-1968

8          Minorities: Prejudice 1946-1960

9          Minorities: Puerto Rican community 1962-1968

10        Minorities: Puerto Ricans study 1953

11        Minorities: Race relations 1968


Box 148

1          Minorities: Race relations white racism undated

2          Minorities: Race relat. as concerns the council in wel. Plan. with member agenc. 1945-1961

3          Minorities: Spanish speaking peoples Committee on 1951-1955

4          Minorities: Spanish speaking community 1967-1969

5          Minorities: Spanish speaking printed materials 1949-1960

6          Minorities: Urbanization of the African American 1961-1966

7          Minorities: Welfare Council Statement 1947, 1964


Box 149

1-2       Model cities program: Parts I and II


Box 150

1          Model cities program: Part III


Box 150a

1          New Tools for Administration of Children's Institutions, volume II an analysis of time, costs and operations: Allendale School for Boys; Andover Lutheran Home for Children; Angel Guardian Orphanage; Augustana Nursery; Brewer House

2          New Tools for Administration of Children's Institutions, volume II an analysis of time, costs and operations: Central Baptist Children's Home; Children Receiving Home; Edison Park Home; House of the Good Shepherd; Lawrence Hall/Randolph House

3          New Tools for Administration of Children's Institutions, volume II an analysis of time, costs and operations: Lutherbrook Children's Center; McCormick House; Mary Bartelme Home for Girls; Maryville Academy

4          New Tools for Administration of Children's Institutions, volume II an analysis of time, costs and operations: Nachusa Lutheran Home for Children; St. Joseph's Carondelet Child Center; St. Vincent's Infant Hospital


Box 151

1          Newcomers: 1950-1963

2          Newcomers: Appalachian study 1959-1965

3          Newcomers: Board Committee 1956-1958

4          Newcomers: Chicago Commission on Human relations: 1957-1960

5-6       Newcomers: Chicago Commission on Human relations: Minutes 1957-1960


Box 152

1          Newcomers: Committee on Subcommittee on Cultural Institute 1957-1964

2          Newcomers: Cuban refugees 1961

3          Newcomers: Mayor's committee on Subcommittee on Community Services 1956

4          Newcomers: Programs 1956-1958

5          Newcomers: Puerto Rican Americans 1960

6          Newcomers: Study 1958

7          Newcomers: Task-force 1956-1958


Box 152a

1          Newcomers: Cooperative community project 1954 (4 vols.)


Box 153

1          Newsletter: 1930 Nov.-1931 Dec.

2          Newsletter: 1932

3          Newsletter: 1933

4          Newsletter: 1934 Jan.-Oct.

5          Newsletter: 1934 Nov.-1935 Apr.


Box 154

1          Newsletter: 1935 May-1936 Feb.

2          Newsletter: 1936 Mar.-Dec.

3          Newsletter: 1937 Jan.-Aug.

4          Newsletter: 1937 Oct.-1938 Feb.

5          Newsletter: 1938 Mar.-Dec.

6          Newsletter: 1939


Box 155

1          Newsletter: 1940-1942

2          Newsletter: 1943-1945

3          Newsletter: 1946-1948


Box 155A

1          Newsletters other agencies: American Association of Retired Persons News Bulletin

2          Newsletters other agencies: Child Care Association of Illinois Newsletter

3          Newsletters other agencies: Chronic Illness Newsletter (AMA)

4          Newsletters other agencies: Citizen Planning

5          Newsltrs. other agencies: Bulletin of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehab. Facilities

6          Newsletters other agencies: The Correctional Trainer

7          Newsletters other agencies: Counseletter (Illinois Association for the mentally Retarded)

8          Newsletters other agencies: Ford Foundation Letter

9          Newsletters other agencies: Illinois Association for Mental Health Newsletter

10        Newsletters other agencies: Illinois Chapter and Verse (American Institute of Planners)

11        Newsletters other agencies: Illinois Chapter News-the Arthritis Foundation

12        Newsletters other agencies: Illinois Church Councilor

13        Newsletters other agencies: Illinois Interagency Council on Smoking and disease 1969-1970

14        Newsletters other agencies: Illinois Welfare News

15        Newsletters other agencies: Left/Right Digest (The American Jewish committee)

16        Newsletters other agencies: Letter (the Conservation Foundation)


Box 155B

1          Newsletters other agencies: The Light (Illinois Nursing Home Association)

2          Newsletters other agencies: Lutheran Welfare News (Lutheran Welfare Services of Illinois)

3          Newsletters other agencies: National Association of Social Workers News

4          Newsletters other agencies: NCI Newsletter (National Council on Illegitimacy)

5          Newsletters other agencies: NCCD News (Natl. Cncl. on Crime and Dlnqncy.) 1965-1970

6          Newsletters other agencies: National Council for Homemaker Services, Inc. News

7          Newsletters other agencies: NCOA Journal (National Council on the Aging)

8          Newsletters other agencies: Negro Heritage

9          Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1970

10        Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1969


Box 155C

1          Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1968

2          Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1967

3          Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1966

4          Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1965

5          Newsletters other agencies: News and Views (Illinois Commission of Children): 1963-1964

6          Newsletters other agencies: News from NACD (Natl. Assn. for Community Development)

7          Newsletters other agencies: The Peoria Fluoroscope

8          Newsletters other agencies: Performance

9          Newsletters other agencies: Personnel Information (NASW) 1966-1969

10        Newsletters other agencies: Perspectives in Long-Term Care

11        Newsletters other agencies: Plum Grove Newsletter

12        Newsletters other agencies: Rehabilitation Interagency Focus: 1970

13        Newsletters other agencies: Rehabilitation Interagency Focus: 1969


Box 155D

1          Newsletters other agencies: Rehabilitation Interagency Focus: 1968

2          Newsletters other agencies: Rehabilitation Interagency Focus: 1967

3          Newsletters other agencies: Rehabilitation & Health 1967-1969

4          Newsletters other agencies: Social Health News

5          Newsletters other agencies: Survey Research

6          Newsletters other agencies: UHF Reports

7          Newsltrs. other agncs.: Voice for Children (Day Care and Child Devlpmt. Cncl. of America)

8          Newsletters other agencies: Volunteer Views

9          Newsletters other agencies: Washington Bulletin

10        Newsletters other agencies: Washington Report

11        Newsletters other agencies: Your Family (Association for Family Living)

12        Newsletters other agencies: Youth and Work 1965-1967

13        Newsletters other agencies: Youth Board News


Shelf    Newspaper clippings (scrapbooks): 1963

Shelf    Newspaper clippings (scrapbooks): 1964

Shelf    Newspaper clippings (scrapbooks): January-October 1965


Box 156

1          Nursery: 1956-1957

2          Nursery: Committee on: 1956-1962

3          Nursery: Committee on: Minutes 1956-1961

4          Nursery: Committee on: Manual 1958

5          Nursery: Committee on: Subcommittee on Training Program for Lucy Flower 1958-1960

6          Nursery: History and definition 1929-1939

7          Nursery: Licensing 1958

8          Nursery: Salaries and Personnel Practices-Committee on 1955-1962

9          Nursery: Standards 1957-1958

10        Nursery: Day: 1942-1969


Box 157

1          Nursery: Day: Committee on: 1940-1955

2          Nursery: Day: Committee on: Minutes: 1947-1950

3          Nursery: Day: Committee on: Minutes: 1951-1955

4          Nursery: Day: Committee to Expand Services: 1960-1963

5          Nursery: Day: Committee to Expand Services: Minutes 1960-1962

6          Nursery: Day: Community Fund Recommendations, Subcommittee on 1955-1956

7          Nursery: Day: Counseling, Committee on 1948-1951

8          Nursery: Day: Nursery Fees Study 1947-1951

9          Nursery: Day: Nursery public assistance fees 1962-1966


Box 158

1          Nursery: Day: Project with Elizabeth McCormick Memorial fund-workshop 1953-1954

2          Nursery: Day: Various committees 1938-1942

3          Nursery: Day: Volunteer training course 1950-1959

4          Nursery: Day: Workshops 1947-1956

5          Nursery: Day care needs 1962-1968

6-7       Nursery: Day care planning Planning and Research Division: Printed materials


Box 159

1          Nursery: Day care planning Planning and Research Division: Printed materials

2          Nursery: Day care Project 1965-1966

3          Nursery school: 1919-1930

4          Nursery school: 1931-1937

5          Nursery school: 1930


Box 160

1          Nursery school: 1939-1940

2          Nursery school: 1941-1942

3          Nursery school: 1943-1944 Mar.

4          Nursery school: 1944 Apr.-1945

5          Nursery school: 1946-1955

6          Nursing: 1966-1968

7          Nursing: Inter-Agency Nursing Referral System-Committee on 1951-1958


Box 161

1          Nursing: Orientation Program for Nursing Personnel 1950-1951

2          Nursing: Practical nursing 1958-1962

3          Nursing: Public health nursing 1948-1966

4          Nutrition: 1934-1944 July

5          Nutrition: 1944 Aug.-1951

6          Nutrition: Advisory Committee-Nutrition Programs in Community Fund 1941-1956

7          Nutrition: Conference of Clinic Nutritionists Institute: Minutes 1942-1950

8          Nutrition: Conference of Clinic Nutritionists Institute: 1945-1956


Box 162

1          Nutrition: Conference of Clinic Nutritionists Institute: Minutes 1953-1956

2          Nutrition: Conference of Clinic Nutritionists Institute: Low cost therapeutic diets 1941-1953

3          Personnel Practices: Committee on: 1939-1957

4          Personnel Practices: Committee on: 1958-1966

5-6       Personnel Practices: Committee on: Background material 1947-1957


Box 163

1          Personnel Practices: Committee on: Minutes: 1937-1943

2          Personnel Practices: Committee on: Minutes: 1948-1957

3          Personnel Practices: Committee on: Minutes: 1958-1966

4          Personnel Practices: Clerical staff-minutes: 1938-1945

5          Personnel Practices: Clerical staff-minutes: 1946-1950

6          Personnel Practices: Family welfare salaries

7          Personnel Practices: Group work salaries 1937-1950

8          Personnel Practices: Job analysis 1938-1939

9          Personnel Practices: Job descriptions-professional staff 1950-1964


Box 164

1          Personnel Practices: Personnel survey of Chicago agencies 1943

2          Personnel Practices: Policies Manual 1970

3          Personnel Practices: Salaries: 1932-1946

4          Personnel Practices: Salaries: 1948-1949

5          Personnel Practices: Salaries: 1950, 1969

6          Personnel Practices: Salary study of Chicago agencies 1945

7          Personnel Practices: Salary study of Welfare Council 1947

8          Personnel Practices: Salary survey-Welfare Council 1951-1952

9          Personnel Practices: Staff meetings-joint executive and clerical staffs 1941-1950

10        Personnel Practices: Unions 1937-1951


Box 165

1          Planning and Research Division-project planning: 1946-1960

2          Planning and Research Division-project planning: 1961-1964

3          Planning and Research Division-project planning: 1970

4          Protective agencies: 1923-1931 Aug.

5          Protective agencies: 1931 Sept.-1932

6          Protective agencies: 1933

7          Protective agencies: 1934-1935


Box 166

1          Protective agencies: 1936-1937 Apr.

2          Protective agencies: 1937

3          Protective agencies: 1938

4          Protective agencies: 1939

5          Protective agencies: 1940-1941

6          Protective agencies: 1942-1949


Box 167

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1918-1923 Apr.

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1933 May-1936

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1937

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1938


Box 168

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1939-1940 May

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1940 June-Dec.

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1941 Jan.-Oct.

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1941 Nov.-1942

5          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1943-1944 June


Box 169

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1944 July-1945 May

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1945 June-1946 May

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1946 June-Dec.

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1947 Jan.-June

5          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1947 July-Dec.


Box 170

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1948: Jan.-Mar.

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1948: Apr.-Aug.

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1948: Sept.-Dec.

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1949 Jan.-May

5          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1949 June-1962


Box 170a

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1949-1960

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Annual Reports 1948-1956


Box 171

1-2       Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1950-1956

3-4       Recreation and Informal Education Division: 1957-1959

5          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Printed material: 1933-1946

6          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Printed material: 1933-1956

7          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Adult Education Committee on 1959


Box 172

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Cal-Sag area 1957

2          Rec. and Informal Education Division: Citizenship Youth and Government: 1941-1952

3          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Citizenship Youth and Gov't: Planning Committee on 1959

4          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Citizenship Youth and Government: Study group 1946-1952

5          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Community Area #28 1957

6          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Council on Older Adults 1953

7          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Education for Senior Citizens: 1955-1957

8          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Education for Senior Citizens: 1957-1958

9          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Executive Committee: 1950-1951

10        Recreation and Informal Education Division: Executive Committee: 1952-1959

11        Recreation and Informal Education Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1950-1953


Box 173

1          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1953-1956

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Executive Committee: Minutes: 1957-1959

3          Rec. and Informal Education Division: Extension of Services committee on 1950-1954

4          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Extension of Services committee on Minutes 1951-1954

5          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Extension of Services committee on Minutes 1955-1956

6          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Ext. of Srvcs. cmte. on Subcmte. on Plan. for Srvcs.: 1956-1959


Box 174

1-2       Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Ext. of Srvcs. cmte. on Subcmte. on Plan. for Srvcs.: 1958-1959

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Financing Problems Committee on 1958-1960

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Health Services Committee 1937-1950

5          Rec. and Informal Education Division: Leadership: Board Members committee 1937-1950

6          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Leadership: Cmte. on Prof. and Vol. Leadership: 1934-1942

7          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Leadership: Cmte. on Prof. and Vol. Leadership: 1943-1949


Box 175

1          Rec. and Informal Education Division: Leisure Time Agency Profile Forum 1959-1962

2          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Officers and staff correspondence 1944-1964

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Orientation: New executives 1959-1962

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Orientation: New workers 1957-1961

5          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Personnel Prof. Development Committee: Minutes: 1951-1956

6          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Personnel Prof. Development Committee: Minutes: 1956-1968

7          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Pers. Prof. Dev't Cmte.: Subcmte. on Pers. Practices 1957-1958

8          Rec. and Informal Education Division: Planning Long Range Committee on 1957-1959

9-10     Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Plan. for Srvcs. Cmte.: Correspondence of agencies: 1958-1963


Box 176

1          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Plan. for Srvcs. Cmte.: Corresp. of agencies: 1957-1966: A-Ca

2-3       Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Plan. for Srvcs. Cmte.: Corresp. of agencies: 1957-1966: D-H

4          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Plan. for Srvcs. Cmte.: Corresp. of agencies: 1957-1966: I-N

5          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Plan. for Srvcs. Cmte.: Corresp. of agencies: 1957-1966: O-Q

5          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Plan. for Srvcs. Cmte.: Corresp. of agencies: 1957-1966: Y-Z


Box 177

1          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Planning for Services Committee: Minutes: 1956-1958

2          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Planning for Services Committee: Minutes: 1959-1961

3          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Public Agency Committee 1959-1961

4          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Recreation and Group Services: 1956-1958

5-6       Recreation and Informal Education Division: Recreation and Group Services: 1961-1966

7          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Senior Citizens: Committee on Recreation for: 1951-1954


Box 178

1          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Senior Citizens: Committee on Recreation for: 1954-1960

2          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Senior Citizens: Cmte. on Recreation for: Minutes 1956-1961

3          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Senior Citizens: Picnic 1953-1958

4          Rec. and Informal Ed. Div.: Senior Citizens: Pre-Retirement Ed., Subcmte. on 1959-1960

5          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Staff meeting minutes 1956-1960

6-7       Recreation and Informal Education Division: Staff reports 1948-1952

8          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Teamwork in the Inner City-Committee on 1952-1956

9          Recreation and Informal Education Division: Training Subcommittee 1961


Box 179

1          Rec. and Informal Ed. Division: Volunteer Service in Recreational Agencies 1954-1957

2          Rec. and Informal Education Division: Working with Older People Institute 1956-1957

3          Relief: Board of Directors Committee on 1939-1940

4          Relief: Costs 1936-1954

5          Relief: Crises: 1931-1934, 1937-1940

6          Relief: Crises: 1936-1937

7          Relief: Crises: 1949-1950

8          Relief: Crises: 1950-1955


Box 180

1-2       Relief: Crises: 1956-1962

3          Relief: Crises: "Hold the Home Line" 1918

4          Relief: Crises: Residence Law-Three Years 1939-1940

5          Relief: Crises: Studies 1929-1932

6          Relief: Crises: U. N. Relief and Rehabilitation-food for Famine Stricken Europe 1945-1946

7-8       Reports: Annual: Speeches made at Annual Meetings by Dir. and Assoc. Dir. 1919-1950

9          Reports: Annual: Community Referral Service 1946, 1958


Box 181

1          Reports: Annual: Education and Recreation Division 1950-1958

2          Reports: Annual: Employment and guidance Division 1936, 1940

3          Reports: Annual: Family and child Welfare Division: 1930-1941

4          Reports: Annual: Family and child Welfare Division: 1942-1950

5          Reports: Annual: Health Division: 1933-1941

6          Reports: Annual: Health Division: 1941-1949


Box 182

1          Reports: Annual: Health Division: 1949-1965

2          Reports: Annual: Statistics Research Division 1928-1943

3          Reports: Annual: Volunteer Bureau 1942-1945, 1957

4          Reports: Monthly-staff instructions, etc. 1948-1958

5          Reports: Social Service Exchange 1949-1958

6          Research Department: 1935-1962

7          Research Department: 1966-1967

8          Research Department: Advisory Committee 1931-1944

9          Research Department: Advisory Committee 1943-1964


Box 183

1          Research Department: Advisory Committee Minutes: 1932-1940

2          Research Department: Advisory Committee Minutes: 1941-1949

3          Research Department: Advisory Committee Minutes: 1950

4-5       Research Department: Advisory Committee Minutes: 1939-1962

6          Research Department: Committee on Studies Subcommittee 1940-1951


Box 184

1-2       Research Department: Community Chests and Councils 1949-1957

3          Research Department: Various subcommittees 1949-1958

4          Research Department: Publications Subcommittee: 1942-1953

5          Research Department: Publications Subcommittee: 1942-1956

6          Research Department: Role of Research Subcommittee: 1957-1960

7          Research Department: Role of Research Subcommittee: Other cities 1958-1959


Box 185

1-2       Reviewing Committee: Public Agency Review: 1949-1961

3          Reviewing Committee: Public Agency Review: Family and child Welfare fields 1950-1953

4          Reviewing Committee: Public Agency Review: Health field 1952-1958

5          Reviewing Committee: Welfare Council 1951-1957

6-7       Reviewing Committee: Welfare Council and Chicago Urban League: 1958

8          Reviewing Committee: Welfare Council and Chicago Urban League: 1959


Box 186

1          Reviewing Committee: Welfare Council and Chicago Urban League: 1960

2-3       Reviewing Committee: Welfare Council and Chicago Urban League: 1961

4          Reviewing Committee: Welfare Council and Chicago Urban League: 1962

5          Reviewing Cmte.: Welfare Council, Chicago Urban League and Church Federation 1961

6          Reviewing Committee: General: 1961


Box 187

1          Reviewing Committee: General: 1963

2          Reviewing Committee: General: 1964

3          San Francisco, California miscellaneous

4          Schools: Field work training: 1942-1957

5          Schools: Field work training: 1952-1954

6          Schools: Field work training: 1958-1964

7          Schools: Field work training: Area Welfare Planning: 1949-1955

8          Schools: Field work training: Area Welfare Planning: 1956-1957

9          Schools: Field work training: Family and Child Welfare 1947-1955

10        Schools: Field work training: Health 1958-1963

11        Schools: Field work training: Research Department


Box 188

1          Schools: Printed materials 1963, 1965

2          Schools: Schools and scholarships: 1957-1963

3          Schools: Schools and scholarships: committee on Scholarships 1943-1956


Box 189

1-6       Skid Row "Homeless Man on Skid Row" project materials 1959-1960


Box 190

1          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: Legislative workshop 1957

2          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: General Assembly 1958-1961

3          Social leg.: Activities of Welfare Council: Illinois Mental Health Hospital Bond Issue 1960

4          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: Legislative committee 1962-1963

5          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: Meeting 1962 June 8

6          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: Meeting 1963 Apr. 18

7          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: General 1962-1963

8          Social legislation: Activities of Welfare Council: General 1964-1965


Box 191

1          Social legislation: American Public Welfare Association 1964-1968

2          Social legislation: Child Welfare: 1951-1956

3          Social legislation: Child Welfare: Day care 1947-1950

4          Social legislation: Child Welfare: Illinois Committee on: 1946-1948

5          Social legislation: Child Welfare: Illinois Committee on: 1958-1970

6          Social leg.: Child Welfare: State Child Welfare Act of 1954-Committee on 1953-1958

7          Social legislation: Committee on: Minutes 1923-1933

8          Social legislation: Committee on: 1944-1956

9          Social legislation: Committee on: 1957-1959


Box 192

1          Social legislation: Committee on: 1960-1961

2          Social legislation: Committee on: Minutes 1944-1957

3          Social legislation: Committee on: Minutes 1958-1963

4          Social legislation: Convention Hall site opposition 1955-1958

5          Social legislation: Delegate conferences 1937-1950

6          Social legislation: Education and Recreation Division-Committee on 1953-1954

7          Social legislation: Fair Employment Practices Act 1961-1962

8          Social legislation: Federal Day Care Legislation 1962

9          Social legislation: Health legislation: 1946-1957


Box 193

1          Social legislation: Health legislation: Committee on 1944-1955

2          Social legislation: Hospitals 1947-1958

3          Social legislation: House bills 1959-1962

4          Social legislation: Housing 1943-1956

5          Social legislation: Illinois: 1955-1961

6          Social legislation: Illinois: 1962-1969

7          Social legislation: Illinois General Assembly 1963-1968


Box 194

1          Social legislation: Illinois: Education of the handicapped-laws 1960-1964

2          Social legislation: Illinois: Family Court material 1959-1961

3          Social legislation: Juvenile delinquency 1955

4          Social legislation: labor: Joint committee on 1950-1951

5          Social legislation: labor: Women and child labor laws 1950-1953

6          Social legislation: Legal registration of social workers 1957-1960

7          Social legislation: Legislative policies of the Council 1928-1954


Box 195

1          Social legislation: Medical care for the aged 1961-1965

2          Social legislation: News and newspapers 1968-1969

3          Social legislation: Position papers 1960-1963

4          Social legislation: Principles approved 1937-1948

5          Social legislation: Public assistance and/or relief crisis 1958-1963


Box 196

1          Social legislation: Public Assistance: Board Committee on 1958-1961

2          Social legislation: Public Assistance: Aid to Dependent Children 1957-1960

3          Social legislation: Residence laws: 1955-1957

4          Social legislation: Residence laws: 1958-1964

5          Social legislation: Residence laws: Printed materials 1949-1960

6          Social legislation: Robinson Commission 1957-1958

7          Social legislation: Senate bills 1962-1963


Box 197

1-2       Social legislation: Social Security Act 1960-1967

3          Social legislation: Social Security-Report on programs throughout the world 1964

4          Social legislation: Workmen's compensation Act 1948-1965


Box 198

1          Social legislation: Youth Conservation Corps 1959-1963

2          Social legislation: Youth Employment Act 1963-1964

3          Social planning: Physical-social planning: 1963-1966

4          Social planning: Physical-social planning: Minutes 1964

5          Social planning: Physical-social planning: Printed materials 1963-1966

6          Social planning: Social welfare planning: 1962-1965

7          Social planning: Social welfare planning: Printed material 1961-1964


Box 199

1-2       Study of Hull House work Kamp: 1968


Box 200

1-2       Study of Hull House work Kamp: 1968


Box 201

1          Studies: Chicago Urban League 1954-1955

2          Studies: Outlines, procedures, etc. 1936-1941

3          Suburban Agencies Committee on: 1947-1962

4          Suburban Agencies Committee on: Minutes: 1946-1957

5          Suburban Agencies Committee on: Minutes: 1958-1961


Box 202

1          Survey of Fields 1954-1963

2          Survey of the field: Aged 1944-1962

3          Survey of the field: Child Welfare 1943-1961

4          Survey of the field: Community Organization 1954-1962

5-6       Survey of the field: Education and Recreation 1943-1962

7          Survey of the field: Family Welfare 1944-1962


Box 203

1-2       Survey of the field: Health: 1944-1956

3          Survey of the field: Health: 1957-1962

4          Survey of the field: Nursery 1944-1961

5          Survey of the field: Protective Services 1945-1962

6          Survey of the field: Socio-Economic Data 1952-1957

7          Survey of the field: Specialized Services 1955-1959

8          Survey of the field: Vocational rehabilitation and guidance 1944-1962


Box 204

1          Transients: 1922-1933 Feb.

2          Transients: 1933 Mar.-1934

3          Transients: 1935-1936

4          Transients: 1937-1946

5          Transients: 1947-1949

6          Transients: Unattached Man: Committee on 1949-1955

7          Transients: Unattached Man: Mayor's Committee on 1949-1957


Box 205

1          Unmarried mothers: Advisory Committee: 1950-1958

2-3       Unmarried mothers: Advisory Committee: Study of 1952 1952-1960

4          Unmarried mothers: Committee on Services 1957-1964

5          Unmarried mothers: Committee on National Conference 1957-1962

6          Unmarried mothers: Studies: 1935


Box 206

1          Unmarried mothers: Studies: 1939, 1941

2-5       Unmarried mothers: Resource material


Box 207

1          Unmarried parenthood: 1916-1929

2          Unmarried parenthood: 1930-1931

3          Unmarried parenthood: 1932-1934

4          Unmarried parenthood: 1935-1936

5          Unmarried parenthood: 1937

6          Unmarried parenthood: 1938


Box 208

1-2       Unmarried parenthood: 1939

3          Unmarried parenthood: 1940

4          Unmarried parenthood: 1941

5          Unmarried parenthood: 1942

6          Unmarried parenthood: 1843


Box 209

1          Unmarried parenthood: 1944-1951

2-3       Unmarried parenthood: Printed materials and reports

4          Unmarried parenthood: Committee on 1943-1952

5-6       Unmarried parenthood: Institutes 1940-1951


Box 210

1          Unmarried parenthood: Lillian ripple Study

2          Unmarried parenthood: Minutes problems related to: 1942-1950

3          Unmarried parenthood: Minutes problems related to: 1950-1955

4          Unmarried parenthood: National Association 1944-1963

5          Unmarried parenthood: Problems relating to maternity homes 1945-1952

6          Unmarried parenthood: Revision of the Bastardy Act-Committee on 1948-1957


Box 211

1          Unmet needs: 1941-1961

2          Unmet needs: 1960

3          Unmet needs: 1964-1965

4          Unmet needs: Statements on 1942-1951

5          Unmet needs: Aged 1952-1961

6          Unmet needs: child care 1952-1961

7          Unmet needs: Day care 1952-1958

8          Unmet needs: Employment and guidance 1953-1962


Box 212

1          Unmet needs: Family and child welfare: 1944-1956

2          Unmet needs: Family and child welfare: 1953-1961

3          Unmet needs: Group work 1956-1959

4          Unmet needs: Health 1948-1961

5          Unmet needs: Protective 1953-1961

6          Unmet needs: Recreation and informal education 1950-1959

7          War on Poverty: 1963-1965

8          War on Poverty: Newspaper clippings 1964-1965


Box 213

1-2       War on Poverty: Poor Corps 1964-1965

3-4       War on Poverty: Staff Task Group: 1964-1965

5          War on Poverty: Staff Task Group: 1966-1967

6          War on Poverty: North Cook County 1965-1967

7          War on Poverty: West Cook County 1965-1966


Box 214

1-4       War on Poverty: Printed materials


Box 215

1-2       War on Poverty: Printed materials


Box 216

1-2       War on Poverty: Printed materials


Box 217

1-5       Youth: Printed materials


Box 217a

1          Youth: Camp directories: 1920-1936

2          Youth: Camp directories: 1941-1947


Box 218

1          Youth: Committees on 1940-1947

2          Youth: Fraternities and sororities 1963

3          Youth: Hyde Park Youth Project: 1951-1954

4          Youth: Hyde Park Youth Project: 1955-1956

5          Youth: Hyde Park Youth Project: 1957-1961

6          Youth: Hyde Park Youth Project: Printed material


Box 219

1          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1963-1968

2          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1963

3          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1965

4          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1966

5          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1967

6          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1968


Box 220

1          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: 1968-1969

2          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Minutes

3          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Community Development 1963

4          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Executive Committee 1963-1965


Box 221

1          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Health and Housing Committee 1963

2          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Leisure time 1965-1966

3          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: North Lawndale 1963-1964

4          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Personnel Committee 1965-1966

5          Youth: Joint Youth Dev't Committee: Plan of casework and counseling services 1963-1964

6          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Planning grant 1961-1962

7          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Recreation program 1963

8          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Research data 1963

9          Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Study

10        Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Technical Advisory Committee 1962-1963


Box 222

1-5       Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Printed materials


Box 223

1-3       Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Printed materials


Box 224

1-2       Youth: Joint Youth Development Committee: Printed materials


Box 225

1          Youth: Youth Services Committee: 1952-1955

2-3       Youth: Youth Services Committee: 1958-1960

4          Youth: Youth Services Committee: 1961

5          Youth: Youth Services Committee: 1962

6-7       Youth: Youth Services Committee: 1963


Box 226

1-2       Youth: Youth Services: Committee on Youth, Education and Occupation: 1961

3-4       Youth: Youth Services: Committee on Youth, Education and Occupation: 1962

5-6       Youth: Youth Srvcs.: Resp. to inquiries re: Info. for Dist. 11 School agency directory 1965


Box 227

1          Youth: Youth Welfare Services: Printed materials 1960-1967

2          Youth: Youth Welfare Services: Chicago Youth Centers: Clovers 1957-1958

3          Youth: Youth Welfare Services: Chicago Youth Centers: Egyptian Cobras 1958

4-6       Youth: Youth Wel. Srvcs.: Chicago Youth Centers: Hard-to-Reach Youth project 1957-1959


Box 227a

1          Youth: Youth Welfare Services: Chicago Youth Centers: Imperial Chaplins 1958

2          Youth: Youth Welfare Services: Youth studies 1959-1960

3          Youth: Interviews and essays connected with Englewood gangs 1967


Box 228

1          Agency and Community Services Division 1966-1967

2          Alcoholism: Miscellaneous 1959-1969

3          Alcoholism: Technical Assistance project 1962-1967

4          Ambulance service emergency: 1939-1952

5          Ambulance service emergency: 1953-1964

6          Biographies: Abbott, Grace and Edith

7          Biographies: Bowen, Louise de Koven

8          Biographies: Miscellaneous: A-H


Box 229

1          Biographies: Miscellaneous: I-Z

2          Birth control 1960-1964

3          Budgets and budgeting 1956-1969

4          Camping-day camp 1962-1964

5          Casework 1946-1961

6          "Charity Visitor" 1922-1933

7          Chicago Standard Budget 1920-1958

8          Church and social work Committee on 1929-1950


Box 230

1          Citizenship and naturalization 1922-1933

2          Community Referral Service: 1946-1959

3          Community Referral Service: Service reports 1945-1946

4          Community Referral Service: Veteran Information Center project 1944-1946

5          Corporations-chartering and licensing of non-profit organizations 1939-1947

6          Counseling service 1945-1949

7          Credit problems-fair Credit Practices 1960-1966

8          Education-printed materials 1961-1969


Box 231

1          Fee charging 1949-1967

2          International relations-foreign visitors 1954-1968

3          Labor in our Community: AFL Edition 1947-1953; Railroad Labor Edition 1947-1949

4          Labor in our Community: CIO Edition 1947-1960

5          Memorials: Miscellaneous: A-L

6          Memorials: Miscellaneous: M-Z

7          Memorials: McCausland, Woods 1965-1966

8          Memorials: Underwood, Thomas I 1957-1962


Box 232

1          Mobilizaton-Mobilization Committee 1951-1952

2          Narcotics 1951-1969

3          National Defense: 1938-1941

4          National Defense: January-September 1942

5          National Defense: October 1942-1961

6          National Recovery Administration Code Committee 1933

7          Pension Fund Annual Report 1969

8          Publications Clerical Courier 1968

9          Recruitment Program Careers in Social Work-Advisory Committee 1958-1966


Box 233

1          Residence Clubs Section 1936-1956

2          Residence Clubs, Committee on Minutes 1924-1939

3          Residence Clubs, Committee on Minutes 1940-1951

4          Residence Clubs, Committee on Minutes 1952-1956

5          Shelter Service: 1932

6          Shelter Service: 1932-1938

7          Social Service Directory Committee on minutes 1925-1946


Box 234

1          Social Service Exchange: Advisory Committee: 1944-1950

2          Social Service Exchange: Advisory Committee: 1951-1955

3          Social Service Exchange: Advisory Committee: Minutes 1950-1955

4          Social-church-"Frontiers of Morality" 1966

5          Social work services in Chicago schools 1951-1957

6          Social work thesis-list of student theses

7          Social Workers Country Club: 1929-1947

8          Social Workers Country Club: Committee on minutes 1933-1946

9          Social workers in the health field 1963-1965

10        Tag days 1935-1963


Box 235

1          Tuberculosis: 1950-1965

2          Tuberculosis: Printed materials 1949-1965

3          Tuberculosis: Committee on Casefinding Program 1945-1952

4          Tuberculosis: Mayor's Committee on 1952-1961

5          Venereal disease: Committee on: 1937-1946

6          Venereal disease: Committee on: 1947-1948

7          Venereal disease: Printed materials 1959-1965


Box 236

1          Various studies and committees 1929-1943

2          Volunteer Bureau: Advisory Committee 1948-1953

3          Volunteer Bureau: Child care aide training course manual and newsclippings 1948-1956

4          Volunteer Bureau: Christmas material 1942-1955

5          Volunteer Bureau: Committee on Volunteer Service 1919-1940

6          Volunteer Bureau: Day camp volunteers 1948-1951

7          Volunteer Bureau: Friendly visiting material 1951-1958

8          Volunteer Bureau: "Help Wanted" 1953-1954


Box 237

1          Volunteer Bureau: Hospital aides 1943-1957

2          Volunteer Bureau: Hospital volunteers recognition for 1948-1956

3          Volunteer Bureau: Infant Welfare aides

4          Volunteer Bureau: Miscellaneous clippings, etc. 1942-1956

5          Volunteer Bureau: Publicity samples of all fields 1937-1957


Box 238

1          Volunteer Bureau: Staff reports 1949-1959

2          Volunteer Bureau: Traveler's Aid Society 1948-1957

3          Volunteer-of-the Year: 1949-1954

4          Volunteer-of-the Year: 1955-1956


Box 239

1          Volunteers of America: 1926-1961

2          Volunteers of America: 1962-1967

3          Volunteers of America: Advisory Board

4          Volunteers of America: Membership

5          Works Progress Administration Council Cooperation 1934-1942

6          U.S. Dept. of Labor Children's Bureau: Instructions to local supervisors

7          U.S. Dept. of Labor Children's Bureau: Monthly reports

8          U.S. D. L. C. B.: A Tentative Plan for Statistics in the Field of Medical Social Service 1932


[No Boxes 240, 241]


Series 2. Member Agency Files, Part 1, 1922-1970 (Boxes 242-429)

Box 242

1          Abraham Lincoln Center: 1935-1961

2          Abraham Lincoln Center: 1962-1966

3          Abraham Lincoln Center: 1963-1965

4          Abraham Lincoln Center: Self study 1965-1966

6          Abraham Lincoln Center: Background information

6          Abraham Lincoln Center: Community Fund 1965

7          Abraham Lincoln Center: Agency self study

8          Abraham Lincoln Center: Self study-program, personnel, minutes


Box 243

1          Academy of Child Studies 1950

2          Ada S. McKinley Community Services: 1948-1957

3          Ada S. McKinley Community Services: 1958-1966


Box 244

1          Addicts Research Foundation 1957

2          Addison Area Community Council 1959-1962

3          The Admiral (Old People's Home of Chicago) 1922-1969

4          Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago: 1936-1968: 1936-1968

5          Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago: 1936-1968: Service reports 1950-1952

6          Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago: 1936-1968: Reports and printed material 1961

7          African Orthodox church 1960

8          Aid to Alcoholics: 1966-1968

9          Aid to Alcoholics: Membership

10        Aiken Institute

11        Albany Park Community Council 1956-1963

12-13   Alexian Brothers Hospital

14        Allendale School for Boys: 1932-1959

15        Allendale School for Boys: 1963-1967

16        Allendale School for Boys: 1953

17        Altgeld Gardens: 1947-1959

18        Altgeld Gardens: Ambulance service-medical service 1954-1960


Box 245

1          Altgeld-Murray community Council 1959-1961

2          Altgeld Nursery School 1946-1965

3          American Academy of Pediatrics-Illinois Study of Child Health Services 1946-1970

4          American Association of Homes for the Aging: 1960-1970

5          American Association of Homes for the Aging: Printed material

6          American Boys' Commonwealth: 1949-1956

7          American Boys' Commonwealth: Committee on Minorities 1949-1950

8          American Boys' Commonwealth: Service Reports 1954-1955

9          American Camping Association Chicago Chapter: 1955-1966

10        American Camping Association Chicago Chapter: 1958-1966

11        American Camping Association Chicago Chapter: 1961-1969


Box 246

1          American Cancer Society Illinois Division: 1945-1958

2          American Cancer Society Illinois Division: 1959-1968

3          American Christian Aiders for Progress 1962

4          American Foundation for Protective Medical Identification 1960

5          American Council to Improve Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) 1955-1965

6          American Friends Service Committee: 1954-1969

7          American Friends Service Committee: Youth Opportunities Program 1962-1970

8          American Hearing Society 1943-1953

9          American Heart Association 1945-1963

10        American Hospital Association: 1932-1956

11        American Hospital Association: 1961-1964

12        American Hospital Association: Printed material

13        American Indian center, Inc.: 1954-1959

14        American Indian center, Inc.: 1960-1973

15        American Institute of Planners 1970

16        American Jewish Congress


Box 247

1          American Medical Association 1962-1969

2          American National Red Cross Chicago Chapter: 1931-1959

3          American National Red Cross Chicago Chapter: 1937-1939

4          American National Red Cross Chicago Chapter: Mid-American Chapter 1941-1964

5          American Osteopathic Association 1938-1960

6          American Physical Therapy Association 1950-1952

7          American Public Health Association: 1946-1952

8          American Public Health Association: 1960-1969

9          American Public Hospital Association

10        American public Welfare Association: 1950-1970

11        American public Welfare Association: 1965-1968


Box 248

1          American social Health Association: 1946-1957

2          American social Health Association: 1960-1967

3          American women's Voluntary Services, Inc. 1941-1954

4          American Youth Hostels, Inc. 1947-1960

5          Anti-Vandalism Project District Seven School Community 1956-1957

6          Antioch College 1964-1966

7          Arbor 1957-1961

8          Archdiocese of Chicago 1957-1968

9          Arden Shore Association 1937-1959

10        Arlington Heights Community Council 1957-1960

11        Arthritis Foundation Illinois Chapter 1949-1964

12        Associated Services for the Armed Services 1950-1951

13        Association for Family Living: 1935-1959


Box 249

1          Association for Family Living: 1960-1965

2          Association for Family Living: Reports and newsletter 1941-1970

3          Association for the Study of Community Organization 1946-1956

4-5       Association House of Chicago: 1922-1970

6          Association House of Chicago: Community Fund 1965


Box 250

1          Association of Community Councils: 1950-1959

2          Association of Community Councils: 1960-1965

3          Association of Jewish Blind of Chicago: 1958-1962

4          Association of Jewish Blind of Chicago: 1962-1966

5          Association of Rehabilitation Centers 1962-1965

6          Association of American Indian Affairs 1956-1957

7          Asthma and Allergy Foundation for Greater Chicago 1965-1967

8          Asthmatic children's Aid 1944-1966

9          Audy Home, Arthur J. 1946-1969

10        Augustana Home for the Aged of Lutheran Welfare Services: 1935-1963

11        Augustana Home for the Aged of Lutheran Welfare Services: Service reports 1937-1961


Box 251

1          Augustana Hospital 1955-1964

2          Augustana Inner Mission 1932-1955

3          Augustana Nursery of Lutheran Welfare Service: 1942-1960

4          Augustana Nursery of Lutheran Welfare Service: 1960-1968

5          Aurora council of community Services 1960-1966

6          The Baby Fold 1951-1961

7          Back of the Yards Neighborhood council 1940-1967

8          Baptist Home and Hospital 1930-1954

9          Baptist Missionary Training School 1938-1948

10        Baptist State convention of Illinois 1962

11        Barker Welfare Foundation: 1937-1939

12        Barker Welfare Foundation: 1959-1963

13        Beacon House: 1935-1960

14        Beacon House: 1960-1969

15        Beacon House: Community Fund 1965

16        Beacon House: Printed material 1965-1969


Box 252

1          Beatrice Caffrey Youth Service, Inc. 1957-1967

2          Bensenville home Society: 1932-1955

3          Bensenville home Society: 1958-1966

4          Benton House: 1930-1957

5          Benton House: 1959-1962

6          Benton House: 1965

7          Benton House: Community Fund 1965

8          Bethany Brethren Hospital 1933-1968

9          Bethany Home and Hospital of the Methodist Church 1964-1965

10        Bethel Day Nursery 1928-1953

11        Bethesda Day Nursery 1928-1953

12        Bethlehem Community Center: 1933-1958

13        Bethlehem Community Center: 1954-1961

14        Bethlehem Community Center: 1960


Box 253

1          Bethlehem Crèche and Settlement 1924-1949

2          Better Boys Foundation 1963-1964

3          Better Government Association 1969

4          Between-the-Tracks Council 1955-1958

5          Beulah Home and Maternity Hospital 1922-1936

6          Beverly Hills-Morgan Park Council on Human Relations 1953-1957

7          Big Brothers of America 1933-1947

8-9       Big Sisters 1927-1969

10        Birchwood Park Sanitarium 1923-1950

11        Blind Service Association 1930-1965

12        Blindskils Association 1958-1963

13        Blood Banks 1949-1960

14        B'nai B'rith Women's Council 1938-1969

15        B'nai B'rith Vocational Service 1950-1958

16        B'nai B'rith Youth Organization 1945-1966

17        Bobs Roberts Memorial Hospital: 1937-1960

18        Bobs Roberts Memorial Hospital: 1962-1963

19        Bohemian Charitable Association 1936-1939

20        Bohemian Home for the Aged 1925-1961


Box 254

1          Boy Scouts of America, Chicago Area Council: 1946-1960

2          Boy Scouts of America, Chicago Area Council: 1961-1968

3          Boy Scouts of America, Chicago Area Council: Inner City Project: 1957-1968

4          Boy Scouts of America, Chicago Area Council: Inner City Project: Community Fund

5          Boy Scouts of America, Chgo. Area Council: Inner City Proj.: Reports and printed material

6          Boys' Brotherhood Republic 1946-1953

7          Brain Research Foundation 1959-1965

8          The British Home 1935-1962

9          The Brookings Institution 1960-1969

10        Burnside Hospital 1933-1941

11        California Free Day Nursery 1925-1931

12        Calumet-Jeffrey Community Association 1956-1959


Box 255

1          Camp Fire Girls, Inc., Chicago Area Council: 1959-1968

2          Camp Fire Girls, Inc., Chicago Area Council: 1964-1969

3          Camp Reinberg Association: 1934-1939

4          Camp Reinberg Association: 1959-1967

5          Camp Reinberg Association: Community Fund 1963

6          Canada miscellaneous 1962-1970

7          Cathedral Shelter 1937-1968


Box 256

1          Catholic Charities: 1933-1959

2-3       Catholic Charities: 1960-1970

4          Catholic Charities: Printed materials


Box 257

1          Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago 1955-1967

2          Catholic Social Center Day Nursery

3          Catholic Youth Organization 1938-1958

4          Center for Health Administration Studies 1955-1962

5          Central Baptist children's Home 1926-1966

6          Central Baptist Home for the Aged 1928-1969

7          Central Council for Nursing Education 1928-1947

8          Central counseling Services 1962-1967

9          Central Service for the Chronically Ill: 1954-1959

10        Central Service for the Chronically Ill: 1955-1965


Box 258

1          Central Service for the chronically Ill: Publications

2          Central Service for the chronically Ill: By-laws 1955-1966

3          Central Service for the chronically Ill: History of the agency 1965

4          Central Service for the chronically Ill: Service report 1965

5          Central Service for the chronically Ill: 1966

6          Central Service for the chronically Ill: Record of Closing

7          Central Service for the chronically Ill: Annual Reports for the board of Governors

8          Central Service for the chronically Ill: Future role

9          Central Service for the chronically Ill: Negotiations of the Welfare council

10-13   Central Service for the chronically Ill: Printed materials and reports


Box 259

1          Central South Side Community Council 1952-1960

2          Chapin Hall for Children (The Chicago Nursery and Half-Orphan Asylum): 1932

3          Chapin Hall for Children (The Chicago Nursery and Half-Orphan Asylum): 1945-1961

4          Chase House 1928-1966

5          Chatham-Avalon Park Community council 1956-1961

6          Chatham Coop Nursery School 1953-1958

7          Chicago and Northeastern League for Nursing 1957-1966

8          Chicago and Northern District Association of Colored Women 1926

9          Chicago Area Project: 1935-1937

10        Chicago Area Project: 1938-1952

11        Chicago Area Project: 1953-1959

12        Chicago Area Project: Study by Welfare Council, 1936 Nov. 14


Box 260

1          Chicago Area Project: 1960-1962

2          Chicago Area Project: 1964-1966

3          Chicago Association for Children with Learning Disabilities 1967-1970

4          Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry: 1919-1939

5          Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry: 1963-1966

6          Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry: 1950-1957


Box 261

1          Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry: 1954-1969

2          Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry: 1966-1971

3          Chicago Association for Retarded children 1965-1969

4          Chicago Baptist Association 1960

5          Chicago Baptist Institute 1969


Box 262

1          Chicago Board of Education: 1939-1968

2          Chicago Board of Education: 1949-1965

3          Chicago Board of Education: 1967-1970

4-5       Chicago Board of Education: Reports P.M.


Box 263

1          Chicago Board of Education: Drop-Out Project 1960-1965

2          Chicago Board of Education: Social Centers 1960-1965

3          Chicago Board of Education: Chicago Schools Journal March 1964-1965 Apr.

4          Chicago Board of Education: Printed materials


Box 264

1          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: 1957-1960

2          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: 1961-1964

3          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: Reprints and printed material

4          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: 1961-1969

5          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: Advisory Committee on Nurseries

6          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: Tape on nursery


Box 265

1          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: 1960

2          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: 1961

3          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: 1962-1963

4          Chicago Board of Health: District Health Centers: Minutes 1960-1962

5          Chicago Board of Health: Mental Health Section: 1936-1945

6          Chicago Board of Health: Mental Health Section: 1953-1959

7          Chicago Board of Health: Mental Health Section: 1960-1966

8          Chicago Board of Health: Mental Health Section: Minutes 1952-1962


Box 266

1          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: 1936-1945

2          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: 1946-1962

3          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: 1961-1966

4          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Youth Development Project: 1960

5          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Youth Development Project: 1961

6          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Youth Development Project: 1962-1964


Box 267

1          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Henry Horner Club 1952-1958

2          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Lawndale 1958-1963

3          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Logan Square 1947-1958

4          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Marshall Square 1950-1958

5          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Robert R. McCormick 1950-1963

6          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Midwest 1951-1967

7          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: North Side 1965-1967

8          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Old Town 1958-1964

9          Chicago Board of Health: Chicago Boys Clubs: Robert E. Wood Club 1954-1959

10        Chicago Cancer Committee 1944-1947

11        Chicago Child Care Society: 1938-1966

12        Chicago Child Care Society: Foster Family Day Care 1944-1958


Box 268

1          Chicago Child Care Society: Foster Home Convalescent Care Project 1943-1949

2          Chicago Child Care Society: Hyde Park Study 1958-1959

3          Chicago Children's Benefit League 1939-1961

4          Chicago Christian Industrial League: 1934-1936

5          Chicago Christian Industrial League: 1937-1961

6          Chicago Church World Service Committee 1951-1952

7          Chicago Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons 1947-1950

8          Chicago City Missionary Society 1959-1967


Box 269

1          Chicago, City of: 1957-1967

2          Chicago, City of: Bond Issues 1966

3          Chicago, City of: Chicago Park District 1935-1958

4          Chicago, City of: Chicago Park District Area 1948-1957

5-6       Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: 1958-1961

7          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: 1962-1964

8          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: 1965-1968


Box 270

1-3       Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Reports and printed material

4          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Cmte. on Voluntary Agencies 1959-1961

5          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Grand Boulevard-Oakland 1939-1963

6          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Near North 1960-1964

7          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: North Lawndale 1960-1962

8          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Summer Program (Reach out) 1969-1970

9          Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Uptown 1958-1968

10        Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: West Town 1960-1968

11        Chicago, City of: Commission on Youth Welfare: Woodlawn 1961-1962


Box 271

1          Chicago, City of: Committee on Forestry and Recreation 1964-1965

2          Chicago, City of: Department of City Planning: 1958-1963

3-5       Chicago, City of: Department of City Planning: Reports and printed material


Box 272

1-4       Chicago, City of: Department of City Planning: Reports and printed material


Box 273

1          Chicago, City of: Department of City Planning: Reports and printed material 1956

2          Chicago, City of: Department of City Planning: Reports and printed material 1958-1965

3          Chicago, City of: Department of Human Resources-Division for Senior Citizens 1954-1964

4          Chicago, City of: Department of Urban Renewal: 1962-1965

5          Chicago, City of: Department of Urban Renewal: 1964-1969


Box 274

1          Chicago, City of: Department of Welfare 1938-1958

2          Chicago, City of: Department of Welfare Children's Division 1936-1937

3          Chicago, City of: Department of Welfare Medical Service 1953

4          Chicago, City of: House of Correction 1964

5          Chicago, City of: Hosing and Redevelopment coordinator 1954-1970

6          Chicago, City of: Model Cities Report 1969-1970


Box 275

1          Chicago Civic Committee for World Refugees 1960

2          Chicago Civil Liberties committee 1937-1951

3          Chicago clinic of Physical Medicine 1956-1957

4          Chicago Club for Cripple Children 1947-1962

5          Chicago College of Optometry 1953

6          Chicago Commission for Senior Citizens 1963-1969

7          Chicago Commission on Human Relations 1945-1961

8          Chicago Committee of One Hundred 1956-1957

9          Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity: 1964

10-11   Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity: 1965

12        Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity: 1966


Box 276

1          Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity: 1967-1968

2          Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity: Printed material: 1965-1967

3          Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity: Printed material: 1966-1970

4          Chicago Commons Association 1947-1966

5          Chicago Community Clinic 1942-1951

6          Chicago Community Conservation Board 1960-1962

7          Chicago Community Inventory 1948-1960

8          Chicago Community Music foundation 1961-1962

9          Chicago Community Trust 1943-1963


Box 277

1          Chicago Conference on Race and Religion 1963-1969

2          Chicago Conference on Welfare needs 1946-1947

3          Chicago Conference to Protect Our Children 1952-1953

4          Chicago Congregational Union 1945-1958

5          Chicago Consortium 1966

6          Chicago Council against Racial Discrimination 1943-1955

7          Chicago Council for Cerebral Palsy Centers 1955-1957

8          Chicago Council for Exceptional Children 1959-1967

9          Chicago Council of Child Psychology 1958-1960

10        Chicago Council of Negro Organizations 1936-1937

11        Chicago Council on Alcoholism 1948-1964

12        Chicago Council on Community Nursing 1945-1964

13        Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 1956-1962

14        Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center 1959-1960

15        Chicago Crime Commission 1951-1966

16        Chicago Cubs Baseball for Boys 1951-1957

17        Chicago Deaconess Home 1933-1963

18        Chicago Dental Society 1936-1963

19        Chicago District-Illinois Nurses' Association 1956-1958

20        Chicago Dwellings Association 1957-1967


Box 278

1          Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital 1934-1959

2          Chicago Federation of Community Committees 1948-1958

3          Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council, AFL-CIO 1962-1965

4-5       Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers 1941-1963

6          Chicago Fire Department 1962-1965

7          Chicago Foundlings Home: 1928-1968

8          Chicago Foundlings Home: 1928-1949

9          Chicago Foundlings Home: 1950-1969

10        Chicago Foundlings Home: Review of Agency 1959-1961


Box 278a

1          Chicago Have A Heart Charities 1932-1959

2          Chicago Hearing Society: 1938-1961

3          Chicago Hearing Society: 1959-1969

4          Chicago Hearing Society: Evaluation of Children's Project 1954-1961


Box 279

1          Chicago Hearing Society: Pilot Study 1961-1962

2          Chicago Heart Association: 1932-1954

3          Chicago Heart Association: 1955-1956

4          Chicago Heart Association: 1957-1962

5          Chicago Heart Association: 1959-1962

6          Chicago Heart Association: Home Medical Care Program 1955-1964

7          Chicago Heart Association: Stroke Advisory Committee 1967-1968


Box 280

1          Chicago Heights 1952-1964

2          Chicago Holland Union Benevolent Association 1947-1961

3          Chicago Home for convalescent women and children 1922-1946

4          Chicago Home for Girls: 1936

5          Chicago Home for Girls: 1937

6          Chicago Home for Girls: 1942-1958

7          Chicago Home for Girls: Merger with Mary Bartelme Club 1945-1959


Box 281

1          Chicago Home for Incurables: 1922-1955

2          Chicago Home for Incurables: 1956-1966

3          Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans 1936

4          Chicago Home for the Friendless: 1934-1938

5          Chicago Home for the Friendless: 1930-1954

6          Chicago Home for the Friendless: 1955-1961


Box 282

1          Chicago Hospital 1945

2          Chicago Hospital council: 1938-1940

3          Chicago Hospital council: 1946-1969

4          Chicago Housing Authority: 1938-1961

5          Chicago Housing Authority: 1961-1965

6          Chicago Housing Authority: Housing for the elderly 1961-1965

7          Chicago Housing Authority: Rockwell Gardens 1958

8          Chicago Industrial Home for children 1936

9          Chicago Junior Assn. of Commerce and Industry Foundation 1940-1962

10        Chicago Land Clearance Commission 1950-1961


Box 283

1          Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind 1918-1966

2          Chicago Lutheran Council 1936-1967

3          Chicago Lying-In Hospital 1925-1964

4          Chicago Maternity Center 1943-1967

5-6       Chicago Maternity Center-Study Committee 1961-1965

7          Chicago Medical School 1950-1970


Box 284

1          Chicago Medical Society: 1929-1944

2          Chicago Medical Society: 1945-1964

3          Chicago Memorial Association 1961-1964

4          Chicago Memorial Hospital 1939-1955

5          Chicago Metropolitan Mental Health Planning Council 1965-1966

6          Chicago Milk Fund Association 1936-1940

7          Chicago Negro Chamber of Commerce 1955

8          Chicago Nursing Home Association 1966-1969

9          Chicago Nutrition Association 1945-1959

10        Chicago Orphan Asylum 1936-1938


Box 285

1          Chicago Osteopathic Hospital 1934-1961

2          Chicago Parental School 1935-1968

3          Chicago Pediatric Society 1944-1961

4          Chicago Police Department-police statistics 1960-1968

5          Chicago Psychological Club 1954-1957

6          Chicago Recreation Commission 1948-1955

7          Chicago Resettlers Committee 1946-1953

8          Chicago School for Adults 1964

9          Chicago School for Retarded Children: 1958-1960

10        Chicago School for Retarded Children: 1961-1963

11        Chicago Society for the Hard of Hearing 1940-1941


Box 286

1          Chicago Standard metropolitan Area 1959

2          Chicago State Hospital 1930-1970

3          Chicago State tuberculosis Sanitarium 1952-1960

3a        Chicago Sunday Evening Club 1925-1945

4          Chicago Teachers College 1963

5          Chicago Teachers Union 1947-1970

6          Chicago Tribune 1939-1962

7          Chicago Tumor Institute 1938-1954

8          Chicago Urban League: 1935

9-10     Chicago Urban League: 1956-1968

11        Chicago Urban League: Building Committee 1960-1961


Box 287

1          Chicago Urban League printed materials and reports: 1956

2          Chicago Urban League printed materials and reports: 1961 March 15

3          Chicago Urban League printed materials and reports: 1961 August

4          Chicago Urban League printed materials and reports: 1962-1964

5          Chicago Urban League printed materials and reports: 1965-1969

6          Chicago Wesley Memorial Hospital 1924-1964

7          Chicago Woman's Aid 1938-1962

8          Chicago Woman's Club 1925-1969

9          Chicago Woman's Shelter 1932-1939


Box 288

1          Chicago Youth Centers: 1956-1965

2          Chicago Youth Centers: 1956-1964

3          Chicago Youth Centers: 1960-1968

4          Chicago Youth Centers: Lawndale 1944-1965

5          Chicago Youth Commission 1939-1962


Box 289

1          Child Care Association of Illinois 1962-1968

2          Child and Family Services of Chicago Home for the Friendless 1960-1968

3          Child Welfare League of America 1948-1962

4          Children's Benefit League of Chicago and Suburbs 1966

5          Children's Memorial Hospital 1936-1967

6          Children's Receiving Home of the Lutheran Woman's League 1926-1965

7          Children's Scholarship League 1937-1939

8          Children's Service League 1962-1967

8          Chinatown 1943-1956


Box 290

1          Christ Community Hospital 1958-1968

2          Christian Action Ministry 1966-1970

3          Christian Children's Fund 1956-1961

4          Christopher House: 1928-1959

5          Christopher House: 1962-1967

6          Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago 1937-1948

7          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: 1933-1958

8          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: 1959-1962


Box 291

1          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Committee minutes 1960-1964

2          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Department of Social Welfare 1937-1966

3          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: New Chicago Research and Planning Project 1964

4          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Work with the Older Person 1951-1963

5          Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Youth Service Bureau 1957-1962


Box 292

1          Church Home 1929-1966

2          Church Mission of Help (Youth Guidance): 1931-1937

3          Church Mission of Help (Youth Guidance): 1958-1969

4          Church world Service 1948-1954

5          Cicero Community Chest 1946-1961

6-7       Cicero Survey 1936-1937

8          Circuit Court of Cook County Conciliation Department 1964-1966

9          Citizens' Association of Chicago 1958-1960

10        Citizens' Committee for Pre-School Education 1965

11        Citizens' Committee for Wider Use of Schools 1951-1963


Box 293

1-2       Citizens' Committee on Cook County government 1967-1968

3          Citizens' Committee on Industrial Relations 1941-1949

4          Citizens' Committee on the Family court 1964-1968

5          Citizens' Committee to Fight slums 1953-1968

6          Citizen Information Service of Metropolitan Chicago 1956-1964


Box 294

1          Citizens of Greater Chicago 1952-1970

2          Citizens Park Committee 1965-1966

3          Citizens Public Personnel Association 1957-1966

4          Citizens Schools Committee 1944-1968

5          Citizenship Council of Chicago 1961-1968

6          City Club of Chicago 1951-1970

7          City Colleges of Chicago 1968-1971

8          Civic Committee for Mental Health Information 1959

9          Civic Committee for Mentally Ill and Retarded in State Hospitals and Schools 1958-1959

10        Civic Council of the 18th Ward 1958-1960

11        Civic Federation 1955-1969

12        Clarence Darrow Community Center 1956-1968


Box 295

1          Cloverleaf Girls Scouts Council 1967-1968

2          Coffee Information Service 1966

3          College of Jewish Studies 1969-1970

4          Colored Big Brothers Association 1933-1937

5          Commission on Financing of Hospital Care 1952-1953

6          Commission on Foundations and Private Philanthropy 1968-1969

7          Committee for the Nation's Health 1949-1952

8          Committee of Fifteen: 1934-1937

9          Committee of Fifteen: 1938-1958

10        Committee on community Organization 1964-1965

11        Committee to End Discrimination in Chgo. Medical Institutions 1951-1961


Box 296

1          Community and War Fund of Metropolitan Chicago 1942-1947

2          Community Center Foundation 1937-1957

3          Community chests and Councils of America 1953-1956

4          Community Child Guidance Centers of Chicago 1942-1963

5          Community Council of the Stock Yards District 1936-1944

6          Community Fund of Chicago: 1949-1967

7          Community Fund of Chicago: Welfare Council Relationship 1959-1964


Box 297

1          Community Fund of Chicago: Participating agencies 1963-1968

2          Community Fund of Chicago: Review of public agencies not in Fund 1954-1959

3          Community Fund of Chicago: Reports of Study Cmte. to the Budget Committee 1960-1961

4          Community Industrial Contract Association: 1956-1959

5          Community Industrial Contract Association: 1959-1964

6          Community Industrial Contract Association: 1961-1967

7          Community Industrial Contract Association: 1968-1969


Box 298

1          Community Industrial Contract Association: Study committee 1966-1968

2          Community Nursing Service of Proviso Township 1955-1965

3          Community Renewal Society (Chicago City Missionary Soc.) 1960-1967

4          Community Renewal Society Lawndale Community Services 1961-1965

5          Community Service Bureau 1929-1939

6          Community Social Center 1956-1959

7          Community Thrift Clubs 1967-1968

8          Community Welfare for Mentally Retarded Children 1964-1968

9          Compassion 1961-1969

10        Conference for Health Council Work 1944-1961

11        Conference for Jewish Women's Organizations 1936-1966


Box 299

1          Consolidated Social Service Commission 1965-1967

2          Contra Costa Rehabilitation Council 1960-1964

3          Cook County Board of Commissioners: 1935-1969

4          Cook County Board of Commissioners: Juvenile Detention Home 1937-1941

5          Cook County Board of Commissioners: Subsidy to Child Placing Agencies 1928-1939

6          Cook County Council of League of Women Voters 1932-1955

7          Cook County Department for the Blind 1958

8          Cook County Department of Corrections 1960-1963


Box 300

1          Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1929-1958

2          Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1946-1964

3          Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1960-1969

4          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Advisory Board: Minutes 1944-1961

5          Cook Co. Dept. of Pub. Aid: Advisory Board: Old Age Assistance and/or A.D.C. 1942-1952

6          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Aid to Dependent Children Project 1944-1955


Box 301

1          Cook Co. Department of Public Aid: Aged and Handicapped-Bureau of Services 1958-1960

2          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Automation Trends 1961

3          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Division of Child Welfare: 1955-1959

4          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Division of Child Welfare: 1960-1967

5          Cook Co. Dept. of Pub. Aid: Div. of Child Welfare: Advisory Cmte. minutes 1955-1961

6          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Literary Project 1962-1965

7          Cook Co. Dept. of Public Aid: Merger with Chicago Department of Welfare 1957-1958

8          Cook County Department of Public Aid: News clips 1960-1967

9          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Physicians Service 1960-1965


Box 302

1          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Assistance Division: 1946-1952

2          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Assistance Division: 1953-1956

3          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Assistance Division: 1957-1959

4          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Assistance Division: 1960


Box 303

1          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Aid Assistance: 1956-1962

2          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Aid Assistance: 1960-1961

3          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Aid Assistance: 1962-1964

4          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Rehabilitation 1963

5          Cook County Department of Public Health: 1940-1955

6          Cook County Department of Public Health: 1960-1967


Box 304

1          Cook County Department of Welfare 1933-1953

2-3       Cook County Hospital: 1926-1957

4          Cook County Hospital: 1941-1955

5          Cook County Hospital: 1962-1965

6          Cook County Hospital: 1957-1964


Box 305

1          Cook County Hospital: Boarder babies 1962-1965

2          Cook County Hospital: Bond issues 1947-1957

3          Cook County Hospital: Citizens Committee Study 1963-1965

4          Cook County Hospital: Clinics 1933-1965

5-11     Cook County Hospital: Maps 1950-1954

12        Cook County Hospital: Newspaper clippings 1945-1964


Box 306

1          Cook County Hospital: Research Grant Application 1966-1967

2          Cook County Hospital: Reports 1950-1964

3          Cook County Hospital: Surveys: 1931

4          Cook County Hospital: Surveys: 1936

5          Cook County Hospital: Surveys: 1937

6          Cook County Housing authority 1950-1965

7          Cook County Industrial Union council, CIO: 1945-1962

8          Cook County Industrial Union council, CIO: Reports and printed materials


Box 307

1          Cook County Institutions Tuberculosis Hospital 1953

2          Cook County Jail 1928-1968

3          Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity 1966-1969

4          Cook County Physicians Service 1933-1960

5          Cook County Psychopathic Hospital 1943-1958

6          Cook County Public Health Council: 1951-1961

7          Cook County Public Health Council: 1962-1964

8          Cook County Public Health Council: Minutes: 1951-1959


Box 308

1          Cook County Public Health Council: Minutes: 1960-1964

2          Cook County School of Nursing: 1930-1960

3          Cook County School of Nursing: 1960-1964

4          Cook County School of Nursing: Reports 1953-1955

5          Cooley's Anemia Blood and Research Foundation for Children 1964-1965

6          Coordinating Council of Proviso Township 1959-1966


Box 309

1          Copeland Smith League 1929-1939

2          Copernicus Day Nursery 1928-1931

3          Corporate Foundation for Research and Training in Psychiatry 1954

4          Cottage Grove Heights Improvement Association 1957-1959

5          Council for Equal Medical Opportunity 1959-1962

6          Council of colleges and Universities 1965-1969

7          Council of Directors of Hospital Volunteers 1944-1962

8          Council on Community Foundations 1964-1965

9          Country Home for Convalescent Children 1924-1954

10        Cradle Society: 1937-1958

11        Cradle Society: Study 1932-1945

12        Cradle Society: Joint Committee on Relationship to Council 1937-1939


Box 310

1          Crane Fund for Widows with Children 1931-1951

2          Cr-Cu miscellaneous

3          Curative Workshop Foundation 1959-1968

4          Danish Aid and Relief Society 1936-1942

5          Danish Lutheran Children's Home 1932-1962

6          Danish Old People's Home 1925-1962

7          Daughters of Jacob, Day and Night Nursery 1928-1949

8          Daughters of Zion Infant Home and Day Nursery: 1928-1940

9          Daughters of Zion Infant Home and Day Nursery: 1941-1952

10        Day Care and child Development council of America 1960-1969

11        Dental Hygiene Institute of Chicago 1930-1942

12        DePaul Settlement and Day Nursery 1926-1955

13        Desertion Location Service 1964-1965

14        Des Plaines Valley Community Council 1957-1961

15        Diabetes Association of greater Chicago 1948-1960

16        Diabetic Institute of America, Inc. 1961-1963

17        Diocese of Chicago 1934-1958

18        Doctors General Hospital 1960-1965

19        Dolton-Riverdale Family Counseling Service 1960

20        Dorcas Home 1932-1939


Box 311

1          Douglas Park day and Night Nursery 1928-1954

2          Douglas Smith Health Service 1934-1948

3          Douglas Smith Fund: 1927-1930

4          Douglas Smith Fund: 1937-1946

5          Downers Grove United Fund 1957-1967

6          Drexel Home, Inc.: 1937-1964

7          Drexel Home, Inc.: 1952-1966

8          Druce Lake Camp Association 1929-1958

9          DuPage county-Community chests and Community Funds 1960-1961

10        DuPage County Health Department 1954-1966

11        DuPage County Public Health Council 1957-1969

12        Dyslexia Memorial Institute, Inc. 1939-1966


Box 312

1          East Chicago, Indiana 1942-1966

2          East Chicago Heights: 1962-1968

3          East Chicago Heights: Minutes 1961-1964

4          East Chicago Heights: Ad Hoc Committee on Bloom Township

5          East Chicago Heights: Community Recreation Program 1962-1965

6          East Chicago Heights: Referral Committee 1962-1963

7          East Side good Fellowship Committee, Inc. 1962

8          Easter House 1960-1968

9          Ecumenical Institute of Chicago 1967

10        Eden Acres 1966


Box 313

1          Edgewater Community Council: 1956-1961

2          Edgewater Community Council: 1958-1965

3          Edgewater Hospital 1943-1969

4          Edwin Markham Neighborhood Center 1948-1955

5          Eighty-Six Club 1961

6          Eleanor Association 1932-1969

7          Eli Bates House 1935-1938

8          Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund: 1949-1961

9          E. McCormick Mem. Fund: E. McCormick Mem. Wkshp. Res. & Child Dev't. 1932-1961


Box 314

1          Elk Grove Village Community Service 1965-1967

2          Elmhurst Community Council 1953-1960

3          Elmhurst Recreational Council 1955-1957

4          Emerson House Association 1920-1948

5          Englewood Baptist church 1948-1954

6          Englewood Christian Center 1956-1959

7          Englewood Committee for Community Action 1959-1963

8          Englewood Hospital 1919-1967

9          Episcopal Charities 1962-1964

10        Eradicate 1964

11-12   Erie Neighborhood House 1928

13        United Cerebral Palsy Project 1957-1959


Box 315

1          Erikson Institute for Early Education 1968

2          Ethiopian World Federation, Inc. 1952-1967

3          Evangelical Deaconess Hospital 1933-1935

4          Evangelical Hospital 1961

5          Evanston: 1926-1969

6          Evanston: Community Hospital 1951-1966

7          Evanston Day Nursery Association 1962

8          Evanston Department of Health 1959-1966

9          Evanston Hospital Association 1933-1969

10        Evanston Human Relations Commission 1964-1969

11        Evanston Northwestern Community Clubs 1950-1957

12        Evanston Relief Administration 1937-1945

13        Evanston Welfare Council 1960-1963

14        Evanston Youth Commission 1968-1969

15        Evergreen Park: 1947-1961

16        Evergreen Park: Citizens Planning Group 1964-1967

17        Evergreen Park: Community Service Council 1963

18        Ezzard Charles School 1970


Box 316

1          Family Court of Cook County: 1952-1963

2          Family Court of Cook County: Committee on Summaries of Cases 1969

3          Family Planning Coordinating Council of Metropolitan Chicago 1968

4          Family Service Agencies 1956-1969

5          Family Service Association of America 1934-1968

6          Family Service Bureau 1946-1964

7          Family Service of Cicero 1934-1966

8          Family Service of Berwyn 1937-1964

9          Family Services of DeKalb County 1955-1959

10        Family Service of Dundee Township 1961-1966

11        Family Service of DuPage County 1946-1966

12        Family Service of Evanston 1949-1959

13        Family Service of Glencoe 1955-1964

14        Family Service of Highland Park 1946-1961

15        Family Service of North Lake County 1963-1966

16        Family Service of Oak Park and River Forest 1945-1966



Box 317

1          Family Service Association of Proviso Township 1947-1967

2          Family Service Center of Wilmette, Glenview, Northbrook, Kenilworth 1936-1966

3          Family Service of Winnetka 1934-1966

4          Family Service and Mental Health Center of South Cook County 1949-1969

5          Family Sitter Service 1941-1951

6          Family Welfare Association of Evanston 1937-1961

7          Federal Commission on Inter-Government Relations 1953-1954

8          Federated Home for Dependent Colored Children 1930-1940

9          Fellowship House 1931-1961

10        Fernwood Housing Project 1947-1948

11        Field Enterprises Educational Corporation 1960

12        Filipino Community Center 1932-1960


Box 318

1          Firman House: 1937-1967

2          Firman House: 1964-1967

3          Firman House: Minutes 1948-1965

4          Firman House: Fuller Park Area Study 1958-1968

5          Florence Crittenton Anchorage: 1928-1966

6          Florence Crittenton Anchorage: 1960-1969


Box 319

1          Florence Crittenton Association of America, Inc. 1952-1968

2          Forest Hospital 1959-1969

3          Forest Preserve District of Cook County 1959-1968

4          Fort Greene Industrial Health Plan 1947

5          Four H clubs 1957-1966

6          Fourth Presbyterian Church, Social Service Department 1930-1966

7          Frances E. Willard Hospital 1926-1945

8          Frances Juvenile Home Association 1928-1967

9          Fridhem Baptist Home 1923-1961

10        Friends of the Mentally Ill 1950-1954

11        Friendship House 1944-1968

12        Fund for Adult Education 1959-1961


Box 320

1          Fund for Perceptually Handicapped Children 1959-1970

2          Fund for the Republic 1954-1955

3          Gads Hill Center 1938-1966

4          Garfield Park Community Hospital 1934-1967

5          Garibaldi Institute 1925-1954

6          Gateway Houses Foundation, Inc. 1970

7          George and Anna Portes Cancer Prevention Center of Chicago 1947-1964

8          George J. Goldman Memorial Home for Jewish Aged 1949-1963

9          George Williams College: 1958-1959

10        George Williams College: 1962-1969

11        German-American Child Welfare Agency 1963

12        German-American Citizens Association 1934-1935

13        German Aid Society 1931-1944


Box 321

1          German Old People's Home (Altenheim) 1925-1952

2          Gerontological Society, Inc. 1952-1957

3          Girl Scouts of Chicago: 1942-1959

4          Girl Scouts of Chicago: 1949-1969

5          Girls Friendly Society, Chicago Lodge 1926-1952

6          Glenview Board of Health Nursing Services 1951-1958

7          Glenwood Manual Training School 1935-1946

8          Glenwood School for Boys: 1932-1964

9          Glenwood School for Boys: 1950-1969


Box 322

1          Godair Home 1931-1957

2          Good Citizenship Inc. of Metropolitan Chicago 1958-1959

3          Good Neighbor Society 1946-1950

4          Goodwill Center 1932-1958

5          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: 1935-1940

6          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: 1941-1950

7          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: 1951-1959


Box 323

1          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: 1960-1962

2-3       Goodwill Industries of Chicago: 1960-1967

4          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: Capital Fund Program 1963-1966

5          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: Rob's statement 1964

6          Goodwill Industries of Chicago: Statistics 1956-1964


Box 324

1          Gospel League 1928-1964

2          Gottlieb Memorial Hospital 1958-1965

3          Grace Community Center 1945-1955

4          Grant Hospital of Chicago 1936-1965

5          Grateful House 1959-1965

6          Greater Chicago Safety Council 1939-1953

7          Greater Institutional A.M.E. Day School Nursery 1960

8          Greater Lawndale Association of Block Clubs 1957

9          Greater Lawndale Conservation Commission: 1955-1961

10        Greater Lawndale Conservation Commission: 1962-1967

11        Greater Lawndale Conservation Commission: Health and Welfare Committee 1964-1966


Box 325

1          Grove House for Convalescents 1926-1969

2          Grove School 1965-1967

3          Guardian Angel Day Nursery 1928-1952

4          Guardians, Inc. 1957

5          Guidance and Counseling Association for Handicapped Youths 1954-1958

6          Hadley School for the blind 1923-1965

7          Halfway House 1948-1969

8          Halsted Street Institutional Church 1925-1958

9          Hammond, Lake County, Indiana 1956-1959

10        Handicaps United 1949-1961

11        Handy Camp Association 1962-1964


Box 326

1          Harvey Welfare Council: 1955-1965

2          Harvey Welfare Council: Minutes-1960-1964

3          Hazel Crest Hospital 1964-1966

4          Health Insurance Plan for Greater Chicago 1953-1954

5          Hegewisch Community Committee 1935-1967

6          Helping Hand Community Day Nursery 1928-1954

7          Henrotin Hospital 1925-1963

8          Henry Booth House 1937-1966


Box 327

1          Herrick House: 1928-1962

2          Herrick House: 1960-1962

3          Highland Park Survey 1938-1947

4          Highland Park Welfare Council 1962-1963

5          Hinsdale Health Museum 1957-1965

6          Holy Cross Hospital 1962-1963

7          Home Club for Working Mothers with Children 1936-1953

8          Home for Aged Colored People 1929-1960

9          Home for Destitute Crippled Children 1933-1963


Box 328

1          Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chicago, Inc.: 1955-1960

2          Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chicago, Inc.: 1960-1964

3          Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chicago, Inc.: 1964-1970

4          Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chicago, Inc.: Reports and printed material


Box 329

1          Hospital Service Corporation

2          House of the Good Shepherd 1965-1967

3          Housing Conference of Chicago 1947-1952

4          Houston, Texas Community Council 1941-1960

5          Howe Home 1926-1929


Box 330

1          Howell Neighborhood House 1926-1962

2          Hull House Association: 1936-1955

3          Hull House Association: 1944-1961

4          Hull House Association: 1956-1961

5          Hull House Association: 1958-1967

6          Hull House Training Center 1958-1961


Box 331

1          Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference: 1961-1966

2          Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference: 1954-1966

3-4       Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference: Studies and reports


Box 332

1          Hyde Park Neighborhood Clubs: 1937-1961

2          Hyde Park Neighborhood Clubs: 1956-1969

3          Hyde Park Nursery Association 1944-1958


Box 333

1          Illinois Academy of Criminology 1955-1968

2          Illinois Arts Council 1966-1967

3          Illinois Association for the Crippled: 1936-1960

4          Illinois Association for the Crippled: 1960-1964

5          Illinois Association for the Deaf 1967-1970

6          Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1958-1965

7          Illinois Association for Mental Health, Inc. 1945-1969


Box 334

1          Illinois Association for the Mentally Retarded: 1959-1967

2          Illinois Association for the Mentally Retarded: Project on Mental Retardation 1962-1964

3          Illinois Association of Community Chests and Councils 1953-1969

4          Illinois Association of Homes for the Aged 1958-1964

5          Illinois Board of Senior Centers 1964-1969

6          Illinois Board of Mental Health Commissioners 1951-1969

7          Illinois Central Hospital 1933-1967

8          Illinois Chamber of Commerce 1954-1960

9          Illinois Child Labor Committee 1952


Box 335

1          Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society: 1908, June-August 1935

2          Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society: 1930-1950

3          Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society: 1951-1969

4          Illinois Children's Hospital School 1946-1966


Box 336

1          Illinois Colony Club Home for the Aged 1929-1966

2          Illinois Commission on Children: 1955-1959

3          Illinois Commission on Children: 1960-1969

4          Illinois Commission on Children: 1962-1970

5          Illinois Commission on Children: Committee on Hearing Impaired: 1963-1967


Box 337

1          Illinois Commission on Children: Committee on Hearing Impaired: Minutes

2          Illinois Commission on Human Relations 1958

3          Illinois Committee on Employment of Youth 1946-1965

4-5       Illinois Committee on Comprehensive Services to the Visually Handicapped 1966-1969

6          Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers 1948-1967

7          IL Council of Nat'l Congress of the Phys. Handicapped, Arch. Barriers Cmte. 1967-1969

8          Illinois Epilepsy League, Inc. 1947-1964


Box 338

1          Illinois Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped 1962-1966

2          Illinois Heart Association 1948-1958

3          Illinois Home for the Aged, Inc. 1941-1967

4          Illinois Hospital Association 1961-1970

5          Illinois Humane Society 1926-1964

6          Illinois Industrial School for Boys 1958-1961

7          Illinois Industries for the Blind 1942-1955

8          Illinois Interagency Council on Smoking and Disease 1966-1970

9          Illinois Interagency Council on Smoking and Disease Minutes 1965-1969

10        Illinois Interprofessional Council's Distinguished Service Award 1959-1961

11        Illinois League for Nursing, Inc. 1938-1965


Box 339

1          Illinois Legislative council 1938-1970

2          Illinois Masonic Children's Home 1930-1958

3          Illinois Masonic Hospital 1933-1968

4          Illinois Nurses' Association 1958-1966

5          Illinois Occupational Therapy Association 1935-1962

6          Illinois Parents Council for Nursery Schools 1945-1953

7          Illinois Public Health Association 1940-1965

8          Illinois Protestant Children's Home 1931-1963

9          Illinois Reformatory for Women 1931-1958

10        Illinois Rehabilitation Association 1963-1967

11        Illinois Sex Offenders Commission 1951-1952

12        Illinois Social Hygiene League 1928-1964

13        Illinois society for Medical Research 1950-1963


Box 340

1          Illinois Society for Mental Health 1941-1966

2          Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness 1937-1964

3          Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Children's School 19144-1962

4          Illinois State Dental Society 1966


Box 341

1          Illinois, State of: 1949-1960

2          Illinois, State of: 1966-1969

3          Illinois, State of: Advisory Council on Mental Retardation 1964-1968

4          Illinois, State of: Civil Service commission 1954-1955

5          Illinois, State of: 1940-1961

6          Illinois, State of: Commission for Handicapped Children 1940-1963

7          Illinois, State of: Commission on the Aging and Aged

8          Illinois, State of: Commission on the Condition of the Urban Negro Population 1938-1941


Box 342

1          Illinois, State of: Department of Children and Family Services: 1963-1964

2          IL, State of: Dept. of Children and Family Serv.: Adoption Information Service 1964-1965

3          Illinois, State of: Department of Children and Family Services: Day Care Centers 1961-1968

4          IL, State of: Dept. of Children and Family Serv.: Herrick House Service Reports 1960-1964

5          Illinois, State of: Department of Children and Family Services: Purchase of Care: 1963-1971

6          IL, State of: Dept. of Ch. & Fam. Serv.: Purchase of Care: Differential payments 1958-1969


Box 343

1          Illinois, State of: Department of Labor 1962-1964

2          Illinois, State of: Department of Mental Health: 1961-1964

3          Illinois, State of: Department of Mental Health: 1966-1968

4          Illinois, State of: Division of Child Welfare: 1947-1951

5          Illinois, State of: Division of Child Welfare: Adoption Education Program 1962-1964

6          Illinois, State of: Division of Child Welfare: Licensing of agencies 1952-1963

7          Illinois, State of: Division of Child Welfare: Mental Retardation 1965-1968


Box 344

1          Illinois, State of: Department of Public Aid 1948-1966

2          Illinois, State of: Department of Public Health: 1947-1955

3          Illinois, State of: Department of Public Health: 1956-1969

4          IL, State of: Dept. of Public Health: Division of Hospital and Chronic Illness 1957-1962


Box 345

1          Illinois, State of: Department of Public Works 1965

2          Illinois, State of: Department of Special Education 1964-1966

3          Illinois, State of: Division of Rehabilitation 1944-1958

4          Illinois, State of: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: 1958-1963

5          Illinois, State of: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: 1960-1964

6          Illinois, State of: Fair Employment Practices Commission 1962

7          Illinois, State of: Governor's Advisory Committee on Tuberculosis 1953

8          Illinois, State of: Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped 1962-1967

9          Illinois, State of: Governor's Conference on Exceptional Children 1958-1967

10        IL, State of: Governor's Conf. on Philosophy and Prog. Illinois, Patient Pay Plan 1961-1965


Box 346

1          Illinois, State of: Illinois Public Aid Commission: 1944-1947

2          Illinois, State of: Illinois Public Aid Commission: 1944-1969

3          Illinois, State of: Illinois Public Aid Commission: 1952-1958

4          Illinois, State of: Illinois Public Aid Commission: Illegitimacy problems 1962-1964

5          Illinois, State of: Illinois Public Aid Commission: Studies of public assistance 1960-1969


Box 347

1          Illinois, State of: Illinois State Employment Service 1944-1960

2          Illinois, State of: Illinois State Employment Service 1944-1960: 1958-1959

3          Illinois, State of: Illinois State Employment Service 1944-1960: 1958-1967

4          Illinois, State of: Illinois State Employment Service 1944-1960: 1960-1964

5          Illinois, State of: Illinois Visually Handicapped Institute 1961-1962

6          Illinois, State of: Illinois Visually Handicapped Institute Conference 1961-1967


Box 348

1          Illinois, State of: Illinois Youth Commission: 1954-1961

2          Illinois, State of: Illinois Youth Commission: 1959-1968

3          Illinois, State of: Illinois Youth Commission: 1960-1964

4          Illinois, State of: Illinois Youth Commission: Community Services 1957-1966


Box 349

1          Illinois State Training School for Boys 1929-1961

2          Illinois State Training School for Girls 1952-1957

3          Illinois State-Wide Public Health Committee 1945-1958

4          Illinois Superintendent of Public Instruction 1958-1968

5          Illinois Teachers College 1967

6          Illinois Veterans' Administration Hospital: Downey, Illinois 1960-1961

7          Illinois Veterans' Administration Hospital: Hines, Illinois 1948-1964

8          Illinois Welfare Association 1944-1966

9          Immanuel Woman's Home 1922-1948


Box 350

1          Immigrants' Service League: 1934-1938

2          Immigrants' Service League: 1939-1966

3          Indiana, State of 1964-1970

4          Indianapolis-Marion County Health and Welfare Council 1958-1964

5          Individual Psychology Association 1947-1949

6          Industrial Areas Foundation 1957-1965

7          Industrial Relations Association of Chicago 1947-1954

8          Infant Welfare League of Chicago Heights 1960

9          Infant Welfare Society of Chicago 1960-1967

10        Infant Welfare Society of Oak Park and River Forest 1947-1952

11        Inner Mission Society 1931-1937

12        Institute for Cultural Development 1966


Box 351

1          Institute for Inter-Group Relations 1958-1959

2          Institute for Juvenile Research: 1927-1961

3          Institute for Juvenile Research: 1937-1969

4          Institute for Juvenile Research: 1946-1961

5          Institute for Juvenile Research: Advisory Committee 1957-1963

6          Institute for Juvenile Research: William Healy School 1953-1966

7          Institute for Psychoanalysis 1932-1966

8          Institute of International Education 1957-1966


Box 352

1          Institute of Medicine of Chicago 1947-1964

2          Institute of Medicine of Chicago Central Service for the Chronically Ill: 1941-1949

3          Institute of Medicine of Chicago Central Service for the Chronically Ill: 1950-1954

4          Institute of Medicine of Chicago Central Service for the Chronically Ill: 1955-1956

5          Inter-Agency Committee on Neighborhood Problems: 1959-1963

6          Inter-Agency Committee on Neighborhood Problems: 1964-1969

7          International Conference of Social Work 1952-1964

8          International Harvester Company Personnel Department 1938-1959


Box 353

1          International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled 1966-1969

2          International voluntary Service 1964

3          Italian Welfare Council 1945-1954

4          Jackson Park Hospital 1934-1967

5          James C. King Home for Old Men 1925-1961

6          Japanese-American Service Committee of Chicago: 1954-1959

7          Japanese-American Service Committee of Chicago: 1960-1966


Box 354

1          Jewish Big Sisters 1930-1948

2          Jewish Children's Bureau 1939-1968

3          Jewish Children's Welfare Society 1936

4          Jewish Community Centers of Chicago: 1938-1955

5          Jewish Community Centers of Chicago: 1956-1958

6          Jewish Community Centers of Chicago: 1959-1962

7          Jewish Community Centers of Chicago: 1963-1968


Box 355

1          Jewish Family and Community Service 1933-1964

2-3       Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago 1937-1969

4          Jewish Home Finding Society 1936

5          Jewish Home for the Blind 1946-1955

6          Jewish People's Convalescent Home 1934-1962


Box 356

1          Jewish People's Institute 1937-1938

2          Jewish United Fund 1951-1965

3          Jewish Vocational Service and Employment Center: 1938-1959

4          Jewish Vocational Service and Employment Center: 1958-1967

5          Jewish Vocational Service and Employment Center: 1936-1969

6          Johanna Bureau for the Blind and Visually Handicapped, Inc. 1966

7          Johanna Lodge No. 9 V.O.T.S. 1930-1950


Box 357

1          John Howard Association: 1932-1949

2          John Howard Association: 1950-1964

3          John Howard Association: 1954-1966

4          Joint Information Service 1958-1964

5          Joint Negro Appeal 1954-1970

6          Joint Service Bureau 1935-1937

7          Joint Vocational Service 1936-1937

8          Joint Youth Development committee 1965-1968

9          Junior Chamber of Commerce 1955-1957


Box 358

1          Junior League of Chicago, Inc. 1946-1968

2          Juvenile Court of Cook County: 1942-1952

3          Juvenile Court of Cook County: 1953-1959

4          Juvenile Court of Cook County: 1962-1968

5          Juvenile Court of Cook County: Correspondence 1957-1969

6          Juvenile Court of Cook County: Reports 1959-1965


Box 359

1          Juvenile Court of Cook County: Bulletins

2          Juvenile Court of Cook County: Children's Court Committee 1960-1967

3          Juvenile Court of Cook County: Newspaper Clippings 1958-1967

4          Juvenile Court of Cook County: Citizens Committee and study 1961-1967


Box 360

1          Juvenile Delinquency (Welfare) Association 1923-1963

2          Juvenile Protective Association: 1930-1939

3          Juvenile Protective Association: 1934

4          Juvenile Protective Association: 1940-1967

5          Juvenile Protective Association: Englewood Project on Delinquency 1954-1958

6          Juvenile Protective Association: Mental Health Demonstration Project 1960


Box 361

1          Kennedy Job Training Center 1966-1970

2          Kennedy, Lt. Joseph P., Jr., School for Exceptional Children 1962-1967

3          Kenny Rehabilitation 1947-1964

4          Kenwood-Ellis Community Center: 1954-1959

5          Kenwood-Ellis Community Center: 1960-1965

6          Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization 1966-1969

7          Kidney Foundation of Illinois 1953-1962

8          King-Bruwaert House 1932-1965

9          Kough, Blanchford: 1949-1952

10        Kough, Blanchford: 1953-1957

11        Kramer foundation 1962-1965


Box 362

1          Labor League for Human Rights 1943-1946

2          Ladies' Garment Workers' Union-Union Health Center 1963

3          La Grange, Illinois 1956-1966

4          La Grange Community Nurse and Service Association 1954

5          La Grange Suburban Project 1955-1958

6          Laird Community House 1934-1955

7          Lake Bluff Orphanage 1928-1959

8          Lake county Health Department 1956-1965

9          Lake county Welfare Council 1959-1966


Box 363

1          Lake Geneva Fresh Air Association, Holiday Home 1935-1967

2          Lake Meadows Hospital 1955-1958

3          Lake View Citizens' Council 1955-1959


Box 364

1          Lambs, Inc. 1961-1965

2          Lane Bryant Award 1952-1961

3          La Rabida Children's Hospital and Research Center 1926-1955

4          Lawndale Conservation Community Council 1966

5          Lawndale Neighborhood Health Center 1967

6          Lawrence Hall: 1965-1966

7          Lawrence Hall: 1932-1950

8          Lawrence Hall: 1932-1968

9          Lawrence Hall: 1951-1956

10        Lawrence Hall: 1955-1963


Box 365

1          Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities 1967-1969

2          League of Women Voters-Chicago and Illinois 1959-1969

3          Leukemia 1949-1962

4          Levinson, Dr. Julian D., Research Foundation 1950-1966

5          Lewis Memorial Maternity Hospital 1952-1961

6          Lilly endowment, Inc. 1956-1960

7          Lincoln Academy of Illinois: 1965-1969

8          Lincoln Academy of Illinois: Printed materials 1965-1970


Box 366

1          Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Uptown Coordinating Council: 1965-1966

2          Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Uptown Coordinating Council: 1967-1969

3          Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Uptown Coordinating Council: 1969-1971

4          Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Uptown Coordinating Council: "News and Views" 1968-1969

5          Lincoln Street Institutional church 1934-1953

6          Little City, Inc.: 1956-1961

7          Little City, Inc.: 1959-1967


Box 367

1          Little Company of Mary Hospital 1934-1959

2          Little Wanderer day Nursery 1928-1937

3          Living Need Fund 1953-1955

4          Loretto Hospital 1959-1965

5          Los Angeles Sanitarium and Ex-patient Home 1936-1941

6          Los Angeles Welfare Council 1951-1955

7          Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital 1953-1958

8          Lower North Centers: 1946-1959

9          Lower North Centers: 1960-1965

10        Loyal Order of Moose 1942-1951

11        Loyola University School of Social Work 1943-1964

12        Lutheran Charities Federation 1936-1964


Box 368

1          Lutheran Child and Family Services 1932-1970

2          Lutheran Day Nursery 1929-1959

3          Lutheran General and Deaconess Hospitals 1938-1965

4          Lutheran Home and Service for the Aged 1937-1959

5          Lutheran Home Finding Society of Illinois 1926-1960

6          Lutheran Research and Survey 1960-1961

7          Lutheran Welfare Services of Illinois 1960-1965


Box 369

1          Lydia Children's Home Association 1932-1965

2          Lyons Township 1960-1965

3          Mac Neal Memorial Hospital Association 1958-1966

4          Madonna Center 1933-1967

5          Maine Township Mental Health Association 1967-1970

6          Manteno State Hospital 1965

7          Marcy Center 1935-1966


Box 370

1          Margaret Etter Creche 1928-1968

2          Marillac House 1949-1969

3          Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home 1936

4          Marshall Fields Awards 1956-1957

5          Martha Washington Home for Dependent Crippled Children 1925-1968

6          Martha Washington Hospital 1933-1968

7          Mary Bartelme Home for Girls of Metropolitan Chicago 1932-1969


Box 371

1          Mary Crane Nursery School 1928-1966

2          Mary McDowell Settlement: 1938-1962

3          Mary McDowell Settlement: 1963-1967

4          Mary Thompson Hospital: 1933-1950

5          Mary Thompson Hospital: 1950-1963


Box 372

1          Masonic Employment Bureau 1922-1952

2          Mather Home 1964

3          Maywood Home for Soldiers' Widows 1925-1956

4          McCormick Theological Seminary 1957-1969

5          Medical Center Commission 1944-1965

6          Mental Health Association of Greater Chicago, Inc.: 1957-1964

7          M. H. A. of Greater Chgo., Inc.: Cmte. on Mental Health Resources for Children 1959-1964

8          Mercy Hospital 1934-1966

9          Methodist Church, miscellaneous 1950-1969

10        Methodist Old People's Home 1925-1966


Box 373

1          Metropolitan Chicago Nursing Home Association 1967-1969

2          Metropolitan Housing and Planning Council: 1936-1959

3          Metropolitan Housing and Planning Council: 1960-1964

4          Mexican-American Council of Chicago 1953-1958

5          Mexican Civic Committee of the West Side 1943-1948

6          Mexican Community Committee of South Chicago 1936-1966

7          Michael Reese Hospital 1932-1967

8          Michigan, miscellaneous 1967

9          Michigan Avenue Hospital 1964-1965


Box 374

1          Michigan Welfare League 1959-1966

2          Midwest Baptist Homes, Inc. 1962-1966

3          Midwest Community Council 1955-1967

4          Midwest Handicapped, Inc. 1960

5          Midwest Open Land Association 1959-1967

6          Midwest Youth and Community Committee 1962

7          Midwest Association for Nursery Education 1952-1962

8          Million-and-Over Club 1960-1964

9          Missouri, miscellaneous 1967-1969

10        Montgomery Ward Clinics 1940-1949

11        Morgan Park Home for Children 1932-1949

12        Mothers' Relief Association for the Aged 1929-1934


Box 375

1          Mount Sinai Hospital 1932-1968

2          Multiple Sclerosis Society 1950-1969

3          Municipal Contagious Disease Hospital 1934-1965

4          Municipal Court of Chicago: 1951-1965

5          Municipal Court of Chicago: Advisory Committee 1950-1963

6          Municipal Court of Chicago: Psychiatric Institute and Social Service Department 1936-1951

7          Municipal Court of Chicago: 1953-1964

8          Municipal Reference Library 1967-1968

9          Municipal Social Hygiene Clinic 1931-1943


Box 376

1          Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium: 1928-1969

2          Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium: 1952-1969

3          Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc. 1950-1960

4          Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc. 1950-1969

5          Muslim Religious and Cultural Home, Inc. 1957


Box 377

1          Mutual Aid for Progress 1959-1960

2          Mutual Progressive Association for the Blind 1938-1941

3          National Advisory Committee on Local Health Departments 1962-1964

4          National Aid to Visually Handicapped 1963-1966

5          National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 1933-1956

6          National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials 1949-1962

7          National Association of Social Workers 1957-1965

8          National College of Education 1942-1957

9          National Conference of Christians and Jews 1943-1956

10        National Conference on Chronic Illness 1949-1951

11        National Council for Homemaker Service, Inc. 1957-1967

12        National Council of Churches 1955-1970


Box 378

1          National Council of Jewish Women: 1953-1969

2          National Council of Jewish Women: North Shore Section 1962

3          National Council of Jewish Women: South Cook County Council 1962-1964

4          National Council of Jewish Women: Youth Employment Service North Shore 1966-1967

5          National Council on Aging: 1954-1961

6          National Council on Aging: 1963-1965

7          National Council on Alcoholism, Inc. 1961-1968

8          National Council on Crime and Delinquency 1961-1964

9          National Council on Family Relations 1953-1966

10        National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation 1961-1962

11        National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers 1942-1965

12        National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers, Training Center 1962-1969


Box 379

1          National Forum Foundation 1954-1962

2          The National Foundation (March of Dimes): 1942-1961

3          The National Foundation (March of Dimes): 1959-1969

4          National Fund for Medical Education 1950-1960

5          National Handicapped Industries 1959

6          National Health Council: 1949-1955

7          National Health Council: 1956-1957


Box 380

1          National Homemaker Committee 1955-1959

2          National Institute of Family Relations 1944-1958

3          National Jewish Welfare Board 1957-1960

4          National Medical Fellowships 1951-1968

5          National Mental Health Center 1958-1960

6          National Park College Day Nursery 1925-1944

7          National Parkinson Foundation, Inc., Chicago Chapter 1962-1964

8          National Planning Association 1947-1957

9          National Recreation Association-Chicago Area Committee 1939-1970

10        National Shut-In Society, Illinois Wing 1941-1958

11        National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. 1945-1968


Box 381

1          National Urban League 1950-1969

2          National Youth Foundation 1944-1958

3          Navy Relief Society, Great Lakes Auxiliary 1942-1945

4          Neat North Committee for Better Housing 1967

5          Near North Civic Committee, Inc. 1940-1965

6          Near Northwest Side Community Council of Chicago 1933-1953

7          Near West Side Community Committee: 1940-1958

8          Near West Side Community Committee: 1959-1964

9          Near West Side Coordinating Council 1939-1940

10        Near West Side Planning Board 1949-1956

11        Neighborhood Boys Club 1936-1958

12        Neighborhood Service Organization 1965

13        New Haven Council of Social Agencies 1952-1954

14        New Orleans Council of Social Agencies 1954-1955


Box 382

1          New York Council on Social Work Education 1950-1969

2          New York-Hospital Review and Planning council of Southern New York 1953-1967

3          Newberry Avenue Center 1931-1958

4          Niles Township Combined Community Chest and Council 1954-1965

5          North Avenue Day Nursery 1925-1966

6          North Kenwood-Oakland community 1956-1958

7          North Lawndale Citizens Council 1950-1963


Box 383

1          North Shore, various suburbs 1941-1952

2          North Shore Association for Retarded Children 1951-1965

3          North Shore Committee on the Older Adult 1925-1960

4          North Shore Senior Center 1960-1964

5          North Side Boys Clubs 1938-1966

6          North Side Civic Committee 1947-1949

7          North Suburban Community Council 1952-1957

8          North Suburban Council on Retardation 1966


Box 384

1          North Suburban Health Conference 1954

2          North Youth Council 1957

3          Northern Illinois College of Optometry and Northern Illinois Eye Clinic 1932-1949

4          Northern Illinois Planning Commission 1958-1967

5          Northwest Community Organization 1965

6          Northwest Family Service Association 1955-1963

7          Northwest Cook County, miscellaneous 1960-1965

8          Northwest Home for the Aged 1948-1964

9          Northwest Suburban aid for the Retarded 1960-1969

10        Northwestern University: Miscellaneous 1961-1965

11        Northwestern University: Department of Sociology 1940-1951

12        Northwestern University: Medical School 1948-1965

13        Northwestern University Settlement 1937--1966

14        Norwegian-American Hospital, Inc. 1936-1966

15        Norwegian Lutheran Bethesda Home Association 1923-1955


Box 385

1          Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home Society 1932-1960

2          Norwood Park Home of the Norwegian Old People's Home Soc. 1925-1954

3          Nursery Counseling Service 1951-1959

4          Oak Forest Hospital 1960-1964

5          Oak Forest Institutions 1925-1969

6          Oak Lawn, Illinois, miscellaneous 1955-1966


Box 386

1          Oak Park and River Forest Community Welfare Council: 1950-1964

2          Oak Park and River Forest Community Welfare Council: Study Committee 1962-1965

3          Oak Park and river Forest Day Nursery 1929-1961

4          Off-the Street Club: 1929-1965

5          Off-the Street Club: 1962

6          Off-the Street Club: 1962-1963

7          Off-the Street Club: 1958-1967


Box 387

1          Ogden Park Community Center 1966

2          Olivet Community Center: 1935-1957

3          Olivet Community Center: 1958

4          Olivet Community Center: 1958-1966

5          Omni Research Foundation 1964

6          Onward Neighborhood House 1927-1966

7          Opportunity Centers 1959-1965


Box 388

1          Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged 1925-1968

2          Outing Association for Crippled Children 1938-1960

3          Pacific Gardens Mission 1936-1965

4          Pan Arcadian Federation of America 1956

5          Paraplegics Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1960

6          Parents Association for Cerebral Palsied Children: Ruth Lodge 1950-1961

7          Parents Association for Cerebral Palsied Children: Shady Oaks Camp 1942-1961

8          Park Forest, miscellaneous 1958-1965

9          Park Manor Neighbors 1957-1958

10        Park Ridge Family Counseling Service, Inc. 1959-1964


Box 389

1          Park Ridge School for Girls 1932-1966

2          Park View Home 1951-1963

3          Parkinson's Disease 1964

4          Parkside Community Council 1958

5          Parkway Community House: 1937-1939

6          Parkway Community House: 1940-1949

7          Parkway Community House: 1950-1966

8          Passavant Memorial Hospital 1925-1967


Box 390

1          Paulist Community Center 1942-1952

2          Peacock Camp for Crippled Children 1936-1940

3          People's Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc. 1962-1966

4          Peoria, Illinois, miscellaneous 1955-1970

5          Philadelphia Hospital, Council of 1952-1954

6          Phyllis Wheatley Association 1936-1945

7          Pilsen Neighbors Community Council 1955-1961

8          Planned Parenthood Association, Chicago Area: 1925-1960

9          Planned Parenthood Association, Chicago Area: 1941-1949

10        Planned Parenthood Association, Chicago Area: 1950-1962

11        Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. 1959-1960

12        Playhouse Nursery 1956-1957

13        Plum Grove Nursing Home 1964-1970

14        Plymouth Place, Inc. 1949-1962

15        Polish Welfare Association 1925-1954

16        Polorator Health Foundation 1962


Box 391

1          Presbyterian Home 1931-1959

2          Presbyterian Hospital, Central Free Dispensary 1929-1950

3          Presbyterian, St. Luke's Hospital 1940-1966

4          Presbytery of Chicago 1957-1967

5          President's Commission on National Goals 1960-1961

6          President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency & Youth Crime 1961-1965

7          Protestant Youth Haven 1935-1959


Box 392

1          Protestant Woman's Protectorate 1934-1950

2          Protestant Women's Service Club 1927-1949

3          Provident Hospital and Training School: 1929-1945

4          Provident Hospital and Training School: 1946-1948

5          Provident Hospital and Training School: 1949

6          Provident Hospital and Training School: 1950-1953

7          Provident Hospital and Training School: 1954-1964

8          Proviso Township Mental Health Commission 1967

9          Psychiatric Aid Society 1953-1965

10        Public Recreation Commission of other cities 1951-1959

11        Public Relations Board 1956-1965

12        Publicity Club of Chicago 1959-1971


Box 393

1          Racine Gardens 1957

2          Randolph Commission 1956-1957

3          Ravenswood Conservation Commission 1958-1967

4          Ravenswood Hospital Association 1932-1944

5          Red, White, and Blue club 1924-1936

6          Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago: 1951-1966

7          Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago: 1959-1970


Box 394

1          Research Council for Economic Security 1951-1956

2          Research Foundation 1948-1955

3          Rest Haven Rehabilitation Hospital 1935-1957

4          Resurrection Day Nursery 1928-1952

5          Retarded Children's Aid, Inc. 1950-1954

6          Retirement Services, Inc. 1960-1967

7          Ridge Farm: 1932-1959

8          Ridge Farm: 1959-1965


Box 395

1          Ridgeway Hospital, Inc. 1964-1965

2          Robbins, Illinois, miscellaneous 1952-1965

3          Rogers Park Council 1954-1958

4          Rolling Meadows 1960

5          Roosevelt College 1958-1964

6          Russell Square Community Committee 1939-1968

7          Ryder Community House 1956-1962

8          Sacred Heart Home 1959

9          St. Ann's Home for the Aged 1925-1962

10        St. Anne's Day Nursery 1925-1952

11        St. Anthony de Padua Hospital 1966

12        St. Benedict's Home for the Aged 1929-1965

13        St. Columbkille Day Nursery 1925-1954

14        St. Elizabeth's Day Nursery 1926-1952

15        St. Elizabeth Hospital 1929-1969

16        St. Francis Hospital-Evanston 1942-1962

17        St. John's Community Center 1960


Box 396

1          St. Joseph Hospital 1933-1969

2          St. Joseph's Home for the aged 1929-1960

3          St. Leonard's House 1959-1966

4          St. Luke's Hospital: 1936-1959

5          St. Luke's Hospital: 1950-1965

6          St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital 1932-1958

7          St. Mary's Home for Children: 1932-1958

8          St. Mary's Home for Children: 1959-1969

9          St. Vincent Infant Hospital 1929-1961


Box 397

1          Salvation Army: 1932-1969

2          Salvation Army: 1946

3          Salvation Army: 1938-1969

4          Salvation Army: Reports (Departmental) 1961-1962

5          Salvation Army: Camp 1936-1962

6          Salvation Army: Catherine Booth Hospital and Clinic 1930-1964

7          Salvation Army: 1951-1964


Box 398

1          Salvation Army: Catherine Booth Hospital & Welfare Council committee 1958-1959

2          Salvation Army: Corps Welfare Program 1957-1962

3          Salvation Army: Day Nursery 1926-1963

4          Salvation Army: Emergency Lodge 1930-1962

5          Salvation Army: Family Service 1937-1964

6          Salvation Army: Harbor Light Centers 1952-1963

7          Salvation Army: Homemaker Service 1945-1960


Box 399

1          Salvation Army: Men's Industrial Homes 1938-1958

2          Salvation Army: Pre-School 1933-1949

3          Salvation Army: Settlements 1956-1963

4          Salvation Army: 1926-1954

5          Samaritan Neighborhood House 1935-1949

6          San Francisco, California, miscellaneous 1959-1961

7          Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial Home: 1926-1954

8          Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial Home: 1955-1959

9          Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial Home: 1925-1966


Box 400

1          Save the Children Federation, Inc. 1936-1957

2          Save the Dunes 1956-1964

3          Scholarship and Guidance Association: 1937-1949

4          Scholarship and Guidance Association: 1950-1968

5          Scholarship Association for Jewish Children 1937

6          School Children's Aid Society 1933-1965

7          Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, Charles H. and Rachel M. 1956-1964


Box 401

1          Seamen Services 1958-1960

2          Seguin Activity Center 1966

3          Senior Achievement, Inc. 1953-1960

4          Senior Centers of Metropolitan Chicago: 1955-1956

5          Senior Centers of Metropolitan Chicago: 1957-1960

6          Senior Centers of Metropolitan Chicago: 1960-1970

7          Short Sta Hospital 1963-1964

8          Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Children 1927-1954

9          Sidney Hillman Health Centre Project 1962-1963

10        Social Service Employee Union 1937-1951

11        Social Work vocational bureau 1939-1963

12        SOS-Children's Villages 1961-1963

13        South Central Association 1948-1956


Box 402

1          South Chicago Community Center 1936-1965

2          South Chicago Community Hospital 1937-1966

3          South Chicago Neighborhood House 1937-1965

4          South Cook County 1956-1967

5          South Cook County-Follow-up on White House Conference on Children 1960

6          South Cook County Council for Migrants 1959-1963

7          South Cook County Council for Migrants, minutes 1959-1963

8          South East Chicago Commission 1952-1965


Box 403

1          South Expressway Project 1957-1958

2          South Lynne Community Project 1957-1958

3          South Shore Commission 1954-1967

4          South Side Boys' Club Foundation 1935-1956

5          South Side Catholic Social Center and Day Nursery 1930-1935

6          South Side Community Art Center 1943-1946

7          South Side Community Committee: 1942-1949

8          South Side Community Committee: 1950-1959

9          South Side Community Committee: Survey Study 1960 (includes 1957-1959 items)

10        South Side Community Committee: 1960-1962

11        South Side Community Committee: 1963-1964

12        South Side Crippled Children's Aid 1937-1953

13        South Side Planning Board 1947-1963

14        South Side special School for Retarded Children 1959-1961


Box 404

1          South Suburban Family Life Conference 1957

2          Southeast Community Hospital Association 1964-1965

3          Southern Christian Leadership Conference 1964-1968

4          Southwest Community Coordinating Council 1949-1956

5          Southwest School for the Retarded 1954-1964

6          Southwest Suburban Mental Health Association 1966

7          Statewide Citizen's Organization 1963

8          Stickney Township Public Health District 1966

9          Suburban Community Chest Council 1958-1968

10        Suburban Cook County Tuberculosis Sanitarium District 1941-1968

11        Suburban Visiting Nurse Association 1959-1960

12        Sunny Ridge Home for Children 1929-1956

13        Sunset Camp Foundation 1946-1962

14        Swedish Covenant Hospital and Covenant Home 1925-1964

15        Swedish Retirement Association 1960-1962

16        Swedish Societies' Old People's Home 1925-1952

17        Syracuse and Onondaga County Council of Social Agencies 1959-1966


Box 405

1          Tabernacle Nursery School 1944-1955

2          Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois 1954-1962

3          Teamwork Foundation 1964

4          Tennessee E. Clark Memorial Community Center 1958-1960

5          Texas, miscellaneous 1964-1970

6-7       Thresholds 1957-1969

8          Tinley Park State Hospital 1961-1966


Box 406

1          Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago: 1924-1935

2          Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago: 1936-1938

3          Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago: 1939-1949

4          Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago: 1950-1961

5          Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago: 1942-1957

6          Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago: 1961-1967


Box 407

1          Tri-Park community Council 1957-1958

2          Trumbull Park Community Center: 1954-1966

3          Trumbull Park Community Center: 1960-1965

4          Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County 1936-1957

5          Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County 1960-1967

6          Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County 1961-1965

7          Turkel Treatment for Mongolism 1959-1961


Box 408

1          Uhlich Children's Home 1929-1962

2          Uhlich Children's Home 1944-1964

3          Union Avenue parish House 1945-1955

4          Union Cooperative Eye Care Center, Inc. 1952-1965

5          Union League Club 1935-1958

6          United Cerebral Palsy of Chicago: 1950-1957

7          United Cerebral Palsy of Chicago: 1950-1966

8          United Cerebral Palsy of Chicago: Long Term Care Committee 1967-1969

9          United Cerebral Palsy in Illinois 1950-1961


Box 409

1          United Charities of Chicago: 1930-1966

2          United Charities of Chicago: Report of Study of 1936

3          United Charities of Chicago: Annual Statistical Summary 1960-1961

4          United Charities of Chicago: Big Brothers Association 1936-1937

5          United Charities of Chicago: Calumet District Project 1960-1962

6          United Charities of Chicago: Camp Algonquin 1951-1964

7          United Charities of Chicago: Legal Aid Bureau 1926-1964


Box 410

1          United Charities of Chicago: Nursery Center Counseling Service 1951-1960

2          United Charities of Chicago: Service Council for Girls 1934-1936

3          United Charities of Chicago: Women's Service Division 1942-1964

4          United Citizens' Committee for Freedom of Residence in Illinois 1960-1965

5          United Community Funds and Councils 1970

6          United Community Services of Lake County 1967-1968

7          United Defense Fund, Inc. 1951-1958

8          United Lutheran Social Mission Society 1951-1959

9          United Parkinson Foundation 1964-1966

10        United Seamen's Service 1945-1966


Box 411

1          United Service Organization 1951-1968

2          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: 1953-1964

3          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: Chicago 1959-1970

4          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: Children's Bureau 1959-1967

5          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: Federal Council on Aging 1957-1969

6          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Assistance Problems: 1962-1968

7          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Assistance Problems: 1969

8          U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service 1956-1963

9          U.S. Dept. of Labor 1961-1963

10        U.S. District court, Probation Office 1960-1964


Box 412

1          United Way of America: 1960-1966

2          United Way of America: Expenditure Study Questionnaire: 1957-1969

3          United Way of America: Expenditure Study Questionnaire: 1960-1970

4          United Way of America: Group Work and Recreation Service 1962-1965

5          United Way of America: Questionnaire 1960-1964

6          United Way of America: Research Workshop Proceedings 1960-1965


Box 413

1          United Woodlawn Conference 1957

2          University of Chicago: 1933-1960

3          University of Chicago: 1960-1964

4          University of Chicago: Center for Continuing Education 1963-1966

5          University of Chicago: Printed material and reports 1953-1959

6          University of Chicago: School of Social Administration: 1951-1960

7          University of Chicago: School of Social Administration: 1960-1964


Box 414

1          University of Chicago: School of Social Administration: Field Work Manuals 1956-1966

2          University of Illinois: 1942-1963

3          University of Illinois: 1953-1964


Box 415

1          University of Illinois: School for Social Work 1958-1959

2          University of Illinois: Division of Services for Crippled Children: 1936-1963

3-4       U of I: Div. of Serv. for Crippled Children: Expansion of Services, Chicago area 1943-1953

5          U of I: Div. of Serv. for Crippled Chrn.: Plan for reimbursement for hospital care 1948-1955

6          University of Illinois: Re: Transfer to Illinois Dept. of Public Health 1949-1953

7          University of Illinois: Professional College 1932-1955

8          University of Illinois: School of Social Work 1948-1959


Box 416

1          Veterans' Administration 1946-1965

2          Veterans' Administration Research Hospital 1960-1962

3          Veterans' Rehabilitation Centre 1951

4          Victory Workshops 1936-1941

5          Visiting Nurse Association of Chicago 1933-1968

6          Visiting Nurse Association of Evanston 1943-1965

7          Visiting Nurse Association, suburbs 1961-1963

8          Vocational Rehabilitation Administration 1964-1968


Box 417

1          Vocational Rehabilitation: Illinois Division 1959-1963

2          Vocational Rehabilitation: Illinois Division 1964-1969

3          Vocational Rehabilitation: Federal Legislation 1964-1964

4          Vocational Rehabilitation: Federal Legislation 1968-1969

5          Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, forms

6          Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, forms: publications 1957-1966


Box 418

1          Vocational Rehabilitation Administration: Public Law 89-19333 1965-1967

2          Vocational Rehabilitation Administration: Statewide Planning Project 1967-1968

3          Vocational Society of Shut-Ins 1920-1955

4          Volunteers of America: 1935-1942

5          Volunteers of America: 1943-1966

6          Volunteers of America: Study 1939

7          Volunteers of America: Report of study of 1939


Box 419

1          Walther Memorial Hospital 1924-1964

2          Washington and Jane Smith Home 1925-1969

3          Wendell Phillips Nursery School 1925-1955

4          West Central Planning Association 1955

5          West End Catholic Woman's Club Nursery 1928-1952

6          West Kenwood Neighborhood Council 1949

7          West Side Christian Parish 1960-1968

8          West Side Community Committee 1963

9          West Side Federation 1957-1967

10        West Side Mentally Retarded Children's Aid 1957-1968

11        West Side Recreational Center 1948

12        West Suburban Home for Girls 1924-1939

13        West Suburban Hospital 1964-1965


Box 420

1          Westlake Hospital 1953-1967

2          Wheat Ridge Foundation 1947-1965

3          Wheeling, Ill.-miscellaneous 1948-1962

4          Whiting Community Center 1961-1962

5          Wicker Park Neighborhood Council 1955-1960

6          Wieboldt Foundation 1924-1968

7          Windham Children's Services 1955-1962

8          Winfield Tuberculosis Service 1941-1963

9          Woman's Court 1939-1948

10        Woman's Service Organization 1959

11        Woodlawn Community Services Agency 1961-1967


Box 421

1          Woodlawn Hospital 1934-1967

2          Woodlawn Services Council: 1962-1967

3          Woodlawn Services Council: Minutes 1961-1966

4          Woodstock Children's Home 1933-1960

5          World Health Organization 1954-1964


Box 422

1          Young American Medals Committee 1951-1952

2          Young Men's Christian Association: 1939-1940

3          Young Men's Christian Association: 1941-1959

4          Young Men's Christian Association: 1960-1969


Box 423

1          Young Men's Christian Association: Central YMCA College Investigation 1945

2          Young Men's Christian Association: Auburn-Downers Grove 1948-1969

3          Young Men's Christian Association: Duncan 1948-1956

4          Young Men's Christian Association: High Ridge-Isham Memorial 1945-1969

5          Young Men's Christian Association: Lawson-North Larrabee 1948-1969

6          Young Men's Christian Association: 111th Street-Southwest Suburban 1957-1966


Box 424

1          Young Men's Christian Association: Southtown 1943-1967

2          Young Men's Christian Association: Wabash-West Communities 1949-1967

3          Young Men's Christian Association: Detached Workers Program: 1937-1960

4          Young Men's Christian Association: Detached Workers Program: 1961-1952

5          Young Men's Christian Association: Detached Workers Program: 1963-1969

6          Young Men's Christian Assoc.: Detached Workers Program: Lists of street gangs 1959-1960


Box 425

1          Young Men's Christian Association: Jobs Now Project 1966-1967

2          Young Men's Christian Association: Sears Roebuck and Company: 1958-1963

3          Young Men's Christian Association: Sears Roebuck and Company: 1963-1965

4          Young Men's Christian Association: Senior Adult Program 1948-1965

5          Young Men's Jewish Council: 1938-1956

6          Young Men's Jewish Council: 1945-1966


Box 426

1          Young Men's Jewish Council: Deborah Boys' Club 1943-1963

2          Young Woman's Christian Association: 1939-1955

3          Young Woman's Christian Association: 1946-1965

4          Young Woman's Christian Association: 1954-1957

5          Young Woman's Christian Association: Health Education Project 1944-1949

6          Young Woman's Christian Association: Industrial Division 1943-1952

7          Young Woman's Christian Association: Metropolitan Service Department 1936-1938


Box 427

1          Young Woman's Christian Association: South Parkway 1943-1969

2          Young Woman's Christian Association: South Side Study 1958-1963

3          Young Woman's Christian Association: West Side Area 1954-1967

4          General Survey

5          Agency studies and surveys


Box 428

1          Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: A-Chic

2          Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: Chil-Gr

3          Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: H-L

4          Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: M-Z

5          Non-Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: A-G


Box 429

1          Non-Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: H-O

2          Non-Chicago agencies, miscellaneous: P-Z


Series 3. Research Department Statistical Records 1928-1966 (Boxes 430-446, card boxes, volumes)

Subseries 1. Social Statistics Project and Information Files 1929-1966

Box 430

1          Agency reports, miscellaneous 1956-1965

2          Agency service reports, notes

3          Child care agencies 1933

4          Health: H-1 (hospitals): 1936

5          Health: H-1 (hospitals): 1937

6          Health: H-1 (hospitals): 1938

7          Health: H-1 (hospitals): 1939

8          Health: H-1 (hospitals): Dev't. of Data and Reports to Community Fund ca. 1950-1965

9          Health: H-2 (clinics): 1936

10        Health: H-2 (clinics): 1937

11        Health: H-2 (clinics): 1938

12        Health: H-2 (clinics): 1939

13        Health: H-2 (clinics): Annual Tables, Research-Health Associate


Box 431

1          Health: H-2 (clinics): General, Research Health Associate

2          Health: H-2 (clinics): Revision of form, correspondence and memoranda

3          Health: H-6, Visiting Nurse Association, Research Health Field

4          Health: Arthur Anderson Report-analysis of data included ca. 1965

5          Health: Chicago Board of Health, committee reports, correspondence

6          Health: Clinic reporting-revision, forms and definitions (Form H-2 - A & B)

7          Health: Clinic service (H-2)

8          Health: Clinics-listing by name

9          Health: Clinic personnel interviews, summaries

10        Health: Community Health Planning 1965-1966

11        Health: Cook County Health Dept. data

12        Health: Dental clinics

13        Health: Family planning

14        Health: Health care 1964-1967

15        Health: Health care planning council


Box 432

1          Health: Health field, general background

2          Health: Home Medical Care-Research Health Associate

3          Health: Home Nursing Coordinated Home Care

4          Health: Hospital Discharge Study Materials (1965) (Hospital Planning Council)

5          Health: Insurance Information, (Mental/Aged/General) (APHA, 10/65)

6          Health: Medically Indigent 1955-1956

7          Health: Mental Health-community health clinics and hospitals by name

8          Health: Mental Health-general information-articles

9          Health: Special Studies (reports, tables, notes)

10        Illinois Dept. of Public Health, statistics 1956 Jan.-Mar.

11        Illinois Public Aid Commission and Chicago Hospital

12        Lutheran Central Ave., Study of Chicago 1960 Aug.

13-14   M-Z Annual reports 1960


Box 433

1          Rep., by agency: 6-A census of dep. or neg. chrn. under care outside their own homes: 1929

2          Rep., by agency: 6-A census of dep. or neg. chrn. under care outside their own homes: 1930

3          Rep., by agency: 6-A Census of Dependent Children in Institutions and Foster Homes 1931

4          Reports, by agency: 6-A Care of Dependent and Neglected children in Institutions: 1932

5          Reports, by agency: 6-A Care of Dependent and Neglected children in Institutions: 1933

6          Reports, data sheets by agency: 6-B Casework for Dependent or Neglected Children: 1929

7          Reports, data sheets by agency: 6-B Casework for Dependent or Neglected Children: 1930

8          Reports, data sheets by agency: 6-B Casework for Dependent or Neglected Children: 1931

9          Reports, data sheets by agency: 6-B Casework for Dependent or Neglected Children: 1932

10        Reports, data sheets by agency: Care of Children in Day Institutions: 1929

11        Reports, data sheets by agency: Care of Children in Day Institutions: 1930

12        Reports, data sheets by agency: Care of Children in Day Institutions: 1931

13        Reports, data sheets by agency: Care of Children in Day Institutions: 1932


Box 434

1          Reports, data sheets by agency: Care of Children in Day Institutions: 1933

2          Reports, data sheets by agency: C-1 Care of Dependent and Neglected Children 1934

3          Rep., by agency: C-2 Care of Dependent and Neglected Children in Institutions 1934

4          Reports, data sheets by agency: C-3 Care of Children in Day Nurseries 1934

5          Rep., by agency: M-2 Institutional Care of the Aged, Indigent or Chronically Ill 1934

6          Rep., data sheets by agency: Institutional care of the Aged, Indigent or Chronically Ill: 1929

7          Rep., data sheets by agency: Institutional care of the Aged, Indigent or Chronically Ill: 1930

8          Rep., data sheets by agency: Institutional care of the Aged, Indigent or Chronically Ill: 1931

9          Rep., data sheets by agency: Institutional care of the Aged, Indigent or Chronically Ill: 1932

10        Rep., data sheets by agency: Institutional care of the Aged, Indigent or Chronically Ill: 1933

11        Reports, data sheets by agency: Maternity Homes: 1929

12        Reports, data sheets by agency: Maternity Homes: 1930

13        Reports, data sheets by agency: Maternity Homes: 1931

14        Reports, data sheets by agency: Maternity Homes: 1932

15        Reports, data sheets by agency: Maternity Homes: 1933

16        Reports, data sheets by agency: C4 Maternity Homes 1934


Box 435

1          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Insurances, Special Statistical Data Feb., 1950

2          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Instructions: 1933

3          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Instructions: 1935

4          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Instructions: 1936-1938

5          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: General: 1945-1946

6          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: General: 1947-1953

7          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: General: 1954-1959


Box 436

1          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Camp statistics: Committee on

2          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Camp statistics: Forms, instructions

3          Rep.: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Ch. Care: C-1 Ch. Wel. Agen. and Inst. on Serv. to Chrn.: 1935-1958

4          Rep.: S. S. P.: Ch. Care: C-1 C. W. A. I. S. C.: 1939-1945, rel. with IL D. P. W., D. of C. W.

5          Rep.: S. S. P.: Ch. Care: C-1 C. W. A. I. S. C.: 1947-1950, ser. to unmrrd. mthr. cases, C1-5

6          Rep.: S. S. P.: Ch. Care: C-1 C. W. Agen. and Inst. on Serv. to Chrn.: C1 and C2 1939-1942

7          Rep.: S. S. P.: Ch. Care: C-1 C. W. A. and Inst. on Serv. to Chrn.: C15 and R15 1945-1948


Box 437

1          Reports, by agency: Soc. Stat. Project: Child Care: C-2 Children's Institutions 1933-1943

2          Reports, by agency: Social Statistics Project: Child Care: C-3 Day Nurseries 1936-1952

3          Reports, by agency: Social Statistics Project: Child Care: C-4 Maternity Homes 1934-1950

4          Reports, by agency: Social Statistics Project: Child Care: C-5 foster Day Care 1950-1955

5          Reports, by agency: Social Statistics Project: Child Care: C-7 Homefinding 1949-1955

6          Reports, by agency: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Child Care: C-8 Referral Serv. in Juvenile Court 1949

7          Reports, by agency: Soc. Statistics Project: Child Care: C-10 Day Nursery counseling 1947

8          Reports, by agency: Social Statistics Project: Evanston Council of Social Agencies

9          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Expenditure Study (2 Study)

10-11   Rep., by agency: Social Statistics Project: Group work: Committee on Statistical Reporting

12        Rep., by agency: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Group work: Advisory Cmte. on Measurement 1936-1942


Box 438

1          Rep., by agency: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Group wk: G-1 (Serv. of Group Wk Agencies): 1933-1950

2          Rep., by agency: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Group wk: G-1 (Serv. of Group Wk Agencies): 1951-1960

3          Rep.: S. S. P.: Gr. Wk.: G-1 (Serv. of G. W. A.): Letters to Out-of town Agencies 1938-1942

4          Rep.: S. S. P.: G. W.: G-1 (S. of G. W. A.): Letters to Other Partic. Agencies 1943-1952

5          Rep.: S. S. P.: G. W.: G-1 (S. of G. W. A.): 1943-1946 summer Day Care Sch. Age Children

6          Rep., by agency: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Group work: G1 and G2 Development of report form

7          Rep., by agency: Soc. Stat. Proj.: Group work: G-2 Local Groups Org. under National Prog.


Box 439

1          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Health: 1945-1954

2          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Health: Form revisions 1949

3          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Health: H-1: 1934-1942

4          Reports, data sheets by agency: Social Statistics Project: Health: H-1: Hospitals

5          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-1A

6          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-2: 1934-1941

7          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-2: Clinics 1935-1957


Box 440

1          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-2: Clinic Statistics Committee minutes 1955

2          S. S. P.: Health: H-3 (med. serv. prov. in home by Health and Welfare Depts.): 1934-1940

3          S. S. P.: Health: H-3 (med. serv. prov. in home by Health and Wel. Depts.): Physicians Serv.

4          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-4 (social case work): 1933-1941

5-6       Social Statistics Project: Health: H-4 (social case work): Medical Social Service

7          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-5 (mental health clinics): Mental Hygiene 1936-1950

8          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-5 (mental health clinics): Reporting minutes 1951

9          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-5 (mental health clinics): Mental health: 1951-1957


Box 441

1-2       Social Statistics Project: Health: H-5 (mental health clinics): Mental health: 1953

3          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-6 (public health nursing): Public Health Nursing

4          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-6 (public health nursing): 1932-1941

5          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-7 School health service: 1934-1940

6          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-7 School health service: School hygiene

7          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-8 Nutrition Service

8          Social Statistics Project: Health: H-9

9          Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-1 Legal Aid 1933-1949

10        Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-2 Homes for the Aged 1941-1957

11        Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-3 Social Service Exchange 1934-1945

12        Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-3 Summaries 1949-1950

13        Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-5 1949-1951

14        Soc. Stat. Proj.: Miscellaneous fields: M5-A and M5-B Chicago Hearing Society 1952-1954

15        Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-6: 1949-1950

16        Social Statistics Project: Miscellaneous fields: M-6: Employment services 1949-1953


Box 442

1-2       Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: General 1932-1943

3          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: Tables, annual, semi, etc.: 1940-1959

4          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: Tables, annual, semi, etc.: 1959-1962

5          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R forms

6          Soc. Stat. Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R-1-A Private agencies: Revision of forms

7          Soc. Stat. Proj.: Rel. & Fam. Wel.: R-1-A Private agencies: Fam. Wel., private 1942-1946

8          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R1A-S Unmarried mothers 1946-1950

9          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R1A-R5 Summaries


Box 443

1          Soc. Stat. Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R-1B Public assistance: general 1940-1954

2          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R-2 Public assistance-ADC 1936-1946

3          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: Travelers and transients 1944-1947

4          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R-5 shelters

5          Soc. Stat. Proj.: Rel. and Fam. Welfare: R-6 Expenditure. Administrative Service and Relief

6          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R-7 Family cases

7          Soc. Stat. Proj.: Relief and Family Welfare: R-8: Homemaker Service Reporting 1949-1954

8          Social Statistics Project: Relief and Family Welfare: R-8: 1946

9-10     Soc. Stat. Proj.: Rel. and Family Welfare: R-9 (information and referral service): 1947-1948

11        Soc. Stat. Proj.: Rel. & Fam. Wel.: RC-I & II & III Combined Fam. & Ch. Care 1946-1961


Box 444

1          Soc. Stat., Tabulations: fam. wel., non-institutional aid to ex-servicemen and their families

2          Social Statistics, Tabulations: Shelters for Men 1930-1932

3          Social Statistics, Tabulations: Shelters for Women 1931-1932

4-5       Suburban Analyses: General

6          Suburban Analyses: 1964

7          Suburban Analyses: Miscellaneous reports


Box 445

1          Suburban Analyses: Niles Township

2          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Chests and constituent agencies

3          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Correspondence-general

4          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Prog.: Comm. Chest Council-correspondence, memos, etc.

5          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Data-IBM for Suburban Profile

6          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: DuPage Correspondence

7          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Elk Grove/Des Plaines, Elgin surveys

8          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Family Counseling

9          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: "Funding Study"--Suburban Chests

10        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Prog.: Leyden, Norwood Park, Proviso Twnshp. (West Cook)

11        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Maine township-statistics

12        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Memos 1965-1966

13        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: North Cook County facts

14        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Northwest Cook County

15        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Planning reports

16        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program: Proviso Township (Mental Health Commission)

17        Suburban Analyses: Suburban Prog.: Regional Data, gen. req. & format for development


Box 446

1          Suburban Analyses: Suburban Program Schedules, survey designs, etc.-poverty, housing

2          Suburban Analyses: Stickney Township data

3          Suburban Analyses: West Cook County facts

4          Suburban Analyses: Worksheets-suburban fact sheets

5          United Charities of Chicago-Family Services Bureau, Annual Statistical Report 1962

6          United States Dept. of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics Publications Children's Bureau

7          U. S. Dept. of Labor: Bur. of Labor Stat. Pub. Children's Bureau: Quarterly reports 1936

8          U. S. Dept. of Labor: Bur. of Labor Stat. Pub. Chrn.'s Bur.: monthly rep. field R 1936-1937

9-10     U. S. Dept. of Labor: Bur. of Labor Stat. Pub. Chrn.'s Bur.: Nat'l Stat. on Child Care 1940

11        U. S. D. L.: Bur. of L. Stat. Pub. Chrn.'s Bur.: Traveler's Aid Society Tabulations 1930-1932


Subseries 2. Statistical Reports, Card Files, 1928-1966

RESTRICTION: The card file boxes in this subseries require advance notice for access because materials are stored offsite.


Card File Box / Form Number:

Card File Box 1

1928: Form Number: 1            Family Welfare and Relief

1928: Form Number: 2            Non-institutional Aid to Service and Ex-servicemen

1928: Form Number: 3            Legal Aid

1928: Form Number: 4            Court Work for delinquent and Dependent or Neglected Children

1928: Form Number: 6            Child Placing and the Institutional Care of Dependent Children

1928: Form No.: 6-A  Census of Dependent or Neglected Children under Care outside their Homes

1928: Form Number: 7            Institutional Care of Delinquent Children

1928: Form Number: 8            Institutional Care of Young People and Adults

1928: Form Number: 9            Care of Children in Day Institutional

1928: Form No.: 10     Non-Institutional Protective Work for Delinquents and Neglected Children

1928: Form Number: 11          Adult Probation

1928: Form Number: 12          Free Employment Service

1928: Form Number: 13          Salvage industries and Sheltered Employment

1928: Form Number: 14          Temporary Shelter for Homeless or Transient Persons

1928: Form No.: 15     Institutional Care of Aged Persons, Indigent Adults and Chronic Invalids

1928: Form Number: 16          Maternity Homes

1928: Form Number: 17          Hospital In-patient Service

1928: Form Number: 18          Clinic and Dispensary Outpatient Service

1928: Form Number: 19          City and County Institutional Medical Care of the Sick Poor

1928: Form Number: 20          Medical Social Service

1928: Form Number: 21          Psychiatric Social Service

1928: Form Number: 22          Public Health Nursing

1928: Form Number: 23          School Nursing and School Medical Inspection

1929: Form Number: 1A         Family Welfare and Relief: Medical Relief Report


Card File Box 2

1955: Form No.: C-1   Child Welfare Agencies and Institutions on Children Receiving Service

1955: Form Number: C-3        Day Care

1955: Form Number: C-4        Maternity Homes

1955: Form Number: C-5        Foster Day Care

1955: Form Number: C-7        Homefinding


Card File Box 3

1955: Form Number: G-1       Services of Group Work Agencies

1955: Form Number: G-2       Local Groups Organized under National Programs

1955: Form Number: H-1       Hospital In-Patient Service

1955: Form Number: H-1-B

1955: Form Number: H-1

1955: Form Number: H-2       Clinic Service

1955: Form No.: H-3  Med. Serv. Prov. in Home and Dr.'s Offc. by Health and Wel. Agen. & Hosp.

1955: Form Number: H-4       Social Case Work in Hospitals and Clinics

1955: Form Number: H-5       Mental Hygiene Clinics

1955: Form Number: H-6       Public Health Nursing Service

1955: Form Number: M-1       Legal Aid

1955: Form Number: M-2       Homes for Aged and Chronically Ill Adults

1955: Form Number: M-3       Social Service Exchange

1955: Form Number: R-1-A   Family and Welfare Relief-private agencies

1955: Form Number: R-1-B    Family and Welfare Relief-public agencies

1955: Form Number: M-6       Employment Services

1955: Form Number: R-2        Aid to Dependent children

1955: Form Number: R-3        Blind Assistance

1955: Form Number: R-4        Traveler's Aid society

1955: Form Number: R-5        Shelters and Other Institutions for Transient and Homeless

1955: Form Number: R-7        Relief to Family Cases

1955: Form Number: R-8        Homemaker Service


Card File Box 5

Permanent Statistics Bulletin 1956-1957


Card File Box 6

1956: Form Number: C-1

1956: Form Number: C-3

1956: Form Number: C-4

1956: Form Number: C-5

1956: Form Number: G-1


Card File Box 7

1956: Form Number: G-1 (continued)

1956: Form Number: G-2

1956: Form Number: H-1

1956: Form Number: H-2

1956: Form Number: H-3

1956: Form Number: H-4


Card File Box 8

1956: Form Number: H-4 (continued)

1956: Form Number: H-5

1956: Form Number: H-6

1956: Form Number: M-1

1956: Form Number: M-2

1956: Form Number: M-3

1956: Form Number: M-6

1956: Form Number: R-1-A

1956: Form Number: R-1-B

1956: Form Number: R-2

1956: Form Number: R-3

1956: Form Number: R-4

1956: Form Number: R-5

1956: Form Number: R-7

1956: Form Number: R-8

1957: Form Number: C-1

1957: Form Number: C-3


Card File Box 9

1957: Form Number: C-3

1957: Form Number: C-4

1957: Form Number: C-5

1957: Form Number: G-1

1957: Form Number: G-2

1957: Form Number: H-1-B


Card File Box 10

1957: Form Number: H-1

1957: Form Number: H-2

1957: Form Number: H-3

1957: Form Number: H-4

1957: Form Number: H-5

1957: Form Number: H-6

1957: Form Number: M-1

1957: Form Number: M-2

1957: Form Number: M-3

1957: Form Number: M-6


Card File Box 11

1957: Form Number: R-1-A

1957: Form Number: R-1-B

1957: Form Number: R-2

1957: Form Number: R-3

1957: Form Number: R-4

1957: Form Number: R-5

1957: Form Number: R-7

1957: Form Number: R-8

1958: Form Number: C-1

1958: Form Number: C-3


Card File Box 12

1958: Form Number: G-1

1958: Form Number: H-1

1958: Form Number: H-1-B


Card File Box 13

1958: Form Number: H-1

1958: Form Number: H-2

1958: Form Number: H-3

1958: Form Number: H-4

1958: Form Number: H-5

1958: Form Number: H-6

1958: Form Number: M-1

1958: Form Number: M-2

1958: Form Number: M-6

1958: Form Number: R-1-A

1958: Form Number: R-1-B

1958: Form Number: R-2

1958: Form Number: R-3

1958: Form Number: R-4

1958: Form Number: R-5

1958: Form Number: R-7

1958: Form Number: R-8


Card File Box 14

1959: Form Number: C-1

1959: Form Number: C-3

1959: Form Number: C-4

1959: Form Number: C-5

1959: Form Number: G-1


Card File Box 15

1959: Form Number: G-1

1959: Form Number: G-2

1959: Form Number: H-1

1959: Form Number: H-2

1959: Form Number: H-3

1959: Form Number: H-4

1959: Form Number: H-5

1959: Form Number: H-6


Card File Box 16

1959: Form Number: M-2

1959: Form Number: M-6

1959: Form Number: R-1-A

1959: Form Number: R-1-B

1959: Form Number: R-2

1959: Form Number: R-3

1959: Form Number: R-4

1959: Form Number: R-5

1959: Form Number: R-7

1959: Form Number: R-8

1960: Form Number: C-1

1960: Form Number: C-3

1960: Form Number: C-4

1960: Form Number: C-5

1960: Form Number: G-1

1960: Form Number: G-2

1960: Form Number: H-1

1960: Form Number: H-1-B


Card File Box 18

1960: Form Number: H-2

1960: Form Number: H-3

1960: Form Number: H-4

1960: Form Number: H-5

1960: Form Number: H-6

1960: Form Number: M-1

1960: Form Number: M-2

1960: Form Number: M-6

1960: Form Number: R-1-A

1960: Form Number: R-1-B

1960: Form Number: R-2

1960: Form Number: R-3

1960: Form Number: R-4

1960: Form Number: R-5

1960: Form Number: R-7

1960: Form Number: R-8


Card File Box 19

1961: Form Number: C-1

1961: Form Number: C-3

1961: Form Number: C-4

1961: Form Number: C-5

1961: Form Number: G-1


Card File Box 20

1961: Form Number: G-1

1961: Form Number: G-2

1961: Form Number: H-2-B

1961: Form Number: H-2

1961: Form Number: H-3

1961: Form Number: H-4

1961: Form Number: H-5

1961: Form Number: M-1

1961: Form Number: M-2

1961: Form Number: R-1-A


Card File Box 21

1961-1962: Form Number: G-1

1961-1962: Form Number: G-2

1961-1962: Form Number: H-2

1961-1962: Form Number: H-3

1961-1962: Form Number: H-4

1961-1962: Form Number: H-5

1961-1962: Form Number: H-6

1961-1962: Form Number: M-2

1961-1962: Form Number: M-6

1961-1962: Form Number: R-1-A


Card File Box 22

1962: Form Number: C-1

1962: Form Number: C-3

1962: Form Number: C-4

1962: Form Number: C-5

1962: Form Number: G-1

1962: Form Number: R-1-B

1962: Form Number: R-2

1962: Form Number: R-3

1962: Form Number: R-4

1962: Form Number: R-5

1962: Form Number: R-7

1962: Form Number: R-8


Card File Box 23

1963: Form Number: R-1-B

1963: Form Number: R-2

1963: Form Number: R-3

1963: Form Number: R-4

1963: Form Number: R-5

1963: Form Number: R-7

1963: Form Number: R-8

1963: Form Number: G-1

1963: Form Number: G-2


Card File Box 24

1963: Form Number: R-1-A

1963: Form Number: R-1-B

1963: Form Number: R-2

1963: Form Number: R-3

1963: Form Number: R-5

1963: Form Number: R-7

1963: Form Number: R-8

1963: Form Number: C-1

1963: Form Number: C-3

1963: Form Number: C-4

1963: Form Number: C-5

1963: Form Number: H-2

1963: Form Number: H-3

1963: Form Number: H-4

1963: Form Number: H-5

1963: Form Number: H-6

1963: Form Number: M-2


Card File Box 25

1964: Form Number: H-2

1964: Form Number: H-3

1964: Form Number: H-4

1964: Form Number: H-5

1964: Form Number: H-6

1964: Form Number: M-1

1964: Form Number: M-6

1964: Form Number: R-1-A

1964: Form Number: R-1-B

1964: Form Number: R-2

1964: Form Number: R-3

1964: Form Number: R-4

1964: Form Number: R-5

1964: Form Number: R-7

1964: Form Number: R-8


Card File Box 26

1964: Form Number: M-2

1964: Form Number: M-2-C

1964: Form Number: M-6

1964: Form Number: C-1

1964: Form Number: C-3

1964: Form Number: C-4

1964: Form Number: C-5

1964: Form Number: H-2


Card File Box 27

1965: Form Number: M-2

1965: Form Number: C-1

1965: Form Number: C-3

1965: Form Number: C-4

1965: Form Number: C-5

1965: Form Number: H-2

1965: Form Number: H-3

1965: Form Number: H-4

1965: Form Number: H-5

1965: Form Number: H-6


Card File Box 28

1965: Form Number: R-8

1965: Form Number: M-2

1965: Form Number: M-6

1965: Form Number: R-1-A

1965: Form Number: R-1-B

1965: Form Number: R-2

1965: Form Number: R-7

1965: Form Number: R-3

1965: Form Number: R-4

1965: Form Number: R-5

1966: Form Number: R-1-A

1966: Form Number: R-1-A Suburban Agencies

1966: Form Number: R-10

1966: Form Number: R-2

1966: Form Number: R-3

1966: Form Number: R-5

1966: Form Number: R-7

1966: Form Number: R-8


Card File Box 29

1966: Form Number: C-1

1966: Form Number: C-3

1966: Form Number: C-4

1966: Form Number: C-5

1966: Form Number: H-2

1966: Form Number: H-3

1966: Form Number: H-4

1966: Form Number: H-5

1966: Form Number: H-6

1966: Form Number: M-2

1966: Form Number: M-1

1966: Form Number: M-6


Series 3. Research Department Statistical Reports, 1978-1966

Subseries 3. Statistical Reports-Volumes, 1950-1964

shelf    1          C-1      (Ch. Wel. Agencies and Inst. on Chrn. Rcving Serv.) 1958-1959, 1963-1964

shelf    2          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1952

shelf    3          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1953-1954

shelf    4          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1954-1955

shelf    5          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1955-1956

shelf    6          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1956-1957

shelf    7          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1957-1958

shelf    8          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1958-1959

shelf    9          G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1960-1961

shelf    10        G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1960-1961

shelf    11        G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1962-1963

shelf    12        G-2      (Service of Group Work Agencies): 1963-1964

shelf    13        H-1      (Hospital In-Patient Service) 1950-1960

shelf    14        H-2      (Clinic Service) 1950-1961

shelf    15        M-2     (Homes for Aged and Chronically Ill Adults): 1950-1962

shelf    16        M-2     (Homes for Aged and Chronically Ill Adults): 1961-1964

shelf    17        R         (Relief and Family Welfare) 1951

shelf    18        R-1-A  (Relief and Family Welfare, private agencies) 1952-1961


Series 4. Administrative, Operating and Topical Files, Part 2 1921-1979 (Boxes 447-697)

Box 447

1          "A" miscellaneous

2          Access: Contributions 1961-1963

3-4       Access: Executive Committee

5          Access: General correspondence

6          Access: South Side physicians and leaders

7          Access: Executive Committee County Hospital, Expansion, South Side minutes 1957-1963

8          Accounting: 1973

9          Accounting: Audit Guide for Membership Agencies

10        Accounting: Functional Budgeting for Social Agencies

11        Accounting: Charitable Solicitation Act

12        Accounting: Contributions by staff

13        Accounting: Oral Transfer of Deposits 1973 Resolution

14        Accounting: Payroll 1973

15        Accounting: Policies and Procedures

16        Accounting: Price Waterhouse audit

17        Administration: Agency general information

18        Administration: Ballard, John H. testimony 1971

19        Administration: community Fund study

20        Administration: Consensus

21        Administration: Contributors-analysis, additions, deceased, dropped

22        Administration: Council: Objectives and functions 1967


Box 448

1          Administration: Council: Organization

2          Administration: Council: Program objectives 1970

3          Administration: Council: Role and direction 1966-1967

4          Administration: Decentralization

5          Administration: Delegate meeting June 8, 1965

6          Administration: Facts on Welfare council

7          Administration: Insurance, publication, etc.

8          Administration: Nominating Advisory Committee

9          Administration: Organization study

10        Administration: Organizational charts

11        Administration: Program accomplishments

12        Administration: Proposal to Community Fund

13        Administration: Relationship of Community Fund and Welfare Council

14        Administration: Reorganization 1966

15        Administration: Role and direction

16        Administration: Service report 1969

17        Administration: Staff 1967-1969

18        Administration: Strengthening council operations

19        Administration: Study of council organization (implementation)


Box 449

1-2       Administration: Budget: 1966

3          Administration: Budget: Report 1966

4          Administration: Budget: 1965-1966

5          Administration: Budget: 1965


Box 450

1-2       Administration: Budget: 1965

3-4       Administration: Budget: 1954


Box 451

1          Administration: Budget: 1963

2          Administration: Budget: 1962

3-4       Administration: Budget: 1961


Box 452

1-2       Administration: Budget: 1960

3-4       Administration: Budget: 1959


Box 453

1          Administration: Budget: 1958

2          Administration: Budget: 1957

3-4       Administration: Budget: 1056

5          Administration: Budget: 1055


Box 454

1          Administration: Budget: 1954

2          Administration: Budget: 1953

3          Administration: Budget: 1952

4          Administration: Budget: 1951


Box 455

1          Administration: Budget: Community Fund: 1950

2          Administration: Budget: Community Fund: 1949

3          Administration: 1947-1948

4          Administration: Bookkeeping, auditor's reports: 1957-1958

5          Administration: Bookkeeping, auditor's reports: 1932-1938

6          Administration: Bookkeeping, auditor's reports: 1927-1931

7          Administration: Bookkeeping, auditor's reports: 1921-1926

8          Administration: Bookkeeping, auditor's reports: 1922-1926


Box 456

1          Aged: Church and the Older People 1949-1966

2          Aged: Education 1953-1968

3          Aged: Employment Committee 1950-1958

4          Aged: Homes for the Aged (Committee on Promoting Understanding of Homes) 1959-1960

5          Aged: Information and Referral Center for the Aging

6          Aged: Institutional Seminars (Div. I) 1952-1956


Box 457

1          Aged: Institutional Seminars (Div. I) committee minutes 1951-1960

2          Aged: Legislative Committee Div. I 1951-1963

3          Aged: Older Adult Planning Committee Bills 1965

4          Aged: Older Adult Services: 1961-1962

5          Aged: Older Adult Services: Planning Services: Committee 1962-1963

6          Aged: Older Adult Services: Planning Services: 1964-1966

7          Aged: Older Adult Services: Planning Services: Minutes 1962-1967

8-9       Aged: Protective Services for the Aged


Box 458

1          Aged: Rehabilitation 1957-1967

2          Aged: Research 1951-1967

3          Aged: Services to Impaired Aged: Committee and mailing lists

4          Aged: Services to Impaired Aged: Continuation proposal

5          Aged: Workshop (seminar) 1952-1959

6          Aged: Low Income Aging Work Program Achievement 1972

7          Aged: Printed material

8          Aged: State program 1973

9          Aged: Suburban Cook County Area Agency on Aging

10        Aged: Voluntary Sector Committee 1975

11        Aged: 1975

12        Agency and Community Services: April-December 1966

13        Agency and Community Services: 1965-1967

14        Agency and Comm. Serv.: Adoption Resource Coord. Committee: Minutes 1965-1966

15-16   Agency and Community Services: Adoption Resource Coordination Committee: 1965-1967


Box 459

1          Agency and Community Services: Child Care Agencies, Executives of Meetings 1966-1967

2          Agency and Community Services: City Field Services 1966-1967

3-4       Agency and Comm. Services: City Wide Youth Service Agencies Minutes 1966-1967 (2)

5-6       Agency and Comm. Services: Dependent and Neglected Children, Committee on Services

7          Aging, Planning Committee for Older Adult Services

8          Alcoholism: Conference Committee 1977

9          Alcoholism: Planning and Development Assessment Project: Correspondence 1977

10        Alcoholism: Planning and Dev't. Assessment Project: Proposals and descriptions 1977

11        Alcoholism: Planning and Development Assessment Project: Technical Advisory Panel

12        Annual Meetings: 1973

13        Annual Meetings: 1972


Box 460

1          Annual Meetings: 1972 Volunteerism

2          Annual Meetings: 1971

3          Annual Meetings: 1970

4          Annual Meetings: 1969

5          Annual Meetings: 1968

6          Annual Meetings: 1967


Box 461

1          Annual Meetings: 1966

2-3       Annual Meetings: 1965 (financial report)

4          Annual Meetings: 1964

5          Annual Meetings: 1963

6          Annual Meetings: 1962


Box 462

1          Annual Meetings: 1961

2          Annual Meetings: 1959-1960

3          Annual Meetings: 1948

4          Annual Meetings: Committees' minutes: 1971-1974

5          Annual Meetings: Committees' minutes: 1927-1969

6          Annual Meetings: Committees' minutes: 1930-1962

7          Annual Meetings: Invitation: 1972


Box 463

1          Annual Meetings: Invitation: 1919-1970

2          Annual Meetings: Mechanics: 1963-1966

3          Annual Meetings: Mechanics: 1967

4          Annual Meetings: Mechanics: 1968

5          Annual Meetings: Mechanics: 1969

6          Annual Meetings: Mechanics: 1971

7          Annual Meetings: October delegate meeting 1964

8          Annual report: Issues 1938-1946

9          Annual report: Correspondence 1951


Box 464

1          Board of Directors: Agenda 1975

2          Board of Directors: Minutes 1975

3          Board of Directors: Agenda 1974

4          Board of Directors: Minutes 1974

5          Board of Directors: Agenda 1973 Jan.-June

6          Board of Directors: Agenda, 1973 July-Dec.

7          Board of Directors: Minutes 1973


Box 465

1          Board of Directors: Agenda 1972

2          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 Jan.

3          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 Feb. 16

4          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 Apr. 19

5          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 May 17

6          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 June 21

7          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 Sept. 20

8          Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972 Dec. 20

9          Board of Directors: Agenda 1971

10        Board of Directors: Minutes 1971

11        Board of Directors: Agenda: 1970 Jan.-June

12        Board of Directors: Agenda: 1970 July-Dec.


Box 466

1          Board of Directors: Minutes 1970

2          Board of Directors: Agenda: 1969 Jan-June

3          Board of Directors: Agenda: 1969 Sept.-Dec.

4          Board of Directors: Minutes 1969

5          Board of Directors: Agenda: 1969 Jan-June

6          Board of Directors: Agenda: 1968 Sept-Dec

7          Board of Directors: Agenda: 1967 Jan-June


Box 467

1          Board of Directors: Agenda: 1967 Sept-Dec

2          Board of Directors: 1973

3          Board of Directors: 1971

4          Board of Directors: 1968

5          Board of Directors: 1967

6          Board of Directors: 1966

7          Board of Directors: 1965 Jan.-Apr.


Box 468

1          Board of Directors: 1965 May-Dec.

2          Board of Directors: Agency Board Relations

3          Board of Directors: Agency general information 1974

4          Board of Directors: Banking 1974

5          Board of Directors: Bank Resolution 1975

6          Board of Directors: Board guidelines 1974-1975

7          Board of Directors: Board member information, address and phone 1950-1969

8          Board of Directors: Board member orientation 1973

9          Board of Directors: Board members 1973

10        Board of Directors: Budget for Fiscal 1975

11        Board of Directors: Budget presentation 1969

12        Board of Directors: Recommended revised budget

13        Board of Directors: By-laws

14        Board of Directors: Cancellation of regular meetings 1973

15        Board of Directors: Committee on Headquarters 1966-1968

16        Board of Directors: Committee membership 1964

17        Board of Directors: Community Fund and Council 1970

18        Board of Directors: Community Programs, Inc. 1971

19        Board of Directors: Council Committee Appointments 1972-1973

20        Board of Directors: Council Committee lists 1967

21        Board of Directors: Community Fund WCMC Appeals Committee (misc.)


Box 469

1          Board of Directors: Deferred Gifts Committee 1974

2          Board of Directors: Endowment Fund Committee 1974-1978

3          Board of Directors: Information Manual, Committee Members 1968

4          Board of Directors: Insurance coverage 1974, 1967

5          Board of Directors: Know Your Chicago Committee 1972

6          Board of Directors: Letters of resignation 1967

7          Board of Directors: Meeting calls: 1972

8          Board of Directors: Meeting calls: 1969

9          Board of Directors: Notice of meeting: 1973 Apr.

10        Board of Directors: Notice of meeting: 1972 Oct.

11        Board of Directors: Officers and members: 1974

12        Board of Directors: Officers and members: 1972-1973

13        Board of Directors: Officers and members: 1968-1971

14        Board of Directors: Officers and members: Letters 1970

15        Board of Directors: Officers of the Board meeting 1965

16        Board of Directors: Orientation 1967-1971

17        Board of Directors: Past members 1971

18        Board of Directors: Past presidents: 1971

19        Board of Directors: Past presidents: 1973

20        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and policy stmnts.: Format to be followed in the dev't of pos'ns stmnts.

21        Board of Dir.: Position and policy stmnts.: Sub. ind. of position statements issued since 1964

22        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: 1966-1967

23        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and policy stmnts.: Children's Serv.: CS-1 Physical Abuse of Children

24        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-2 Excl. of Econ. Dep.. Cases from Juv. Ct.

25        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-3 Jud. Prerog. in Trans. of Chrn. to Adult Ct.

26        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-4 Home Study Prior to Adoptive Placement

27        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-5 Migrant Housing Standards

28        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-6 Resp. of Juv. Ct. in Dep. and Neg. Cases

29        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-7 Single Public Child Welfare Agency

30        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-8 Adoption Investigation Proceeding

31        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-9 Diff. Licens. and Paymt. to Ch. Care Agcy

32        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-10 Subsidized Adoptions

33        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-11 Juris. and Venue in Adopt. Proceedings

34        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-12 Regulation of Child Care Facilities

35        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-13 Abolm't of Indep. (Non-Agency) Adopt.

36        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Chrn's Serv.: CS-14 Interstate Compact on the Plcm't of Chrn.


Box 470

1          Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Cons. Cred.: CC-1 Prohibiting Confession of Judgm't

2          Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Cons. Cred.: CC-2 Abol. Wage Process

3          Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: C. C.: CC-3 Elec. of Default Remedies in Rtl. Sales Contr.

4          Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Cons. Cr.: CC-4 Cr. Charge Disclosure

5          Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-1 Bail Bond-Release on Recognizance

6          Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-2 Half-way Houses

7          Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-3 Unified City-County Dept. of Corrections

8          Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-4 Full Time Paroling Authorities

9          Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-5 Abolition of Capital Punishment

10        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-6 Compensation to Victims of Crime

11        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-7 Prison Vocational Rehabilitation

12        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corr.: C-8 Registration of Firearms and Licensing of Owners

13        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-9 Work-release for Prisoners

14        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-10 Possession of Firearms by Minors

15        Board of Dir.: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-11 Minimum State Standards for Jails

16        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-12 Administration of Corrections Systems

17        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-13 State-Supported Public Defender Systems

18        Board: Pos'n and pol. stmnts.: Corrections: C-14 Arrest Records of Employment Applicants

19        Board: Pos. and policy statements: Ed.: E-1 Mandatory Spec. Ed. for Handicapped Children

20        Board: Position and policy statements: Education: E-2 Pre-kindergarten Instruction

21        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Education: E-3 State Board of Education

22        Board: Position and policy statements: Education: E-4 State Responsibility for Education

23        Board: Position and policy statements: Education: E-5 Public aid to Non-Public Education

24        Board: Position and policy statements: Education: E-6 Average Daily Membership

25        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Gov'tal Struct.: GS-1 Pub. Rep. on Gov'tal Boards and Comm.

26        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Gov'tal Structure: GS-2 Election of Precinct Committeemen

27        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Governmental Structure: GS-3 Taxes

28        Board: Position and policy statements: Governmental Structure: GS-4 Local government

29        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Health: H-1 Purch. of Care by Pub. Assist. Ag. in Volun. Hosp.

30        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Health: H-2 Purch. of Phys.; Serv. by Public Assistance Agency

31        Board: Position and policy statements: Health: H-3 Use of Food Funds for Birth Control

32        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Health: H-4 Licensing of Blood Banks

33        Board: Pos. and policy statements: Health: H-5 Confidentiality in Therapeutic Relationships

34        Board : Position and policy statements: Health: H-6 County-Wide Public Health Agency

35        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Health: H-7 Termination of Pregnancy

36        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: House Bill 2864-ICC Utilities: charitable contrib. for rate setting

37        Board: Position and policy statements: Housing: HO-2 Housing for Low-Income Families

38        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Housing: HO-3 Rent supplements

39        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Housing: HO-4 Statewide Building and Maintenance Standards

40        Board: Position and policy statements: Housing: HO-5 Tenant-Landlord Agreements

41        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Housing: HO-6 Rent Withholding

42        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Housing: HO-7 Zoning and Land Use

43        Board: Pos. and policy statements: Housing: HO-8 Human Resources in the Building Trades

44        Board: Pos. and policy statements: Housing: HO-1 Design and Location of Public Housing

45        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Human Rights: HR-1 Non-Discrimination in Employment 1966

46        Board.: Pos. and policy statements: Human Rights: HR-2 Non-Discrimination in Housing

47        Board: Position and policy statements: Human Rights: HR-3 FEPC Initiatory Power

48        Board: Position and policy statements: Human Rights: HR-4 Non-Discrimination

49        Board: Position and policy statements: Law Enforcement-LE -1-Search and Seizure

50        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Personnel: P-1 Employment discrimination by Reason of Age

51        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Personnel: P-2 Employment discrimination by Reason of Sex

52        Board: Position and policy statements: Policy Statements: PS-1 Against Discrimination

53        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Pol. Statements: PS-2 Corrections as a Health Welfare concern

54        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-1 Residence Laws

55        Board of Directors: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-2 Publi Aid ceilings

56        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-3 Rent Ceilings in Public Aid

57        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Pub. Wel.: PW-4 Serv. to App. for and former Rec. of Pub. Aid

58        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Pub. Wel.: PW-5 More "Services" in the Public Assist. Agency

59        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Pub. Wel.: PW-6 Eligibility for Public Assistance by Affidavit

60        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Public Welfare: PW-7 Raising Age of AFDC children in School

61        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-8 Appeals in Public Aid

62        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-9 Investigation Procedures

63        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-10 Guaranteed annual Income

64        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-11 Job Site Relocation

65        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-14 Revenue Sharing

66        Board: P. & P. stmts.: P. W.: PW-15 Termin. and Reduc. in Fed. Health, Wel. Pov. Prog.

67        Board: Pos. and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-16 Public Assistance Grant Level

68        Board: Position and policy statements: Public Welfare: PW-17 General Revenue Sharing

69        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rec. and Cons.: RC-1 Acquis'n of Rec. & Conservation Lands

70        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rec. and Conservation: RC-2 Parks for Urban Renewal Project

71        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rec. and Conservation: RC-3 Schools as Recreation Facilities

72        Board: P. & P. stmts.: Rec. and Cons.: RC-4 Waterways, Waterfr., Lakefr. for Rec. & Cons.

73        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rec. and Conservation: RC-5 Expansion of McCormick Place

74        Board: P. & P. stmts.: Rec. & Cons.: RC-6 Camping Standards (copy of min. stnds. avail.)

75        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rec. and Cons.: RC-6 Attach. Minimum Standards for Camps

76        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rec. and Cons.: RC-7 Restor. and Reclamation of Strip Mines

77        Board: Pos. and policy statements: Recreation and Conservation: RC-8 Pollution Control

78        Board: Pos. and pol. statements: Recreation and Conservation: RC-9 Environmental Quality

79        Board: Pos. and pol. statements: Recreation and Conservation: RC-10 Use of Public Lands

80        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rehabilitation: R-1 Special Transpiration for the Handicapped

81        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rehab.: R-2 Elim. of Architectural Barriers to the Handicapped

82        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rehab.: R-3 Min. Wage Except. for Sheltered Emp. Units

83        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rehab.: R-4 Emp. Discrimination by Reason of Disabilities

84        Board: Pos. and pol. stmts.: Rehab.: R-5 Architectural Barriers in Public Trans. Facilities


Box 471

1          Board of Directors: Program Commitment 1967-1969

2          Board of Directors: Progress in Strengthening Council Operations 1971

3          Board of Directors: Recruitment 1972

4          Board of Directors: Resignation 1974

5          Board of Directors: Resolutions: 1973

6          Board of Directors: Resolutions: 1971

7          Board of Directors: Resolutions: 1968-1970

8          Board of Directors: Resolutions: Con-Con

9          Board of Directors: Resolutions: New Constitution

10        Board of Directors: Resolutions: Natural Resources

11        Board of Directors: Resolutions: Taxes

12        Board of Directors: Resolutions: Firearms

13        Board of Directors: Resolutions: Non-Partisan Election of Delegates to the State Convention

14        Board of Directors: Resolutions: $750 Million Bond Issue

15        Board of Directors: Resolutions: Cost of Living

16        Board of Directors: Resolutions: Public Assistance Program

17        Board of Directors: Resolutions: The School Code

18        Board of Directors: Retirement and Group Insurance Committee

19        Board of Directors: Retreat 1974

20        Board of Directors: The Role of Volunteerism (speech)

21        Board of Directors: Seminar 1969

22        Board of Directors: Special meeting 1969 Apr. 2

23        Board of Directors: Special meeting mailing 1969 Dec.

24        Board of Directors: Welfare Crisis

25        Board of Directors: Welfare reform and medical care

26        Board of Directors: Miscellaneous 1971 Apr. 23

27        Board of Directors: Miscellaneous: Appeals Committee

28        Board of Directors: Miscellaneous: Committee lists

29        Board of Directors: Miscellaneous: Membership lists


Box 472

1          Bookkeeping: 1956-1965

2          Bookkeeping: Audit correspondence only 1959-1968

3          Bookkeeping: Bond purchases (U.S. Savings) 1949-1964


Box 473

1          Bookkeeping: Community Fund contributions by staff 1940-1960-1961

2          Bookkeeping: Crusade of Mercy Campaign: 1968-1969

3          Bookkeeping: Crusade of Mercy Campaign: 1961-1967-1968

4          Bookkeeping: Investments: 1958-1962

5          Bookkeeping: Investments: 1955-1959

6          Bookkeeping: Northern Trust company: 1966-1968


Box 474

1          Bookkeeping: Northern Trust company: 1941-1965

2          Bookkeeping: Social Service Exchange Reports 1967-1968

3          Bookkeeping: Statement of Working Capital (correspondence) 1966-1969

5          Budget: 1975

6          Budget: 1974-1975 (Community Fund)

7-8       Budget: 1974

9          Budget: 1973

10        Budget: 1972


Box 475

1          Budget: 1971

2          Budget: 1970

3-4       Budget: 1969

5-6       Budget: 1968

7          Budget: 1967


Box 476

1-3       Budget: 1967

4          Budget: Audit 1972

5-6       Budget: Auditor's reports: 1964-1974

7          Budget: Auditor's reports: 1960-1967


Box 477

1          Budget: Auditor's reports: 1951-1959

2          Budget: Banking and Investment Policies

3          Budget: Budget Committee: Meetings 1971

4          Budget: Budget Committee: Minutes 1971

5          Budget: Budget Workshops 1968

6          Budget: Budget Submitted to Community Fund 1968-1969

7          Budget: Budget summary community Fund 1967

8          Budget: Budget worksheets 1969

9          Budget: Cash Flow Budget 1969-includes contributions, endowments 1968 workup

10        Budget: Clinic Budget

11        Budget: Community Fund Allocation: 1975

12        Budget: Community Fund Allocation: For Council and Dept. 1976-1970

13        Budget: Community Fund and Council Planning 1963-1965

14        Budget: Comparison of Budget to Actual Planning 1969 Jan-May

15        Budget: Consol. Cash Balance Estimate Six Months 1968 July-Dec. and Annual 1969 Dec.

16-17   Budget: Council Membership in Other Organizations 1973


Box 478

1          Budget: Employee Group Insurance and Retirement programs 1967-1969

2          Budget: Estimated and Actual 1969-correspondence and reports

3          Budget: Estimate 1969

4          Budget: Expenses and outcome 1969

5          Budget: Financial reports 1974

6          Budget: Financial statement: 1972

7          Budget: Financial statement: 1971

8          Budget: Financial statement: 1970

9          Budget: Financial statement: 1969

10        Budget: Financial Support from Community Fund 1968

11        Budget: Functional breakdown: 1963-1970

12        Budget: Functional breakdown: 1956-1962

13        Budget: Functional budget: 1958 instructions

14        Budget: Functional budget: 1969

15        Budget: Functional budget: 1970-1971

16        Budget: Grants 1973


Box 479

1          Budget: Home Care Project

2          Budget: Hull House Work Camp

3          Budget: Income and expense Statement 1974

4          Budget: Indirect and Direct Cost 1975

5          Budget: Indirect Cost 1973

6          Budget: Indirect Cost Rate: 1966-1971

7-8       Budget: Indirect Cost Rate: HEW 1966-1971

9          Budget: Maternal and child health project

10        Budget: Model Cities Budget

11        Budget: Non-budgetary funds 1956-1967

12        Budget: Operating statement 1968

13        Budget: Overhead cost, special project 1965

14        Budget: Planning and Research Basic

15        Budget: Planning and Research Division changes 1968


Box 480

1          Budget: 1969 Profit and Loss statement

2          Budget: Project Funding 1973

3          Budget: Protective Services 1968-1969

4          Budget: Senior Aides reimbursement 1968-1969

5          Budget: Social Service Exchange

6          Budget: Special projects 1971

7          Budget: Special purpose grant 1966

8          Budget: Statements and worksheets 1969

9          Budget: Summary by field of service 1967

10        Budget: Utilization of Time and Cost Data in a Local community: May 1967-April 1968

11        Budget: Utilization of Time and Cost Data in a Local community: May 1968-April 1969

12        Budget: Volunteer Service Corp.-Chicago Committee on Urban Opportunity 1969-1970

13        Burgos Consent Decree

14        Camping, correspondence 1966-1971


Box 481

1          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Central Services 1962-1967

2          Careers in Social Work: Recruit. Program: Committee on Social Work Education 1967-1968

3          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: 1958-1961

4          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Financing 1958-1965

5          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Summer work 1964-1971

6          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Manpower 1967-1972

7          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Preliminary material 1957-1959

8          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Printed materials 1959-1964

9          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Reports 1959-1967


Box 482

1          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Scholarships 1953-1959

2          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment Program: Workshop 1959

3          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment, Training, etc. 1956-1965

4          Careers in Social Work: Recruitment, Training, etc. 1966-1969

5          Careers in Social Work: Resource materials 1957-1967

6          Careers in Social Work: Summer work: 1963-1964

7          Careers in Social Work: Summer work: 1959-1962

8          Careers in Social Work: Summer work: committee minutes

9          Careers in Social Work: Printed materials


Box 483

1          Casework and Casework Rel. Serv. in Urban Prog. Centers contract dat. 1965 Mar. 1 Budget

2          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: 1964-1966

3          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: Budget

4          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: Fees-statement with respect to charging fees

5          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Past, present and future information

6          Cent. Serv. for the Chronically ill: Hist.: Future (past and present), genl. material, corresp.

7          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: First annual luncheon meeting

8          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Income, possible sources

9          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Needed care in homes

10        Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Newsletters-report of activities

11        Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Newspaper articles

12        Cent. Serv. for the Chronic. ill: Hist.: Nursing homes (rpt. of subcmte. on est. of stnds.) 1951

13        Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Relationship (with Institute of Medicine)

14        Central Services for the Chronically Ill: History: Reorganization 1944-1955

15        Central Services for the Chronically Ill: Hospital Planning Council


Box 484

1          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: Institute of Medicine (correspondence, etc.)

2          Central Services for the Chronically Ill: Miscellaneous forms, etc.

3          Central Services Division: 1973

4          Central Services Division: Advisory Committee 1966

5          Central Services Division: Agenda: 1973

6          Central Services Division: Agenda: 1974

7          Central Services Division: Budget and Expense Statement 1975

8          Central Services Division: Current division Project 1974

9          Central Services Division: Division Committee 1967

10        Central Services Division: Minutes: 1974

11        Central Services Division: Minutes: 1973

12        Central Services Division: Minutes: 1972

13        Central Services Division: Minutes: 1971

14        Central Services Division: Minutes: 1969

15        Central Services Division: Minutes: 1967-1968

16        Central Services Division: Printed materials 1966

17        Central Services Division: Summary 1973

18        Central Services Division: Work program 1972

19        Central Services Division: Work Program Schedule 1967

20        Central Services Division: Meeting 1976 Apr. 19


Box 485

1          Central Services Division: Meeting calls: 1974

2          Central Services Division: Meeting calls: 1973

3          Central Services Division: Christmas Clearing House: 1973

4          Central Services Division: Christmas Clearing House: 1974

5          Charitable Trust: Kirsten, Herman: 1967-1968

6          Charitable Trust: Kirsten, Herman: Estate of

7          Charitable Trust: Laing, Cynthia Happ

8          Charitable Trust: Lingle, Brown C.

9          Charitable Trust: Miller, Martin H.

10        Charitable Trust: Westberg, Emma R.

11        Chicago Board of Education 1962-1968

12        Chicago Center for Black Studies

13        Chicago Commission on Senior Citizens 1968

14        Chicago Community Areas, Aged population 1970

15        Chicago Community Trust Projects 1947-1964

16        Chicago Fed. of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers (conflict areas needs) 1966-1967

17        Chicago Health Profiles: Application 1974

18        Chicago Health Profiles: IRMP 1974


Box 486

1          Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory and Steering Committee minutes: 1969

2          Chicago Housing Authority: Advisory and Steering Committee minutes: 1969-1970

3          Chicago Housing Authority: Council News Releases 1970

4          Chicago Housing Authority: Day Care: Minutes (of WCMC Task Force) 1969

5          Chicago Housing Authority: Day Care: Minutes (of meeting with CHA centers) 1971

6          Chicago Housing Authority: Day Care: Proposal 1971

7          Chicago Housing Authority: Follow-up: 1972

8          Chicago Housing Authority: Follow-up: 1970-1971

9          Chicago Housing Authority: Follow-up: 1966-1969

10        Chicago Housing Authority: Follow-up: Meetings and Minutes 1972

11        C.H.A.: Follow-up: Survey of Health and Social Welfare Services in Public

12        Chicago Housing Authority: Follow-up: Task Force

13        Chicago Housing Authority: Follow-up: Work Program Reporting form 1972


Box 487

1          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Abla. Homes-Altgeld Gardens

2          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Archer courts-Bridgeport Homes

3          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Cabrini Green-Dearborn Homes

4          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Harrison Courts-Henry Horner Homes

5          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Hillary Center-Ickes Home

6          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Lathrop-Lawndale Gardens Homes

7          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Leclaire Courts-Lowden Homes

8          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Ogden Courts-Prairie Courts and Ext

9          C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Racine Courts-Rockwell Gardens

10        C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Stateway Gardens-Robert Taylor Homes

11        C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Trumbull Park-Washington Park Homes

12        C.H.A.: On Site Community Space: Wentworth Gardens Wells-Darrow Homes

13        C.H.A.: "Steps into the Seventies" and Human Needs in Public Housing 1970


Box 488

1          C.H.A.: Survey of Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: 1968

2          C.H.A.: Survey of Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: 1969

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: ABLA 1969

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Ada S. McKinley comm. Serv. 1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Agency Evaluations 1966-1969

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Agency Services Source Book 1969

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Altgeld-Murray 1968-1969

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Altgeld-Murray Emer. Disp. 1969

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Altgeld Nursery School 1969

10        C.H.A.: Survey of Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: Analysis (no data)

11        C.H.A.: Survey of Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: Boy Scouts 1969

12        C.H.A.: Survey of Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: Budget 1969


Box 489

1          C.H.A.: Survey of Soc. Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: Cabrini-Green 1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Cabrini-Montessori Center 1969

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Catholic Charities 1968-1969

4          C.H.A.: Survey of Soc. Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: Chase House 1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chgo. Assoc. for Retarded Children

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chgo. Board of Ed. 1964-1969

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chicago Board of Health 1968-1969

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chicago Boy's Clubs 1968-1969

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chgo. Cmte. on Urban Oppor. 1969

10        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chgo. Commons Assoc. 1969-1970


Box 490

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chicago Park District 1968-1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chicago Public Library 1969

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chicago Urban League 1968-1969

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Chicago Youth Centers 1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Children and Adults

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: Comm. and Tenant Rel. Div. 1964-1968

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Contract and Budget 1969

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: Cook Co. Dept. of Pub. Aid 1965-1969

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Correspondence, etc. 1968


Box 491

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: correspondence 1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Correspondence 1970

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Dearborn 1968-1969

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: Dept. of H.R. CYW-JYDC, Corr. 1960-1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Elizabeth Wood's statement 1952

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: E. R. Shephard, extra copies 1968-1969

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Facilities 1969

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Family Living 1965-1968


Box 492

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Final draft 1970

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Girl Scouts 1968-1969


Box 493

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Group discussions 1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Health care delivery 1970

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Hilliard 1968

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: Horizon House, Fam. Serv. Ctr., Inc. 1968

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Horner 1969

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: HUD current materials 1967-1970

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: HUD Guidelines 1958-1965

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Hull House Association 1969

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Ickes 1968-1969

10        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Illinois Dept. of Mental Health 1969


Box 494

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Illinois Humane Society 1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: IL State Employment Service 1969

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: IL Youth Comm. (Chgo. Area Proj.) 1969

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Infant Wel. Society of Chicago 1968

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Information 1956-1958

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Inland Steel Tutoring Program 1968

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in P.H.: Inst. for Juv. Res. (D.M.H., M.L.K. Fam. Ctr.) 1968

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Interviews 1969

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Lathrop 1968-1969

10        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Lawndale 1969

11        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: LeClaire Courts 1969

12        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Marillac House 1969

13        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Mary Crane Nursery School 1968

14        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Mile Square Health Center 1969

15        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Modernization program 1968-1969

16        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Multi-service centers

17        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Near North Children's Centers 1969


Box 495

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Newberry Center 1968-1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Newsclippings 1956-1965

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: N. Central Community Committee

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Personnel 1968-1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Planned Parenthood 1969

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Plans for final report 1970

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Prairie 1969

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Problem families 1957

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Progress Diagram CSM 1969

10        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Pub. Housing hist. res. material 1964

11        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Quaker Oats tutoring program 1968

12        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Public housing 1963-1969

13        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Reports 1969

14        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Reports 1958-1968

15        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Research agencies 1969

16        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Research Codification System 1969

17        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Research managers 1969

18        C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in P.H.: Res. Needed Attitudes Pretest Questionnaire 1969


Box 496

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Robert Taylor 1968-1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Robert Taylor Clinic, Inc.

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Rockwell (Maplewood) 1969

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Salvation Army 1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Shapiro, Leo and Associates 1969

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Social Planning Associates 1968

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Social Worker 1952-1968

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: S. Chgo. Comm. Serv. Assoc. (1968-1969)

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Stateway 1969

10        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Step, Inc. 1969

11        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Summary Statement 1967-1968

12        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Survey Prelim. Planning 1964-1968

13        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Time schedules

14        C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Trumbull (Lowden-Racine) 1968-1969

15        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Utd. Charities, Fam. Serv. Bur. 1969

16        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Utd. Christian Comm. Services 1968

17        C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: University of Illinois 1968


Box 497

1          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Univ. of IL Coop. Ext. Service 1969

2          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: VISH memos and notes 1969

3          C.H.A.: Sur. of S.W. & H.S. in Pub. Hous.: Visiting Nurse Assoc. of Chicago 1968-1969

4          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Wash. Park (Olander) 1968-1969

5          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Wells-Darrow 1968-1969

6          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Wentworth 1969

7          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Y.M.C.A. 1969

8          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Y.W.C.A. 1969

9          C.H.A.: Sur. of Soc. Wel. & Hlth. Serv. in Pub. Hous.: Youth Action 1968-1969


Box 498

1          Chicago Model City

2          Chicago Research Committee on Rehabilitation

3          Chicago Urban Field Study-Ball State University 1974

4          Chicago Welfare Rights Organization

5          Child Abuse: Neglected and Abused Child 1962

6          Child Abuse: Physically Abused and Neglected Child 1962-1968

7          Child Abuse: 1973

8          Child Abuse: 1974

9          Child Abuse: Proposal 1973-1974

10        Child Care: Code planning Steering Committee 1971

11        Child Care: Selected child care agency minutes 1970

12        Child Welfare: 1968

13        Child Welfare: Adoption 1965-1968

14        Child Welfare: Adoption Resource Coordinating Committee 1965

15        Child Welfare: Children's Institutions, Christmas 1959-1966

16        Child Welfare: Committee minutes 1958-1961

17        Child Welfare: Cost analysis in children's institutions 1962-1966

18        Child Welfare: Criteria for treatment of emotionally disturbed children


Box 499

1          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: 1947-1950

2          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: 1951

3          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: 1952

4          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: 1953

5          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: 1954-1955

6          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: Financial reports 1956-1958

7          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: Handbook 1955

8          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions: Leaders and suggestion 1948-1959


Box 500

1          Child Welfare: Lutheran Child Welfare Association 1955

2          Child Welfare: Lutheran Child Welfare Association 1959-1960

3          Child Welfare: Institute of Children's Institutions-minutes 1956-1957

4          Childata: 1972

5          Childata: 1972 Budget

6          Childata: 1972 Chronology

7          Childata: 1975

8          Childata System: Computerized system for Chicago area agencies

9          Childata System: Funding

10        Childata System: Participating agencies

11        Childata System: Planning for children

12        Childata System: Printed materials

13        Childata System: Proposals-Pilot Program

14        Childata System: 1973

15        Childata System: "A Childata System Can Work" 1973

16        Childata System: Work program 1972

17        Children: Abnormal and backward 1968

18        Children: Emotionally disturbed children 1968

19        Christmas Clearing House: 1946-1955


Box 501

1          Christmas Clearing House: 1973

2          Christmas Clearing House: Community Referral Service: 1955-1964

3          Christmas Clearing House: Community Referral Service: 1965

4          Civil Rights: Ad Hoc Committee 1965-1966

5          Civil Rights: Chicago Freedom Movement 1966

6          Civil Rights: 1968-1969

7          Clearing House Work Program 1971

8          Clinic Administration: 1960-1962

9          Clinic Administration: Minutes 1960-1966

10        Clinic Administration: Clinic facilities utilization 1962-1964

11        Clinic Administration: Conference group: 1960-1962

12        Clinic Administration: Conference group: Minutes, meeting notices 1951-1962

13        Clinic Administration: Financial eligibility minutes 1958-1967

14        Clinic Administration: South Side of Chicago Services 1960


Box 502

1          Committee on Children Out of School

2          Committee to Expand Day Care Services

3          Communication and Development: Communications committee: 1968-1971

4          Communication and Development: Communications committee: 1969-1971

5          Communication and Development: News Media Relations Policy 1972

6          Community Analysis Project: Ad Hoc steering committee

7          Community Analysis Project: Proposal: 1972

8          Community Analysis Project: Proposal: 1974

9          Community Fund: 1965-1970

10        Community Fund: 1970-1972

11        Community Fund: Allocation 1975

12        Community Fund: Appeals procedure

13        Community Fund: B15a and EO5 1974

14        Community Fund: Board Meeting 1976 May 13

15        Community Fund: Board Meeting 1976 Feb. 12

16        Community Fund: Board Meeting 1976 Mar. 11


Box 503

1          Community Fund: Budget: Appeals Committee 1970 Mar. 17

2          Community Fund: Budget: Council for Community Services: 1967-1972

3          Community Fund: Budget: Council for Community Services: 1974

4          Community Fund: Budget: Council for Community Services: 1976

5          Community Fund: Budget: Policy: 1955-1961

6          Community Fund: Budget: Policy: 1964

7          Community Fund: Capital Fund Special Fund Committee 1956-1960

8          Community Fund: Committee on Statistical and Financial Reporting 1961-1972

9          Community Fund: Correspondence 1975


Box 504

1          Community Fund: Council for Community Services: Evaluation 1969

2          Community Fund: Council for Community Services: Operating Effectiveness 1974

3          Community Fund: Council for Community Services: Project Planning 196769

4          Community Fund: Council for Community Services: Relationship 1966-1969

5          Community Fund: Council for Community Services: Study Committee 1967

6          Community Fund: Council for Community Services: Voluntary Activity 1974

7          Community Fund: Draft of EO5 Service Effectiveness Report 1976 Jan. 20

8-10     Community Fund: EO5 Community Welfare Planning and Research (city-wide) 1974

11        Community Fund: EO5 Questionnaires 1974-1975

12        Community Fund: E10 and B15a


Box 505

1          Community Fund: Effectiveness Rating EO5

2          Community Fund: Evaluation of Agency Personnel 1973

3          Community Fund: Field of Service 1973

4          Community Fund: Financial Reports-CCSMC 1974

5          Community Fund: Funding information 1974

6          Community Fund: Human Care Goals 1973

7          Community Fund: Institutional Care for Children

8          Community Fund: Institutional pertaining to Community Fund 1961-1962

9          Community Fund: Management Audit (CCSMC) 1974

10        Community Fund: Map 1960

11        Community Fund: New Aging Application 1961

12        Community Fund: Performance data 1975

13        Community Fund: Priorities Committee 1976

14        Community Fund: Priorities Study: A-C 1965

15        Community Fund: Priorities Study: D-G 1965

16        Community Fund: Priorities Study: H-K 1965

17        Community Fund: Priorities Study: L-N 1965

18        Community Fund: Priorities Study: P-SP 1965


Box 506

1          Community Fund: Priorities Study: SU-Z 1965

2          Community Fund: Priorities Study: 1965-1967

3          Community Fund: Priorities Study: 1967

4-5       Community Fund: Priorities Study: 1969

6          Community Fund: Priorities Study: 1974

7          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Correspondence

8          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Community Fund and Welfare Council 19667

9          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Community Fund Priorities


Box 507

1          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Community Welfare Planning and Research (EO5) 1973

2          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Council Profile 1970-1972

3          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Group Service Reports and Questionnaires (D20) 1970

4          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Priorities Plans 1972

5          Comm. Fund: Priorities Study: PSSR (Priorities Studies Special Recommendations) 1973

6          Comm. Fund: Priorities Study: Related Objectives of Community Fund and Council 1973

7          Community Fund: Priorities Study: Report 1967

8          Community Fund: Priorities system 1974

9          Community Fund: Profiles 1975

10        Community Fund: Qualitative Measurements 1974

11        Community Fund: Service Fields CCSMC

12        Community Fund: Service Measure Definition and Priority system Special Recommendation

13        Community Fund: Service Report Data 1959-1962

14        Community Fund: Staff Report for WCMC and Community Fund Discussions 1962

15        Community Fund: Study Committee for Welfare Council Goals 1967


Box 508

1          Community Fund: Subcommittee of Policy Committee

2          Community Fund: Welfare Council 1961-1964

3          Community mobilization for Youth: 1958

4          Community mobilization for Youth: Education and occupations 1961-1962

5          Community mobilization for Youth: Employment 1959-1961

5          Community mobilization for Youth: Hyde Park youth project 1958


Box 509

1          Community mobilization for Youth: Minutes 1958

2          Community mobilization for Youth: Reports and printed materials 1959-1960

3          Community mobilization for Youth: Youth services 1960-1961

4          Community organization: 1959-1964

5          Community organization: Area Welfare Planning: 1953-1963

6          Community organization: Area Welfare Planning: Advisory committee minutes 1946-1961

7          Community organization: Area Welfare Planning: Joint Staff group 1952-1958

8          Community organization: Area Welfare Planning: Local 1964-1966

9          Community organization: Area Welfare Planning: Miscellaneous material 1958-1960


Box 510

1          Community organization: Black and white-social change 1968

2          Community organization: Community Involvement CCSMC 1970

3          Community organization: Community Leadership and Training 1969

4          Community organization: Community Planning 1959-1961

5          Community organization: Council Roles 1966

6          Community organization: Dade County 1968

7          Community organization: Ford Foundation Project-Older Persons 1960

8          Community organization: State Organization

9          Community organization: Voluntary and Government 1964

10        Community Participation and Action: 1966-1970

11        Community Participation and Action: 1967

12        Community Participation and Action: 1969


Box 511

1-2       Community Participation and Action: 1967-1969

3          Community Participation and Action: 1968

4          Community Participation and Action: Agency meetings 1968-1969

5          Community Participation and Action: Applications 1968

6          Community Participation and Action: Building Trades Workshop 1968-1969

7          Community Participation and Action: Day Care Interregional Committee 1970

8          Community Participation and Action: Description and Proposal 1968


Box 512

1          Community Participation and Action: Directories 1969

2          Community Participation and Action: Division Committee: 1968

3          Community Participation and Action: Division Committee: 1969-1970

4          Community Participation and Action: Division staff: 1967-1969

5          Community Participation and Action: Division staff: Meetings 1968-1969

6          Community Participation and Action: Field staff meeting 1967-1969

7          Community Participation and Action: Goals and accomplishments 1969-1970


Box 513

1          Community Participation and Action: Housing

2          Community Participation and Action: Human Relations Department 1968-1971

3          Community Participation and Action: Joint Action Board 1969

4          Comm. Part. and Action: Joint Cmte. Membership Anti-Discr. Requirements 1968-1969

5          Community Participation and Action: Matthew Bender 1968-1969

6          Comm. Participation and Action: Neighborhood Listing Planning Committee 1968-1969

7          Community Participation and Action: New members 1967-1969

8          Community Participation and Action: Parsons, Ed-personal 1969-1970

9          Community Participation and Action: President's Meeting report 1968

10        Community Participation and Action: Regional Organization 1968

11        Community Participation and Action: Regional Planning Steering Committee 1970

12        Community Participation and Action: Regionalizing-Board of Directors 1968-1969

13        Community Participation and Action: Requests for legislature by form letters 1967-1970


Box 514

1          Community Participation and Action: Service report

2          Community Participation and Action: Staff advance 1968

3          Community Participation and Action: Staff minutes 1968

4          Community Participation and Action: Staff working program 1950

5          Community Participation and Action: Stone Brandel Center Project 1969

6-7       Community Participation and Action: Summer program 1966

8          Community Participation and Action: Team training workgroup 1968-1969

9-10     Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: 1967-1968


Box 515

1          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: 1968-1969

2          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: How it is 1965-1968

3          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Letters 1969

4          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Literature 1969

5          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Minutes 1969-1970

6          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Committee 1969-1970

7          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Committee Re Shotguns 1968-1969

8          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Subcommittee minutes 1968

9          Community Participation and Action: Tension Areas: Subcommittee 1968-1969

10        Community Planning, miscellaneous reports

11        Community Problems: 1970

12        Community Problems: Black community

13        Community Problems: Health and social problems

14        Community project for the Aged 1948

15        Community Referral Service: 1940s, 1950s


Box 516

1          Community Referral Service: 1960

2          Community Referral Service: 1975

3          Community Referral Service: Annual Report 1946

4          Community Referral Service: Center for Aging and Chronically Ill 1966-1967

5          Community Referral Service: "Have a Heart' TV program

6          Community Referral Service: History

7          Community Referral Service: Information and Referral Service Representative

8          Community Referral Service: Minutes 1947

9          Community Referral Service: Monthly statistics 1972

10        Community Referral Service: Other referral services

11        Community Referral Service: Press publicity


Box 517

1          Community Referral Service: Printed material

2          Community Referral Service: Program emphases: 1961-1962

3          Community Referral Service: Program emphases: 1962-1963

4          Community Referral Service: Program emphases: 1964-1965

5          Community Referral Service: Public relations, "Spot announcements"

6          Community Referral Service: Publicity

7          Community Referral Service: Purpose and plan 1947-1959

8          Community Referral Service: Recruitment-social work

9          Community Referral Service: Requests for service 1949-1950

10        Community Referral Service: Services-definition

11        Community Referral Service: Work program 1971

12-13   Community Welfare Planning & Research, qualitative measurement forms

14        Comprehensive Health Planning: 1969

15        Comprehensive Health Planning: Ad Hoc Committee 1971

16        Comprehensive Health Planning: Advisory Committee 1969-1971


Box 518

1          Comp. Health Planning: Application for Public Health Service Grant or Award 1968

2          Comprehensive Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Appendices 1970

3          Comprehensive Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Application 1969

4          Comp. Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Comprehensive Health: 1969-1972

5          Comp. Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Comprehensive Health: 1966-1968

6          Comp. Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Developmental program 1967-1968

7          Comp. Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Executive Director's Committee 1971

8          Comprehensive Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Financing 1967-1971

9          Comprehensive Health Planning: Areawide Health Planning: Grants (WCMC) 1971-1972


Box 519

1          Comp. Health Plan.: Development Program for Comprehensive Health Planning 1968-1970

2          Comprehensive Health Planning: Health and Welfare Services 1967

3          Comprehensive Health Planning: Health Data Task Force 1970

4          Comprehensive Health Planning: H.R. 13197

5          Comprehensive Health Planning: Meeting correspondence 1968-1970

6          Comprehensive Health Planning: Minutes 1969-1971

7          Comprehensive Health Planning: Minutes 1967

8          Comprehensive Health Planning: P.L. 89-19749 1967

9          Comprehensive Health Planning: P.L 89-19749 1968

10        Comp. Health Plan.: Proposed Framework for Comp. Plan. Services to Handicapped Persons

11        Comprehensive Health Planning: Special board committee 1967-1969

12        Comprehensive Health Planning: Summary 1966

13        Comprehensive Health Planning: Work Program Priorities 1972

14        Comprehensive Health Planning: Work Program Reporting Form 1972

15        Comprehensive Health Planning: C.I.O. Community Services


Box 520

1          Constitution and By-Laws: By-Law Committee minutes 1967

2          Constitution and By-Laws: Committee 1967

3          Constitution and By-Laws: By-Laws 1927-1971

4          Constitution and By-Laws: By-Laws Change 1970

5          Constitution and By-Laws: Constitution 1919

6          Cook County ADC Study: Findings and Recommendations 1960-1962

7          Cook County ADC Study: Minutes 1959-1961

8          Cook County ADC Study: Cook County Family Services-case studies-confidential 1937

9-10     Cooperative Community Project for Newcomers 1953-1954


Box 521

1          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): 1974

2          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): 1973

3          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): 1972

4          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): 1970-1971

5          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): 1967-1969

6          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): 1965-1966

7          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Advisory Committee 1970

8          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Application 1966

9-10     Coord. Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Application Grants: 1967-1968


Box 522

1          Coord. Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Application Grants: 1970-1972

2          CAPSA: Assessing Caseworker Skill and Knowledge 1972

3          Coord. Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Demonstration Project 1969

4          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Final Report 1973

5          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Final Report 1974

6          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Funding 1970

7          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Funding 1973

8          Coord. Appr. to Protective Serv. to Aged (CAPSA): Group Services for Older Adults 1966

9          Coord. Appr. to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Handbook: Correspondence 1971

10        Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Handbook: 1965-1968

11        Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Handbook: 1963-1964

12        Coord. Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Handbook: Minutes 1964-1965

13        Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Intake Fact Sheet 1968

14        Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Miscellaneous

15        Coord. Appr. to Protective Serv. to Aged (CAPSA): National Council of Aging 1965-1969


Box 523

1          Coord. Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Nursing Home minutes 1971

2          Coord. Appr. to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Participating agencies 1965-1966

3          CAPSA: Percy's legislative program for the elderly 1971

4          Coord. Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Printed materials 1963-1965

5          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Proposal 1968

6          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Questionnaires 1963

7          Coordinated Approach to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Status report 1969

8          CAPSA: Sub-Committee on Homemaker and Home Help Services: 1962-1964

9          CAPSA: Sub-Committee on Homemaker and Home Help Services: Minutes 1962-1964

10        Coord. Appr. to Protective Services to Aged (CAPSA): Work program Achievement 1972


Box 524

1          Cost analysis: Child Care: Project: 1964-1965

2          Cost analysis: Child Care: Project: Advisory Committee 1965-1967

3          Cost analysis: Child Care: Project: Printed reports 1969-1971

4          Cost analysis: Child Care: Planning and Research Division Committee 1970-1971

5          Cost analysis: Children's Institutions: Work Program Achievement 1972

6          Cost analysis: Children's Institutions: K. McClellan: 1968

7          Cost analysis: Children's Institutions: K. McClellan: 1969

8          Cost analysis: Children's Institutions: K. McClellan: 1970

9          Cost analysis: Children's Inst.: Util. of time and cost data in local community finance 1965


Box 525

1          Council Decentralization Project: 1963-1964

2          Council Decentralization Project: 1963-1971

3-4       Council Decentralization Project: 1965-1966

5          Council Decentralization Project: First report 1963-1965

6          Council Decentralization Project: Chicago city communities 1965


Box 526

1          Council for Community Services: Agency general information: 1973

2          Council for Community Services: Agency general information: 1974-1975

3          Council for Community Services: Council name 1972

4          Council for Community Services: Inquiry: 1968

5          Council for Community Services: Inquiry: 1965-1967

6          Council for Community Services: Long range planning

7          Council for Community Services: Position statements

8          Council for Community Services: Name change 1972

9          Council for Community Services: New name-public reactions 1971

10        Council for Community Services: Organization of charts

11        Council for Community Services: Research Services and Publication Survey

12        Council for Community Services: Special Study Committee: 1967

13        Council for Community Services: Special Study Committee: 1966

14        Council for Community Services: Special Study Committee: 1954-1965

15        Council for Community Services: Statement of Mission

16        Council for Community Services: Tax exempt status


Box 527

1          Council for Community Services: Organization: 1962-1970

2          Council for Community Services: Organization: Administration Group 1966

3          Council for Community Services: Organization: Administration Operating Committee 1971

4          Council for Comm. Serv.: Organization: Advisory Committee of Agency Executives 1966

5          Council for Comm. Services: Organization: Agency Executive Advisory Committee 1965

6          Council for Community Services: Organization: Agency Policy Making in the 70's 1971

7          Council for Comm. Services: Organization: "AR" listing of suggestions for community 1966

8          Council for Community Services: Organization: Cabinet 1966

9          Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: The Consensus of the Budget Comm. Welfare Council 1962

10        Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Central Procedure in Reviewing Agency Plans 1958

11        Council for Comm. Services: Organization: Central Planning-Related Plans, etc. 1958-1966

12        Council for Community Services: Organization: Council wide Program 1966-1968

13        Council for Community Services: Organization: Explosion Plans 1966

14        Council for Community Services: Organization: Founder's Day 1964

15        Council for Community Services: Organization: Hospital Field (related to) 1966

16        Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Study: Community Fund Study Committee 1960-1962

17        Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Study: Project Planning-Community Fund 1963-1965

18        Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Study: Relationship of Council, Comm. Fund 1961-1965


Box 528

1          Council for Community Services: Organization: Long Range Planning 1963-1966

2          Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Nom. Process for Functional Plan. Committee 1963-1965

3          Council for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Org., Functions Adv. Cmte., Dept. and Proj., etc. 1935-1961

4          Council for Community Services: Organization: Organization Study of the (WCMC) 1967

5          Council for Community Services: Organization: Orientation of Committee Members 1964

6          Council for Community Services: Organization: Planning Directors 1965-1966

7          Council for Comm. Services: Organization: Policy Statement on Role and Direction 1967

8          Council for Community Services: Organization: Program Emphasis 1964-1965

9          Cncl. for Comm. Serv.: Org.: Priority Plan. for Soc. Wel. in Rel. to Comm. Fund 1961-1962

10        C.C.S.: Org.: Recruitment African Americans for board and cmte. of agencies 1965-1966

11        Council for Community Services: Organization: Relationship with agencies 1963


Box 529

1          Council for Community Services: Organization: Reorganization 1965

2          Council for Community Services: Organization: Reorganization 1965-1967

3          Council for Community Services: Organization: Reorganizing 1966

4          Council for Community Services: Organization: Reporting by planning staff 1962-1963

5          Council for Community Services: Organization: Service report

6          Council for Comm. Serv.: Organization: Staff consultation and other activities 1963-1968

7          Council for Community Services: Organization: Staff Planning Group 1959-1966

8          Council for Community Services: Organization: Time Recording 1967-1969

9          Council for Community Services: Organization: WCMC History Titzel (comments)


Box 530

1          Council of Social Agencies: Community Fund Budget: 1948

2          Council of Social Agencies: Community Fund Budget: 1947

3          Council of Social Agencies: Community Fund Budget: 1946

4          Council of Social Agencies: Community Fund Budget: 1945

5          Council of Social Agencies: Community Fund Budget: 1944


Box 531

1          Council of Social Agencies: Community Fund Budget: 1943

2          Council of Soc. Ag.: Comm. Fund Budget: Services reports, working papers: 1938-1945

3          Council of Social Agencies: Council budget 1939

4          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: 1975-1976

5          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: 1974

6          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: 1973

7          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Current work 1973


Box 532

1          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: WCMC 1971-1972

2          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: WCMC 1971

3          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: WCMC 1970-1971

4          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: WCMC 1970

5          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: WCMC 1969

6          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Background information 1973

7          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: 1957-1969

8          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: 1962-1968


Box 533

1          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: 1968

2          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: 1969-1970

3          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: 1970-1972

4          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Analysis of positions and annual salaries 1973

5          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Chicago area 1973

6          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Centers 1972

7          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Chicago Housing Authority 1970

8          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: City of Chicago Municipal Code Day Care Center

9          C.M.C.: Day Care: Comp. Plan. for Day Care w/in Chgo. Metro. Area (B.Goodstein)

10        Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Correspondence

11        Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: The Crisis Committee on Day Care

12        Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Conference

13        Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Cost Analysis and Accountability Grant App. 1973

14        Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Cost Data Publication

15        Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Fees 1967


Box 534

1          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Licensing problems 1959

2          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Licensing problems 1959-1972

3          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Manual 1973

4          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Miscellaneous

5          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Planning: 1965-1969

6          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Planning: 1969-1970

7          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Planning: Advisory Committee: 1965-1967

8          Crusade of Mercy Campaign: Day Care: Planning: Advisory Committee: Minutes 1969


Box 535

1          Day Care: Planning: Inquiries 1967-1969

2          Day Care: Planning: Subcommittee correspondence and minutes 1965-1966

3          Day Care: Planning: Work program Achievement 1972

4          Day Care: Planning: Work status report 1972

5          Day Care: Planning: Workshop: 1965

6          Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Evaluation Plans (WCMC)

7          Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Hyde Park-Kenwood

8          Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Metropolitan

9          Day Care: Plan.: Workshop: Needs an Resources Survey Work Program Achievement 1972

10        Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Research/Data/Drafts Meetings

11        Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Services, Day Care

12        Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Utilization of Cost and Time Data 1971

13        Day Care: Planning: Workshop: Utilization of Cost and Time Local Community 1969-1970

14        Day Care: Plan.: Workshop: Utilization of Cost and Time in Local Community 1966-1968

15        Department of Children and Family Services, subsidized adoption 1970

16        Dental Health: 1955-1969

17        Dental Health: Committee on Community Dental Health 1967-1969


Box 536

1          Dental Health: Committee on Dental Program 1959-1966

2          Dental Health: Community Dental Program minutes 1961-1966

3          Emergency Referral Services: Budget 1974

4          Emergency Referral Services: Funding 1974

5          Emergency Services Planning: 1972

6          Emergency Services Planning: Advisory Committee meetings and minutes 1972

7          Emergency Services Planning: Delivery system 1972

8          Emergency Services Planning: Evaluation Schema (evaluation of manual) 1972

9          Emergency Services Planning: Manual 1972

10        Emergency Services Planning: Manual correspondence 1972

11        Emergency Services Planning: Related problems

12        Emergency Services Planning: Reports 1972

13        Emergency Services Planning: Work Program Reporting Form 1972

14        Emergency Services Planning: Meetings and minutes 1973

15        Executive Committee (Board): Agenda March 15, 1971

16        Executive Committee (Board): Agendas and meeting calls 1963

17        Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: Community involvement 1970 Apr.


Box 537

1          Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: Policies and practices 1970 Sept.

2          Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: 1965

3          Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: 1967

4          Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: 1968

5          Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: 1969

6          Executive Committee (Board): Correspondence: 1973-1975

7          Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1965

8          Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1968

9          Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1969

10        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1970

11        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1971

12        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1972 Jan. 5

13        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1972 Jan. 31

14        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1972 July

15        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1972 Aug., Nov.

16        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1972 Dec.

17        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting Calls and Notices: 1973-1977

18        Executive Committee (Board): Meeting synopsis 1963-1967

19        Executive Committee (Board): Memoranda, minutes: 1964


Box 538

1          Executive Committee (Board): Memoranda, minutes: 1966

2          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1962 Feb.-1965 Oct.

3          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1966

4          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1967

5          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1968

6          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1969

7          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1970 Jan.-Mar.

8          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1970 Apr.-Dec.

9          Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1971

10        Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1972

11        Executive Committee (Board): Minutes: 1973

12        Executive Committee (Board): Report: Emergency and hardship situations

13        Executive Committee (Board): Report: Day Care Services in Illinois

14        Executive Committee (Board): Report: Public and crisis 1971

15        Executive Committee (Board): Report: Welfare Reform-Gov. Ogilvie report 1971

16        Executive Committee (Board): Report: Southern Christian Leadership Conference 1972

17        Family and Child Welfare Division: 1964-195

18        Family and Child Welfare Division: Adolescent boys 1957-1962

19        Family and Child Welfare Division: Adoption Planning Committee minutes 1965-1966

20        Family and Child Welfare Division: Adoption Social Legislation 1959-1962


Box 539

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: Agencies

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: Chicago Casework Contract 1966

3          Fam. and Ch. Wel. Division: Committee on Facilities for Handicapped Children 1956-1961

4          Fam. and Ch. Wel. Div.: Comprehensive Program, Ill. Report of a Committee 1962-1963

5          Family and Child Welfare Division: Comprehensive Subcommittee 1961-1963

6          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive committee: 1960-1965

7          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive committee: 1952-1959


Box 540

1          Family and Child Welfare Division: Executive committee: 1958-1964

2          Family and Child Welfare Division: Family Casework/or counseling Services 1957-1965

3          Family and Child Welfare Division: Family Welfare Committee 1948-1964

4          Family and Child Welfare Division: Handicapped children Facilities 1961

5          Family and Child Welfare Division: Medically Indigent 1959

6          Family and Child Welfare Division: Membership Standards Committee 1965

7          Family and Child Welfare Division: Planning Committee minutes: 1963-1964

8          Family and Child Welfare Division: Planning Committee minutes: 1965-1967

9          Family and Child Welfare Division: Poor, Aged, Family Court 1958-1965

10        Family Court Agency relationship: 1965

11        Family Court Agency relationship: 1953-1954


Box 541

1          Family Court Agency relationship: Planning and Research committee minutes 1965

2          Family Court Agency relationship: Procedures Manual 1966

3          Family Court Agency relationship: Subcommittee on Admissions and Referrals 1965-1966

4          Family Court Agency relationship: Subcommittee-Prompt Placement of Children 1965

5          Family Life Education 1967

6          Finance: Bank accounts 1973

7          Finance: Bequests 1970

8          Finance: Bequests 1960-1969

9          Finance: Charitable solicitation 1970

10        Finance: Charitable Solicitation Act 1963-1967

11        Finance: Charitable Trust Act 1962-1968

12        Finance: Consultation re: Estates-Trust Funds 1960-1967

13        Finance: Consultation Service 1967-1968

14        Finance: Finance committee: 1970

15        Finance: Finance committee: 1953-1963


Box 542

1          Finance: Finance committee: Minutes 1960-1963

2          Finance: Finance committee: Reports 1965-1960

3          Finance: Finance committee: Financial reports 1961-1968

4          Finance: Finance committee: Financing social agencies

5          Finance: Finance committee: Investments 1948-1968

6          Finance: Finance committee: Investments and Expenditures 1973

7          Finance: Finance committee: Monthly Financial Statements procedure 1967-1968

8          Finance: Finance committee: State financing problems

9          Financial Planning and Development committee: 1973-1975

10        Financial Planning and Development committee: 1972

11        Financial Planning and Development committee: 1970

12        Financial Planning and Development committee: 1969


Box 543

1          Financial Planning and Development committee: 1968

2          Financial Planning and Development committee: 1967

3          Foster care-child welfare recruitment

4          Fund raising: Appeal letters 1962-1968

5          Fund raising: Brochures

6          Fund raising: Campaigns: 1970-1971

7          Fund raising: Campaigns: 1967-1969

8          Fund raising: Campaigns: 1964-1966

9          Fund raising: Campaigns: 1964

10        Fund raising: Campaigns: Leadership luncheon 1968

11        Fund raising: Campaigns: Report 1962-1965


Box 544

1          Fund raising: Campaigns: Results 1972

2          Fund raising: Financial Development Planning Subcommittee 1972

3          Fund raising: Financial Planning and Development Committee 1971

4          Fund raising: Methods 1955-1964

5          Fund raising: President's luncheon 1965-1967

6          Fund raising: Prospect lists 1964-1967

7          Fund raising: Resource materials: 1967-1969

8          Funds and Foundations: 1937-19713

9          Funds and Foundations: Barker Welfare Foundations 1937-1970

10        Funds and Foundations: Baum Fund, Alvin H. 1965

11        Funds and Foundations: Beidler (Francis) Charitable Trust 1924-1970

12        Funds and Foundations: Bensinger (B. E.) Foundations, Inc. 1947

13        Funds and Foundations: Block (Mary and Leigh) Charitable Trust Fund Inc. 1959

14        Funds and Foundations: Boulevard Foundations 1966

15        Funds and Foundations: Brunswick foundations 1966

16        Funds and Foundations: Chicago American Charities 1964


Box 545

1          Funds and Foundations: Chicago Community Trust: 1971

2          Funds and Foundations: Chicago Community Trust: 1945-1970

3          Funds and Foundations: Chicago Community Trust: 1941-1955

4          Funds and Foundations: Field Foundation, Inc. 1964-1973

5          Funds and Foundations: Division Fund 1951-1970

6          Funds and Foundations: Enelow Fund 1955

7          Funds and Foundations: Cummings Foundation 1955

8          Funds and Foundations: Clark Halladay Memorial 1956

9          Funds and Foundations: Chicago Tribune Charities 1957

10        Funds and Foundations: Cedarpine Foundation, Inc. 1958

11        Funds and Found.: Chicago Community Trust Auditor's Financial Statement 1940-1966

12        Funds and Foundations: Caliner (Milton H.) Foundation 1962


Box 546

1          Funds and Foundations: Field Foundation 1944-1964

2          Funds and Foundations: Foote, Cone & Belding Foundation 1963

3          Funds and Foundations: Ford Foundation 1957-1968

4          Funds and Foundations: Formfit Foundation 1955

5          Funds and Foundations: Goldblatt Brothers Foundation 1937-1967

6          Funds and Foundations: Michels, Jr. (Robert D.) Foundation 1957

7          Funds and Foundations: Miehle-Goss-Dexter Foundation 1965

8          Funds and Foundations: Montgomery Funds and foundation 1970

9          Funds and Foundations: Morton Charitable (Sterling) Trust 1947

10        Funds and Foundations: Rose (Robert C.) Foundation Inc. 1955

11        Funds and Foundations: Rothschild (Mr. and Mrs. Melville) Fund 1956

12        Funds and Found.: Schwab (Charles E. and Rachel M.) Memorial Foundation 1945-1969

13        Funds and Foundations: Sears Roebuck and Company (permanent file) 1953

14        Funds and Foundations: Sheldon Charity (Theodore) Trust 1946

15        Funds and Foundations: Spiegel's Executive Combined Appeal 1964

16        Funds and Foundations: Tee-Pak Foundation 1955


Box 547

1          Funds and Foundations: United Air Lines Foundation 1948

2          Funds and Foundations: Wabash Avenue Trustees (R. Tyson) 1960

3          Funds and Foundations: Walter P. Murphy foundation 1932-1952

4          Funds and Foundations: W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation 1952-1972

5          Funds and Foundations: Westminster Fund-Edwin w. Eisendrath 1964

6          Funds and Foundations: Wieboldt Foundation 1970

7          Funds and Foundations: Wieboldt Foundation 1966-1969

8          Funds and Foundations: Wieboldt Foundation Projects 1957-1966

9          Funds and Foundations: Hales Foundation 1949-1970

10        Funds and Foundations: Heled Charitable Foundation 1956

11        Funds and Foundations: Heller (Florence G.) Foundation 1957

12        Funds and Foundations: Heller (Walter E.) Foundation 1955


Box 548

1          Funds and Foundations: Hirsch (Henry D. and Margaret J.) Fund 1956

2          Funds and Foundations: Hoffman Family 1952

3          Funds and Foundations: Hoover Foundation 1952

4          Funds and Foundations: Hopkins (Florence O.) Charitable Fund 1947

5          Funds and Foundations: Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation 1956

6          Funds and Foundations: Ioka Fund-Dexter Cummings 1956

7          Funds and Foundations: Jacob Goldberg Memorial Fund 1965

8          Funds and Foundations: Jacobs (Lt. J.G. Walter A.) Foundation, Inc. 1958

9          Funds and Foundations: John Plain Foundation 1949

10        Funds and Foundations: J-S Foundation 1953

11        Funds and Foundations: Kimbow (Lingle, K.L.) Fund 1960

12        Funds and Foundations: LaSalle Adams Fund (Stein) 1961

13        Funds and Foundations: Laser Foundation (Celia) 1961

14        Funds and Foundations: Leslie Fund, Inc. 1951

15        Funds and Foundations: Lingle, Bowman C. 1962

16        Funds and Foundations: Maremont Corporation Foundation 1963

17        Funds and Foundations: Marsh and McLennon Foundation 1965

18        Funds and Foundations: Material Service Foundation 1965

19        Funds and Foundations: Mayer (Oscar) Foundation 1951

20        Funds and Foundations: Maymar Corporation 1939-1963

21        Funds and Foundations: McCormick (Robert R.) Foundation 1959-1971

22        Funds and Foundations: McCormick (Chauncy and Marion Deering) Fund 1960


Box 549

1          Funds and Foundations: McShumwill Foundation 1956

2          Funds and Foundations: Wieboldt Foundation 1953-1965

3          Funds and Foundations: Wieboldt Foundation 1942-1952

4          Funds and Foundations: Wineman Family Foundation 1958

5          Funds and Foundations: Woods Charitable Fund 1959-1966

6          Funds and Foundations: Wrigley Fund 1950

7          Funds and Foundations: Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. 1950-1973

8          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: A-C 1961-1970


Box 550

1          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: D-E 1962-1970

2          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: F-G

3          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: H-L 1960-1970

4          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: M-N 1957-1970

5          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: O-P 1966-1970


Box 551

1          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: R 1960-1971

2          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: Sa-Sh 1965-1970

3          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: Si-Sz 1963-1971

4          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: T-V 1967

5          Funds and Foundations: Individual contributions: W-Z 1960-1970

6          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): 1972

7          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): 1973

8          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): 1974-1975

9          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): 1978

10        GAP: Administrative committee meetings and minutes: 1972

11        GAP: Administrative committee meetings and minutes: 1973

12        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Adolescents: 1973

13        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Adoption project 1975

14        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Agency meetings pre May 1971

15        GAP: Agency proposals on Adolescent project 1973

16        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Boards and executives

17        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Brieland report

18        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Case review

19        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Centralized Intake Unit 1972

20        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Chicago Community Trust: 1973

21        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Chgo. Comm. Trust: 1973-1975

22        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Chicago Community Trust: 1974


Box 552

1          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Child Abuse

2          GAP: Child Abuse and Neglect program

3          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Child Abuse Project

4          GAP: Child Care Association Relationship

5          GAP: Child/Youth Information System 1974

6          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Children's Services 1974

7          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Component Specifications

8          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Concerns re: DCFS 1975-1976

9          GAP: Conference papers and discussion summaries

10        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Conference Planning 1971

11        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Conference Proceedings 1972

12        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Conference Task Force

13        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Conferences, agencies on

14        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Continuity of Care: 1966-1970

15        GAP: Continuity of Care: Brieland proposal 1967

16        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Continuity of Care: 1971-1972

17        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Core Unit: Budget contract, etc.

18        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Core Unit: Contract

19        GAP: Core Unit: Proposal draft to Chicago's Community Trust

20        GAP: Core Unit: Report to Chicago Community Trust

21        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Correspondence: 1971-1972

22        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Correspondence: 1972-1975

23        GAP: Correspondence: Memos and letters 1973

24        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Correspondence: 1974-1976

25        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Day-Night Care 1971

26        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Emergency Protective Services


Box 553

1          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): General 1972

2          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): General information 1964-1968

3          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Grant 1973

4          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Group homes

5          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): History of GAP

6          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): ICHA: Program (correspondence)

7          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): ICHA: Program Plan (contract)

8          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Intake and decisions

9          GAP: Interim report to Chicago community Trust 1974

10        GAP: Inventory of Children's Services and Plans

11        GAP: Joint Action Planning Packet 1972

12        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Joyce foundation 1975-1976

13        GAP: JSPA (Job Service Program for Adolescents): 1978

14        GAP: JSPA (Job Service Program for Adolescents): Case procedures

15        GAP: JSPA (Job Service Program for Adolescents): Contract

16        GAP: JSPA (Job Service Program for Adolescents): 1977 May 9 meeting

17        GAP: JSPA (Job Service Program for Adolescents): Renewal

18        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Leahy, Mary Lee

19        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Letters of Agreement

20        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): MACY: Proposal 1970

21        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): MACY: 1970-1971


Box 554

1          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Meeting and minutes: 1972

2          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Meeting and minutes: 1973

3          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Meeting and minutes: 1974

4          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Membership

5          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Memos, correspondence

6          GAP: Minutes-excerpts 1974 July-1975 Feb.

7          GAP: Monthly data, residential survey 1977

8          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Participating agencies list: 1972

9          GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Participating agencies list: 1973

10        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Policy group 1973

11        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Prime contract

12        GAP: Progress report to Chicago Community Trust

13        GAP: Proposal May 1971-agency responses

14        GAP: Proposal to Chicago Community Trust: for GAP October 1974

15        GAP: Proposal to Chicago Community Trust: for Funds august 1973

16        GAP: Proposed criteria for acceptance of adolescents 1973

17        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Provider Agency Contract

18        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Public Relations

19        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Residential Care

20        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Residential program

21        GAP: Schedule-existing and potential resources for special adolescent program

22        GAP: Service Analysis outline October 1972

23        GAP: TAP (The Adolescent Project) 1976

24        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): Target Population

25        GAP: Task Force on Public Relations 1973

26        GAP (Group for Action Planning for Children's Services): YMCA proposals to IDCFS


Box 555

1          Great Lakes Institute: Minutes 1934-1949

2          Great Lakes Institute: Great Lakes Area conference 1963-1969

3          Group Homes 1966

4          Handicapped: 1961-1969

5          Handicapped: 1968-1969

6          Handicapped: D.A.R.E. Proposal

7          Handicapped: Diagnostic Center Available to Major Chicago 1962-1964

8          Handicapped: Greater Chicago Committee on Rehabilitation: 1957-1963

9          Handicapped: Greater Chicago Committee on Rehabilitation: Minutes 1964-1965


Box 556

1          Handicapped: Leisure time Service 1960-1964

2          Handicapped: Pilot Project 1960-1965

3          Handicapped: Planning Committee for Rehabilitation Services: 1965

4          Handicapped: Planning Cmte. for Rehab. Services: Executive Committee minutes 1965

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation 1968-1969

6-7       Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: 1957-1968


Box 557

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: 1969

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Agency reports 1963-1964

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Budget April 1964

4          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Case summaries 1961-1962

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Conference 1961-1964

6-7       HC: R.A.P.: Corresp., with Community Fund and U.S. HEW 1958, 1959, 1960, 1965


Box 558

1-2       Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Council's correspondence etc. 1960-1965

3-4       Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Finance 1961-1964

5-6       Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Financing: 1958-1964


Box 559

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Financing: Correspondence 1962-1966

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Grants 1960-1965

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Planning 1958-1960

4          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Progress and financial reports 1958-1965

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Progress reports 1960-1965

6          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Research proposal (Plans for 1963) 1963-1964


Box 560

1          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Resource materials: 1964

2          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Resource materials: 1965 Jan.-June

3          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Subcommittees 1963-1966

4          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Action Project: Technical Subcommittee (Steering) 1958-1959

5          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Services: 1957-1967

6          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Services: Agency Working committee 1965

7          Handicapped: Rehabilitation Services: Committee on Hard-of-Hearing 1966

8          HC: Rehab. Serv.: Inter-agency Advisory Cmte., ISES Handicapped Services 1965-1967

9          HC: Rehabilitation Services: Program Standards and Coordination Committee 1965

10        Handicapped: Rehabilitation Services: Sheltered Workshop Planning Grant 1965-1967

11        Handicapped: Severely Disabled (final Report)

12        Handicapped: Socio-Economic Data 1957-1968


Box 561

1          Health: Achievement Report: Alcoholism Planning and Development 1976-1977

2-3       Health: Achievement Report: Coordinated Home Health Care for the Homebound Aged

4          Health: A.R.: General Liaison in Health Care Field Public and Private Agencies 1976-1977

5          Health: Achievement Report: Home Delivered meals, Aged and Health 1976-1977

6          Health: Achievement Report: Post-Hospital Continuity of Care: Mental Health

7          Health: A.R.: Post-Hospital Continuity of Care: Problems and recommendations 1976-1977

8          Health: Annual Health Conference: (2nd) 1960

9          Health: Annual Health Conference: (3rd) 1961

10        Health: Cancer Prevention Follow-up Report 1959-1961

11        Health: Comprehensive Health 1967-1968

12-13   Health: Discrimination 1969-1970

14        Health: Health care of the poor 1969

15        Health: Health Forum: 1967

16        Health: Health Forum: 1967-1969

17        Health: Health Forum: Minutes 1967

18        Health: Health Forum: Correspondence: 1967-1968

19        Health: Health Forum: Correspondence: 1969-1972

20        Health: Health Forum: Programs

21        Health: Health Leadership Forum 1967-1968

22        Health: Hunger and Malnutrition of the Year 1969


Box 562

1          Health: Planning Committee: 1963-1966

2          Health: Planning Committee: Minutes 1963-1966

3          Health: Planning Groups 1973

4          Health: Suburban Health Committee 1964-1966

5          Health Conference, Focus on Health 1967-1970

6          Health Division: Chicago's Health 1958

7          Health Division: Committees-general 1948-1963

8          Health Division: Community services and facilities acct.

9          Health Division: Executive committee minutes: 1958-1961

10        Health Division: Executive committee minutes: 1962-1963

11        Health Division: Health Planning (J.E. Peterson) 1963-1967

12        Health Division: Health Planning 1968

13        Health Division: Health Services 1958-1963

14        Health Division: Minutes and other materials 1958-1963

15        Health Division: School Child, Joint Committee on Services for 1960-1962


Box 563

1          Health Maintenance Organization

2          Health Planning: 1975

3          Health Planning: 1962-1967

4          Health Planning: School Health Project 1969

5          Help Corps Plan: 1965-1968

6          Help Corps Plan: 1969-1971

7          The Heritage Club 1967-1968

8          Home Care: 1950-1960

9          Home Care: 1961

10        Home Care: 1963-1966


Box 564

1          Home Care: 1963-1968

2          Home Care: Advisory Committee 1964

3          Home Care: Budget 1964-1965

4          Home Care: Chicago Heart Association 1961

5          Home Care: Financing correspondence 1964-1966

6          Home Care: Joint Subcommittee with the Visiting Nurse Association 1964-1966

7          Home Care: Minutes 1948-1963

8          Home Care: Reports 1958-1962

9          Home Care: Subcommittee 1964-1965

10        Home Care: Technical Advisory Committee 1964

11        Home Care Committee, Evanston Care Committee 1958-1962


Box 565

1          Home Delivered Meals: 1965-1968

2          Home Delivered Meals: Aged: 1962-1964

3          Home Delivered Meals: Aged: 1965

4          Home Delivered Meals: Aged: Preliminary material

5          Home Delivered Meals: Aged: Reports: November 1965

6          Home Delivered Meals: Aged: Reports: February 1966

7          Home Delivered Meals: Aged: Third Party Payments

8          Home Delivered Meals: Agency Executives 1965-1968

9          Home Delivered Meals: Agency Executive Meeting 1966-1968

10        Home Delivered Meals: Agency Exec., prog. directors and W. C. staff minutes 1965-1968

11        Home Delivered Meals: Agency reports

12        Home Delivered Meals: Annual report 1st year

13        Home Delivered Meals: Application for Model Cities 1968

14        Home Delivered Meals: Budget project


Box 566

1          Home Delivered Meals: Catholic charities: 1966-1968

2-5       Home Delivered Meals: Catholic charities: North Terminations 1967

Home Delivered Meals: Catholic charities: Terminations 1965-1967

6          Home Delivered Meals: Commissaries in hospitals 1966

7          Home Delivered Meals: Drexel Home Terminations 1967


Box 567

1          Home Delivered Meals: Drexel House-South 1966-1967

2          Home Delivered Meals: Hagerty Catering Co. 1966-1968

3          Home Delivered Meals: Holy Cross 1967

4          Home Delivered Meals: Hospital and Clinic Facilities for the Medically Indigent 1955-1957

5          Home Delivered Meals: Hospitals and Doctors Reports

6          Home Delivered Meals: Hull House: North 1966-1967

7          Home Delivered Meals: Hull House: North Terminations 1965-1966


Box 568

1-2       Home Delivered Meals: Hull House: North Terminations

3          Home Delivered Meals: Hull House: South 1967-1968

4          Home Delivered Meals: Hull House: Out of area 1966

5          Home Delivered Meals: Inquiries, drafts 1964-1968

6          Home Delivered Meals: Leo Spector 1967

7          Home Delivered Meals: Maps 1963-1965

8          Home Delivered Meals: Meals on Wheels 1965-1968


Box 569

1          Home Delivered Meals: Members of Project committee 1965-1966

2          Home Delivered Meals: Minutes

3          Home Delivered Meals: Olivet community Center 1965-1966

4          Home Delivered Meals: Operations 1961-1963

5          Home Delivered Meals: Other cities 1963'64

6          Home Delivered Meals: Out of the area 1965-1966

7          Home Delivered Meals: Payments in Fund-third party 1965-1967

8          Home Delivered Meals: Program director's Manual

9          Home Delivered Meals: Progress Report 1965-1967

10        Home Delivered Meals: Progress Report 1967

11        Home Delivered Meals: Project copies of notices and minutes 1965-1967


Box 570

1          Home Delivered Meals: Project forum 1966

2          Home Delivered Meals: Project Reports to Washington: 1965-1966

3          Home Delivered Meals: Project Reports to Washington: 1966-1967

4          Home Delivered Meals: Proposal Plan

5          Home Delivered Meals: Publicity and Printed Materials

6          Home Delivered Meals: Rejections: Catholic Charities of Chicago 1965-1967

7          Home Delivered Meals: Rejections: Hull House Assoc./Jane Addams Center 1965-1966


Box 571

1          Home Delivered Meals: Rejections: Lutheran Welfare Services of Illinois 1965-1968

2          Home Delivered Meals: Rejections: Olivet community Center telephone inquiries 1966

3          Home Delivered Meals: Reports: 1964-1968

4          Home Delivered Meals: Reports: First year 1963-1966

5          Home Delivered Meals: School Child Sub-Committee on Services 1953-1966

6          Home Delivered Meals: Social Agencies correspondence 1965-1968

7          Home Delivered Meals: Special Diets: Hull House Association 1966

8          Home Delivered Meals: Special Diets: Catholic Charities of Chicago 1965-1967

9          Home Delivered Meals: Special Diets: Lutheran Welfare Services of Illinois 1965-1966


Box 572

1          Home Delivered Meals: Special Diets: Olivet Community Center

2          Home Delivered Meals: Statistical Analysis of Services Provided 1967-1968

3          Home Delivered Meals: Terminations-Lutheran North 1965-1967

4          Home Delivered Meals: Terminations-Lutheran North 1965-1967

5          Home Delivered Meals: U.S. Public Health Services office, Washington and Regional

6          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: 1964


Box 573

1          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: 1965

2          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: 1965-1967

3          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: 1966

4          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: 1967

5          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: 1968-1970

6          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Advisory Committee 1965


Box 574

1          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Application Grant (old) 1965-1968

2          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Application Grant (new) 1968

3          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Budget

4          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Correspondence 1976

5          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Forms-manual

6          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Menus

7          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Re: Nutritionist

8          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Peoria and others

9          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Proposals

10        Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Programs directors-minutes and CPS 1965


Box 575

1          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Reports

2          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Staff meeting and misc. minutes

3          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Steering Committee

4          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Volunteer Training Program

5          Home Delivered meals Planning Project: Work Status Report 1972

6          Home Maintenance of Terminal Patients-Work Program 1972

7          Homemaker and Home health aid Services 1965

8          Homemaker Services-Medicare Program

9          Hospital: Emergency Services 1961

10        Hospital: General correspondence 1964

11        Hospital: Participating in Community Fund 1960

12        Housing: HUD Operations

13        Housing: HUD Programs

14        Housing: Low Income Housing 1969

15        Housing: Public Housing 1960, general correspondence


Box 576

1-2       Housing and Cartage Directory Service 1974

3-4       Housing and Home Finance Agency, Housing Act of 1965


Box 577

1          Illinois Budget, fiscal priorities 1971

2          Illinois Constitutional Convention 1970

3          Illinois Hospital Association 1959-1963

4          Illinois Welfare Association-Study Course Committee 1964

5          Immigrants Protective League: Coop. Community Project for Newcomers: June 1954, vol. I

6          Immigrants Protective League: Coop. Community Project for Newcomers: 1954, vol. II

7          Immigrants Protective League: Coop. Community Project for Newcomers: 1954, vol. IV


Box 578

1          Immigrants Protective League: Coop. Comm. Project for Newcomers: Finances 1952-1954

2          Immigrants Protective League: Coop. Comm. Project for Newcomers: Reports 1952-1954

3          Immigrants Protective League: Custodian East European Fund 1952-1955

4          Immigrants Protective League: National Probation and Parole Assoc. 1952

5          Immigrants Protective League: Protective study final report 1952-1954

6          Immigrants Protective League: Resource materials 1940-1950

7          Income and Poverty Status, Statistics 1970

8          Information and Referral: Funding 1975

9          Information and Referral: Service Effectiveness Test

10        Information and Referral Service: 1973

11        Information and Referral Service: Work Program


Box 579

1          Information Center for the Aging: 1975

2          Information Center for the Aging: Community Referral Service: 1970

3          Information Center for the Aging: Community Referral Service: Minutes 1967

4          Information Center for the Aging: Community Referral Service: 1966

5          Information Center for the Aging: Contract 1973

6          Information Center for the Aging: Contributions 1967

7          Information Center for the Aging: Cook Co. Dept. of Public Aid 1970

8          Information Center for the Aging: Dept. of Public Aid Reports 1971

9          Information Center for the Aging: Financing 1967

10        Information Center for the Aging: Grants: 1974

11        Information Center for the Aging: Grants: 1973

12        Information Center for the Aging: Grants, Proposals, Continuation of Project 1969-1970

13        Information Center for the Aging: Interim report 1969

14        Information Center for the Aging: Mayor's Office for Senior Citizens 1974


Box 580

1          Information Center for the Aging: Monthly statistics 1967-1973

2          Information Center for the Aging: Project report 1974

3          Information Center for the Aging: Project year (1st) 1967-1968

4          Information Center for the Aging: Project year (2nd) 1968-1969

5          Information Center for the Aging: Proposal: 1970

6          Information Center for the Aging: Proposal: 1973

7          Information Center for the Aging: Reports

8          Information Center for the Aging: Resource material

9          Information Center for the Aging: Retirement hotel 1974

10        Information Center for the Aging: Technical Advisory Committee

11        Information Center for the Aging: Title 30AA 1969

12        Information Center for the Aging: Work program 1971

13        Information systems and Data Processing Unit 1972

14        Inter Relationship (public and private) Agencies: Responsibilities for Service

15        Inter Rel. (pub. and priv.) Agencies: Role of Volun. and Tax Supported Agencies 1958-1965


Box 581

1          Inter Rel. (public and private) Agencies: Voluntary and Tax Supported Agencies 1956-1964

2          IRMP Health Profile Project 1973

3          Job Information Service-Careers in Social Work

4          JOBS NOW Project 1968

5-6       Joint Action Board: 1967-1969

7          Joint Action Board: Activities 1968-1970

8          Juvenile Court-Agency relationship: 1966

9          Juvenile Court-Agency relationship: 1965

10        Juvenile Court-Agency relationship: Planning and Research Committee minutes 1966

11        Juvenile Court-Agency relationship: Subcommittee on Admissions and Referrals 1965

12        Juvenile Delinquency: Chicago Delinquency Central Project 1964

13        Juvenile Delinquency: 1972


Box 582

1-2       Juvenile Protective Study: The Boy's Court 1952-1953

3          Juvenile Protective Study: Juvenile Protective Association 1952

4          Juvenile Protective Study: Juvenile Protective Association 1952-1954

5          Labor Welfare Department: Labor Department-Spanish speaking Project 1967

6          Labor Welfare Department: 1973

7          Labor Welfare Department: Policies and statements


Box 583

1          Labor Welfare Department: Services: 1953-1964

2          Labor Welfare Department: Services: 1965

3          Labor Welfare Department: Services: 1966-1970

4          Labor Welfare Department: Structure-Welfare council/division III

5          Leadership: Board Member Training: 1958-1970

6          Leadership: Board Member Training: 1960-1970


Box 584

1          Leadership: Board Member Training: 1971-1972

2          Leadership: Board Member Training: Project 1971-1972

3          Leadership: Board Member Training: 1973

4          Leadership: Board Member Training: Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 1970

5          Leadership: Board Member Training: Development of Negro Responsibility 1957

6          Leadership-Lay: Board Member Training

7          Leadership-Lay: Leadership Training 1973

8          Leadership-Lay: "Principles and Practices of Voluntary Boards" 1973

9          Leadership Resource Program: 1968

10        Leadership Resource Program: Meetings 1968

11        Legal Services: Class Action Suit

12        Legislative Committee-Administration Public Services 1963

13        Letter to Congressman Rostenkowski re proposal ex. pub. char. in apprec. gifts deduction

14        Liaison: Legislation: Local. Programs, Testimony, 1978 Chicago Area Plan on Aging

15-18   Long Term Care: 1958-1962


Box 585

1          Long Term Care: 1964-1965

2          Long Term Care: Chronically ill 1966

3          Long Term Care: Health 1967

4          Manpower-Operation Mainstream 1974

5          MAPS (Metropolitan Area Protective Services) 1975

6          Maternal and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Center Study: 1956-1961

7          Maternal and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Center Study: Alternatives 1952-1961

8          Mat. and Inf. Care: Chgo. Mat. Ctr. Study: Chgo. Sys. and Nat'l Picture context 1912-1962

9          Mat. and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Center Study: Historical Background 1954-1962

10        Maternal and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Center Study: Operation 1960-1961

11        Maternal and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Center Study: Plans 1959-1962

12        Maternal and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Center Study: Recommendations 1961

13        Maternal and Infant Care: Chicago Maternity Clientele 1960-1961

14        Maternal and Infant Care: Mental Health 1967-1968

15        Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: 1966-1967

16        Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Correspondence: 1964-1965


Box 586

1          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Correspondence: 1966

2          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Reports 1967-1968

3          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Reports

4          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Study: Advisory Committee

5          Mat., Inf. and Pre-School Child health: Project: Study: Technical advisory committee 1964

6          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Survey: Advisory committee

7          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Survey: Staff meeting

8          Maternal, Infant and Pre-School Child health: Project: Work Program Achievement 1972

9          Mayor's Office for Senior Citizens: Funding 1974

10        Mayor's Office for Senior Citizens: Housing 1974


Box 587

1          Meals on Wheels

2          Medical Care: Emergency Medical Service

3          Medical Care: Medicare Committee 1965

4          Medical Social Service conference Group: 1959-1962

5          Medical Social Service conference Group: Minutes 1959-1962

6          Meetings, Places and Conferences: Hotels 1970

7          Meetings, Places and Conferences: Notice of meetings: 1971

8          Meetings, Places and Conferences: Notice of meetings: 1969-1970

9          Meetings, Places and Conferences: Notice of meetings: 1969

10        Meetings, Places and Conferences: Regulations and reservations 1968-1971

11        Meetings, Places and Conferences: Speakers, Tours


Box 588

1          Membership: 1971

2          Membership: 1967

3          Membership: 1967-1968

4          Membership: Administration correspondence

5          Membership: Admissions, cancellations, evaluations 1944-1963

6          Membership: Affiliate membership 1971

7          Membership: Agencies and dues paid 1959

8          Membership: Agencies requesting membership information 1971

9          Membership: Agency consultation 1960-1961

10        Membership: Agency use of Council

11        Membership: Applications 1968-1971

12        Membership: By-laws

13        Membership: Calendar of Events: 1972

14        Membership: Calendar of Events: 1973

15        Membership: Changes 1965-1971


Box 589

1          Membership: Civic Organization members cancelled

2          Membership: Civic organizations (memos, c.s.p., by-laws): 1964-1967

3          Membership: Civic organizations (memos, c.s.p., by-laws): 1968

4          Membership: Committee 1970-1971

5          Membership: Dues and schedule

6          Membership: Face sheets 1944-1966

Membership: Member agencies lists 1954-1957

7          Membership: Member agencies (form letters): 1947-1959

8          Membership: Member agencies (form letters): 1960-1967

9          Membership: Member agencies list 1954-1967

10        Membership: Member Agency Relations Committee

11        Membership: Member organizations list 1971

12        Membership: Membership certificates: 1947-1966

13        Membership: Membership certificates: 1975


Box 590

1          Membership: Membership Committee: Agendas

2          Membership: Membership Committee: Minutes: 1948-1953

3          Membership: Membership Committee: Minutes: 1953-1959

4          Membership: Membership Committee: Minutes: 1960-1970

5          Membership: Membership Dues: 1926-1945

6          Membership: Membership Dues: 1946-1950

7          Membership: Membership Dues: 1951-1959


Box 591

1          Membership: Membership Dues: 1060-1964

2          Membership: Membership Guide to Council Services

3          Membership: Membership in the council

4          Membership: Membership Inquiry 1967-1971

5          Membership: Membership Standards: 1944-1965

6          Membership: Membership Standards: 1969-1971

7          Membership: Membership Standards and Policy 1955-1965

8          Membership: Mergers, consolidation of Neighborhood-based Agencies

9          Membership: "Merger" listing and analysis 1963

10        Membership: Non-discrimination-human rights principle workgroup

11        Membership: Opportunity programs 1973

12        Mem.: Policies and procedures re: membership of professional health and welfare agencies

13        Membership: Preparation of reports to board on applications for membership


Box 592

1          Membership: Profit oriented health and welfare agencies as members 1972

2          Membership: Programs on Membership

3          Membership: Recommendations for New Members 1973

4          Membership: Reinstatement of membership-csp

5          Membership: Reports on membership applications

6          Membership: Review or evaluation of agencies 1957-1959

7          Membership: Services 1973

8          Membership: Social Responsibility and Agency Funds 1969

9          Membership: Standards and Policy 1966-1971

10        Membership: Standards for Functional Fields 1966-1968

11        Membership: Statement of goals

12        Mem.: Statement of standards of agency operation with respect to non-discrimination 1970

13        Membership: Statements of general purpose and functions 1971

14        Membership: Subcommittee on Individual Members 1967

15        Membership: Summary of Basic Standards for Membership of Health and Welfare Agencies

16        Membership: Work program 1972

17        Membership Committee: Agenda and minutes 1973

18        Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1962-1963

19        Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1964-1965

20        Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1966


Box 593

1          Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1967

2          Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1969-1970

3          Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1971

4          Membership Committee: Board of Directors: 1972

5          Membership Committee: Board of Directors: Agency Recognition Subcommittee 1973

6          Membership Committee: Board of Directors: Meaning of membership 1973

7          Membership Committee: Correspondence 1968

8          Membership Committee: Meeting Notices: 1968

9          Membership Committee: Meeting Notices: 1973

10        Membership Committee: Minutes 1968

11        Membership Committee: Reports-presentations 1968

12        Membership Committee: Standards of Agency Operation

13        Mental Health: 1947-1969

14        Mental Health: Planning: 1966-1967

15        Mental Health: Planning: 1964-1965


Box 594

1          Mental Health: Planning Committee: 1965-1967

2          Mental Health: Planning Committee: Minutes

3          Mental Health: Psychopathic conditions and treatment 1967

4          Mental Retardation, Project minutes 1961-1963

5          Mentally Retarded Group Work and Recreation: 1958-1962

6          Mentally Retarded Group Work and Recreation: 1959-1961

7          Minorities, Committee on Minority Group Relations 1947

8          Model Cities: 1970-1972

9          Model Cities: 1969

10-11   Model Cities: 1968


Box 595

1          Model Cities: 1966-1967

2          Model Cities: Agency responses 1968

3          Model Cities: Budget

4          Model Cities: CCUO 1974

5          Model Cities: CDA Letter *8 1969

6          Model Cities: Chicago

7          Model Cities: Contract 32636

8          Model Cities: Contract Development Process 1970

9          Model Cities: Directory 1971

10        Model Cities: Evaluation Design, etc. 1971

11        Model Cities: Grants application

12        Model Cities: Health information and referral service 1969-1972

13        Model Cities: Health Referral Assistance, etc. 1970

14        Model Cities: Individual Manpower Data Form

15        Model Cities: Instructions for preparing form MCP

16        Model Cities: Monthly Narrative Report 1971

17        Model Cities: Monthly Project Beneficiary

18        Model Cities: Neighborhood Health Center 1971

19        Model Cities: Neighborhood Program 1971


Box 596

1          Model Cities: Proposal for 2nd Year

2          Model Cities: Reports

3-4       Model Cities: Standard for Design, Conduct, etc.

5          Model Cities: Study and Target Area

6          Model Cities: Touring Sessions

7          Model Cities: Work Program 1971

8          Model Cities: Work Program Achievement 1971

9          National Conference on Social Welfare: 1964-1967

10        National Conference on Social Welfare: Sponsoring Committee 1965-1966

11        Neighborhood Center, Facilities Program 1963

12        Neighborhood and Community Development: 1971

13        Neighborhood and Community Development: Minutes 1972

14        Neighborhood and Community Development: Work Program Achievement 1972

15        Neighborhood and Comm. Dev't: Neighborhood Health Centers in Model Cities Areas

16        Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1973-1976

17        Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1972


Box 597

1          Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1971

2          Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1970

3          Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1969

4          Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1966-1968

5          Nominating Committee, Board of Directors: 1963-1966


Box 598

1          Nursing Homes: 1967

2          Nursing Homes: 1972

3          Ombudsman Program: Budget 1972

4          Ombudsman Program: Project Summary 1972

5          Ombudsman Program: Printed material

6          Ombudsman Program: Work Program Achievement

7          Open Lands Project: 1960-1962

8          Open Lands Project: 1963-1964

9          Open Lands Project: 1963-1966


Box 599

1          Open Lands Project: 1965

2          Open Lands Project: 1966-1968

3          Open Lands Project: 1967

4          Open Lands Project: 1968

5          Open Lands Project: 1974


Box 600

1          Open Lands Project: Camps 1963-1967

2          Open Lands Project: Advisory Committee: 1963-1967

3          Open Lands Project: Advisory Committee: Minutes 1963-1968

4          Open Lands Project: Committee Contracts 1963-1966

5          Open Lands Project: Conservation Preliminary Action 1958-1961

6          Open Lands Project: Contact other cities 1963-1966

7          Open Lands Project: Financial 1962-1969

8          Open Lands Project: GAIN 1965


Box 601

1          Open Lands Project: Goose Leg Prairie 1969

2          Open Lands Project: "Green City" 1964-1966

3          Open Lands Project: Illinois and Michigan Canal 1966-1967

4          Open Lands Project: Illinois Prairie Path: 1963-1965

5          Open Lands Project: Illinois Prairie Path: 1966-1968

6          Open Lands Project: Lake Front Policy 1964-1966

7          Open Lands Project: Nature Conservancy News 1961-1964

8          Open Lands Project: Proposal 1967-1968

9          Open Lands Project: State Citizens Committees 1964-1965


Box 602

1          Open Lands Project: Summary of Activities and Project Report

2          Open Lands Project: U.S. Steel-79th Street Proposal at the Lake 1963-1964

3          Operation Mainstream-Chicago Commons Association 1974

4          "People Who Care"

5          Personnel practices, Board: Long Service Recognition 1967

6          Personnel practices, Board: Manual 1956-1970

7          Physical and Social Planning: 1964-1967

8          Physical and Social Planning: Chicago Area Project 1965-1966

9          Chicago Comprehensive Policies Plan: 1963-1968


Box 603

1          Chicago Comprehensive Policies Plan: 1963-1966

2          Chicago Comprehensive Policies Plan: 1964-1966

3          Planning: 1975

4          Planning: Basic budget 1975

5          Plan.: Comp. Plan. for Individual and Family Services Work Program Achievement 1972

6          Planning: Conference on Joint Action Planning for Children's Services 1972

7          Planning: Meetings 1975

8          Planning: Physically-Mentally Handicapped-Work Program Achievement 1972

9          Planning: Proposed work program

10        Planning: Work program 1972

11        Planning and Consultation on Referral-Work Program 1971

12        Planning and Research: Aged-Home Delivered Meals

13        Planning and Research: Annual Work Program Review Meeting 1975

14        Planning and Research: Basic Budget 1974

15        Planning and Research: Budget 1968

16        Planning and Research: Chicago Commission on Youth Welfare 1960

17        Planning and Research: Children-Subsidized Adoption 1970

18        Planning and Research: Committee for Older Adult Service minutes 1965

19        Planning and Research: Committee meeting: 1975


Box 604

1          Planning and Research: Committee meeting: 1974

2          Planning and Research: Committee meeting: 1973

3          Planning and Research: Committee meeting: 1972

4          Planning and Research: Committee meeting: 1971

5          Planning and Research: Committee members

6          Planning and Research: Community Frame of Reference of Problems and Issues

7          Planning and Research: Correspondence: 1971-1972

8          Planning and Research: Correspondence: 1970

9          Planning and Research: Correspondence: 1969

10        Planning and Research: Correspondence: 1956-1968


Box 605

1          Planning and Research: Emily Manz 1968-1969

2          Planning and Research: Field Service 1969

3          Planning and Research: Final Report (Health Division) 1962

4          Planning and Research: Financing Problem 1958-1961

5          Planning and Research: Financing 1962-1966

6          Planning and Research: Fiscal 1976-Work Program/Current Projects

7          Planning and Research: Job Responsibilities 1974

8          Planning and Research: Lake Forest (Geographic Planning) 1957

9          Planning and Research: Lawndale 1962-1965


Box 606

1          Planning and Research: Maternity Referral Program 1960-1962

2          Planning and Research: Members 1974

3          Planning and Research: Monthly Report of the Division Committee 1969

4          Planning and Research: Monthly Reports 1968

5          Planning and Research: NASW (National Association of Social Workers) 1964-1965

6          Planning and Research: Neighborhood Youth Corps 1964-1965, 1972

7          Planning and Research: Organization 1966

8          Planning and Research: Orientation Meeting

9          Plan. and Res.: Participation of Committee Members in Planning Research Work of Council

10        Planning and Research: Program-Project Evaluation 1971

11        Planning and Research: Project and program review 1966

12        Planning and Research: Projects: 1957-1963

13        Planning and Research: Projects: 1974

14        Planning and Research: Projects: Completed or discontinued 1974

15        Planning and Research: Proposal/Unified Delinquency Program

16        Planning and Research: Proposed Developmental Projects 1972

17        Planning and Research: Proposed Projects 1975

18        Planning and Research: Public Health service Policy

19        Planning and Research: Quarterly Reports 1975

20        Planning and Research: Research consultation and Services

21        Planning and Research: Responsibilities 1968


Box 607

1          Planning and Research: Salary Information 1975

2          Planning and Research: Services to the Impaired Aged

3          Planning and Research: Social Services Evaluation 1971

4          Planning and Research: Special Board Committee

5          Planning and Research: Special Funding

6          Planning and Research: Staff Meetings Planning 1952-1960s

7          Planning and Research: Staff Meeting 1969

8          Planning and Research: Statistical Reporting

9          Planning and Research: Status of Projects: 1968

10        Planning and Research: Status of Projects: 1973

11        Planning and Research: Technical Advisory Committee 1966

12        Planning and Research: Update of Programs 1973

13        Planning and Research: Woodlawn Proposal 1962-1963

14        Planning and Research: Work Program: 1976

15        Planning and Research: Work Program: 1975

16        Planning and Research: Work Program: 1973

17        Planning and Research: Work Program: 1966


Box 608

1          Planning and Research: Work Program: Priorities 1967

2          Planning and Research: Work Program: Review 1974

3          Planning and Research committee: Agenda: April 1975

4          Planning and Research committee: Agenda: 1975 Dec. 31

5          Planning and Research committee: Agenda: 1976 Feb.

6          Planning and Research committee: Minutes: 1972

7          Planning and Research committee: Minutes: 1973

8          Planning and Research committee: Minutes: 1974

9          Planning and Research committee: Work program review meeting 1976 Apr.

10        Planning and Research Division Committee: 1967-1968

11        Planning and Research Division Committee: 1976-1977

12        Planning and Research Division Committee: Agendas, calls, minutes 1970

13        Planning and Research Division Committee: Correspondence 1969


Box 609

1-2       Plan. and Research Division Committee: Health Planning Directions Subcommittee 1976

3          Planning and Research Division Committee: Meetings: 1966-1967

4          Planning and Research Division Committee: Meetings: 1968-1969

5          Planning and Research Division Committee: Reports, 1966-1967

6          Planning Department: Discharge Planning Subcommittee

7          Planning Department: Discharge Planning Information Project: Correspondence

8          Plan. Dept.: Discharge Plan. Info. Project: Labels, meeting calls, agendas and minutes

9          Plan. Dept.: Discharge Plan. Info. Proposal/Desc.: Statement Goal, Rationale, Method. 1976

10        Planning Department: Discharge Planning Seminar 1971

11        Planning Department: Discharge Planning Workshop: Questionnaire Results Report

12        Planning Department: Discharge Planning Workshop: Questionnaire

13        Planning Department: Discharge Planning Workshop: Resource Panel

14        Planning Department: Discharge Planning Workshop: Speakers


Box 610

1-2       Planning Department: Discharge Planning Workshop: Steering Committee

3          Plan. Dept.: Post-Hosp. Continuity of Care: Problems and Recommendations, corresp.

4          Plan. Dept.: Post-Hospital Continuity of Care: Problems and Recommendations-memos

5          Planning Department: Project Review: Alcoholism Planning and Development 1976-1977

6          Planning Department: Project Review: Community Mental Health Reform

7          Plan. Dept.: Proj. Rev.: Coord. Home Health Care Prog. for the Homebnd. Aged 1976-1977

8          Planning Department: Project Review: Health Priorities Survey

9          Plan. Department: Project Review: Improving Title XX Service SS Act (IDPA) 1976-1977

10        Plan. Dept.: Proj. Rev.: Liaison in the Health Care Field, Pub. and Priv. Agencies 1976-1977

11        Planning Department: Project Review: Post-Hospital Continuity of Care: Mental Health

12        Plan. Dept.: Proj. Rev.: Post-Hosp. Cont. of Care: Problems and Recommend. 1976-1977

13        Police and community: 1973

14        Police and community: Police and community: Letters 1969

15        Police and community: Minutes 1969

16        Police and community: Police and Abuses 1972-1973

17        Police and community: Work Group 1970

18        Police and community: Youth 1969-1970

19        Pollution: Air Pollution

20        Pollution: Water Pollution

21        Population and Human Services, background paper 1974

22        Poverty: Cutbacks (CA) 1966

23        Poverty: Statistics 1974


Box 611

1          Press Conference: 1970

2          Press Conference: Press kit 1973

3-5       Press Releases: 1966-1967

6-8       Press Releases: 1967-1968


Box 612

1-3       Press Releases: 1969-1971

4-6       Press Releases: 1972-1974


Box 613

1          Program Operations: 1972

2          Program Operations: Aging 1974

3          Program Operations: Brademas Bill HR13520

4          Program Operations: Community Fund 1972

5          Program Operations: Coordination Meeting 1975

6          Program Operations: Council Work Program Priorities 1973

7          Program Operations: Current and Ongoing Work Program 1973

8          Program Operations: Framework for the Analysis of Community Problems and Issues 1973

9          Program Operations: Goals and Objectives 1967-1970

10        Program Operations: Government contract 1975

11        Program Operations: health and Welfare Agencies Inter Relationship

12        Program Operations: Inter-Departmental Tasks 1972

13        Program Operations: Interorganizational Decision Making

14        Program Operations: Interrelationship-Public and Private

15        Program Operations: Management Approach Priorities

16        Program Operations: Management approach to Determining Work Program Priorities 1971

17        Program Operations: Management by objectives Program 1974

18        Program Operations: Planning Department Work Programs: 1973

19        Program Operations: Planning Department Work Programs: 1972

20        Program Operations: Policy and Procedures of the CCSMC for Research Studies

21        Program Operations: Program Committee 1970

22        Program Operations: Program Management and Coordination Committee

23        Program Operations: Relating Plans of Health and Welfare Agencies 1958

24        Program Operations: Research Department Work Program 1972

25        Program Operations: Service Report 1969

26        Program Operations: Social Cost Budget 1973

27        Program Operations: Social Service Regulations 1973

28        Program Operations: Summary Presentation and Work Program

29        Program Operations: Title XX

30-31   Program Operations: Work program: 1975


Box 614

1          Program Operations: Work program: 1975

2          Program Operations: Work program: 1973-1974

3          Program Operations: Work program: 1973

4          Program Operations: Work program: 1972-1973

5          Program Operations: Work program: 1972

6-7       Program Operations: Work program: 1970-1971

8          Program Operations: Work program: Achievement Reporting Form 1972

9          Program Operations: Work program: Correspondence

10        Program Operations: Work program: Development 1975

11        Program Operations: Work program: Objective 1970

12        Program Operations: Work program: Reporting System 1971

13        Program Operations: Work program: Summary: 1972

14        Program Operations: Work program: Summary: 1974


Box 615

1          Project Earning Power: 1965-1968

2          Project Earning Power: 1965-1969

3          Project planning: 1961-1969

4          Project planning: 1966, 1970-1971

5          Project planning: Cost and Accounting 1971

6          Project planning: Grants, Manual 1964-1970

7          Project planning: Potential Projects 1965

8          Project planning: Special Projects 1955-1966

9          Project planning: Special Purpose Grant 1958-1971


Box 616

1          Protective Services to the Aged: Planning Seminar: Correspondence

2          Protective Services to the Aged: Planning Seminar: Material provided to registrants

3          Protective Services to the Aged: Planning Seminar: Proposal, budget and costs

4          Protective Services to the Aged: Planning Seminar: Registrations

5          Protective Services to the Aged: Proposal for Delivery System for services to the Impaired

6          Protective Services to the Aged: Training Project: Advisory Committee

7          Protective Services to the Aged: Training Project: Community Inventory Form

8          Protective Services to the Aged: Training Project: Seminar Plan

9          Public Affairs: 1972

10        Public Affairs: APWA Conference-Child Welfare

11        Public Affairs: Budget 1975

12        Public Affairs: Correspondence 1976

13        Public Affairs: Health Care

14        Public Affairs: Human Services: Health and Social Welfare 1974

15        Public Affairs: Lobbying 1973

16        Public Affairs: Policy Statement on Scope

17        Public Affairs: Work Program: 1971-1974

18        Public Affairs: Work Program: 1975

19        Public Education and Information: 1962-1964


Box 617

1          Public Education and Information: 1965-1967

2          Public Education and Information: 1968-1970

3          Public Education and Information: 1968-1972

4          Public Education and Information: Black Center for Strategy

5          Public Education and Information: Black Consortium

6          Public Education and Information: Communications Committee: 1968-1971

7          Pub. Ed. and Information: Communications Committee: Council's name change 1963-1972

8          Public Education and Information: Communications Committee: Minutes 1968-1971

9          Pub. Ed. and Info.: Comm. Relations Division: Levin, Robert R. correspondence 1966-1967

10        Public Education and Information: Community Relations Division: Minutes 1966

11        Public Education and Information: Community Service Citation 1963-1965


Box 618

1-3       Public Education and Information: Department correspondence 1972

4          Public Education and Information: Divisional Committee 1966

5          Public Education and Information: Innercom 1972

6          Public Education and Information: Junior Volunteer of the Year Award script 1971

7          Public Education and Information: News media Relations Policy 1975

8          Public Education and Information: Open House/Move

9          Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1962

10        Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1963

11        Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1964

12        Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1965


Box 619

1          Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1966

2          Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1967

3          Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1968

4-5       Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1969

6-7       Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1970

8-9       Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1971

10-13   Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1972

14-15   Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1973


Box 620

1-2       Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1974

3          Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1975 Nov. 20

4          Public Education and Information: Press Release: 1975 Dec. 10

5-6       Public Education and Information: Program for Public Relations/Impact 1972

7          Public Education and Information: Public Education Division 1966

8          Public Education and Information: Reports, documents, budget 1961-1971

9          Public Education and Information: Slide Script 1970 Fund Raising Campaign

10        Public Education and Information: Speeches-C. Bergan

11        Public Education and Information: Staff 'Advance' 1968


Box 621

1          Public Education and Information: Telling Our Story 1966-1968

2          Public Education and Information: Voluntary Action Center 1971-1972

3          Public Education and Information: Volunteer Bureau 1970-1971

4          Public Education and Information: WBBM 1970

5          Public Policy: Board: Appointments

6          Public Policy: Board: Architectural Barriers 1973

7          Public Policy: Board: Committee 1966

8          Public Policy: Board: Committee on Public Policy 1970-1972

9          Public Policy: Board: Constitutional Revision Proposal 1970

10        Public Policy: Board: Cutbacks in Health and Welfare Services 1973

11        Public Policy: Board: Draft 1966

12        Public Policy: Board: Federal Budget for Fiscal 1974

13        Public Policy: Board: Fiscal Responsibility

14        Public Policy: Board: Flat Grant 1973

15        Public Policy: Board: Government Decision-making

16        Public Policy: Board: Government Information Service

17        Public Policy: Board: Guidelines for the Development of Position Statements 1975

18        Public Policy: Board: House bill

19        Public Policy: Board: Joint funding simplification Act of 1974

20        Public Policy: Board: Legislative Report 1969

21        Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: 1975


Box 622

1          Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: 1972-1974

2          Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: Minutes

3          Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: Senate Bill 1971

4          Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: State Social Service program 1973

5          Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: Welfare Reform (HR-1)

6          Public Policy: Board: Meeting and Agenda: Welfare Reform correspondence 1971

7          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Children and Services Panel: 1967

8          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Children and Services Panel: 1969

9          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Children and Services Panel: 1970

10        Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: Cook County Committee, WCCY Report to Board 1968


Box 623

1          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Day Care Centers 1066-1970

2          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Family Planning Coordinating Council 1968

3          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Headstart (Pre-Kindergarten Instruction) 1968

4          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Hearing Impaired 1965-1969

5          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Interim Study Commission on Family 1968

6          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Juvenile Court Committee 1965-1967

7          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Family: Juvenile Court, Family Court, Children: 1964 Jan.-July

8          Pub. Pol.: Children, Youth and Family: Juvenile Court, Family Court, Children: 1967-1969

9          Pub. Pol.: Children, Youth and Fam.: Juv. Court Prob., Children's Services Panel 1967-1969

10        Pub. Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Legislative Conference, Children's Services: 1968


Box 624

1          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: Legis. Conference, Children's Services: Invitations 1968

2          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Migrants 1967

3-4       Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: Panel on Chrn's Serv., Workshop on Adoption 1967-1968

5          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: Subcmte. on Chrn's Serv.: Migr. Camp Licens. bill 1965

6          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: Subcmte. on Chrn's Serv.: Migr. Background paper 1964

7          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: Subcmte. on Chrn's Services: Migrants Policy Statement

8          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Subsidized Adoptions 1969-1970


Box 625

1-2       Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Transfer of Children to Adult Court 1964-1967

3          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: White House Conf. on Children, Youth 1970: 1960-1970

4          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: White House Conf. on Children, Youth 1970: 1966-1967

5-6       Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: White House Conference on Children, Youth 1970: 1968


Box 626

1-2       Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: White House Conference on Children, Youth 1970: 1968

3          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: White Hse. Conf. on Chrn., Youth 1970: Cook Co. 1968

4          Pub. Pol.: Chrn., Youth and Fam.: White House Conf. on Chrn., Youth 1970: Prog. cmte.

5-6       Pub. Pol.: Children, Youth and Family: Workshop on Single Child-care Agency 1967-1968


Box 627

1          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Youth Council (WHCCY) 1968-1970

2          Public Policy: Children, Youth and Family: Youthful Offenders 1967-1970

3-4       Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1967

5          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1968


Box 628

1-2       Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1968

3          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1969


Box 629

1-2       Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1970

3          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1971-1972

4          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1976 Mar. 26

5          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: 1976 Apr. 23

6          Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Insurance Meetings: 1974 Mar.

7          Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Insurance Meetings: 1974 Apr.

8          Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Insurance Meetings: 1974 May

9          Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Ins. Meetings: 1974 Nov.

10        Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Insurance Meetings: 1974 Dec.

11        Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Insurance Meetings: 1975

12        Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Pub. Pol.: Ad Hoc Cmte. on Nat'l Health Insurance Meetings: 1976 Jan.

13        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Ad Hoc Committee on Revenue Sharing: 1974

14        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Ad Hoc Committee on Revenue Sharing: 1975

15        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Ad Hoc Evaluation Groups 1965

16        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Askow, Irwin J. 1967-1968


Box 630

1          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Civil Rights

2          Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Public Policy: Community Participation and Acton on Human Rights

3          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: County Jail Administration

4          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Guides 1972

5          Pub. Pol.: Committee on Public Policy: Illinois Assoc. of Funds, Chests and Councils 1969

6          Pub. Pol.: Cmte. on Public Policy: Maps-Legislature and Congressional Districts of Illinois

7          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Meeting calls: 1973

8          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Meeting calls: 1974

9          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Meeting calls: 1975

10        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Meeting calls: 1975-1957

11        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Meeting calls: 1976

12        Pub. Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Members' Opinion-survey on current issues 1976

13        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Members 1974

14        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Minutes 1972

15        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: National Health Insurance

16        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: New committee mailing 1969

17        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Policy statement

18        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Policy statements-drafts 1968-1970

19        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Printed materials

20        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Responses to mailings 1965

21        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Sign-up sheets

22        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Statement (by John Ballard) on Title IV 1972

23        Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Third session public policy meeting


Box 631

1          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Work Program proposal 1970-1971

2          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Work program review 1974

3          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Workshop staff comments 1965

4          Public Policy: Committee on Public Policy: Workshops 1965

5          Public Policy: Consumer Credit: Panel: 1965-1967

6-8       Public Policy: Consumer Credit: Panel: 1967

9          Public Policy: Consumer Credit: Panel: Licensing of door-to-Door Sales


Box 632

1          Public Policy: Corrections: Panel on: 1962-1963

2-3       Public Policy: Corrections: Panel on: 1965

4          Public Policy: Corrections: Panel on: 1967


Box 633

1          Public Policy: Corrections: Panel on: 1969

2          Public Policy: Corrections: Panel on: 1970

3          Public Policy: Corrections: Capital Punishment 1968

4          Public Policy: Corrections: Courts Workgroup 1968

5          Public Policy: Corrections: Crime Control act of 1968

6          Public Policy: Corrections: Drugs and Alcohol Workgroup 1968

7          Public Policy: Corrections: Illinois Republican Platform 1968

8          Public Policy: Corrections: Legislation 1969

9          Public Policy: Corrections: Legislative Conference: 1968-1969


Box 634

1          Public Policy: Corrections: Legislative Conference: Invitation

2          Public Policy: Corrections: Minimum State Standards for Jails 1967-1968

3          Public Policy: Corrections: Parole Board

4          Public Policy: Corrections: Parole for misdemeanants 1965

5          Public Policy: Corrections: Public Defender 1964-1966

6          Public Policy: Corrections: Resolutions in re: Cook Co. Jail Bond Proposal 1968

7          Public Policy: Corrections: Springfield visit 167

8          Public Policy: Corrections: State-supported public Defender System 1971

9          Public Policy: Corrections: Structure Workgroup 1968

10        Public Policy: Corrections: Subcommittee on Corrections: 1964

11        Public Policy: Corrections: Subcommittee on Corrections: License plates 1958-1965


Box 635

1          Public Policy: Corrections: Supportive Services Workshop 1968

2          Public Policy: Corrections: Victims of crime 1966

3          Public Policy: Corrections: Workgroup on Arrest Records, Panel on Human rights 1968

4          Public Policy: Economic Opportunity: Panel: 1967

5          Public Policy: Economic Opportunity: Panel: 1967-1968

6          Public Policy: Education: Panel Committee: 1967-1968

7          Public Policy: Education: Panel Committee: 1968


Box 636

1          Public Policy: Education: Panel Committee: 1969

2          Public Policy: Education: Panel Committee: 1969-1970

3          Public Policy: Education: Panel Committee: 1970

4          Public Policy: Education: Panel Committee: 1971

5          Public Policy: Education: Administrative Issues Workgroup 1968

6          Public Policy: Education: Aid to Non-Public Schools 1968-1971

7          Public Policy: Education: Board of Education Hearing April 1967 re: Special Education

8          Pub. Pol.: Ed.: Chgo. Plan for Implementing HB1470, Responses for Spec. Education 1967

9          Pub. Pol.: Ed.: Governor's Office (State of IL), Vocational and Technical Education 1969


Box 637

1          Public Policy: Education: Metropolitan School Workshop 1961-1969

2          Public Policy: Education: Personnel Issues Workgroup 1967-1968

3          Pub. Policy: Education: Resolution re: Education Referendum, Chicago Public Schools 1969

4          Public Policy: Education: Special Education Workgroup, Children's Services Panel 1967

5-6       Public Policy: Education: Special programming workgroup

7          Public Policy: Education: Subcommittee to Study Revised Chicago Plan 1968

8          Public Policy: Education: Workgroup on State Board of Education 1969


Box 638

1          Public Policy: Education: Workgroup on State Board of Education 1969

2          Public Policy: Employment, Project Equality 1969

3          Public Policy: Federal, Welfare reform 1969

4          Public Policy: Governmental Structure: Ad Hoc Panel 1966

5          Pub. Pol.: Gov'tal Structure: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1969

6          Public Policy: Governmental Structure: Congress (Federal) 1965-1969

7-8       Public Policy: Governmental Structure: Revenue Workgroup


Box 639

1          Pub. Pol.: Governmental Structure: Taxes, Special, Health and Welfare Services 1965-1967

2          Public Policy: Governmental Structure: Workgroup on Constitutional Convention Call 1968

3          Public Policy: Health: Panel: 1966-1967

4          Public Policy: Health: Panel: 1967

5          Public Policy: Health: Panel: 1967-1968

6          Public Policy: Health: Extras 1970

7          Public Policy: Health: Illinois Department of Mental Health 1965-1969

8          Public Policy: Health: Illinois Department of Public Health

9          Public Policy: Health: Inoculations 1966-1967


Box 640

1          Public Policy: Health: Inoculations Workgroup Health Panel 1967

2          Public Policy: Health: Legislative Report-Illinois Hospital Association 1969

3          Public Policy: Health: Medical Examiner Service

4          Public Policy: Health: Mental Health Workgroup 1967

5          Public Policy: Health: Panel on Health-Workgroup on Abortions 1968

6-7       Public Policy: Health: Physician Services, Purchase of, 1964 Mar.-1965 June 30

8          Public Policy: Health: Preventive Comprehensive Medical Care 1965-1967

9          Public Policy: Health: Purchase of Care 1967-1968


Box 641

1          Public Policy: Housing: Panel: 1966-1967

2          Public Policy: Housing: Panel: 1968-1969

3          Public Policy: Housing: Panel: 1970

4          Public Policy: Housing: CHA (Chicago Housing Authority) Advisory Committee 1968-1969

5          Public Policy: Housing: CHA-Judge Austin's Decision 1969

6          Public Policy: Housing: Committee on Housing Policy-position statement 1971

7          P. P.: Hsing.: Cmte. on Pub. Police (Comm. Rel. Div.), Ad Hoc Panel on Hsing. 1964-1967

8          Public Policy: Housing: Fair Housing: 1959-1968

9-10     Public Policy: Housing: Fair Housing: Panel on Human Rights 1968

11        Public Policy: Housing: Housing undated

12        Public Policy: Housing: Illinois Housing Laws 1961


Box 642

1          Public Policy: Housing: Legislative committee on Low Income Housing 1967

2          Public Policy: Housing: Legislative Conference on Housing, Key to Human Rights: 1968

3          Public Policy: Housing: Legislative Conference on Housing, Key to Human Rights: 1969

4          Public Policy: Housing: Legislative Conference on Human Rights, Housing Invitation 1969

5          Public Policy: Housing: Social Service Study 1967-1969

6          Public Policy: Housing: Workgroup on Financing and Production of Housing 1969

7-8       Public Policy: Human rights: Subcommittee/Panel: 1964-1965

9          Public Policy: Human rights: Subcommittee/Panel: 1966


Box 643

1          Public Policy: Human rights: Subcommittee/Panel: 1967

2          Public Policy: Human rights: Subcommittee/Panel: 1969

3          Public Policy: Human rights: Discrimination in Education Workgroup 1967-1968

4          Public Policy: Law Enforcement: 1968

5          Public Policy: Law Enforcement: Panel: 1968


Box 644

1          Public Policy: Law Enforcement: Police/Citizen Board Meetings: 1960

2          Public Policy: Law Enforcement: Police/Citizen Board Meetings: 1964

3          Public Policy: Law Enforcement: Workgroup on a Civilian Police Review Board 1968

4          Public Policy: Mental Health: Panel 1969

5          Public Policy: Miscellaneous: Reorganization 1966

6          Public Policy: Miscellaneous: Social Work Manpower Training (Bill-Federal) 1966-1969

7          Public Policy: Miscellaneous: Spanish Speaking People Inventory Project 1966-1968

8          Public Policy: Miscellaneous: Staffs 1967-1969

9          Public Policy: Personnel: Subcommittee/Panel: 1964-1965

10        Public Policy: Personnel: Subcommittee/Panel: 1966


Box 645

1          Public Policy: Personnel: Subcommittee/Panel: 1967

2          Public Policy: Personnel: Discrimination by sex and age 1967-1968

3          Public Policy: Position statements: 1964-1970

4          Public Policy: Position statements: 1965-1968

5          Public Policy: Position statements: 1967-1968

6          Public Policy: Position statements: 1967: Jan.-Mar.

7          Public Policy: Position statements: 1967: Apr.


Box 646

1          Public Policy: Position statements: 1968

2          Public Policy: Position statements: 1969

3          Public Policy: Public Policy Department, Reorganization/Scope Study 1967-1970

4-6       Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: 1964-1966

7          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: Jan.-July 1967


Box 647

1          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: 1967-1968 May

2          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: 1968 Aug.-Dec.

3          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: 1969

4-5       Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: 1969-1970


Box 648

1          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Subcommittee/Panel: 1970-1971

2          Public Policy: Public Welfare: ADC Age Range-Mrs. Heyman 1966-1967

3          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Affidavit, Mrs. Sampson 1966-1967

4          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Appeals Provision-Mrs. Even 1967

5          Pub. Pol.: Pub. Wel.: Investigation of Applicants for and Recipients of Pub. Wel. 1957-1969

6          Pub. Pol.: Pub. Welfare: Legislative Advisory Committee on Public Assistance: 1967-1968


Box 649

1-2       Public Policy: Public Welfare: Legislative Advisory Committee on Public Assistance: 1969

3          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Mandatory Employment for public Aid Recipients 1971

4          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Public Aid: 1964

5          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Public Aid: 1968-1970

6          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Public Aid Commission 1962


Box 650

1-4       Pub. Pol.: Pub. Wel.: Pub. Assistance Plan-Handbook Transmittal Material from HEW 1967

5          Public Policy: Public Welfare: Rent and Grant Ceilings, Mrs. Culmer 1965-1966

6          Pub. Pol.: Public Welfare: Requiring Public Aid recipients to Move to Job Sites 1967-1969


Box 651

1-2       Public Policy: Public Welfare: State Legislative Positions, Dept. of Public aid: 1964-1965

3          Public Policy: Public Welfare: State Legislative Positions, Dept. of Public aid: 1966-1969

4          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Panel: 1966

5          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Panel: 1967


Box 652

1          Pub. Pol.: Rec. and Conservation: Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Panel: 1970

2          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Air and Water Pollution Workgroup 1967-1968

3          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Air Pollution state 1967-1969

4          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Camping Standards 1968

5          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Camping Standards Workgroup 1966

6          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Lakefront Stadium 1971

7          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: McCormick Place 1968-1969

8          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: McCormick Place Expansion 1967

9          Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Open Lands Workgroup 1966-1967

10        Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Physical and Social Planners 1961-1965


Box 653

1          Pub. Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Recreation and Conservations-Extras 1969-1970

2-3       Public Policy: Recreation and Conservation: Waterways, waterfronts, etc. 1964 Mar.-1966

4          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Panel: 1966-1967

5          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Panel: 1967

6          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Panel: 1970


Box 654

1          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Architectural Barriers: 1967-1968

2          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Architectural Barriers: 1967-1969

3          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Employment of the Handicapped 1967-1968

4          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Handicapped

5          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Handicapped-Facilities 1967-1969

6          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Public Transportation "Campaign": 1968-1970

7          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Public Transportation "Campaign": 1970


Box 655

1          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Sheltered Workshops 1966-1967

2          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Transportation: 1966-1967

3          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Transportation: 1968

4          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Transportation: 1968-1969

5          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Transportation for Handicapped 1966-1969

6          Public Policy: Rehabilitation: Workmen's Compensation 1966-1969

7          Public Policy: Social Security Act (HR12080) 1968

8          Public Policy: Tax-Exempt Status 1964-1965

9          Public Policy: Unemployment Compensation 1964-1966


Box 656

1          Public Relations: List of photographs and biographies 1972

2          Public Relations: Biographies: Askow, Irwin J.

3          Public Relations: Biographies: Bacon, Warren J.

4          Public Relations: Biographies: Ballard, Ellis A.

5          Public Relations: Biographies: Bensinger, Peter B.

6          Public Relations: Biographies: Bergan, Carolyn

7          Public Relations: Biographies: Berry, Edwin C.

8          Public Relations: Biographies: Bogan, Ralph A.L., Jr.

9          Public Relations: Biographies: Brooks, Denton J., Jr.

10        Public Relations: Biographies: Chakerian, Dr. Charles G.

11        Public Relations: Biographies: Christensen, John W.

12        Public Relations: Biographies: Clemens, Joseph N.

13        Public Relations: Biographies: Cooke, Vincent W., Rt. Rev. Monsg.

14        Public Relations: Biographies: Crompton, James W.

15        Public Relations: Biographies: Crookes, Spencer H.

16        Public Relations: Biographies: DeBoar, Louis

17        Public Relations: Biographies: DeVoursney, Andrew M.

18        Public Relations: Biographies: Dwyer, William T.

19        Public Relations: Biographies: Ebersold, Charles

20        Public Relations: Biographies: Edens, Robert L., Jr.

21        Public Relations: Biographies: Erickson, Donald

22        Public Relations: Biographies: Finley, Murray H.

23        Public Relations: Biographies: Frank, Zollie S.

24        Public Relations: Biographies: Gartner, August J.

25        Public Relations: Biographies: Garvey, William H., Jr.

26        Public Relations: Biographies: Gibson, Harry B., Rev.

27        Public Relations: Biographies: Goodstein, Bernard

28        Public Relations: Biographies: Greer, Joseph P.

29        Public Relations: Biographies: Guelich, Robert V.

30        Public Relations: Biographies: Buenzel, Paul W.

31        Public Relations: Biographies: Harley, Philip A.

32        Public Relations: Biographies: Helman, Nathan W.

33        Public Relations: Biographies: Helstein, Ralph

34        Public Relations: Biographies: Heyworth, James O.

35        Public Relations: Biographies: Hiler, Rembrandt C., Jr.

36        Public Relations: Biographies: Hoffman, Mrs. Arthur C.

37        Public Relations: Biographies: Holleb, Marshall M.

38        Public Relations: Biographies: Hunter, Lemuel B.

39        Public Relations: Biographies: Johnston, Robert

40        Public Relations: Biographies: Jones, Leroy

41        Public Relations: Biographies: Katz, Harold

42        Public Relations: Biographies: Kruse, Arthur H.

43        Public Relations: Biographies: Kunstadler, Sigmund W.

44        Public Relations: Biographies: Linford, Alton a.

45        Public Relations: Biographies: Martin, Virgil C.

46        Public Relations: Biographies: McDowell, Remick (Mrs.)

47        Public Relations: Biographies: McSween, Cirilo

48        Public Relations: Biographies: Mikva, Abner J.

49        Public Relations: Biographies: Murray, Clyde E.

50        Public Relations: Biographies: Muskie, Edward S., Senator

51        Public Relations: Biographies: Nathan, Jerome J.

52        Public Relations: Biographies: O'Donnell, William C.

53        Public Relations: Biographies: Potter, Robert M., M.D.

54        Public Relations: Biographies: Ranney, George A.

55        Public Relations: Biographies: Rice, James P.

56        Public Relations: Biographies: Richman, Harold A.

57        Public Relations: Biographies: Robinson, William H.

58        Public Relations: Biographies: Roddewig, Claire M.

59        Public Relations: Biographies: Ropchan, Alexander

60        Public Relations: Biographies: Runne, Charles (Mrs.)

61        Public Relations: Biographies: Saunders, Warner

62        Public Relations: Biographies: Schlesinger, Richard B.

63        Public Relations: Biographies: Schultz, Arthur W.

64        Public Relations: Biographies: Shabat, Oscar

65        Public Relations: Biographies: Sheares, Rev. Reuben A., II

66        Public Relations: Biographies: Smith, Farwell

67        Public Relations: Biographies: Swank, Harold O.

68        Public Relations: Biographies: Terkel, Studs

69        Public Relations: Biographies: Thomkins, Eddie

70        Public Relations: Biographies: Tobin, Michael E.

71        Public Relations: Biographies: Torxel, John C., M.D.

72        Public Relations: Biographies: Vanderwicken, Edwin P. (Mrs.)

73        Public Relations: Biographies: Vistosky, Harold M., M.D.

74        Public Relations: Biographies: Watermulder, Helen Dawes

75        Public Relations: Biographies: Wendt, Lloyd

76        Public Relations: Biographies: Wexler, Morris J.

77        Public Relations: Biographies: Wieboldt, Raymond C., Jr.

78        Public Relations: Biographies: Witwer, Samuel W.

79        Public Relations: Former Board Member Biographies

80        Public Relations: Presidents of Welfare Council 1914-1976


Box 657

1          Publications: 1963-1967

2          Publications: 1968-1972

3          Publications: At Issue 1969-1971

4          Publications: Billing 1973

5          Publications: Communique correspondence 1965-1967

6          Publications: Council Information Manual 1973

7          Publications: Day Care 1969-1971

8          Publications: Format 1969

9          Publications: Government Information Service

10        Publications: Human Needs in Public Housing 1973

11        Publications: Inquiries and Requests 1971-1972

12        Publications: Inventory of May-October 1965

13        Publications: Mailing List-Finance Committee 1970-1971

14        Publications: Panorama correspondence 1966-1970

15        Publications: Personnel Policies and Practices Manual 1970

16        Publications: Policies governing publications 1967

17        Publications: Publications Committee 1931-1957

18        Publications: Publications Lists 1956-1971

19        Publications: Social Service Directory 1974

20        Publications: United Community Funds and Councils of America, Inc. 1968-1969


Box 658

1          Publications, Government: Area Manpower Review (Chicago) 1968

2          Pub., Gov't.: IL Dept. of Mental Health; Dept. of Public Welfare, Juvenile Court Statistics

3          Publications, Government: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

4          Publications, Government: U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

5          Publications, Government: U.S. Department of Labor: Women

6          Reach Out Program 1969

7          Records Department, Council Staff material

8          Recreation and Group Services: 1963-1965

9          Recreation and Group Services: Camp standards 1966


Box 659

1          Recreation and Group Services: Camping for the Handicapped 1964-1966

2          Recreation and Group Services: Committee on Camping and Outdoor Education: 1964-1966

3          Recreation and Group Services: Committee on Camping and Outdoor Education: 1965-1966

4          Rec. and Group Serv.: Committee on Camping and Outdoor Education: Minutes 1963-1966

5          Recreation and Group Services: Committee on Group Services for Older Adults 1964-1966

6          Recreation and Group Services: Committee on Long Range Planning 1963-1966

7          Recreation and Group Services: Group Services for Older Adults-minutes 1964-1966

8          Recreation and Group Services: Institute on Health Standards for Day Camps 1962-1965

9          Recreation and Group Services: Minutes 1965-1967

10        Recreation and Group Services: Planning Committee: 1963-1964

11        Recreation and Group Services: Planning Committee: 1965-1966


Box 660

1          Recreation and Group Services: Planning Committee: Minutes 1963-1966

2          Recreation and Group Services: Planning Director 1965-1966

3          Recreation and Group Services: Southwest Neighborhoods Study Committee 1964

4          Rec. and Informal Education (RIE): Camping and Outdoor Education Committee 1963-1964

5          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Chicago Homebound Project 1963-1967

6          Rec. and Informal Ed. (RIE): Committee on Camping and Outdoor Education: 1959-1962

7          Rec. and Informal Education (RIE): Committee on Camping and Outdoor Education: 1963

8          Rec. and Informal Ed. (RIE): Cmte. on Camping and Outdoor Ed.: Minutes 1960-1963

9          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Division III: 1956-1960


Box 661

1          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Division III: 1961

2          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Division III 1962-1964

3          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Executive Committee Minutes 1960-1965 Oct.

4          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Annual Reports 1963-1965

5          Rec. and Informal Ed. (RIE): Open Lands: Comprehensive Open Space Program 1964-1965

6          Rec. and Informal Ed. (RIE): Open Lands: Green Areas for Illinois Now (GAIN) 1965

7          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Green Bay Trail 1965

8          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Illinois Prairie Path 1964

9          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Lake Front-U.S. Steel 1965


Box 662

1          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Position statements, press releases

2          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Printed materials

3          Rec. and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Resolutions, drafts, proposals: 1959-1963

4          Rec. and Informal Education (RIE): Open Lands: Resolutions, drafts, proposals: 1965-1967

5          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Personnel Committee 1953-1957

6          Rec. and Informal Ed. (RIE): Personnel Professional Development Committee 1958-1959

7          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Planning for Service Committee: 1959-1960

8          Recreation and Informal Education (RIE): Planning for Service Committee: 1960-1963

9          Rec. and Informal Education (RIE): Planning for Service Committee: Minutes 1962-1963

10        Recreation and Internal Education (AIE): Salaries, Subcommittee 1955-1956

11        Recreation and Internal Education (AIE): Senior Council 1961-1963

12        Recreation and Internal Education (AIE): Staff minutes 1959-1962


Box 663

1          Recreation and Internal Education (AIE): Survey 1958-1959

2          Rec. and Internal Ed. (AIE): White House Conf. on Youth, Follow-up Cmte. 1960-1961

3          Recruitment Project 1958-1959

4          Referral Guidelines for Hospital Discharge Planning 1973-1975

5          Referral Information and Direction Service, Daily Record Sheet 1962-1964

6          Regional Committee, Executive committee South Region 1968

7          Regional Program: 1968-1969

8          Regional Program: 1969-1970

9          Regional Program: Guide, 1969

10        Regional Program: North Region: 1968

11        Regional Program: North Region: Minutes: 1969

12        Regional Program: North Region: Minutes: 1960-1970

13        Regional Program: North Region: Physical and Economic Planning Committee 1969


Box 664

1          Regional Program: North Region: Steering Committee: 1969

2          Regional Program: North Region: Steering Committee: Subcommittee on Health 1968-1969

3          Regional Program: Northwest Region: Steering Committee: Membership 1969-1970

4          Regional Program: Northwest Region: Steering Committee: Minutes: 1968-1969

5          Regional Program: Northwest Region: Steering Committee: Minutes: 1968-1970

6          Reg. Prog.: Northwest Region: Steering Committee: Subcommittee on Youth Services 1969

7          Regional Program: Organizational Material and Background of Regions 1966-1967

8          Regional Program: Regional Coordinating Group: 1968-1969

9          Regional Program: Regional Coordinating Group: 1969

10        Regional Program: Regional Staff Minutes 1969

11        Regional Program: South Region: Committees 1965-1969

12        Regional Program: South Region: Steering committee: 1968


Box 665

1          Regional Program: South Region: Steering committee: 1968-1969

2          Regional Program: South Region: Steering committee: Minutes 1968-1969

3          Regional Program: South Region: Steering committee: Subcommittee on Youth 1968-1969

4          Regional Program: South Suburban Regional Planning Committee: 1964-1967

5          Regional Program: South Suburban Regional Planning Committee: Minutes 1964-1967

6          Regional Program: West Region: Committee on Children and Youth Services 1969

7          Regional Program: West Region: Steering Committee: 1968-1969

8          Reg. Prog.: West Region: Steering Committee: Subcommittee on Youth Services 1968-1969

9          Rehabilitation: 1968-1969

10        Rehabilitation: Action Research Project on Rehabilitation 1960-1961-Paid Bills

11        Rehabilitation: Framework Proposal 1969

12        Rehabilitation: Homosexuals

13        Rehabilitation: Relocation


Box 666

1          Rehab.: Research (Action) Project: Monthly Reports and Correspondence: 1960-1961

2          Rehab.: Research (Action) Project: Monthly Reports and Correspondence: 1961-1962

3          Rehabilitation: Research (Action) Project: Paid bills 1961-1962

4          Rehabilitation: Subcommittee 1969

5          Relief Crisis 1950-1959

6          Report of Welfare Council to Model cities Program 1966-1968

7          Rsrch., Analysis of Pos., Ann. Salaries, and Ranges of Day Care and Headstart Pers. 1973

8          Research Department: 1975

9          Research Department: Agencies Report on Problems and Prospects 1960

10        Research Department: Child Welfare costs Analysis 1964-1966

11        Research Department: Childata

12        Research Department: Complimentary Tables on 1970 Census Data

13        Research Department: Computers in Council research 1966


Box 667

1          Research Department: HEW Grant Proposals 1975

2          Research Department: Health, Welfare, Recreation Statistics 1955-1964

3          Research Department: Manpower 1965

4          Research Department: National Prisoner Statistics 1962-1965

5          Research Department: Programs 1971

6          Research Department: Proposed Work Program 1974-1975

7          Research Department: Quarterly Report 1974

8          Research Department: Reports 1962-1966

9          Research Department: South Cook County Poverty, etc. 1964-1966

10        Research Department: Statistical Reports 1969-1972

11        Research Department: Statistics 1961-1963

12        Research Department: Survey of Welfare Programs-Agencies 1958-1960

13        Research Department: United Community Funds-Councils 1958-1971

14        Rsrch. Dept.: United Community Funds & Councils of America Library Listings 1957-1962

15        Research Department: Utilization of Cost, etc. 1966

16        Research Department: Work Program Review 1973-1974

17-19   Research Department: Work Program Summary 1972-1973


Box 668

1          Services to Residents in Low Income Housing (ULC)

2          Services to the Impaired Aged: 1973

3          Services to the Impaired Aged: Application 1973

4          Services to the Impaired Aged: Background Papers-Survey, Chicago Areas Programs 1972

5          Services to the Impaired Aged: Delivery System 1971-1972

6          Services to the Impaired Aged: Employees 1973

7          Services to the Impaired Aged: Evaluation 1974

8          Services to the Impaired Aged: Files (List) 1974

9          Services to the Impaired Aged: Final Report 1974

10        Services to the Impaired Aged: Final Report 1975

11        Services to the Impaired Aged: Grant Hospital Contract 1973

12        Services to the Impaired Aged: Housekeeping Services 1974

13        Services to the Impaired Aged: Intake

14        Services to the Impaired Aged: List of Records-10th Floor

15        Services to the Impaired Aged: Monthly Fiscal Reports 1973-1974

16        Services to the Impaired Aged: Pilot Program 1973


Box 669

1          Services to the Impaired Aged: Statistics

2          Services to the Impaired Aged: Visiting Nurse Association 1974

3          Services to the Impaired Aged: Shotgun Survey, Action Proposals

4          Services to the Impaired Aged: Single Parents: 1973

5          Services to the Impaired Aged: Single Parents: Application 1972

6          Services to the Impaired Aged: Single Parents: Funding

7          Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Ecology of South Commons: 1973

8          Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Ecology of South Commons: 1974

9          Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Ecology of South Commons: Background Paper 1974

10        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Ecology of South Commons: Final Report 1975

11        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Ecology of South Commons: Notice of Grant 1974

12        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social legislation, Health: Civil Rights 1968

13        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social legislation, Health: Medical Care, Aged: 1962-1965

14        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social legislation, Health: Medical Care, Aged: 1965

15        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social legislation, Health: Shelter Care Police 1964-1966

16        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Planning Framework: 1966-1969

17        Serv. to the Impaired Aged: Soc. Planning Framework: Planning and Research: 1966-1969

18        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Planning Framework: Planning and Research: 1970

19        Serv. to the Impaired Aged: Soc. Plan. Framework: Soc. and Sexl. Variant Youth Ctr. 1968

20        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Security: Title XVI

21        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Security: Title XX

22        Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Service Directory: 1973


Box 670

1          Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Service Directory: Central Services 1956

2          Services to the Impaired Aged: Social Service Directory: Inventory 1954-1962

3          Social Service Directory: Work Programs

4          Social Services Evaluation, Work Program Achievement 1972

5          Social Service Exchange: Advisory Committee 1960

6          Social Service Exchange: Advisory Committee minutes 1956

7          Social Service Exchange: Annual Reports, lists of member agencies 1962-1967

8          Social Service Exchange: Budget Report 1967

9          Social Service Exchange: Central Services correspondence 1962-1969

10        Social Welfare Manpower: Development and Training Program: 1960-1969


Box 671

1          Social Welfare Manpower: Development and Training Program: 1970

2          Social Welfare Manpower: Inventory 1973

3          Social Welfare Manpower: Para-Professional 2972

4          Social Welfare Manpower: Proposal 1967-1972

5          Social Welfare Manpower: Survey 1967

6          Social Welfare Manpower: Unqualified Military Service 1964

7          Social Welfare Manpower: Work Program Accomplishments 1970

8          Society for Field Experiential Education 1972

9          South Cook County Study: 1965-1971

10        South Cook County Study: Health and Social Service Agencies 1970

11        So. Cook Co. Study: Multi-Serv. Ctr., So. Cook County Work Program Achievement 1972

12        South Cook County Study: NIPC Report 1969-1972

13        South Cook County Study: Part I and II


Box 672

1          South Cook County Study: Preliminary Canvass 1965

2          South Cook County Study: South Cook County Multi-Service Center Report 1971

3          South Cook County Study: Study Design 1970

4          Special Study Committee, Board: 1966-1967

5          Spec. Study Cmte., Board: Excerpts from Comm. Fund min. re: Welfare Council 1962-1966

6          Special Study Committee, Board: Meetings 1966-1967

7          Special Study Committee, Board: Minutes 1966-1967

8          Special Study Committee, Board: Reports and printed material

9          Spec. Study Committee, Board: Subcommittee on Scientific and Ethical Review 1969-1970

10        Speech Material, public and voluntary 1965

11        Speeches: Public Relations: Council Staff General 1961-1965

12        Speeches: Public Relations: Director Bachman           1962-1965


Box 673

1          Speeches: Public Relations: Director Macrae 1964-1965

2          Speeches: Public Relations: Education and Recreation Division

3          Speeches: Public Relations: John Ballard 1965-1972

4          Speeches: Public Relations: presidents of council 1965-1963

5          Speeches: Public Relations: Research

6          Speeches other Than Staff: Public Relations: A-B

7          Speeches other Than Staff: Public Relations: C-G

8          Speeches other Than Staff: Public Relations: H-L


Box 674

1          Speeches other Than Staff: Public Relations: M-N

2          Speeches other Than Staff: Public Relations: Q-T

3          Speeches other Than Staff: Public Relations: U-Z

4          Statements: Alcoholism-Planning and Development 1976-1977

5          Statements: Community Mental Health Reform

6          Statements: A Coordinated Home Health Care Program for the Homebound Aged

7          Statements: Health Priorities Survey

8          Statements: Liaison in the Health Care Field-Public and Private Agencies

9          Statements: Post-Hospital Continuity of Care: Mental Health 1976-1977

10        Statements: Post-Hospital Continuity of Care: Problems and Recommendations

11        Statements: Title XX-Improving Social Services

12        Studies: Health and Wel. components in Prog. of Neighborhood Comm. Organizations 1959

13        Studies: On Parental Rights, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin 1964

14        Studies: Request for studies to be made 1942-1965

15        Studies: Studies of Financing Health and Welfare Agencies in Cook Co. 1961

16        Suburban Program: 1958-1963

17        Suburban Program: 1959-1961

18        Suburban Program: 1964-1965

19        Suburban Program: 1964-1966


Box 675

1          Suburban Program: 1965-1966

2          Suburban Program: Advisory Committee 1963-1966

3          Suburban Program: Advisory Committee-minutes 1964-1966

4          Suburban Program: Community Fund Financing 1961-1966

5          Suburban Program: Documentary Material 1955-1961

6          Suburban Program: DuPage County 1968

7          Suburban Program: DePage Planning Council: 1964-1965

8          Suburban Program: DePage Planning Council: 1966

9          Suburban Program: DePage Planning Council: 1968

10        Suburban Program: DePage Planning Council: Minutes 1966-1968

11        Suburban Program: Family Counseling Agencies Workshop 1964-1967


Box 676

1          Suburban Program: Memoranda re: 1964

2          Suburban Program: Memoranda re: 2965

3          Suburban Program: North Suburban Service council: 1965-1968

4          Suburban Program: North Suburban Service council: 1968-1969

5          Suburban Program: Suburban Community Council 1965-1967

6          Suburban Program: Rolling Meadows project 1964-1965

7          Suburban Program: Suburban Family Agencies 1962-1964

8          Suburban Program: West Cook County 1965-1966

9          Suburban Program: West Suburban Family counseling Service: 1963-1965

10        Suburban Program: West Suburban Family counseling Service: 1966-1967


Box 677

1          Suburban Program: Workshop 1961-1965

2          Suburban Program Reports 1953-1967

3          Summer Tension Areas: Civil Rights newspaper articles 1966

4          Summer Tension Areas: Freedom Movement Demands 1966

5          Summer Tension Areas: Staff-group 1966

6          Sur. of Soc. Wel./Hth. Ser./Nds. of Res. in Pub. Hsng. Srv. Fam. in Chgo.: Vol. I Final Draft


Box 678

1          Sur. of Soc. Wel./Hth. Ser./Nds. of Res. in Pub. Hsng. Srv. Fam. in Chgo.: Vol. I Final Draft

2          Sur. of Soc. Wel./Hth. Ser./Nds. of Res. in Pub. Hsng. Srv. Fam. in Chgo.: Vol. II Final Dr.

3          Task Force of City Wide Agencies Group, Youth 1966-1967

4          Taxes: Administration Sales 1936-1963


Box 679

1          Taxes: Correspondence 1951

2          Taxes: Income-Corporation-Capital Stock 1929-1955

3          Taxes: Income Taxes of Persons Taking Children from Placing Agencies 1950-1954

4          Taxes: Council for Community Services Exempt Status 1939-1974

5          Taxes: Identification of Financially Dependent Organizations 1970

6          Taxes: Illinois Working Group of Trustees on Philanthropy 1974

7          Taxes: Income 1931-1949

8          Taxes: Personal property 1930-1942

9          Taxes: Personnel of Children's Institutions in re: Social Security 1950-1964

10        Taxes: Printed material

11        Taxes: Retailers' Occupations

12        Taxes: Tax Deferred Annuities 1942-1967

13        Taxes: Tax Reform Charitable Deduction 1974-1975

14        Taxes: Taxes and Tax Status Letters 1950-1970

15        Taxes: Verification of Tax Exemption 1955-1970


Box 680

1          Title XX Project: Comments on Fiscal Year 1978 Comprehensive Annual Services Plan

2          Title XX Project: Comments on Proposed Fiscal Year 1978 Plan

3          Title XX Project: Issue Statement 1976-1977

4          Title XX Project: Issues Statement-Exhibits 1975-1976

5          Training Advisory Committee 1975

6          Transients on Skid Row 1968

7          Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Consultant Proposal 1974

8          Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Correspondence 1973-1974

9          Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Hearings schedule 1974

10        Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Legal issues 1974

11        Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Minutes and Roster of Committee 1973

12        Truancy: Chgo. Res. School: Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) Program Description

13        Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Study Committee Report 1974

14        Truancy: Chicago Residential School: Testimony 1974-1975

15        Truancy: Correspondence 1968-1975

16        Truancy: Materials 1971-1972

17        Truancy and Alternative Education, Illinois Committee on 1975

18        Truancy Grant

19        Truancy Grant: Correspondence 1973

20        Truancy Grant: Project proposal 1974

21        Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Board of Education, Chicago Parental School: 1960-1966

22        Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Board of Education, Chicago Parental School: 1967


Box 681

1          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Board of Education, Chicago Parental School: 1968

2          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Board of Education, Chicago Parental School: 1969-1970

3          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Chicago Residential School: 1970-1972

4          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Chicago Residential School: 1973

5          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Conference Groups 1973

6          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Grant Application 1974

7          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Grant Application and Proposal 1973

8          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Legislative Study Committee 1973

9          Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Manual Title III Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1967

10        Truant as Pre-Delinquent: Northeastern Illinois State College-Parental School 1967-1970

11        Unemployment Compensation Act: Insurance 1961-1964

12        Unemp. Comp. Act: Revised Retirement Plan for Emp. of Wel. Cncl. and Partic. Agen. 1979

13-14   Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): 1968


Box 682

1          Uni. Hlth. Info. Referral and Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): App. correspondence 1967-1971

2          Uni. Hlth. Info. Referral and Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): Project Grant Application

3          Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): Project Proposal

4          Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): Referrals: 1966

5          Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): Referrals: 1967

6          Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): Referrals: 1968


Box 683

1          Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): Referrals: 1969

2          Unified Health Information Referral and Counseling Service (UHIR + CS): Referrals: 1970

3          Uni. Hlth. Info. Ref. & Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): Ref. Adv. Panel on Ref. Ops. 1967-1971

4          Uni. Hlth. Info. Ref. & Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): Referral Application 1967

5          Uni. Hlth. Info. Ref. & Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): Referral Service printed material


Box 684

1          Uni. Hlth. Info. Ref. & Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): Ref. Steering cmte.: Corresp. 1968-1969

2          Uni. Hlth. Info. Ref. & Couns. Serv. (UHIR + CS): Ref. Steering cmte.: Minutes 1967-1969

3          Unified Health Information and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: 1973

4          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: Accomplishments 1974

5          Unified Health Information and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: Agendas

6          Unified Health Information and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: Application

7          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Proj.: Application correspondence 1971-1972

8          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Proj.: Coordination with other organizations

9          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Current Systems 1975

10        Unified Health Information and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: Funding 1974

11        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Grants correspondence 1971

12        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Home care report 1972


Box 685

1          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Hospital Discharge Plan

2          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Proj.: Hospital Discharge Plan for the Aged

3          UHIRS: Plan. Proj.: Hosp. Discharge Planning and Medical Society Referral Services 1972

4          UHIRS: Planning Project: Illinois Regional Medical Program 1973

5          UHIRS: Planning Project: Long-term care, home care-voluntary agencies 1972

6          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Proj.: Maternal and Infant Care (report) 1972

7          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Minutes 1971-1972

8          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Policy Advisory Committee

9          Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Post Hospital Service 1972

10        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Primary Health Coordination

11        Uni. Health Information and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: Printed materials

12        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Project: Record System for Health Inquiries

13        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Proj.: Referral Operations Consultation 1971

14        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Proj.: Rehab. Medicine Services Report 1972

15        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Specialized and other services

16        Unified Health Information and Referral Service (UHIRS): Planning Project: Status Report

17        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Plan. Project: Three-Year Project summary 1972

18        Uni. Hlth. Info. and Ref. Serv. (UHIRS): Planning Project: Work Program Reporting Form


Box 686

1          Unwed Mothers: 1963-1965

2          Unwed Mothers: Facilities for the Care of the Unmarried Mother and Her Child in Chicago

3          Unwed Mothers: Family and Child Welfare-Illegitimacy Projects: 1965

4          Unwed Mothers: Family and Child Welfare-Illegitimacy Projects: 1966-1967

5          Unwed Mothers: Handbook on Maternity Homes in Chicago

6          Unwed Mothers: Illegitimacy Study (unpublished)

7          Unwed Mothers: Meetings/minutes of Illegitimacy Project Steering Committee 1965

8          Unwed Mothers: Reports 1964-1965

9          Unwed Mothers: Services for Unmarried Mothers and their Children 1948 Nov.

10        Unwed Mothers: Statistics

11        Unwed Mothers: Steering Committee, Illegitimacy 1964-1966

12        Unwed Mothers: Steering Committee minutes 1964-1965


Box 687

1          U. M.: Study of Cook Co. Hlth. and Wel. Serv. for Unm. Mthrs. & their Children 1954-1956

2          Unwed Mothers: Study Program 1963-1964

3          Unwed Mothers: Sub-committee on Illegitimacy 1966-1967

4          Urban Renewal: 1958

5          Urban Renewal: Printed material 1957-1965

6          Urban Renewal: Printed material 1966


Box 688

1          Urban Renewal: Printed material 1967

2          Venereal Disease: 1935-1968

3          Venereal Disease: Reports 1963-1967

4          Visiting Nurse Association, fee schedule 1951-1968

5          Voluntarism: 1965-1972

6          Voluntarism: Voluntary Organization Inquiry 1971

7          Voluntarism: Volunteer work on Education, Chicago 1967

8          Voluntary Action Center: 1970-1971

9          Voluntary Action Center: 1974

10        Voluntary Action Center: Ad Hoc Committee 1973

11        Voluntary Action Center: Advisory Board

12        Voluntary Action Center: Announcements 1974

13        Voluntary Action Center: Briefing for the Board of Directors 1972

14        Voluntary Action Center: Budget 1973


Box 689

1          Voluntary Action Center: Community Fund 1973-1974

2          Voluntary Action Center: Coordinated Tutoring Project-City of Chicago

3          Voluntary Action Center: Correspondence 1973

4          Voluntary Action Center: Day Care Volunteers 1972

5          Voluntary Action Center: EIO-Training Allocations Committee-CCSMC 1974'

6          Voluntary Action Center: Evaluation Report 1974

7          Voluntary Action Center: Friendly Visitor Program 1972

8          Voluntary Action Center: Funding 1974-1975

9          Voluntary Action Center: Funding Correspondence 1971-1972

10        Voluntary Action Center: Funding Request: 1974

11        Voluntary Action Center: Funding Request: 1975

12        Voluntary Action Center: Grants and Proposals 1970-1973

13        Voluntary Action Center: Opening/Establishment 1970-1971

14        Voluntary Action Center: Press Releases: 1973

15        Voluntary Action Center: Press Releases: 1974

16        Voluntary Action Center: Printed Materials

17        Voluntary Action Center: Programs 1973

18        Voluntary Action Center: Progress Report 1974-1975


Box 690

1          Voluntary Action Center: Proposal 1970

2          Voluntary Action Center: Recruitment, Placement and Retention of Volunteers 1971

3-4       Voluntary Action Center: Satellite Centers 1972

5          Voluntary Action Center: Special Financing Request 1974

6          Voluntary Action Center: Spot Announcement 1974

7          Voluntary Action Center: Survey Committee 1973

8          Voluntary Action Center: Task Force Meeting 1973

9          Voluntary Action Center: Voluntary action Center Facts 1975

10        Voluntary Action Center: Voluntary Action Fair 1975

11        Voluntary Action Center: Volunteer Manpower Work Program 1971

12        Voluntary Action Center: Volunteers 1973

13        Voluntary Action Center: Work Program Outline 1973

14        Voluntary Services to Aged 1974

15        Volunteer Award: Junior Volunteer of the Year Candidates 1974

16        Volunteer Award: Voluntary Action Fair 1975

17        Volunteer Award: Volunteers of the YearAwar1951-1978

18        Volunteer Award: Volunteer of the Year Award: 1969-1971

19        Volunteer Award: Volunteer of the Year Award: 1973

20        Volunteer Award: Volunteer of the Year Award-printed material

21        Volunteer Award: Volunteer of the Year Program 1974

22        Volunteer Bureau, announcement script


Box 691

1          Volunteer Bureau Department: 1956-1968

2          Volunteer Bureau Department: Advisory Committee: 1957-1967

3          Volunteer Bureau Department: Advisory Committee: Lists 1952-1966

4          Volunteer Bureau Department: Minutes 1952-1966

5          Volunteer Bureau Department: Institute on Management Problems 1962-1965

6          Volunteer Bureau Department: Program Site Report (Monthly) 1968

7          Volunteer Bureau Department: Progress Report 1965

8          Volunteer Bureau Department: Reports

9          Volunteer Bureau Department: Staff Reports 1962

10        Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Correspondence 1968-1971

11        Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Englewood Project 1969


Box 692

1          Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Funding Correspondence 1973

2          Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Model Cities 1973

3          Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: National Conference on Social Welfare: 1970

4          Vol. Bureau Service Corps: National Conference on Social Welfare: Printed material 1970

5-6       Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Printed material 1971

7          Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Reading Testing in Tutoring Projects 1968-1969

8          Volunteer Bureau Service Corps: Self Help Action 1971

9          Volunteer Manpower: Chicago Urban Corps 1971

10        Volunteer Manpower: Neighborhood Services 1971

11        Volunteer Manpower: Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) 1971

12        Volunteer Manpower: Self Help Action 1971

13        Volunteer Service Corps: 1964-1966

14        Volunteer Service Corps: 1965

15        Volunteer Service Corps: Printed materials

16        Volunteer Service Corps: Rights of Volunteers 1958

17        Volunteer Service Corps: Volunteer Recruitment


Box 693

1          Volunteer Service Corps: Volunteer Service project, Older Adults 1958-1964

2          War on Poverty: 1965

3          War on Poverty: 1966-1968

4          War on Poverty: Ad Hoc Committee 1964

5          War on Poverty: Application Forms for Project Head Start

6          War on Poverty: Citizens Crusade Against Poverty 1964-1968

7          War on Poverty: Community Action Program: 1965

8          War on Poverty: Community Action Program: Reports 1965


Box 694

1          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: 1964-1966

2          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: Minutes 1964

3          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: Cutback 1967

4          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: Education

5          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: Employment

6          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: Enable Project 1966

7          War on Poverty: Council Task Force: Family Casework 1965-1966

8          Welfare Public Relations Form: Administration Membership 1964

9          Welfare Public Relations Form: Workshop sessions 1965


Box 695

1-2       Welfare Reform: 1971

3          Welfare Reform: 1972

4          Work Program 1977

5          WTTW Television 1972


Box 696

1          Youth: Hard to Reach Youth Project: 1955-1959

2          Youth: Hard to Reach Youth Project: Administrative Committee and minutes 1957-1959

3          Youth: Youth Services: Committee 1962-1964

4          Youth: Youth Services: Committee-minutes 1964-1965


Box 697

1          Youth: Youth Services: Planning Committee correspondence 1964-1965

2          Youth: Youth Services: School-Community Cooperative Workshop: 1965

3          Youth: Youth Services: School-Community Cooperative Workshop: 1966

4          Youth: Youth Services: Adolescent

5          Youth: Youth Services: School Drop Outs

6          Youth: Youth Services: Teen-Age Code

7          Youth: Youth Services: Youth Service Inventory 1972

8          Youth: Youth Services: Welfare Council Planning Committee 1959-1972


Series 5. Member Agency Files, Part 2 1916-1976 (Boxes 698-791)

Box 698

1          Agency Lists 1971

2          "A" miscellaneous

3          Abraham Lincoln Center: Membership 1972

4          Abraham Lincoln Center: Merged 1968

5          Abraham Lincoln Center: Reports and printed material 1972

6          Ada S. McKinley Community House and Services: 1962

7          Ada S. McKinley Community House and Services: Community Fund 1965

8          Ada S. McKinley Community House and Services: Membership 1950-1963

9          Ada S. McKinley Comm. Hse. & Srv.: Rpt. to IL Gen. Assmbl. by IL Leg. Inv. Comm. 1975

10        Ada S. McKinley Community House and Services: Reports and printed material 1967-1968

11        Admiral Old People's Home of the City of Chicago, membership dues 1966-1967

12        Adult Education council of Greater Chicago, membership dues

13        Adult Illiteracy 1967

14        African American Family and Community Services: Correspondence 1968-1975

15        African American Family and Community Services: Membership dues 1970

16        African American Family and Community Services: Reports and printed materials

17        African American Patrolman's League 1976

18        Allendale School for Boys: Community Fund 1967

19        Allendale School for Boys: Correspondence 1963-1972


Box 699

1          Allendale School for Boys: Membership 1953-1966

2          Allendale School for Boys: Printed material and reports

3-4       Altenheim (German Old Peoples Home)

5          Altgeld Nursery School Council: 1966

6          Altgeld Nursery School Council: Community Fund 1965

7          Altgeld Nursery School Council: Membership 1946-1968

8          American Association of Homes for the Aging

9          American Association on Mental Efficiency 1946

10        American Camping Association, membership 1973

11        American Cancer Society, Illinois Division: 1965-1971

12        American Cancer Society, Illinois Division: Membership 1946-1967

13        American Cancer Society, Illinois Division: Reports and printed materials 1969-1972

14        American Civil Liberties Union, Chicago and National 1970

15        American Education Association 1974

16        American Foundation for the Blind, Inc. 1940-1961

17        American Hospital Association: 1966-1969

18        American Hospital Association: 1967-1973

19        American Humane Association 1974

20        American Jewish Committee: Correspondence 1972-1973

21        American Jewish Committee: Membership 1972-1973

22        American Jewish Committee: Reports and printed materials 1970-1973

23        American National Red Cross, Mid-America Chapter: 1972-1975

24        American National Red Cross, Mid-America Chapter: Change of name and address 1974

25        American National Red Cross, Mid-America Chapter: Membership 1920-1970

26        American Physical Therapy Association: Change of name and address 1974-1975

27        American Physical Therapy Association: Eastern Illinois Chapter, membership 1958-1970

28        American Physical Therapy Association: Membership 1950-1967

29        American Public Welfare Association: 1975-1976

30        American Public Welfare Association: Reports and printed materials 1971-1973:


Box 700

1          Arden Shore Association: 1960-1969

2          Arden Shore Association: 1965-1969

3          Armed Forces Medical Rejectees Referred Program 1965

4          Arthritis Foundation, Illinois Chapter: 1964-1970

5          Arthritis Foundation, Illinois Chapter: 1974

6          Arthritis Foundation, Illinois Chapter: Membership 1956-1967

7          Association of Community Councils 1961-1971

8          Association for Family Living 1931-1970

9          Asthmatic Children Aid, membership 1943-1967

10        Augustana Hospital and Health Care Center: 1966-1971

11        Augustana Hospital and Health Care Center: Change of name and address 1974

12        Augustana Hospital and Health Care Center: Membership 1929-1973

13        "B" miscellaneous

14        Baptist Retirement Home: 1961-1969

15        Baptist Retirement Home: Membership 1968-1974

16        Beacon Neighborhood House: 1973

17        Beacon Neighborhood House: Reports and printed materials 1970-1972

18        Beatrice Caffney Youth Center Service, Inc.: 1960-1970

19        Beatrice Caffney Youth Center Service, Inc.: Membership 1967-1971


Box 701

1          Bensenville Home Society: 1966-1974

2          Bensenville Home Society: Annual Meeting 1969 May 28

3          Bensenville Home Society: Community fund 1965-1967

4          Bensenville Home Society: Membership 1928-1971

5          Bensenville Home Society: Printed material 1970-1974

6          Bensenville Home Society: RSVP Programs 1971-1972

7          Benton Community Settlement: 1971

8          Benton Community Settlement: Membership Drive 1970-1973

9          Benton Community Settlement: Printed material 1972-1973

10        Berwyn Family Service Association: 1964-1967

11        Berwyn Family Service Association: Membership 1929-1966

12        Better Boys Foundation: 1966-1970

13        Better Boys Foundation: Membership 1963-1969

14        Board of Education: 1965-1971

15        Board of Education: 1966-1976

16        Board of Education: Department of Human Relations 1972

17        Board of Education: Membership 1938-1975


Box 702

1          Board of Education: Project Wingspread 1967

2          Board of Education: Reports and printed material 1968-1974

3          Board of Education: Social Centers-Recreation 1966-1967

4          Board of Education: Status of Education Legislation 1972

5          Boy Scouts of America: 1974

6          Boy Scouts of America: Chicago Area Council chapter: 1938-1969

7          Boy Scouts of America: Chicago Area Council chapter: 1963-1970

8          Boys' Clubs of America 1975

9          British Home, Membership 1926-1970

10-11   "C" miscellaneous

12        Camp Fire Girls, Chicago Council 1965-1966

13        Catholic Charities Center Office: Membership 1972

14        Catholic Charities Center Office: Reports and printed materials 1968-1973


Box 703

1          Centers for New Horizons, Inc.: Correspondence 1974

2          Centers for New Horizons, Inc.: Membership 1972

3          Central Baptist Children's Home: 1958-1975

4          Central Baptist Children's Home: Affirmative 1975

5          Central Baptist Children's Home: Community Fund 1965

6          Central Baptist Children's Home: Membership 1925-1973

7          Central Baptist Children's Home: Printed material, reports, manuals 1968-1975

8          Central Baptist Home for the Aged-membership dues 1925-1968

9          Central Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) College 1972-1973

10        Chapin Hall for Children: 1958-1975

11        Chapin Hall for Children: Membership 1938-1970

12        Charitable Trust Division, State of Illinois 1973

13        Charles R. Feldstein and Co., Inc. 1973

14        Chase House: Community Fund

15        Chase House: Membership: 1938-1973

16        Chase House: 1965-1974

17        Chelsea House 1967-1973

18        Chicago and Northeastern League of Nursing membership 1919-1959

19        Chicago Area Project: 1965-1966

20        Chicago Area Project: 1965-1967

21        Chicago Area Project: 1965-1969

22        Chicago Area Project: Community Committees Community Fund 1965-1966


Box 704

1          Chicago Area Project: Membership 1949-1973

2          Chicago Area Project: Membership in community fund 1966

3          Chicago Area Transportation Study 1975

4          Chicago Association for Retarded Children: 1964-1969

5          Chicago Association for Retarded Children: 1966-1967

6          Chicago Association for Retarded Children: 1973-1975

7          Chicago Association for Retarded Children: Community Fund

8          Chicago Association for Retarded Children: Membership 1965-1968

9          Chicago Board of Health: 1965-1966

10        Chicago Board of Health: 1967-1971

11        Chicago Board of Health: Coronary Evaluation Program 1967

12        Chicago Board of Health: Human Service Award 1973

13        Chicago Board of Health: Membership 1938-1969

14        Chgo. Board of Health: Model Cities Project #1406-Information and Referral Services 1971

15        Chgo. Board of Hlth.: Plan. and Rsrch. Proj., Urban Prog. Plan, Fam. Hlth. Serv. 1965-1966

16        Chicago Board of Health: Reports and printed material 1968-1969

17        Chicago Boys Club: 1965-1969


Box 705

1          Chicago Boys Club: Camp Kemah

2          Chicago Boys Club: Community Fund 1965-1968

3          Chicago Boys Club: Henry Horner (now Martin Luther King) Day Care Center 1969

4          Chicago Boys Club: Human Service Award 1973

5          Chicago Boys Club: Kiwanis 1962-1966

6          Chicago Boys Club: Lathrop 1962-1966

7          Chicago Boys Club: Lawndale 1966

8          Chicago Boys Club: Lincoln 1952-1966

9          Chicago Boys Club: Logan Square 1962-1966

10        Chicago Boys Club: Marshall Square 1962-1966

11        Chicago Boys Club: Robert R. McCormick 1965-1966

12        Chicago Boys Club: Membership 1938-1970

13        Chicago Boys Club: Old Town 1966

14        Chicago Boys Club: Printed materials 1962-1966

15        Chicago Boys Club: Shriner Fund, Student Loan Program 1961

16        Chicago Boys Club: Valentine Branch 1962-1966

17        Chicago Boys Club: General Robert S. Wood 1967

18        Chicago Boys Club: Woodlawn 1953-1967

19        Chicago Caucus 1973

20        Chicago Child Care Council 1967-1968

21        Chicago Child Care Society: 1964-1969

22        Chicago Child Care Society: 1973-1975

23        Chicago Child Care Society: Community Fund 1965-1966


Box 706

1          Chicago Child Care Society: Membership 1927-1974

2          Chicago Child Care Society: Printed material 1967-1969

3          Chicago Christian Industrial League: 1974

4          Chicago Christian Industrial League: Membership 1938-1971

5          Chicago Club for Crippled Children Membership 1947-1974

6          Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine: Correspondence 1960-1972

7          Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine: Membership 1926-1971

8          Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine: Reports and printed materials 1966-1975

9          Chicago Commission on Human Relations: 1954-1962

10        Chicago Commission on Human Relations: 1964-1971

11        Chicago Commission on Human Relations: 1967 summer planning

12        Chgo. Commission on Human Relations: Mayor's Committee on New Residents: 1961-1970

13        Chgo. Comm. on Human Rel.: Mayor's Committee on New Residents: Minutes 1963-1967


Box 707

1          Chgo. Comm. on Human Rel.: Mayor's Cmte. on New Res.: Vol. Tutoring Prog. 1965-1967

2          Chicago Committee on Services to Unmarried Parents 1958-1966

3          Chicago Commons Association: 1964-1971

4          Chicago Commons Association: 1965-1975

5          Chicago Commons Association: 1968-1971

6          Chicago Commons Association: Community Fund 1965

7          Chicago Commons Association: Membership dues 1938-1969

8          Chicago Commons Association: Printed material 1964-1975

9          Chicago Community Coordinated Child Care Committee 1972-1974

10        Chicago Community Development and Housing Coordinating Committee 1975

11        Chicago Community Trust: Guidelines for Grant Proposals 1974

12        Chicago Community Trust: Membership 1945-1975

13        Chicago Council on Community Nursing: 1950-1960


Box 708

1          Chicago Council on Community Nursing: Correspondence 1949-1967

2          Chicago Council on Community Nursing: Membership 1949-1972

3          Chicago Council on Community Nursing: Minutes 1967

4          Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center 1975

5          Chicago Dental Society: 1969-1973

6          Chicago Dental Society: Membership dues 1931-1970

7-8       Chicago Department of Human Resources: 1969-1971

9          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Advisory Committee: 1970


Box 709

1-2       Chicago Department of Human Resources: Advisory Committee: 1970-1972

3          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Advisory Committee: 1973

4          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Division of Correctional Services 1971

5          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Division for Senior Citizens: 1965-1966

6          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Division for Senior Citizens: 1967-1969

7          Chgo. Dept. of Human Resources: Division for Senior Citizens: Correspondence 1970-1971


Box 710

1          Chgo. Dept. of Human Resources: Division for Senior Citizens: Senior Citizens Week 1970

2          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Membership 1965-1974

3          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Printed material 1971-1972

4          Chicago Department of Human Resources: Public hearings 1971

5          Chicago Department of Public Works: 1973

6          Chicago Department of Public Works: 1969-1972

7          Chicago Department of Welfare 1946-1949

8          Chgo. Fed. of L. and Ind. Un. Cncl. (C.I.O.): Comm. Serv., Hlth. and Wel. Cmte. 1965-1970

9          Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council (C.I.O.): Membership 1946-1969

10        Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers: Correspondence 1965-1973

11        Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers: Membership dues 1919-1968

12        Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers: Printed materials 1966-1967

13        Chicago Foundlings Home: Child Welfare League of America Report 1953

14        Chicago Foundlings Home: Correspondence 1972

15        Chicago Foundlings Home: Membership 1966-1973


Box 711

1          Chicago Hearing Society: 1965-1970

2          Chicago Hearing Society: 1973

3          Chicago Hearing Society: Community Fund 1965

4          Chicago Hearing Society: Membership dues 1936-1973

5          Chicago Hearing Society: Printed materials 1965-1975

6          Chicago Hearing Society: Professional Advisory Committee 1968-1969

7          Chicago Heart Association: 1964-1969

8          Chicago Heart Association: 1970-1973

9          Chicago Heart Association: Health Rehabilitation Committee 1967

10        Chicago Heart Association: Home Care Program: 1962-1969

11        Chicago Heart Association: Home Care Program: 1973

12        Chicago Heart Association: Home Care Rehabilitation Committee 1967-1969

13        Chicago Heart Association: Membership dues 1924-1974

14        Chicago Heart Association: Pediatrics 1971

15        Chicago Heart Association: Pilot Project-Rheumatic Fever 1972

16        Chicago Heart Association: Printed materials and reports 1965-1976


Box 712

1          Chicago Historical Society 1970-1973

2          Chicago Homebound Project: 1967-1969

3          Chicago Homebound Project: 1967-1970

4          Chicago Hospital Council: 1964-1971

5          Chicago Hospital Council: Administrator's Luncheon-minutes 1973-1974

6          Chicago Hospital Council: Annual Meeting-minutes 1973-1974

7          Chicago Hospital Council: Changes of names and titles 1975

8          Chicago Hospital Council: Emergency Medical Services Commission: 1971-1972

9          Chicago Hospital Council: Emergency Medical Services Commission: 1973

10        Chicago Hospital Council: Government's Economic Stabilization Program (phase II) 1972

11        Chicago Hospital Council: Inpatient Receivables 1972

12        Chicago Hospital Council: Membership dues 1966-1970


Box 713

1          Chicago Hospital Council: Memoranda 1967-1973

2          Chicago Hospital Council: Minutes 1963-1973

3          Chicago Hospital Council: Monthly Membership Meeting: 1969-1972

4          Chicago Hospital Council: Monthly Membership Meeting: Minutes 1973-1975

5          Chicago Hospital Council: Monthly Reports-Occupancy 1971

6          Chicago Hospital Council: Rape Victims 1975

7          Chicago Hospital Council: Reports and printed material 1964-1973

8          Chicago Housing Authority: 1965-1970

9          Chicago Housing Authority: 1966-1970

10        Chicago Housing Authority: Annual Reports 1972-1973

11        Chicago Housing Authority: Arrows or Target (formation) 1970

12        Chicago Housing Authority: Correspondence 1970-1971


Box 714

1          Chicago Housing Authority: Council Planning Day Care Centers: 1968-1971

2          C.H.A.: Council Planning Day Care Centers: Correspondence and meetings 1969-1971

3          Chicago Housing Authority: Council Planning Day Care Centers: Minutes 1968-1969

4          Chicago Housing Authority: Council Survey and Planning Project: 1967-1968

5          Chicago Housing Authority: Council Survey and Planning Project: 1969-1970

6          C.H.A.: Council Survey and Planning Project: Agreement and financing 1968-1969

7          Chicago Housing Authority: Council Survey and Planning Project: Minutes 1968-1970


Box 715

1          Chicago Housing Authority: Council Survey and Planning Project: Proposal 1967-1968

2          Chicago Housing Authority: Day Care: Task Force on Day Care Centers 1969

3          Chicago Housing Authority: Day Care: Unified System Proposal 1971

4          Chicago Housing Authority: Description of Projects-Special Problems (Mary Wirth) 1960s

5          Chicago Housing Authority: Housing for the Elderly 1965-1972

6          Chicago Housing Authority: Membership dues 1948-1970

7          Chicago Housing Authority: Printed materials 1953-1973

8          Chicago Housing Authority: Race, "Open Occupancy", Trumbull Park 1952-1958

9          Chicago Housing Authority: Reminiscences of an Aide at a CHA Project-Mary Wirth 1968

10        Chicago Housing Authority: Reports 1966-1971


Box 716

1          C.H.A.: Residents' Planning and Action Council, Executive Committee Meeting 1970

2          Chgo. Hsng. Authority: Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: 1967-1970

3-4       Chgo. Hsng. Authority: Social Welfare and Health Services in Public Housing: 1968-1969

5          Chicago Housing Authority: Survey 1970-1971


Box 717

1          Chicago Housing Authority: Survey Report 1969-1970

2          Chicago Housing Authority: Survey Residents Advisory Committee 1970

3          Chicago Housing Authority: Survey Staff "Steps into the Seventies" 1970

4          Chicago Housing Authority: Unified Day Care System 1970

5          Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry: 1965-1970

6          Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry: Membership 1958-1970

7          Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind: 1960-1970

8          Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind: 1973-1975

9          Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind: Community Fund

10        Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind: Membership dues 1925-1973

11        Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind: Printed material 1974

12        Chicago Lung Association: 1965-1972

13        Chicago Lung Association: 1974

14        Chicago Lung Association: Annual Reports 1973-1975

15        Chicago Lung Association: Human Service Award 1973

16        Chicago Lung Association: Membership 1938-1971


Box 718

1          Chicago Lung Association: Printed material 1969-1971

2          Chicago Lung Association: Service reports 1952-1953

3          Chicago Lung Association: Statistics 1966-1968

4          Chicago Maternity Center: 1965-1970

5          Chicago Maternity Center: Community Fund 1965

6          Chicago Maternity Center: Membership dues 1938-1969

7          Chicago Medical School: Correspondence 1965-1970

8          Chicago Medical School: Membership 1968-1969

9          Chicago Medical Society: 1965-1969

10        Chicago Medical Society: Membership dues 1931-1969

11        Chicago Memorial Association: 1966-1968

12        Chicago Memorial Association: Membership dues 1962-1964

13        Chicago Metropolitan Council on Alcoholism: 1965-1974

14        Chicago Metropolitan Council on Alcoholism: Membership 1952-1970

15        Chicago, Municipal Court of: Membership 1952-1970

16        Chicago, Municipal Court of: Printed material 1955-1966

17        Chicago, Municipal Court of: Social Service Department 1965-1967

18        Chicago Nutrition Association 1952-1970

19        Chicago Park District: Membership 1953-1969


Box 719

1          Chicago Park District: Reports and printed materials 1954-1970

2          Chicago Plan Commission: 1963-1975

3          Chicago Plan Commission: 1969-1971

4          Chicago Planning Department

5          Chicago Police Department 1960-1970

6          Chicago Public Library: 1969

7          Chicago Public Library: Reports and printed materials 1971-1973

8          Chicago Public and Private Youth Serving Inter-Agency Conference 1972

9          Chicago Referral Service 1948

10        Chicago Resettlers Committee 1946-1951

11        Chicago School and Workshop for the Retarded: Correspondence 1965-1975

12        Chicago School and Workshop for the Retarded: Membership 1959-1963

13        Chicago Southern Center: 1966

14        Chicago Southern Center: 1966-1971

15        Chicago Southern Center: Council of the Southern Mountains 1964-1967

16        Chicago Southern Center: Reports and minutes 1965-1970


Box 720

1          Chicago State Hospital, membership 1960-1966

2          Chicago State Tuberculosis Sanitarium 1951-1968

3          Chicago Summer Program 1968-1969

4          Chicago Sunday Evening Club: Correspondence 1972

5          Chicago Sunday Evening Club: Membership 1971-1974

6          Chicago Sunday Evening Club: Reports and printed material 1971-1973

7          Chicago Technical Societies Council 1971

8          Chicago Transit Authority 1969-1975

9          Chicago Tumor Institute 1947-1948

10        Chicago United, membership 1973

11        Chicago Urban Corps 1974

12        Chicago Urban League: 1965-1972

13        Chicago Urban League: 1974

14        C.U.L.: "Barometers of Black Economic Achievement: The Reality and the Myth" 1974

15        Chicago Urban League: Community Fund 1965


Box 721

1          C.U.L.: Joint cmte. of the Comm. Fund and the Welfare Council on the C.U.L. 1955-1972

2          Chicago Urban League: Membership dues 1954-1970

3          Chicago Urban League: Printed materials 1972-1973

4          Chicago Urban League: Reports 1971-1975

5          Chicago Urban League: School Kit 1967-1968

6          Chicago Welfare Rights Organization 1970

7          Chicago Women's Aid: 1967-1972

8          Chicago Women's Aid: Membership

9          Chicago Youth Centers: 1952-1971

10        Chicago Youth Centers: Community Fund 1965

11        Chicago Youth Centers: Membership dues 1956-1966

12        Chicago Youth Centers: Reports and printed material 1966-1972

13        Chicago Youth Federation 1969-1970

14        Chicago's Alcoholic Treatment Center 1958-1971


Box 722

1          Child and Family Services of Chicago: Community Fund 1963-1967

2          Child and Family Services of Chicago: Home for the Friendless: 1966-1970

3          C.F.S. of Chicago: Home for the Friendless: Homemaker services 1961-1968

4          C.F.S. of Chicago: Home for the Friendless: Membership dues 1938-1970

5          Child and Family Services of Chicago: Home for the Friendless: Printed material 1972

6          Child Care Association of Illinois: 1966-1975

7          Child Care Association of Illinois: 1973

8          Child Care Association of Illinois: Membership 1968-1971

9          Child Care Association of Illinois: Minutes and reports 1966-1971

10        Child Care Center of Evanston: 1967-1973

11        Child Care Center of Evanston: Membership 1968-1971

12        Child Welfare League of America 1968-1975


Box 723

1          Children's Aid and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 1967

2          Children's Benefit League of Chicago and Suburbs: 1967-1974

3          Children's Benefit League of Chicago and Suburbs: Printed material 1974

4          Children's Memorial Hospital: 1967-1969

5          Children's Memorial Hospital: 1973

6          Children's Memorial Hospital: Community Fund 1973

7          Children's Memorial Hospital: Membership dues 1938-1968

8          Children's Memorial Hospital: Reports 1969-1971

9          Children's Museum 1974

10        Chronic Illness Center, San Francisco 1951-1955

11        Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Department of Social Welfare: 1963-1968

12        C.F.G.C.: Department of Social Welfare: Bulletins, reports 1964-1967

13        C.F.G.C.: Department of Social Welfare: Community Fund 1965

14        Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Family and Child Welfare committee: 1967

15        C.F.G.C.: Family and Child Welfare committee: Minutes 1964-1967

16        Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Lawyer's Legal Aid Clinic 1965-1967

17        Church Federation of Greater Chicago: Membership dues 1932-1973

18        Church Home: 1973


Box 724

1          Church Home: Correspondence 1961-1969

2          Church Home: Membership 1929-1969

3          Citizen Information Service of Metropolitan Chicago: 1965-1970

4          Citizen Information Service of Metropolitan Chicago: Membership dues 1965-1967

5          Citizen Info. Service of Metropolitan Chicago: Reports and printed material 1965-1973

6          Citizens Chicago Alliance for V.D. Awareness 1974

7          Citizens' Committee for Battered Children: 1974

8          Citizens' Committee for Battered Children: Child Abuse 1974

9          Citizens' Committee for Battered Children: Membership 1974-1975

10        Citizens' Committee for Battered Children: Printed material 1975

11        Citizens' Committee for an Illinois Program to Control High Blood Pressure 1975

12        Citizens committee on the Juvenile Court: 1955-1967

13        Citizens committee on the Juvenile Court: 1967-1974

14        Citizens committee on the Juvenile Court: 1973

15        Citizens committee on the Juvenile Court: Chicago Community Trust 1974

16        Citizens for Day Care, Inc. 1968-1969

17        Citizens of Greater Chicago 1975

18        Citizens School Committee: EDUCON 1970

19        Citizens School Committee: Membership-perspective 1970

20        Citizenship Council of Metropolitan Chicago 1973-1975

21        City Club of Chicago: 1976

22        City Club of Chicago: Membership 1972-1974

23        City of Chicago: 1967-1975

24        City of Chicago: Community Development and Housing Coordinating Committee 1976

25        Clean Air Coordinating Committee 1970-1971


Box 725

1          Clearbrook Center, Inc. 1966-1975

2          Coalition of United Community Action (formerly Black Consortium) 1969-1970

3          Commission on Accreditation of Rehab. Facilities, printed materials 1969-1970

4          Community Coordinated Child Care Committee: 1970-1973

5          Community Coordinated Child Care Committee: Chicago 1969-1972

5          Community Coordinated Child Care Committee: 1972

7          Comm. Coordinated Child Care Committee: Chicago Department of Human Resources 1970

8          Community Coordinated Child Care Committee: Title IV Funds: 1972

9          Community Coordinated Child Care Committee: Title IV Funds: 1973

10        Comm. Coordinated Child Care Committee: Washington, Federal and Regional 1969-1974

11        Community Development and Housing Program

12        Community and Economic Development Association of Cook County

13        Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: 1974

14        Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Accounting and Budget Manual 1966


Box 726

1          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Allocations Committee 1974

2          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Allocation 1975

3          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Annual Meeting 1974

4          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Annual Report 1969-1976

5          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Administrative Budget-Personnel Committee 1969

6          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Administrative and Personnel Committee 1970

7          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Administrative Services Committee 1965-1967

8          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Agency Services Division

9          Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Amicus Curiae Brief 1973

10        Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Appeal on Community Fund Allocation 1967

11        Comm. Fund of Chgo., Inc.: Appeals Cmte. Report to Board of Directors (general) 1965

12        Community Fund of Chicago, Inc.: Audit guide 1971

13        Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: 1974

14        Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: 1973


Box 727

1          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: 1967

2          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: 1965-1966

3          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Correspondence 1965

4          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Meeting 1975

5          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Minutes: 1974

6          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Minutes: 1973

7          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Minutes: 1972

8          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Minutes: 1967-1971

9          Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Minutes: 1964-1966

10        Community Fund of Chicago: Board of Directors: Officers 1967

11        Community Fund of Chicago: Brooker Committee: 1969-1970, Program and Budget review

12        Community Fund of Chicago: Brooker Committee: Appeal of budget cuts 1970


Box 728         

1          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1964

2          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1965

3          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1966

4          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1967

5          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1968

6          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1969

7          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1969 Mar. 28

Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Committee: 1970


Box 729

1-2       Comm. Fund of Chgo.: Budget Cmte.: and Ctrl. Reviewing Cmte. (Joint Mtg. 1967 Mar. 31

3          Community Fund of Chicago: Budget Policies 1964

4          Community Fund of Chicago: Changes for 1972

5          Community Fund of Chicago: Committee to Evaluate the Services 1962

6          Comm. Fund of Chgo.: Cmte. to Study Soc. Action Activities of Community Fund Agencies

7          Community Fund of Chicago: Committees

8          Community Fund of Chicago: Correspondence

9          Community Fund of Chicago: Crusade of Mercy Campaign 1965

10        Community Fund of Chicago: D-10 and B-1930 Fields

11        Community Fund of Chicago: D-1920 Group Services-Social Rehabilitation Service 1974

12        Community Fund of Chicago: Executives of Member Agencies: 1973

13        Community Fund of Chicago: Executives of Member Agencies: 1966

14        Community Fund of Chicago: Fiscal Year Change

15        Community Fund of Chicago: General correspondence 1949

16        Community Fund of Chicago: Government Funding 1973

17        Community Fund of Chicago: Guidelines-Availability of materials 1972

18        Community Fund of Chicago: History-purpose

19        Community Fund of Chicago: Human care goals

20        Community Fund: Illinois commerce Commission 1974

21        Community Fund: Indirect Cost Reserves 1972

22        Community Fund: Industrial Relations Center (U. of Chicago) 1971 Mar.

23        Community Fund: Management Effectiveness Committee 1973


Box 730

1          Community Fund: Management Seminar 1968

2          Community Fund: Member Agencies 1974

3          Community Fund: Membership

4          Community Fund: Membership and Agency Operations

5          Community Fund: Membership and Priorities Committee: 1965 May

6          Community Fund: Membership and Priorities Committee: 1965-1967

7          Community Fund: Membership and Priorities Committee: 1967-1968

8          Community Fund: Metropolitan Crusade of Mercy 1975

9          Community Fund: Miscellaneous 1965

10        Community Fund: Nominating Committee


Box 731

1          Community Fund: Participating Agencies: 1965-1966

2          Community Fund: Participating Agencies: 1968-1969

3          Community Fund: Policies and Procedures

4          Community Fund: Policy Committee 1960

5          Community Fund: Printed material

6          Community Fund: Procedures and Process for Special Consideration 1973

7          Community Fund: Profile B-10

8          Community Fund: Principles and Objectives

9          Community Fund: Purchase of Service Rates 1973

10        Community Fund: Qualitative Analysis 1974

11        Community Fund: Report to Board of Directors by Budget Committee 1965

12        Community Fund: Selection of Reviewing Committee Members


Box 732

1          Community Fund: Service Panel Review

2          Community Fund: Special Fund Committee "AR" material

3          Community Fund: Special Funds Committee 1961

4          Community Fund: Speeches 1966-1968


Box 733

1          Community Fund: Title IV-A 1972

2          Community Fund: Welfare Council Planning Activities

3-5       Community Industrial Contract Association 1973

6          Community Legal Counsel

7          Community Nursing Service of DuPage Co.

8-9       Community Nursing Service of Oak Park and River Forest

10-11   Community Nursing Service of Proviso Township

12        Community Programs, Inc. 1972

13        Community Renewal Society: 1967-1970

14        Community Renewal Society: Case Central

15        Community Renewal Society: Membership dues


Box 734

1          Community Renewal Society: Reports and printed material 1968-1971

2          Community services of Pennsylvania 1974

3          Comprehensive Health Planning, Inc. Emergency Medical Service 1974

4          Comprehensive State Health Planning Agency

5          Confraternity of Pilgrims of St. Anne de Beaupre c.1960

6          Congress, U.S., Child Development, legislation 1971

7          Cook County 1961

8          Cook County Clean Stream: 1969-1970

9          Cook County Clean Stream: 1971

10        Cook County Commission on Criminal Justice 1972

11        Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1962-1968

12        Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1966-1967

13        Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1969

14-15   Cook County Department of Public Aid: 1974

16        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Family Assistance Act of 1969

17        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Financial and Operations Review 1973


Box 735

1          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Human Services Award 1974

2          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Industrial Training Center 1968-1969

3          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Kenwood District Office-AID 1974

4          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Membership dues: 1938-1971

5          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Membership dues: 1946-1962

6          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Monthly Reports: 1968-1971

7          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Monthly Reports: 1972

8          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Monthly Reports: 1973

9          Cook County Department of Public Aid: Problems of Deserting Fathers 1964-1965

10        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Assistance Division: Project reports

11        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Public Assistance Division: Service reports

12        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Rehabilitation Service 1965-1968

13        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Reports 1969

14        Cook County Department of Public Aid: Selected Program Activities 1973

15        Cook County Department of Public Health: Reports and printed material 1971

16        Cook County Department of Public Health: Family Court-membership dues 1962-1967

17        Cook County Hospital 1966-1972

18        Cook County Jail 1968

19        Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity: 1973


Box 736

1          Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity: 1967-1972

2          Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity: 1966

3          Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity: Membership dues

4          Cook Co. Office of Economic Opportunity: Task Force for Indian Opportunity 1971-1972

5-6       Cook County School of Nursing: Membership

7          Cook County School of Nursing: Reports

8          Coordinator of Health Services, Illinois 1969-1970

9          Council for the Jewish Elderly

10        Council of Directors of Hospital Volunteers: 1957-1966

11        Council of Directors of Hospital Volunteers: Membership dues

12        Council of Latin American Agencies, Inc.

13        Council on Population and Environment

14        Council on Social Work Education


Box 737

1          Covenant Children's Home: Membership 1972

2          Covenant Children's Home: Reports and printed materials 1972

3          Cradle Society: 1954

4          Cradle Society: Membership dues 1940-1968

5          "D" miscellaneous 1968-1975

6          Department of Development and Planning (City of Chicago): 1975-1976

7          Department of Development and Planning (City of Chicago): 1967-1973

8          Department of Development and Planning (City of Chicago): 1965-1971

9          Department of Development and Planning (City of Chicago): 1965-1968

10        Diabetes Association of Greater Chicago: 1965-1976

11        Diabetes Association of Greater Chicago: 1958-1966

12        Diabetes Institute of America, Inc. 1963

13        Dialogue Publications, Inc. Membership 1961-1973

14        Direct Line, WBBM: 1969-1972

15        Direct Line, WBBM: 1973-1975


Box 738

1          Direct Line, WBBM: Call for Action 1970

2          Direct Line, WBBM: Manual 1969-1970

3          Direct Line, WBBM: Proposal 1969

4          Direct Line, WBBM: Report 1973

5          Direct Line, WBBM: Work program 1971

6          Disaster Problems 1967

7          Donors' Forum of Chicago

8          Drexel Home, Inc.: Membership

9          Drexel Home, Inc.: Midway Home Delivered Meals 1969

10        Drexel Home, Inc.: Reports and printed material

11        Drexel Home, Inc.: Project 1966

12        Drug Abuse: 1971

13        Drug Abuse: Application Grant 1972

14        Drug Abuse: Printed material 1971

15        Drug Abuse: Title IV 1972

16        "E": miscellaneous c. 1960s-'70s

17        Easter Seal Society of Metropolitan Chicago: Correspondence

18        Easter Seal Society of Metropolitan Chicago: Membership

19        El Paso, Texas Council on Services to the Aging

20        Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund

21        Epilepsy Chicago Metropolitan Chapter: Membership


Box 739

1          Epilepsy Chicago Metropolitan Chapter: 1963-1971

2          Episcopal Charities: 1963-1967

3          Episcopal Charities: 1968

4          Episcopal Charities: Membership dues

5          Episcopal Charities: Minutes and Board of Trustees 1962-1968

6          Episcopal Charities: Reports and printed material

7          Episcopal Service Organization

8          Evangelical Child and Family Agency: 1949-1972

9          Evangelical Child and Family Agency: 1974

10        Evangelical Child and Family Agency: Membership 1958-1970

11        Evangelical Child and Family Agency: Printed material 1973-1974

12        Evanston Hospital Association: 1965-1971

13        Evanston Hospital Association: Membership 1925-1973

14        Evanston Township General Assistance Office: 1956-1964

15        Evanston Township General Assistance Office: Membership dues 1938-1973

16        Evanston Youth Commission: 1967


Box 740

1          Evanston Youth Commission: 1965-1972

2          Eye and Ear Infirmary of University of Illinois Hospital 1968

3          Ezzard Charles School: 1970-1972

4          Ezzard Charles School: Membership 1970s

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